Example #1
    def inferFlow(self, lhsMode):
        """ Infer flow of information in the clause, by populating a VarInfo
        object for each variable and a GoalInfo object for each goal.
        Information flows from the lhs's input variable, to the output
        variable through predicates which map inputs to outputs.

        # (re)populate the varDict and goalDict structures for a rule
        self.varDict = {}
        self.goalDict = {}
        # lhs goal is is special - it connects to input/outputs of the predicate
        gin = self.goalDict[0] = GoalInfo(0)
        gin.mode = lhsMode
        #for lhs, infer inputs/outputs from the known mode
        for i in range(self.rule.lhs.arity):
            v = self.rule.lhs.args[i]
            vin = self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
            assert parser.isVariableAtom(
            ), 'arguments to defined predicate %s cannot be a constant' % str(
            if gin.mode.isInput(i):
                gin.inputs.add(v)  #input to predicate means output of lhs
                vin.outputOf = 0
                gin.outputs.add(v)  #input to predicate means input to lhs

        # for rhs goals, use inputs/outputs to infer mode
        for j in range(1, len(self.goals)):
            gin = self.goalDict[j] = GoalInfo(j)
            goal = self.goals[j]
            for i in range(goal.arity):
                v = goal.args[i]
                if parser.isVariableAtom(v):
                    if v not in self.varDict: self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
                    vin = self.varDict[v]
                    if vin.outputOf != None:
                        # not first occurrence, so it's an input to this goal
                        vin.outputOf = j

        #validate - lhs has exactly one output, which must be bound somewhere
        lhsGin = self.goalDict[0]
        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'lhs must have exactly one output but outputs are ' + str(
        y = only(lhsGin.outputs)
        self.varDict[y] != None, 'lhs output variable "%s" not bound' % y
Example #2
    def inferFlow(self):
        """ Infer flow of information in the clause, by populating a VarInfo
        object for each variable and a GoalInfo object for each goal.
        Information flows from the lhs's input variable, to the output
        variable through predicates which map inputs to outputs.

        # populate the varDict and goalDict structures for a rule
        self.varDict = {}
        self.goalDict = {}

        #for lhs, infer inputs/outputs from the known mode
        gin = self.goalDict[0] = GoalInfo(0)
        gin.mode = self.lhsMode
        for i in range(self.rule.lhs.arity):
            v = self.rule.lhs.args[i]
            if v not in self.varDict: 
                self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
                assert False,'same variable cannot appear twice in a rule lhs'
            vin = self.varDict[v]
            assert parser.isVariableAtom(v), 'arguments to defined predicate %s cannot be a constant' % str(self.rule.lhs)
            if gin.mode.isInput(i):
                gin.inputs.add(v) #input to predicate means output of lhs
                vin.outputOf = 0
                gin.outputs.add(v)  #input to predicate means input to lhs

        # for rhs goals, use inputs/outputs to infer mode
        for j in range(1,len(self.goals)):
            gin = self.goalDict[j] = GoalInfo(j)
            goal = self.goals[j]
            for i in range(goal.arity):
                v = goal.args[i]
                if parser.isVariableAtom(v):
                    if v not in self.varDict: self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
                    vin = self.varDict[v]
                    if vin.outputOf!=None:
                        # not first occurrence, so it's an input to this goal
                        vin.outputOf = j

        #validate - lhs has exactly one output, which must be bound somewhere 
        lhsGin = self.goalDict[0]
        #TODO: changed here
        # print 'len(lhsGin.outputs)=%d' % (len(lhsGin.outputs))
        assert len(lhsGin.outputs)==1, 'lhs mode '+str(self.lhsMode)+' and lhs has >1 output: outputs '+str(lhsGin.outputs)+' for rule '+str(self.rule)
        y = only(lhsGin.outputs)
        self.varDict[y]!=None,'lhs output variable "%s" not bound' % y
Example #3
    def inferFlow(self,lhsMode):
        """ Infer flow of information in the clause, by populating a VarInfo
        object for each variable and a GoalInfo object for each goal.
        Information flows from the lhs's input variable, to the output
        variable through predicates which map inputs to outputs.
        # (re)populate the varDict and goalDict structures for a rule
        self.varDict = {}
        self.goalDict = {}
        gin = self.goalDict[-1] = GoalInfo(-1)
        gin.mode = lhsMode
        #for lhs, infer inputs/outputs from the known mode
        for i in range(self.rule.lhs.arity):
            v = self.rule.lhs.args[i]
            vin = self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
            vin.onehot = lhsMode.isOnehot(i)
            if lhsMode.isInput(i):
                vin.outputOf = -1
        # for rhs goals, use inputs/outputs to infer mode
        for j in range(len(self.rule.rhs)):
            gin = self.goalDict[j] = GoalInfo(j)
            for i in range(self.rule.rhs[j].arity):
                v = self.rule.rhs[j].args[i]
                if parser.isVariableAtom(v):
                    if v not in self.varDict: self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
                    vin = self.varDict[v]
                    if vin.outputOf!=None:
                        goalWhichBoundV = vin.outputOf
                        for a in self.goalDict[goalWhichBoundV].rootAncestors:
                        vin.outputOf = j
            # if no ancestors then this is a root
            if not gin.rootAncestors: gin.rootAncestors.add(j)

        #validate - lhs has exactly one output, which is either bound
        #by a RHS goal or else is a constant
        lhsGin = self.goalDict[-1]
        assert len(lhsGin.outputs)==1, 'lhs must have exactly one output'        
        y = only(lhsGin.outputs)
        yVin = self.varDict[y]
        assert yVin.outputOf!=None or not parser.isVariableAtom(y), 'lhs output variable "%s" not bound' % y
Example #4
 def msgGoal2Var(j,v,depth):
     """Send a message from a goal to a variable.  Note goals can have at
     most one input and at most one output.  This is complex
     because there are several cases, depending on if the goal
     is LHS on RHS, and if the variable is an input or
     if (j,v) in messages: return messages[(j,v)]
         gin = self.goalDict[j]
         if TRACE: print '%smsg: %d->%s' % (('| '*depth),j,v)
         # The lhs goal, j==0, is the input factor
         if j==0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
             #input port -> input variable
             assert parser.isVariableAtom(v),'input must be a variable'
             return cacheMessage((j,v),v)
         elif j==0:
             #output port -> output variable
             assert False,'illegal message - something is wrong'
         elif j>0 and v in self.goalDict[j].outputs:
             #message from rhs goal to an output variable of that goal
             msgName = 'f_%d_%s' % (j,v) 
             mode = self.toMode(j)
             if not gin.inputs:
                 # special case - binding a variable to a constant with set(Var,const)
                 assert matrixdb.isSetMode(mode),'output variables without inputs are only allowed for set/2'
                 return cacheMessage((j,v),msgName)
                 fx = msgVar2Goal(only(gin.inputs),j,depth+1) #ask for the message forward from the input to goal j
                 if not gin.definedPred:
                 return cacheMessage((j,v),msgName)
         elif j>0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
             #message from rhs goal to an input variable of that goal
             gin = self.goalDict[j]
             msgName = 'b_%d_%s' % (j,v) 
             mode = self.toMode(j)
             def hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin): 
                 outVar = only(gin.outputs)
                 return self.varDict[outVar].inputTo
             if gin.outputs and hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
                 bx = msgVar2Goal(only(gin.outputs),j,depth+1) #ask for the message backward from the input to goal 
                 return cacheMessage((j,v),msgName)
                 #optimize away the message from the output var
                 # of gin.  note that this would be a dense
                 # all-ones vector.
                 if gin.outputs:
                     assert len(gin.outputs)==1, 'need single output from %s' % self.goals[j]
                     #this variable now is connected to the main chain
                     self.varDict[only(gin.outputs)].connected = True
                 return cacheMessage((j,v),msgName)
             assert False,'unexpected message goal %d -> %s ins %r outs %r' % (j,v,gin.inputs,gin.outputs)
Example #5
    def generateOps(self):
        """ Convert the compiled rule to a sequence of matrix ops.
        numMainChainGoals = len([j for j in range(len(self.rule.rhs)) if self.goalDict[j].mainChain])
        if not numMainChainGoals:
            lhsGin = self.goalDict[-1]            
            #find constraints on the input
            #TODO can we have multiple inputs in this case?
            x0 = only(lhsGin.inputs)
            x = self.varDict[x0].constrainedVersion
            #generate code to weight the onehot vector for the
            #constant output by the score of the input
            constOut = only(lhsGin.outputs)
            tmpOut = 'weight_%s_by_%s' % (constOut,x0)
            self.varDict[constOut].constrainedVersion = tmpOut

        #execute this code for mainChain goals
        for j in range(len(self.rule.rhs)):
            gin = self.goalDict[j]
            if gin.mainChain:
                #TODO compile pair predicates?
                x0 = only(gin.inputs)
                x = self.varDict[x0].constrainedVersion
                y = only(gin.outputs)
                mode = self.toMode(j)
                if not gin.definedPred:

        # also look for non-mainchain constraints on the final output
        # of the chain
        for v,vin in self.varDict.items():
            if (-1 in vin.inputTo) and parser.isVariableAtom(v):
Example #6
 def argOnehotMode(x): 
     if (not parser.isVariableAtom(x)) or self.varDict[x].onehot: return '1'
     else: return ''
Example #7
class BPCompiler(object):
    """Compiles a logical rule + a mode into a sequence of ops.py operations."""
    def __init__(self, tensorlogProg, depth, rule):
        """ Build a compiler for a rule.  The tensorlogProg is used to
        recursively compile any intensionally-defined predicates.
        The depth is a depth bound.
        self.rule = rule
        self.tensorlogProg = tensorlogProg
        self.depth = depth  #used for recursively compiling subpredicates with tensorlogProg
        self.ops = []  #operations used for BP
        self.output = None  #final outputs of the function associated with BP for the mode
        self.inputs = None  #inputs of the function associated with BP for the mode
        self.goals = [
        ] + self.rule.rhs  #for convenience, in looping over lhs and rhs goals
        if STRICT: self.validateRuleBeforeAnalysis()

    def validateRuleBeforeAnalysis(self):
        """Raises error if the rule doesn't satisfy the assumptions made by
        the compiler.  Can be run before flow analysis."""
        assert self.rule.lhs.arity == 2
        for goal in self.rule.rhs:
            assert goal.arity == 1 or goal.arity == 2

    def compile(self, lhsMode):
        """Top-level analysis routine for a rule.
        #infer the information flow for all the variables and goals,
        #and store in the varDict/goalDict under vin.outputOf,
        #vin.inputTo, gin.outputs, gin.inputs

        #recursively call the tensorlog program to compile
        #any intensionally-defined subpredicates

        # generate an operation sequence that implements the BP algorithm
        if PRODUCE_OPS:

    def inferFlow(self, lhsMode):
        """ Infer flow of information in the clause, by populating a VarInfo
        object for each variable and a GoalInfo object for each goal.
        Information flows from the lhs's input variable, to the output
        variable through predicates which map inputs to outputs.

        # (re)populate the varDict and goalDict structures for a rule
        self.varDict = {}
        self.goalDict = {}
        # lhs goal is is special - it connects to input/outputs of the predicate
        gin = self.goalDict[0] = GoalInfo(0)
        gin.mode = lhsMode
        #for lhs, infer inputs/outputs from the known mode
        for i in range(self.rule.lhs.arity):
            v = self.rule.lhs.args[i]
            vin = self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
            assert parser.isVariableAtom(
            ), 'arguments to defined predicate %s cannot be a constant' % str(
            if gin.mode.isInput(i):
                gin.inputs.add(v)  #input to predicate means output of lhs
                vin.outputOf = 0
                gin.outputs.add(v)  #input to predicate means input to lhs

        # for rhs goals, use inputs/outputs to infer mode
        for j in range(1, len(self.goals)):
            gin = self.goalDict[j] = GoalInfo(j)
            goal = self.goals[j]
            for i in range(goal.arity):
                v = goal.args[i]
                if parser.isVariableAtom(v):
                    if v not in self.varDict: self.varDict[v] = VarInfo(v)
                    vin = self.varDict[v]
                    if vin.outputOf != None:
                        # not first occurrence, so it's an input to this goal
                        vin.outputOf = j

        #validate - lhs has exactly one output, which must be bound somewhere
        lhsGin = self.goalDict[0]
        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'lhs must have exactly one output but outputs are ' + str(
        y = only(lhsGin.outputs)
        self.varDict[y] != None, 'lhs output variable "%s" not bound' % y

    def compileDefinedPredicates(self):
        """Recursively call the tensorlog program to compile
        each subpredicate."""
        for j in range(1, len(self.goals)):
            gin = self.goalDict[j]
            mode = self.toMode(j)
            if self.tensorlogProg.findPredDef(mode):
                gin.definedPred = True
                self.tensorlogProg.compile(mode, self.depth + 1)

    def toMode(self, j):
        """Return a mode declaration for the j-th goal of the rule"""
        goal = self.goals[j]
        gin = self.goalDict[j]

        def argIOMode(x):
            if x in gin.inputs: return 'i'
            elif x in gin.outputs: return 'o'
                assert x != 'i' and x != 'o' and x != 'i1' and x != 'i2', 'Illegal to use constants i,o,i1,o1 in a program'
                return x

        return tensorlog.ModeDeclaration(
            parser.Goal(goal.functor, [argIOMode(x) for x in goal.args]))

    # the main belief propagation algorithm

    def generateOps(self):
        """Emulate BP and emit the sequence of operations needed."""
        messages = {}  #cached messages

        def addOp(depth, op):
            """Add an operation to self.ops, echo if required"""
            if TRACE: print '%s+%s' % (('| ' * depth), op)

        def cacheMessage((src, dst), msg):
            """ Send a message, caching it if possible
            if (src, dst) not in messages:
                messages[(src, dst)] = msg
            return messages[(src, dst)]

        def msgGoal2Var(j, v, depth):
            """Send a message from a goal to a variable.  Note goals can have at
            most one input and at most one output.  This is complex
            because there are several cases, depending on if the goal
            is LHS on RHS, and if the variable is an input or
            if (j, v) in messages: return messages[(j, v)]
                gin = self.goalDict[j]
                if TRACE: print '%smsg: %d->%s' % (('| ' * depth), j, v)
                # The lhs goal, j==0, is the input factor
                if j == 0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
                    #input port -> input variable
                    assert parser.isVariableAtom(v), 'input must be a variable'
                    return cacheMessage((j, v), v)
                elif j == 0:
                    #output port -> output variable
                    assert False, 'illegal message - something is wrong'
                elif j > 0 and v in self.goalDict[j].outputs:
                    #message from rhs goal to an output variable of that goal
                    msgName = 'f_%d_%s' % (j, v)
                    mode = self.toMode(j)
                    if not gin.inputs:
                        # special case - binding a variable to a constant with set(Var,const)
                        assert matrixdb.isSetMode(
                        ), 'output variables without inputs are only allowed for set/2'
                        addOp(depth, ops.AssignOnehotToVar(msgName, mode))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                        fx = msgVar2Goal(
                            only(gin.inputs), j, depth + 1
                        )  #ask for the message forward from the input to goal j
                        if not gin.definedPred:
                            addOp(depth, ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName, fx, mode))
                                ops.DefinedPredOp(self.tensorlogProg, msgName,
                                                  fx, mode, self.depth + 1))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                elif j > 0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
                    #message from rhs goal to an input variable of that goal
                    gin = self.goalDict[j]
                    msgName = 'b_%d_%s' % (j, v)
                    mode = self.toMode(j)

                    def hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
                        outVar = only(gin.outputs)
                        return self.varDict[outVar].inputTo

                    if gin.outputs and hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
                        bx = msgVar2Goal(
                            only(gin.outputs), j, depth + 1
                        )  #ask for the message backward from the input to goal
                            ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName, bx, mode, transpose=True))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                        #optimize away the message from the output var
                        # of gin.  note that this would be a dense
                        # all-ones vector.
                        if gin.outputs:
                            assert len(
                            ) == 1, 'need single output from %s' % self.goals[j]
                            #this variable now is connected to the main chain
                            self.varDict[only(gin.outputs)].connected = True
                        addOp(depth, ops.AssignPreimageToVar(msgName, mode))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                    assert False, 'unexpected message goal %d -> %s ins %r outs %r' % (
                        j, v, gin.inputs, gin.outputs)

        def msgVar2Goal(v, j, depth):
            """Message from a variable to a goal.
            if (v, j) in messages: return messages[(v, j)]
                vin = self.varDict[v]
                vin.connected = True
                gin = self.goalDict[j]
                #variables have one outputOf, but possily many inputTo connections
                vNeighbors = [
                    j2 for j2 in [vin.outputOf] + list(vin.inputTo) if j2 != j
                if TRACE:
                    print '%smsg from %s to %d, vNeighbors=%r' % (
                        '| ' * depth, v, j, vNeighbors)
                assert len(
                ), 'variables should have >1 neighbor but %s has only one: %d' % (
                    v, j)
                #form product of the incoming messages, cleverly not
                #generating only the variables we really need
                currentProduct = msgGoal2Var(vNeighbors[0], v, depth + 1)
                for j2 in vNeighbors[1:]:
                    nextProd = 'p_%d_%s_%d' % (
                        j, v, j2) if j2 != vNeighbors[-1] else 'fb_%s' % v
                    multiplicand = msgGoal2Var(j2, v, depth + 1)
                        ops.ComponentwiseVecMulOp(nextProd, currentProduct,
                    currentProduct = nextProd
                return cacheMessage((v, j), currentProduct)

        # main BP code starts here

        #generate a message from the output variable to the lhs
        outputVar = only(self.goalDict[0].outputs)
        outputMsg = msgVar2Goal(outputVar, 0, 1)

        #now look for other unconnected variables, and connect them to
        #a pseudo-node so they have something to send to.  The
        #outputMsg above will be weighted by the product of all of
        #these messages.
        weighters = []
        psj = len(self.goals)
        self.goals.append(parser.Goal('PSEUDO', []))
        self.goalDict[psj] = GoalInfo(psj)
        #heuristic - start with the rightmost unconnected variable,
        #hoping that it's the end of a chain rooted at the input
        for j in reversed(range(1, len(self.goals))):
            goalj = self.goals[j]
            for i in range(goalj.arity):
                v = goalj.args[i]
                if parser.isVariableAtom(v) and not self.varDict[v].connected:
                    #save the message from this unconnected node
                    weighters.append(msgVar2Goal(v, psj, 1))
        #multiply the weighting factors from the unconnected node to
        #the outputMsg, again cleverly reusing variable names to keep
        #the expression simple.
        currentProduct = outputMsg
        for msg in weighters:
            nextProd = 'w_%s' % outputVar if msg == weighters[
                -1] else 'p_%s_%s' % (msg, outputVar)
            multiplicand = msg
            addOp(0, ops.WeightedVec(nextProd, multiplicand, currentProduct))
            currentProduct = nextProd

        # save the output and inputs
        self.output = currentProduct
        self.inputs = list(self.goalDict[0].inputs)
Example #8
        def msgGoal2Var(j, v, depth):
            """Send a message from a goal to a variable.  Note goals can have at
            most one input and at most one output.  This is complex
            because there are several cases, depending on if the goal
            is LHS on RHS, and if the variable is an input or
            if (j, v) in messages: return messages[(j, v)]
                gin = self.goalDict[j]
                if TRACE: print '%smsg: %d->%s' % (('| ' * depth), j, v)
                # The lhs goal, j==0, is the input factor
                if j == 0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
                    #input port -> input variable
                    assert parser.isVariableAtom(v), 'input must be a variable'
                    return cacheMessage((j, v), v)
                elif j == 0:
                    #output port -> output variable
                    assert False, 'illegal message - something is wrong'
                elif j > 0 and v in self.goalDict[j].outputs:
                    #message from rhs goal to an output variable of that goal
                    msgName = 'f_%d_%s' % (j, v)
                    mode = self.toMode(j)
                    if not gin.inputs:
                        # special case - binding a variable to a constant with set(Var,const)
                        assert matrixdb.isSetMode(
                        ), 'output variables without inputs are only allowed for set/2'
                        addOp(depth, ops.AssignOnehotToVar(msgName, mode))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                        fx = msgVar2Goal(
                            only(gin.inputs), j, depth + 1
                        )  #ask for the message forward from the input to goal j
                        if not gin.definedPred:
                            addOp(depth, ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName, fx, mode))
                                ops.DefinedPredOp(self.tensorlogProg, msgName,
                                                  fx, mode, self.depth + 1))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                elif j > 0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
                    #message from rhs goal to an input variable of that goal
                    gin = self.goalDict[j]
                    msgName = 'b_%d_%s' % (j, v)
                    mode = self.toMode(j)

                    def hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
                        outVar = only(gin.outputs)
                        return self.varDict[outVar].inputTo

                    if gin.outputs and hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
                        bx = msgVar2Goal(
                            only(gin.outputs), j, depth + 1
                        )  #ask for the message backward from the input to goal
                            ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName, bx, mode, transpose=True))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                        #optimize away the message from the output var
                        # of gin.  note that this would be a dense
                        # all-ones vector.
                        if gin.outputs:
                            assert len(
                            ) == 1, 'need single output from %s' % self.goals[j]
                            #this variable now is connected to the main chain
                            self.varDict[only(gin.outputs)].connected = True
                        addOp(depth, ops.AssignPreimageToVar(msgName, mode))
                        return cacheMessage((j, v), msgName)
                    assert False, 'unexpected message goal %d -> %s ins %r outs %r' % (
                        j, v, gin.inputs, gin.outputs)
Example #9
 def msgGoal2Var(j,v,traceDepth):
     """Send a message from a goal to a variable.  Note goals can have at
     most one input and at most one output.  This is complex
     because there are several cases, depending on if the goal
     is LHS on RHS, and if the variable is an input or
     gin = self.goalDict[j]
     if conf.trace: print '%smsg: %d->%s' % (('| '*traceDepth),j,v)
     # The lhs goal, j==0, is the input factor
     if j==0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
         #input port -> input variable
         assert parser.isVariableAtom(v),'input must be a variable'
         return v
     elif j==0:
         #output port -> output variable
         assert False,'illegal message - something is wrong'
     elif j>0 and v in self.goalDict[j].outputs:
         #message from rhs goal to an output variable of that goal
         msgName = 'f_%d_%s' % (j,v) 
         mode = self.toMode(j)
         if not gin.inputs:
             # special case - binding a variable to a constant with set(Var,const)
             assert matrixdb.isAssignMode(mode),\
                    'output variables without inputs are only allowed for assign/2: %s' % str(self.rule.rhs[gin.index-1])
             addOp(ops.AssignOnehotToVar(msgName,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
             return msgName
             fx = msgVar2Goal(only(gin.inputs),j,traceDepth+1) #ask for the message forward from the input to goal j
             if ops.isBuiltinIOOp(mode):
                 addOp(ops.BuiltInIOOp(msgName,fx,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
             elif not gin.definedPred:
                 addOp(ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName,fx,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                 addOp(ops.DefinedPredOp(self.tensorlogProg,msgName,fx,mode,self.depth+1), traceDepth,j,v)
             return msgName
     elif j>0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
         #message from rhs goal to an input variable of that goal
         gin = self.goalDict[j]
         msgName = 'b_%d_%s' % (j,v) 
         mode = self.toMode(j)
         def hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin): 
             outVar = only(gin.outputs)
             return self.varDict[outVar].inputTo
         if gin.outputs and hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
             bx = msgVar2Goal(only(gin.outputs),j,traceDepth+1) #ask for the message backward from the input to goal 
             addOp(ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName,bx,mode,transpose=True), traceDepth,j,v)
             return msgName
             if gin.outputs:
                 #optimize away the message from the output
                 # var of gin, since it would be a dense
                 # all-ones vector
                 assert len(gin.outputs)==1, 'need single output from %s' % self.goals[j]
                 #this variable now is connected to the main chain
                 self.varDict[only(gin.outputs)].connected = True
                 assert not ops.isBuiltinIOOp(mode), 'can only use built in io operators where inputs and outputs are used'
                 assert not gin.definedPred, 'subpredicates must generate an output which is used downstream'
                 addOp(ops.AssignPreimageToVar(msgName,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                 addOp(ops.AssignVectorToVar(msgName,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
             return msgName
         assert False,'unexpected message goal %d -> %s ins %r outs %r' % (j,v,gin.inputs,gin.outputs)
Example #10
    def generateOps(self):
        """Emulate BP and emit the sequence of operations needed.  Instead of
        actually constructing a message from src->dst in the course of
        BP, what we do instead is emit operations that would construct
        the message and assign it a 'variable' named 'foo', and then
        return not the message but the variable-name string 'foo'. """

        messages = {}

        def addOp(op,traceDepth,msgFrom,msgTo):
            """Add an operation to self.ops, echo if required"""
            if conf.trace: print '%s+%s' % (('| '*traceDepth),op)
            def jToGoal(msg): return str(self.goals[msg]) if type(msg)==type(0) else msg

        def msgGoal2Var(j,v,traceDepth):
            """Send a message from a goal to a variable.  Note goals can have at
            most one input and at most one output.  This is complex
            because there are several cases, depending on if the goal
            is LHS on RHS, and if the variable is an input or
            gin = self.goalDict[j]
            if conf.trace: print '%smsg: %d->%s' % (('| '*traceDepth),j,v)
            # The lhs goal, j==0, is the input factor
            if j==0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
                #input port -> input variable
                assert parser.isVariableAtom(v),'input must be a variable'
                return v
            elif j==0:
                #output port -> output variable
                assert False,'illegal message - something is wrong'
            elif j>0 and v in self.goalDict[j].outputs:
                #message from rhs goal to an output variable of that goal
                msgName = 'f_%d_%s' % (j,v) 
                mode = self.toMode(j)
                if not gin.inputs:
                    # special case - binding a variable to a constant with set(Var,const)
                    assert matrixdb.isAssignMode(mode),\
                           'output variables without inputs are only allowed for assign/2: %s' % str(self.rule.rhs[gin.index-1])
                    addOp(ops.AssignOnehotToVar(msgName,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                    return msgName
                    fx = msgVar2Goal(only(gin.inputs),j,traceDepth+1) #ask for the message forward from the input to goal j
                    if ops.isBuiltinIOOp(mode):
                        addOp(ops.BuiltInIOOp(msgName,fx,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                    elif not gin.definedPred:
                        addOp(ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName,fx,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                        addOp(ops.DefinedPredOp(self.tensorlogProg,msgName,fx,mode,self.depth+1), traceDepth,j,v)
                    return msgName
            elif j>0 and v in self.goalDict[j].inputs:
                #message from rhs goal to an input variable of that goal
                gin = self.goalDict[j]
                msgName = 'b_%d_%s' % (j,v) 
                mode = self.toMode(j)
                def hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin): 
                    outVar = only(gin.outputs)
                    return self.varDict[outVar].inputTo
                if gin.outputs and hasOutputVarUsedElsewhere(gin):
                    bx = msgVar2Goal(only(gin.outputs),j,traceDepth+1) #ask for the message backward from the input to goal 
                    addOp(ops.VecMatMulOp(msgName,bx,mode,transpose=True), traceDepth,j,v)
                    return msgName
                    if gin.outputs:
                        #optimize away the message from the output
                        # var of gin, since it would be a dense
                        # all-ones vector
                        assert len(gin.outputs)==1, 'need single output from %s' % self.goals[j]
                        #this variable now is connected to the main chain
                        self.varDict[only(gin.outputs)].connected = True
                        assert not ops.isBuiltinIOOp(mode), 'can only use built in io operators where inputs and outputs are used'
                        assert not gin.definedPred, 'subpredicates must generate an output which is used downstream'
                        addOp(ops.AssignPreimageToVar(msgName,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                        addOp(ops.AssignVectorToVar(msgName,mode), traceDepth,j,v)
                    return msgName
                assert False,'unexpected message goal %d -> %s ins %r outs %r' % (j,v,gin.inputs,gin.outputs)

        def msgVar2Goal(v,j,traceDepth):
            """Message from a variable to a goal.
            vin = self.varDict[v]
            vin.connected = True
            gin = self.goalDict[j]
            #variables have one outputOf, but possily many inputTo connections
            vNeighbors = [j2 for j2 in [vin.outputOf]+list(vin.inputTo) if j2!=j]
            if conf.trace: print '%smsg from %s to %d, vNeighbors=%r' % ('| '*traceDepth,v,j,vNeighbors)
            assert len(vNeighbors),'variables should have >1 neighbor but %s has only one: %d' % (v,j)
            #form product of the incoming messages, cleverly
            #generating only the variables we really need
            currentProduct = msgGoal2Var(vNeighbors[0],v,traceDepth+1)
            for j2 in vNeighbors[1:]:
                nextProd = 'p_%d_%s_%d' % (j,v,j2) if j2!=vNeighbors[-1] else 'fb_%s' % v
                multiplicand = msgGoal2Var(j2,v,traceDepth+1)
                addOp(ops.ComponentwiseVecMulOp(nextProd,currentProduct,multiplicand), traceDepth,v,j)
                currentProduct = nextProd
            return currentProduct

        # main BP code starts here

        #generate a message from the output variable to the lhs
        outputVar = only(self.goalDict[0].outputs)
        outputMsg = msgVar2Goal(outputVar,0,1)

        #now look for other unconnected variables, and connect them to
        #a pseudo-node so they have something to send to.  The
        #outputMsg above will be weighted by the product of all of
        #these messages.
        weighters = []
        psj = len(self.goals)
        self.goals.append( parser.Goal('PSEUDO',[]) )
        self.goalDict[psj] = GoalInfo(psj)
        #heuristic - start with the rightmost unconnected variable,
        #hoping that it's the end of a chain rooted at the input,
        #which should be quicker to evaluate
        for j in reversed(range(1,len(self.goals))):
            goalj = self.goals[j]
            for i in range(goalj.arity):
                v = goalj.args[i]
                if parser.isVariableAtom(v) and not self.varDict[v].connected:
                    #save the message from this unconnected node
        #multiply the weighting factors from the unconnected node to
        #the outputMsg, again cleverly reusing variable names to keep
        #the expression simple.
        currentProduct = outputMsg
        for msg in weighters:
            nextProd = 'w_%s' % outputVar if msg==weighters[-1] else 'p_%s_%s' % (msg,outputVar)
            multiplicand = msg
            currentProduct = nextProd

        # save the output and inputs 
        self.output = currentProduct
        self.inputs = list(self.goalDict[0].inputs)