Example #1
 def annotated_ancestors(self):
     '''Returns a list of this person's ancestors annotated with the name of
     the relationship to this person and the distance between them (so a list
     of (Person, relationship, distance) tuples).'''
     distances = self._ancestor_distances()
     ancestors = []
     for ancestor in distances.keys():
         relationship = describe_relative(self, ancestor, distances, {})
         ancestors.append((ancestor, relationship, distances[ancestor]))
     ancestors.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
     return ancestors
Example #2
 def annotated_ancestors(self):
     '''Returns a list of this person's ancestors annotated with the name of
     the relationship to this person and the distance between them (so a list
     of (Person, relationship, distance) tuples).'''
     distances = self._ancestor_distances()
     ancestors = []
     for ancestor in distances.keys():
         relationship = describe_relative(self, ancestor, distances, {})
         ancestors.append((ancestor, relationship, distances[ancestor]))
     ancestors.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
     return ancestors
Example #3
 def annotated_descendants(self):
     '''Returns a list of this person's descendants annotated with the name
     of the relationship to this person (so a list of (Person, relationship)
     distances = self._descendant_distances()
     descendants = []
     for descendant in distances.keys():
         relationship = describe_relative(self, descendant, {}, descendant._ancestor_distances())
         descendants.append((descendant, relationship, distances[descendant]))
     descendants.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
     return descendants
Example #4
 def annotated_descendants(self):
     '''Returns a list of this person's descendants annotated with the name
     of the relationship to this person (so a list of (Person, relationship)
     distances = self._descendant_distances()
     descendants = []
     for descendant in distances.keys():
         relationship = describe_relative(self, descendant, {}, descendant._ancestor_distances())
         descendants.append((descendant, relationship, distances[descendant]))
     descendants.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
     return descendants
Example #5
def person(request, person_id):
    person = get_object_or_404(Person, id=person_id)
    relationship = describe_relative(
        request.user.person, person, request.user.person._ancestor_distances(),
        person._ancestor_distances()) if request.user.person else None
    return render(
        request, 'people/person.html', {
            'person': person,
            'descendants': len(list(person.descendants())),
            'ancestors': len(list(person.ancestors())),
            'relationship': relationship,
            'list': Person.objects.select_related('birth')
Example #6
def person(request, person_id):
    person = get_object_or_404(Person, id=person_id)
    relationship = describe_relative(request.user.person,
                                     person._ancestor_distances()) if request.user.person else None
    return render(request,
                  {'person': person,
                   'descendants': len(list(person.descendants())),
                   'ancestors': len(list(person.ancestors())),
                   'relationship': relationship,
                   'list': Person.objects.select_related('birth')})
Example #7
 def annotated_relatives(self):
     '''Returns a list of all of this person's blood relatives. The first
     item in each tuple is the person, the second is the relationship, and
     the third is the distance between the two individuals.'''
     ancestor_distances = self._ancestor_distances()
     distances = ancestor_distances.copy()
     annotated = []
     for relative in self.relatives():
         distance = distances.get(relative, None)
         relative_distances = relative._ancestor_distances()
         if not distance:
             (_, d1, d2) = closest_common_ancestor(ancestor_distances, relative_distances)
             distance = max(d1, d2)
         relationship = describe_relative(self, relative, ancestor_distances, relative_distances)
         annotated.append((relative, relationship, distance))
     annotated.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
     return annotated
Example #8
 def annotated_relatives(self):
     '''Returns a list of all of this person's blood relatives. The first
     item in each tuple is the person, the second is the relationship, and
     the third is the distance between the two individuals.'''
     ancestor_distances = self._ancestor_distances()
     distances = ancestor_distances.copy()
     annotated = []
     for relative in self.relatives():
         distance = distances.get(relative, None)
         relative_distances = relative._ancestor_distances()
         if not distance:
             (_, d1, d2) = closest_common_ancestor(ancestor_distances, relative_distances)
             distance = max(d1, d2)
         relationship = describe_relative(self, relative, ancestor_distances, relative_distances)
         annotated.append((relative, relationship, distance))
     annotated.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
     return annotated
Example #9
    def annotated_descendants2(self):
        '''Returns a list of this person's descendants annotated with the name
        of the relationship to this person and distance. Suitable for d3.js tree charts'''
        distances = self._descendant_distances()
        descendants = []
        for descendant in distances.keys():

            relationship = describe_relative(self, descendant, {},
                "name": descendant.name(),
                "avatar": str(descendant.avatar),
                "mother_id": descendant.mother_id,
                "father_id": descendant.father_id,
                "id": descendant.id,
                "relationship": relationship,
                "distance": distances[descendant]
        #descendants.sort(key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1], x[0].surname))
        return descendants