Example #1
def modify(src,inp,cg_mesh_orig,cg_mesh_mod,rpath,wpath,Z_path,dth_path,nkl):
    # src          : location of random_blade fortran code
    # inp          : location of CGNS files
    # cg_mesh_orig : name of original CGNS file
    # cg_mesh_mod  : name of modified CGNS file
    # rpath        : name of original blade surface file
    # wpath        : name of modified blade surface file
    # Z_path       : where to store the Z values
    # nkl          : number of KL modes to use in generating geometries


    # switch to alternate mesh file if original destroyed
    if not os.path.exists(cg_mesh_orig):
        cg_mesh_orig = cg_mesh_orig[:-5]+'1.cgns'
        if not os.path.exists(cg_mesh_orig):
            cg_mesh_orig = cg_mesh_orig[:-5]+'2.cgns'
    # convert CGNS files to HDF format
    os.system('adf2hdf ' + cg_mesh_orig)
    # copy CGNS files
    shutil.copy(cg_mesh_orig, cg_mesh_mod)
    # write mesh surface out
    os.system(src+'random_blade '+cg_mesh_orig)
    # perturb the mesh surface
    perturb_surf_gaussian.perturb(inp+rpath, inp+wpath, inp+'kl_modes/', Z_path, dth_path, nkl)
    # read in perturbation to CGNS mesh
    os.system(src+'random_blade '+cg_mesh_orig+' '+cg_mesh_mod)
    # convert CGNS file back to ADF format
    os.system('hdf2adf ' + cg_mesh_orig)
    os.system('hdf2adf ' + cg_mesh_mod)
Example #2
import perturb_surf_gaussian
import mod_mesh_kl
import os, shutil

src = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/src/'
inp = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/input/rotor37_coarse/'
runs = '/mt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/runs/'

cg_mesh_orig = 'utcfd_out.cgns'
cg_mesh_mod  = 'utcfd_out_mod.cgns'

rpath = 'blade_surf.dat'
wpath = 'blade_surf_mod.dat'

perturb_surf_gaussian.perturb(rpath, wpath)

# 33 total PCA modes
npca = 33
perturb_surf_pca.perturb(rpath, wpath, inp+'pca/','Z.dat',npca)
Example #3
import perturb_surf_gaussian
import os, shutil

ut_src = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/utcfd/bin/'
src = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/src/'
inp = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/input/rotor37_coarse/'
runs = '/mnt/pwfiles/ericdow/random_blade/runs/'

cg_mesh_orig = 'utcfd_out.cgns'
cg_mesh_mod  = 'utcfd_out_mod.cgns'

rpath = 'blade_surf.dat'
wpath = 'blade_surf_mod.dat'

# number of KL modes to use in generating geometries
nkl = 50

# perturb the mesh surface
perturb_surf_gaussian.perturb(inp+rpath, 'foo.dat', inp+'kl_modes/', 'foo.dat', 'foo.dat', nkl)