Example #1
    def encode(self, d, stream, endianness):
        write_int(d['type'], stream, 16, endianness=endianness)

        if d['type'] == NRB_RECORD_IPv4:
            raw = pack_ipv4(d['address'])
            raw += (b"\x00".join([s.encode() for s in d['names']])) + b"\x00"
            write_int(len(raw), stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
            write_bytes_padded(stream, raw)

        elif d['type'] == NRB_RECORD_IPv6:
            raw = pack_ipv6(d['address'])
            raw += (b'\x00'.join([s.encode() for s in d['names']])) + b"\x00"
            write_int(len(raw), stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
            write_bytes_padded(stream, raw)

            write_int(len(d['raw']), stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
            write_bytes_padded(stream, d['raw'])
Example #2
    def encode(self, d, stream, endianness):
        if d["type"] == NRB_RECORD_END:
            # Don't let the user add records of this type.
            # We take care of it in `encode_finish()` below

        write_int(d["type"], stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
        if d["type"] == NRB_RECORD_IPv4:
            raw = pack_ipv4(d["address"])
            raw += (b"\x00".join([s.encode() for s in d["names"]])) + b"\x00"
            write_int(len(raw), stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
            write_bytes_padded(stream, raw)
        elif d["type"] == NRB_RECORD_IPv6:
            raw = pack_ipv6(d["address"])
            raw += (b"\x00".join([s.encode() for s in d["names"]])) + b"\x00"
            write_int(len(raw), stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
            write_bytes_padded(stream, raw)
            write_int(len(d["raw"]), stream, 16, endianness=endianness)
            write_bytes_padded(stream, d["raw"])
Example #3
    def _encode_value(self, value, ftype):

        if ftype is None:
                    'Field type should not be "None". Please explicitly '
                    "use TYPE_BYTES instead."))
            assert isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray))
            return value

        if ftype == TYPE_BYTES:
            assert isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray))
            return value

        if hasattr(ftype, "__call__"):
            # TODO figure out how callable options work
            return ftype(value, self.endianness)

        if ftype == TYPE_STRING:
            return value.encode("utf-8")

        if ftype in ("str", "unicode"):
                    'The "{ftype}" field type is deprecated. Please use "string" '
                    "(TYPE_STRING) instead.".format(ftype=ftype)))
            return value.encode("utf-8")

        if ftype in _numeric_types:
            fmt = self.endianness + _numeric_types[ftype]
            return struct.pack(fmt, value)

        if ftype == TYPE_IPV4:
            return pack_ipv4(value)

        if ftype == TYPE_IPV4_MASK:
            return pack_ipv4(value[0]) + pack_ipv4(value[1])

        if ftype == TYPE_IPV6:
            return pack_ipv6(value)

        if ftype == TYPE_IPV6_PREFIX:
            return pack_ipv6(value[0]) + value[1]

        if ftype == TYPE_MACADDR:
            return pack_macaddr(value)

        if ftype == TYPE_EUIADDR:
            return pack_euiaddr(value)

        if ftype == TYPE_TYPE_BYTES:
            return struct.pack("B", value[0]) + value[1]

        if ftype == TYPE_EPBFLAGS:
            fmt = self.endianness + _numeric_types[TYPE_U32]
            return struct.pack(fmt, int(value))

        if ftype == TYPE_OPT_CUSTOM_STR:
            fmt = self.endianness + _numeric_types[TYPE_U32]
            return struct.pack(fmt, value[0]) + value[1].encode("utf-8")

        if ftype == TYPE_OPT_CUSTOM_BYTES:
            fmt = self.endianness + _numeric_types[TYPE_U32]
            return struct.pack(fmt, value[0]) + value[1]

        raise ValueError("Unsupported field type: {0}".format(ftype))