Example #1
def overlap(bigger, smaller):
    ans = 0
    skew = Partition.shifted_shape(bigger, smaller)
    for (i, j) in skew:
        if (i + 1, j) in skew:
            ans += 1
    return ans
Example #2
def gq_pieri(mu, p):
    ans = {}
    shape = Partition.shifted_shape(mu)
    corners = {(i, j) for (i, j) in shape if (i + 1, j) not in shape and (i, j + 1) not in shape}
    nu = ((mu[0] if mu else 0) + p,) + mu
    outer = Partition.shifted_shape(nu, mu)
    for a in subsets(corners):
        for b in subsets(outer):
            c = a + b
            if any(i1 < i2 and j1 < j2 for (i1, j1) in c for (i2, j2) in c):
            lam = Partition.from_shape(shape | set(c))
            if not Partition.is_strict_partition(lam):
            if (Partition.shifted_shape(lam) - shape) | set(a) != set(c):
            free = len([(i, j) for (i, j) in c if i != j and (i, j - 1) not in c and (i + 1, j) not in c])
            if len(c) <= p <= len(c) + free:
                diff = p - len(c)
                bet = beta**(sum(mu) + p - sum(lam))
                coeff = nchoosek(free, diff) * bet * 2**(free - diff)
                ans[lam] = ans.get(lam, 0) + coeff
    return ans
Example #3
def cols(bigger, smaller):
    ans = Partition.shifted_shape(bigger) - Partition.shifted_shape(smaller)
    return (-1)**len({j for (i, j) in ans})