Example #1
class TestBMonthBegin(Base):
    _offset = BMonthBegin

    def test_offsets_compare_equal(self):
        # root cause of #456
        offset1 = BMonthBegin()
        offset2 = BMonthBegin()
        assert not offset1 != offset2

    offset_cases = []
    offset_cases.append((BMonthBegin(), {
        datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 2, 1),
        datetime(2008, 1, 31): datetime(2008, 2, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 29): datetime(2007, 1, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 31): datetime(2007, 1, 1),
        datetime(2006, 9, 1): datetime(2006, 10, 2),
        datetime(2007, 1, 1): datetime(2007, 2, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 1): datetime(2007, 1, 1)}))

    offset_cases.append((BMonthBegin(0), {
        datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 1, 1),
        datetime(2006, 10, 2): datetime(2006, 10, 2),
        datetime(2008, 1, 31): datetime(2008, 2, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 29): datetime(2007, 1, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 31): datetime(2007, 1, 1),
        datetime(2006, 9, 15): datetime(2006, 10, 2)}))

    offset_cases.append((BMonthBegin(2), {
        datetime(2008, 1, 1): datetime(2008, 3, 3),
        datetime(2008, 1, 15): datetime(2008, 3, 3),
        datetime(2006, 12, 29): datetime(2007, 2, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 31): datetime(2007, 2, 1),
        datetime(2007, 1, 1): datetime(2007, 3, 1),
        datetime(2006, 11, 1): datetime(2007, 1, 1)}))

    offset_cases.append((BMonthBegin(-1), {
        datetime(2007, 1, 1): datetime(2006, 12, 1),
        datetime(2008, 6, 30): datetime(2008, 6, 2),
        datetime(2008, 6, 1): datetime(2008, 5, 1),
        datetime(2008, 3, 10): datetime(2008, 3, 3),
        datetime(2008, 12, 31): datetime(2008, 12, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 29): datetime(2006, 12, 1),
        datetime(2006, 12, 30): datetime(2006, 12, 1),
        datetime(2007, 1, 1): datetime(2006, 12, 1)}))

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('case', offset_cases)
    def test_offset(self, case):
        offset, cases = case
        for base, expected in compat.iteritems(cases):
            assert_offset_equal(offset, base, expected)

    on_offset_cases = [(BMonthBegin(), datetime(2007, 12, 31), False),
                       (BMonthBegin(), datetime(2008, 1, 1), True),
                       (BMonthBegin(), datetime(2001, 4, 2), True),
                       (BMonthBegin(), datetime(2008, 3, 3), True)]

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('case', on_offset_cases)
    def test_onOffset(self, case):
        offset, dt, expected = case
        assert_onOffset(offset, dt, expected)
Example #2
    def BackTest_1_Beta(self):
        d = self.Dates[0]
        for i in xrange(
                    self.Periods_Diff(self.Dates[0], self.Dates[1]) /
            # Compute the date for historical data extract
            d_f = d - BMonthBegin() * self.Histo_Length
            # Extract the Benchmark index returns
            bnch = self.Benchmark.Extract_Index_Returns([d_f, d])
            returns = self.Benchmark.Extract_Returns([d_f, d], d - MonthEnd())
            assets = self.Benchmark.Extract_Compo(d - MonthEnd())
            std_Index = np.std(bnch)
            beta = np.empty(len(assets))
            for i in xrange(len(beta)):
                # Delete missing value in the estimation
                beta[i] = bnch.iloc[:, 0].cov(returns.iloc[:, i]) / std_Index


            bckData = self.Benchmark.Extract_Returns(
                [d + BDay(), (d + BDay()) + BMonthEnd() * self.Frequency],
                d - MonthEnd()).loc[:, assets]
            self.Wght_Histo[d] = pd.DataFrame(self.Weights, index=assets)
            d = (d + BMonthEnd() * self.Frequency) + BDay()
Example #3
def build_prediction_model():
    boe = load_boe_history()
    shb = load_shb_history()
    # filter BOE data to match SHB date range
    shb_min = shb['valid_from'].min()
    shb_max = shb['valid_from'].max()
    mask = (boe['Date'] >= shb_min) & (boe['Date'] <= shb_max)
    boe = boe.loc[mask]

    # reduce BOE data to start-of-month values
    boe['fom'] = boe['Date'].apply(lambda x: BMonthBegin().rollback(x))
    boe = boe[boe['Date'] == boe['fom']]

    # add in monthly changes
    for term in TERMS:
        boe[f'{term}ydiff'] = boe[f'{term}y'].diff()
        shb[f'{term}diff'] = shb[term].diff()

    df = boe.merge(shb, on='period', how='inner')
    # drop the first row - which will contain NaN
    df = df.iloc[1:-1]
    for term in TERMS:
        X = df[[f'{term}ydiff']]
        y = df[[f'{term}diff']]

        # using default 5-split
        tss = TimeSeriesSplit(n_splits=5).split(X)
        model = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)
        scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=tss)
        r2 = scores.mean()
        store(term, model, 'sklearn_LinearRegression_CV', r2)
Example #4
    def _initial_fx_load(self, start_date = '2011-06-01', end_date = '2016-09-01'):
        self.db_method = 'replace'
        date = pd.to_datetime(start_date)
        stop_date = pd.to_datetime(end_date) - BMonthBegin() + BMonthBegin()

        date_list = [date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]

        while date != stop_date:
            date = date + BMonthBegin()
        fx_dic = _get_open_fx(date_list)
        return True      
Example #5
 def BackTest_MinVar(self):
     d = self.Dates[0]
     for i in xrange(
                 self.Periods_Diff(self.Dates[0], self.Dates[1]) /
         d_f = d - BMonthBegin() * self.Histo_Length
         vcov, assets = self.Benchmark.Extract_VCov_Matrix([d_f, d],
                                                           d - MonthEnd())
         self.MinVariance(vcov, 0.001)
         bckData = self.Benchmark.Extract_Returns(
             [d + BDay(), (d + BDay()) + BMonthEnd() * self.Frequency],
             d - MonthEnd()).loc[:, assets]
         self.Wght_Histo[d] = pd.DataFrame(self.Weights, index=assets)
         d = (d + BMonthEnd() * self.Frequency) + BDay()
Example #6
    def BackTest_1_Sigma(self):
        d = self.Dates[0]
        for i in xrange(
                    self.Periods_Diff(self.Dates[0], self.Dates[1]) /
            d_f = d - BMonthBegin() * self.Histo_Length
            Std, assets = self.Benchmark.Extract_Sigma([d_f, d],
                                                       d - MonthEnd())

            bckData = self.Benchmark.Extract_Returns(
                [d + BDay(), (d + BDay()) + BMonthEnd() * self.Frequency],
                d - MonthEnd()).loc[:, assets]
            self.Wght_Histo[d] = pd.DataFrame(self.Weights, index=assets)
            d = (d + BMonthEnd() * self.Frequency) + BDay()
Example #7
def chart_rate_moves():
    boe = load_boe_history()
    shb = load_shb_history()
    # filter BOE data to match SHB date range
    shb_min = shb['valid_from'].min()
    shb_max = shb['valid_from'].max()
    mask = (boe['Date'] >= shb_min) & (boe['Date'] <= shb_max)
    boe = boe.loc[mask]

    # reduce BOE data to start-of-month values
    boe['fom'] = boe['Date'].apply(lambda x: BMonthBegin().rollback(x))
    boe = boe[boe['Date'] == boe['fom']]

    # add in monthly changes
    for rate in TERMS:
        boe[f'{rate}ydiff'] = boe[f'{rate}y'].diff()
        shb[f'{rate}diff'] = shb[rate].diff()

    df = boe.merge(shb, on='period', how='inner')

    rows = 1
    cols = 5
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(rows,
                            figsize=(15, 4),
    for idx, rate in enumerate(TERMS):
        row = idx % rows
        col = idx // rows
        ax = axs[row][col]
        residual = df[f'{rate}diff'] - df[f'{rate}ydiff']
        # ax.plot(df['Date'], residual, 'r+', label='residual')
        # ax.plot(boe['Date'], boe[f'{rate}ydiff'], 'g', label='boe diff')
        # ax.plot(shb['valid_from'], shb[f'{rate}diff'], 'c.', label='shb diff')
        ax.plot(df[f'{rate}ydiff'], df[f'{rate}diff'], 'b+')
        ax.set_title(f'{rate} year rate')
Example #8
    'D'     : Day(),
    'B'     : BDay(),
    'H'     : Hour(),
    'T'     : Minute(),
    'S'     : Second(),
    'L'     : Milli(),
    'U'     : Micro(),
    None    : None,

    # Monthly - Calendar
    'M'      : MonthEnd(),
    'MS'     : MonthBegin(),

    # Monthly - Business
    'BM'     : BMonthEnd(),
    'BMS'    : BMonthBegin(),

    # Annual - Calendar
    'A-JAN' : YearEnd(month=1),
    'A-FEB' : YearEnd(month=2),
    'A-MAR' : YearEnd(month=3),
    'A-APR' : YearEnd(month=4),
    'A-MAY' : YearEnd(month=5),
    'A-JUN' : YearEnd(month=6),
    'A-JUL' : YearEnd(month=7),
    'A-AUG' : YearEnd(month=8),
    'A-SEP' : YearEnd(month=9),
    'A-OCT' : YearEnd(month=10),
    'A-NOV' : YearEnd(month=11),
    'A-DEC' : YearEnd(month=12),
    'A'     : YearEnd(month=12),
Example #9
 def test_offsets_compare_equal(self):
     # root cause of #456
     offset1 = BMonthBegin()
     offset2 = BMonthBegin()
     assert not offset1 != offset2
Example #10

def test_quarterly_dont_normalize():
    date = datetime(2012, 3, 31, 5, 30)

    offsets = (QuarterBegin, QuarterEnd, BQuarterEnd, BQuarterBegin)

    for klass in offsets:
        result = date + klass()
        assert (result.time() == date.time())

    [MonthBegin(), MonthEnd(),
     BMonthBegin(), BMonthEnd()])
def test_apply_index(offset):
    rng = pd.date_range(start='1/1/2000', periods=100000, freq='T')
    ser = pd.Series(rng)

    res = rng + offset
    res_v2 = offset.apply_index(rng)
    assert (res == res_v2).all()
    assert res[0] == rng[0] + offset
    assert res[-1] == rng[-1] + offset
    res2 = ser + offset
    # apply_index is only for indexes, not series, so no res2_v2
    assert res2.iloc[0] == ser.iloc[0] + offset
    assert res2.iloc[-1] == ser.iloc[-1] + offset

import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.offsets import BMonthBegin
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
#d = date.today()
#offset = BMonthBegin()
offset = BMonthBegin()

def getFirstDay(d):
    day = datetime.strptime(str(d), '%Y%m%d').date()
    fd = offset.rollforward(day)
    return fd

df = pd.read_csv("newticker.csv")
df['new'] = df['Month'].apply(lambda x: getFirstDay(x))
full_df = full_df.dropna()

"""# Create list of tickers from volume screened df"""

volScreenList = list(full_df.columns)

"""# Create Prices Data frame from volume screened list and remove tickers with avg price <1"""

#Get dates

todayD = date.today()
offset = BMonthEnd(-1)
offsetFirst = BMonthBegin(-13)

# Get first mo. first day, last mo. last day
lastDayLastMonth = todayD+offset
firstDayFirstMonth = todayD+offsetFirst

# Append prices to tickers
prices_df = pd.DataFrame()

for ticker in volScreenList:
    prices_df[ticker] = historical_datas[ticker]['close'].loc[f"{firstDayFirstMonth.year}-{firstDayFirstMonth.month}-{firstDayFirstMonth.day}" : f"{lastDayLastMonth.year}-{lastDayLastMonth.month}-{lastDayLastMonth.day}"]
    print(f"completed {ticker}")
    print(f"error with {ticker}")