Example #1
def remove(A, ignore_dep=False, ignore_safety=False):
    """remove set A of packages from system (A is a list of package names)"""

    componentdb = pisi.db.componentdb.ComponentDB()
    installdb = pisi.db.installdb.InstallDB()

    A = [str(x) for x in A]

    # filter packages that are not installed
    A_0 = A = set(A)

    if not ctx.get_option(
    ) and not ctx.config.values.general.ignore_safety and not ignore_safety:
        if componentdb.has_component('system.base'):
            systembase = set(
            refused = A.intersection(systembase)
            if refused:
                raise pisi.Error(
                    _('Safety switch: cannot remove the following packages in system.base: '
                      ) + util.strlist(refused))
                A = A - systembase
                _('Safety switch: the component system.base cannot be found'))

    Ap = []
    for x in A:
        if installdb.has_package(x):
            ctx.ui.info(_('Package %s does not exist. Cannot remove.') % x)
    A = set(Ap)

    if len(A) == 0:
        ctx.ui.info(_('No packages to remove.'))
        return False

    if not ctx.config.get_option('ignore_dependency') and not ignore_dep:
        G_f, order = plan_remove(A)
        G_f = None
        order = A

        _("""The following minimal list of packages will be removed
in the respective order to satisfy dependencies:
""") + util.strlist(order))
    if len(order) > len(A_0):
        if not ctx.ui.confirm(_('Do you want to continue?')):
            ctx.ui.warning(_('Package removal declined'))
            return False

    if ctx.get_option('dry_run'):

    ctx.ui.notify(ui.packagestogo, order=order)

    for x in order:
        if installdb.has_package(x):
            ctx.ui.info(_('Package %s is not installed. Cannot remove.') % x)
Example #2
                ctx.ui.info(_('Updating database at any rate as requested'))
                index.read_uri_of_repo(repouri, repo, force=force)
                return False

        pisi.db.historydb.HistoryDB().update_repo(repo, repouri, "update")

            index.check_signature(repouri, repo)
        except pisi.file.NoSignatureFound, e:

        ctx.ui.info(_('Package database updated.'))
        raise pisi.Error(_('No repository named %s found.') % repo)

    return True

# FIXME: rebuild_db is only here for filesdb and it really is ugly. we should not need any rebuild.
def rebuild_db(files=False):

    filesdb = pisi.db.filesdb.FilesDB()
    installdb = pisi.db.installdb.InstallDB()

    def rebuild_filesdb():
        for pkg in list_installed():
            ctx.ui.info(_('Adding \'%s\' to db... ') % pkg, noln=True)
            files = installdb.get_files(pkg)
Example #3
def install_pkg_files(package_URIs, reinstall = False):
    """install a number of pisi package files"""

    installdb = pisi.db.installdb.InstallDB()
    ctx.ui.debug('A = %s' % str(package_URIs))

    for x in package_URIs:
        if not x.endswith(ctx.const.package_suffix):
            raise pisi.Error(_('Mixing file names and package names not supported yet.'))

    # filter packages that are already installed
    tobe_installed, already_installed = [], set()
    if not reinstall:
        for x in package_URIs:
            if not x.endswith(ctx.const.delta_package_suffix) and x.endswith(ctx.const.package_suffix):
                pkg_name, pkg_version = pisi.util.parse_package_name(os.path.basename(x))
                if installdb.has_package(pkg_name):
        if already_installed:
            ctx.ui.warning(_("The following package(s) are already installed "
                             "and are not going to be installed again:"))
        package_URIs = tobe_installed

    if ctx.config.get_option('ignore_dependency'):
        # simple code path then
        for x in package_URIs:
            atomicoperations.install_single_file(x, reinstall)
        return True

    # read the package information into memory first
    # regardless of which distribution they come from
    d_t = {}
    dfn = {}
    for x in package_URIs:
            package = pisi.package.Package(x)
        except zipfile.BadZipfile:
            # YALI needed to get which file is broken
            raise zipfile.BadZipfile(x)
        name = str(package.metadata.package.name)
        d_t[name] = package.metadata.package
        dfn[name] = x

    # check packages' DistributionReleases and Architecture
    if not ctx.get_option('ignore_check'):
        for x in list(d_t.keys()):
            pkg = d_t[x]
            if pkg.distributionRelease != ctx.config.values.general.distribution_release:
                raise pisi.Error(_('Package %s is not compatible with your distribution release %s %s.') \
                        % (x, ctx.config.values.general.distribution, \
            if pkg.architecture != ctx.config.values.general.architecture:
                raise pisi.Error(_('Package %s (%s) is not compatible with your %s architecture.') \
                        % (x, pkg.architecture, ctx.config.values.general.architecture))

    def satisfiesDep(dep):
        # is dependency satisfied among available packages
        # or packages to be installed?
        return dep.satisfied_by_installed() or dep.satisfied_by_dict_repo(d_t)

    # for this case, we have to determine the dependencies
    # that aren't already satisfied and try to install them
    # from the repository
    dep_unsatis = []
    for name in list(d_t.keys()):
        pkg = d_t[name]
        deps = pkg.runtimeDependencies()
        for dep in deps:
            if not satisfiesDep(dep) and dep.package not in [x.package for x in dep_unsatis]:

    # now determine if these unsatisfied dependencies could
    # be satisfied by installing packages from the repo
    for dep in dep_unsatis:
        if not dep.satisfied_by_repo():
            raise pisi.Error(_('External dependencies not satisfied: %s') % dep)

    # if so, then invoke install_pkg_names
    extra_packages = [x.package for x in dep_unsatis]
    if extra_packages:
        ctx.ui.warning(_("The following packages will be installed "
                         "in order to satisfy dependencies:"))
        if not ctx.ui.confirm(_('Do you want to continue?')):
            raise pisi.Error(_('External dependencies not satisfied'))
        install_pkg_names(extra_packages, reinstall=True, extra=True)

    class PackageDB:
        def get_package(self, key, repo = None):
            return d_t[str(key)]

    packagedb = PackageDB()

    A = list(d_t.keys())

    if len(A)==0:
        ctx.ui.info(_('No packages to install.'))

    # try to construct a pisi graph of packages to
    # install / reinstall

    G_f = pgraph.PGraph(packagedb)               # construct G_f

    # find the "install closure" graph of G_f by package
    # set A using packagedb
    for x in A:
    B = A
    while len(B) > 0:
        Bp = set()
        for x in B:
            pkg = packagedb.get_package(x)
            for dep in pkg.runtimeDependencies():
                if dep.satisfied_by_dict_repo(d_t):
                    if not dep.package in G_f.vertices():
                    G_f.add_dep(x, dep)
        B = Bp
    if ctx.config.get_option('debug'):
    order = G_f.topological_sort()
    if not ctx.get_option('ignore_package_conflicts'):
        conflicts = operations.helper.check_conflicts(order, packagedb)
        if conflicts:
    ctx.ui.info(_('Installation order: ') + util.strlist(order) )

    if ctx.get_option('dry_run'):
        return True

    ctx.ui.notify(ui.packagestogo, order = order)

    for x in order:
        atomicoperations.install_single_file(dfn[x], reinstall)

    return True
    def from_name(name, ignore_dep=None):
        packagedb = pisi.db.packagedb.PackageDB()
        # download package and return an installer object
        # find package in repository
        repo = packagedb.which_repo(name)
        if repo:
            repodb = pisi.db.repodb.RepoDB()
            ctx.ui.info(_("Package %s found in repository %s") % (name, repo))

            repo = repodb.get_repo(repo)
            pkg = packagedb.get_package(name)
            delta = None

            installdb = pisi.db.installdb.InstallDB()
            # Package is installed. This is an upgrade. Check delta.
            if installdb.has_package(pkg.name):
                (version, release, build, distro,
                 distro_release) = installdb.get_version_and_distro_release(
                if distro_release == pkg.distributionRelease:
                    delta = pkg.get_delta(release)

            ignore_delta = ctx.config.values.general.ignore_delta

            # If delta exists than use the delta uri.
            if delta and not ignore_delta:
                pkg_uri = delta.packageURI
                pkg_hash = delta.packageHash
                pkg_uri = pkg.packageURI
                pkg_hash = pkg.packageHash

            uri = pisi.uri.URI(pkg_uri)
            if uri.is_absolute_path():
                pkg_path = str(pkg_uri)
                pkg_path = os.path.join(
                    os.path.dirname(repo.indexuri.get_uri()), str(uri.path()))

            ctx.ui.info(_("Package URI: %s") % pkg_path, verbose=True)

            # Bug 4113
            cached_file = pisi.package.Package.is_cached(pkg_path)
            if cached_file and util.sha1_file(cached_file) != pkg_hash:
                cached_file = None

            install_op = Install(pkg_path, ignore_dep)

            # Bug 4113
            if not cached_file:
                downloaded_file = install_op.package.filepath
                if pisi.util.sha1_file(downloaded_file) != pkg_hash:
                    raise pisi.Error(
                        _("Download Error: Package does not match the repository package."

            return install_op
            raise Error(
                _("Package %s not found in any active repository.") % name)