Example #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Parser combinators

        SPACES = spaces()
        optional_spaces = optional(SPACES)
        empty = SPACES.parsecmap(lambda x: EMPTY)
        comment = string('%%%') >> regex('.*')
        comment = comment.parsecmap(Comment)
        codepoint_hex = regex('[0-9A-F]+')
        codepoint_hex = codepoint_hex.parsecmap(lambda x: int(x, 16))
        codepoint = string('U+') >> codepoint_hex
        codepoint_seq = sepBy(codepoint, SPACES)
        codepoint_seq = codepoint_seq.parsecmap(tuple)
        arrow = string('=>')
        arrow = optional_spaces >> arrow << optional_spaces
        mapping = joint(
            codepoint_seq << arrow,
        mapping = mapping.parsecmap(lambda x: Mapping(x[0], x[1], x[2]))
        line = try_choice(mapping, try_choice(
        self.parse = line.parse
Example #2
def field():
    q = yield qualifier
    ft = yield field_type
    ident = yield identifier
    yield equals
    fi = yield field_id
    options = yield optional(field_options, default_value=[])
    yield lexeme(string(';'))
    return Field(q, ft, ident, fi, options)
Example #3
        def component(duty_exp: DutyExpression) -> Parser:
            """Matches a string prefix and returns the associated type id, along
            with any parsed amounts and units according to their applicability,
            as a 4-tuple of (id, amount, monetary unit, measurement)."""
            prefix = duty_exp.prefix
            has_amount = duty_exp.duty_amount_applicability_code
            has_measurement = duty_exp.measurement_unit_applicability_code
            has_monetary = duty_exp.monetary_unit_applicability_code

            id = token(prefix).result(duty_exp)
            this_value = if_applicable(has_amount, decimal)
            this_monetary_unit = if_applicable(
                spaces() >> self._monetary_unit,
                # We must match the percentage if the amount should be there
                # and no monetary unit matches.
                         if has_amount == ApplicabilityCode.MANDATORY else
            this_measurement = if_applicable(
                optional(token("/")) >> self._measurement,

            component = joint(id, this_value, this_monetary_unit,
            measurement_only = joint(id, this_measurement).parsecmap(
                lambda t: (t[0], None, None, t[1]), )

            # It's possible for units that contain numbers (e.g. DTN => '100 kg')
            # to be confused with a simple specific duty (e.g 100.0 + kg)
            # So in the case that amounts are only optional and measurements are present,
            # we have to check for just measurements first.
            return (measurement_only
                    ^ component if has_amount == ApplicabilityCode.PERMITTED
                    and has_measurement != ApplicabilityCode.NOT_PERMITTED else
                        lambda exp: component_output(
                        ), )
Example #4
 def fn():
     "Parse an individual component pin."
     [nm, sig] = yield count(name, 2)
     mod = yield name_only
     rem_line = yield rest_line
     rlc_vals = optional(count(number, 3), []).parse(rem_line)
     rlc_dict = {}
     if rlcs:
         rlc_dict.update(dict(zip(rlcs, rlc_vals)))
     return ((nm + "(" + sig + ")"), (mod, rlc_dict))
Example #5
def typminmax():
    "Parse Typ/Min/Max values."
    typ = yield number
    if DBG:
        print(f"Typ.: {typ}")
    minmax = yield optional(count(number, 2) | count(na, 2).result([]), [])
    if DBG:
        print(f"Min./Max.: {minmax}")
    yield ignore  # So that ``typminmax`` behaves as a lexeme.
    res = [typ]
    return res
Example #6
def pins():
    "Parse [Component].[Pin]."

    def filt(x):
        (_, (mod, _)) = x
        m = mod.upper()
        return (not ((m == "POWER") or (m == "GND") or (m == "NC")))

    yield (lexeme(string("signal_name")) << lexeme(string("model_name")))
    rlcs = yield optional(count(rlc, 3), [])
    prs = yield many1(pin(rlcs))
    prs_filt = list(filter(filt, prs))
    return dict(prs_filt)
Example #7
def fix_image_url(url, repo_name):
    '''Fixes a GitHub image urls.

    Any links with `github.com` are invalid, because the return *html*
    content. Image links would have `githubusercontent.com`. For example:

    - This returns an html: https://github.com/Retrothopter/Niobium-Nanotech/blob/master/Preview.png
    - This returns a png: https://githubusercontent.com/Retrothopter/Niobium-Nanotech/blob/master/Preview.png

    Any links that are relative are also invalid. For example:

    - preview.png
    - sprites/preview.png
    - /sprites/preview.png'''
    # FIXME: this assumes `master` is always the branch we want, while in reality we need the
    # `default_branch` of the repository, which could also for example be `main`
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from parsec import optional, string, regex, none_of, many, ParseError

    glob = (
        optional(string('/')) >> string(repo_name) >> string("/blob/master/")
        >> many(none_of("?")).parsecmap(lambda x: "".join(x)))

    o = urlparse(url)
    if o.netloc == "raw.githubusercontent.com":
        return url

        path = glob.parse(o.path)
    except ParseError as e:
        path = None
    if o.netloc == "github.com" and path:
        return f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{repo_name}/master/{path}"

    if o.netloc == "":
        return f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{repo_name}/master/{o.path}"

    return url
Example #8
def fix_image_url(url, repo_name):
    '''Fixes a GitHub url, where the url should point to an image.

    Any links with `github.com` are invalid, because they're html links, while
    image links would have `githubusercontent.com`, for example:
    - https://github.com/Retrothopter/Niobium-Nanotech/blob/master/Preview.png;

    Any links that don't have a domain are relative and as such invalid, for example:
    - preview.png;
    - sprites/preview.png;
    - /sprites/preview.png

    This is also why a repo name is required.
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from parsec import optional, string, regex, none_of, many, ParseError

    glob = (
        optional(string('/')) >> string(repo_name) >> string("/blob/master/")
        >> many(none_of("?")).parsecmap(lambda x: "".join(x)))

    o = urlparse(url)
    if o.netloc == "raw.githubusercontent.com":
        return url

        path = glob.parse(o.path)
    except ParseError as e:
        path = None
    if o.netloc == "github.com" and path:
        return f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{repo_name}/master/{path}"

    if o.netloc == "":
        return f"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/{repo_name}/master/{o.path}"

    # print('[warning] non github url:', url)
    return url
Example #9
            return '[%s%s]' % (self.element_type, star_str)
        if self.is_dlist:
            return '[[%s%s]]' % (self.element_type, star_str)
        if self.is_set:
            return '{%s%s}' % (self.element_type, star_str)
        if self.is_dict:
            return '{%s: %s%s}' % (self.element_type[0], self.element_type[1],
        raise RuntimeError('Invalid codegen kind: %s' % self.kind)

name_pattern = parsec.spaces() >> parsec.regex(
    r'[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9<>, ]*(::[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9<>, ]*)*'
) << parsec.spaces()

star_pattern = parsec.spaces() >> parsec.optional(parsec.string('*'),
                                                  '') << parsec.spaces()

parse_meta = parsec.spaces().parsecmap(lambda _: CodeGenKind('meta'))

parse_plain = (parsec.spaces() >>
               (name_pattern + star_pattern) << parsec.spaces()
               ).parsecmap(lambda value: CodeGenKind('plain', value))
parse_list = (parsec.string('[') >>
              (name_pattern + star_pattern) << parsec.string(']')
              ).parsecmap(lambda value: CodeGenKind('list', value))
parse_dlist = (parsec.string('[[') >>
               (name_pattern + star_pattern) << parsec.string(']]')
               ).parsecmap(lambda value: CodeGenKind('dlist', value))
parse_set = (parsec.string('{') >>
             (name_pattern + star_pattern) << parsec.string('}')
             ).parsecmap(lambda value: CodeGenKind('set', value))
Example #10
 def sample():
     fwhm = yield spaces >> floating << spaces
     level = yield floating << spaces
     yield parsec.optional(parsec.string('\n'))
     return (float(fwhm), float(level))
Example #11
def parse_program():
    integer_arg = p.regex(r"[+-][0-9]+").parsecmap(int)
    expression = (((p.string("nop") << p.space()) + integer_arg) |
                  ((p.string("acc") << p.space()) + integer_arg) |
                  ((p.string("jmp") << p.space()) + integer_arg))
    return (yield p.many(expression << p.optional(p.string("\n"))))
Example #12
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import logging

from parsec import joint
from parsec import optional
from parsec import regex
from parsec import string
from parsec import spaces
from parsec import sepBy
from parsec import sepBy1

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

optionalspaces = optional(spaces())
arrow = optionalspaces >> string('->') << optionalspaces

identifier = (regex('[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*') ^ string('<init>')
              ^ string('<clinit>'))
className = sepBy1(identifier, string('$'))
packagedFullName = sepBy1(identifier, string('.'))
packagedClassName = packagedFullName.parsecmap(lambda l: '.'.join(l))
typeName = packagedClassName | regex('[a-z]+')
javatype = joint(typeName, optional(string('[]')))

methodName = identifier
methodArguments = sepBy(optionalspaces >> javatype << optionalspaces,
methodArguments = string('(') >> methodArguments << string(')')