Example #1
def count_flow(nets, img, cn=[0, 0], size=512, work=1):
    if not isinstance(nets, list): nets = [nets]
    img = np.asarray(img)[None, cn, :, :]
    h, w = img.shape[-2:]
    if not (h == w == size): img = resize(img, (size, size))
    y = np.zeros((1, 3) + img.shape[2:], img.dtype)
    style = np.zeros((1, 256), img.dtype)

    def one(net, img):
        i, s = net(img)
        y[:] += i
        style[:] += s

    if work > 1 and len(nets) > 1:
        from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
        pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=work, thread_name_prefix="flow")
        for net in nets:
            pool.submit(one, net, img)
        for net in nets:
            one(net, img)
    if len(nets) > 0:
        y /= len(nets)
        style /= len(nets)
    if not (h == w == size): y = resize(y, (h, w))
    return y[0].transpose(1, 2, 0), style
Example #2
def recognize(img):
    img = planer.asarray(img)
    x = planer.resize(img, (224, 224))
    x = x[None, :,:,:].astype('float32')
    x = (x/255).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
    y = np.argmax(net(x), axis=-1)
    return classes[str(y[0])]
Example #3
def get_flow(nets,
             cn=[0, 0],
    if not isinstance(nets, list): nets = [nets]
    if img.ndim == 2: img = np.asarray(img[None, :, :])[cn]
    else: img = np.asarray(img.transpose(2, 0, 1))[cn]
    (_, H, W), k = img.shape, sample
    h, w = (size, size) if not tile else (max(size, int(H * k)),
                                          max(int(W * k), size))
    needresize = ((k != 1 or min(H, W) < size)
                  and tile) or (not (H == W == size) and not tile)
    simg = img if not needresize else resize(img[:, :, :], (h, w))
    rcs = grid_slice(h, w, size, size // 10)
    flow = np.zeros((3, h, w), dtype=simg.dtype)
    style = np.zeros((1, 256), dtype=simg.dtype)
    count = np.zeros(simg.shape[1:], 'uint8')

    def one(sr, sc, sz, wk, s=[0]):
        flw_prb, sty = count_flow(nets, simg[:, sr, sc], slice(None), sz, wk)
        flow[:, sr, sc] += flw_prb.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        style[:] += sty
        count[sr, sc] += 1
        s[0] += 1
        callback(s[0], len(rcs))

    if work > 1 and len(rcs) > 1:
        from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
        pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=work, thread_name_prefix="net")
        for i in range(len(rcs)):
            pool.submit(one, *rcs[i], size, 1)
        for slr, slc in rcs:
            one(slr, slc, size, work)
    flow /= count
    style /= len(rcs)
    if needresize: flow = resize(flow, (H, W))
    flow[2] *= -1
    np.exp(flow[2], out=flow[2])
    flow[2] += 1
    np.divide(1, flow[2], out=flow[2])
    return flow.transpose(1, 2, 0), style
Example #4
def get_face_key(img, scale=True):
    img = planer.asarray(img, dtype='float32')
    x = planer.resize(img, (224, 224)) / 255
    if img.ndim == 2: x = x[:, :, None]
    x = x.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None, :, :, :]
    rc = net(x).reshape(-1, 2)[:, ::-1] * 50 + 100
    rc = planer.asnumpy(rc)
    if scale: rc *= np.array(img.shape[:2]) / 224
    return rc
Example #5
def get_flow(image, scale=(400,600)):
    shp = image.shape[:2]
    if isinstance(scale, float):
        scale = shp[0]*scale, shp[1]*scale
    image = planer.np.asarray(image)
    scale = int(scale[0]/8+0.5)*8, int(scale[1]/8+0.5)*8
    k = shp[0]/scale[0], shp[1]/scale[1]
    img = planer.resize(image, scale)
    img = img.transpose(2,0,1)[None,:]/255
    return net.run(None, {'inputc': img}) +(k,)
Example #6
def preprocess(img, size):
    (h, w), (H, W) = img.shape[:2], size
    k = min(H / h, W / w)
    nh, nw = int(h * k + 0.5) // 2 * 2, int(w * k + 0.5) // 2 * 2
    img.shape = img.shape[:2] + (-1, )
    img = resize(img, (nh, nw), backend=np)
    k = np.ones((1, 1, 3), dtype='uint8')
    img = img / (k * 255)
    dh, dw = (H - nh) // 2, (W - nw) // 2
    pads = [(dh, dh), (dw, dw), (0, 0)]
    return np.pad(img, pads, constant_values=0.5)
Example #7
def get_mark(img, sample=1):
    shp = np.array(img.shape[:2])
    size = (shp * sample // 32) * 32
    size = size.astype(int)

    img = img.astype(np.float32)
    img = resize(img, size)
    img = global_norm(img)
    img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
    k = (size / shp).astype('float32')
    k[:] = 1, 1
    size = size.astype('float32')
    data = {
        'image': img[None, :],
        'im_shape': size[None, :],
        'scale_factor': k[None, :]
    y = list(net.run(None, data))
    rs, cs = np.mgrid[:shp[0], :shp[1]]
    rs = rs * (size[0] - 1) / (shp[0] - 1)
    cs = cs * (size[1] - 1) / (shp[1] - 1)
    rs, cs = rs.astype(int), cs.astype(int)
    y[-1] = y[-1][:, rs, cs]
    return y
Example #8
from skimage import io
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from time import time

# get planer array library, numpy
# pal = planer.core(numpy)

# get planer array library, cupy
pal = planer.core(cupy)

img = io.imread('test.jpg')
x = (img/255.0).transpose(2, 0, 1)
x = x[None, :, :, :].astype('float32')
x = pal.array(x)
x = resize(x, (224, 224))

net = read_net('mobile')
print('load done!')

print('start timing!')
start = time()
for i in range(10):
    y = net(x)
print('planer mobilenet-v1 time (x10):', time()-start)
y = pal.argmax(y, axis=-1)
rst = classes[int(y[0])]

print('result:', rst)
Example #9
def makesize32(img):
    h, w = img.shape[-2:]
    w = w // 32 * 32
    h = h // 32 * 32
    return resize(img, (h, w))
Example #10
def flow_map(img, flow):
    np = planer.np
    des = np.mgrid[0:224, 0:224].transpose(1, 2, 0) + flow
    des = planer.resize(des, img.shape[:2])
    des *= np.array(img.shape[:2]).reshape(1, 1, 2) / 224
    return planer.mapcoord(img, *des.transpose(2, 0, 1))
Example #11
import sys
import planer
from planer import read_net, resize
import cupy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from time import time
from skimage import io

pal = planer.core(cupy)

img = io.imread('dog.jpg')[:, :, ::-1]
x = pal.array(img.astype('float32') / 255.0)
x = x.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None, :, :, :]
x = resize(x, (416, 416))

anchors_all = pal.array([
    10, 13, 16, 30, 33, 23, 30, 61, 62, 45, 59, 119, 116, 90, 156, 198, 373,
]).reshape(9, 2)

def sigmoid(x):
    return 1 / (1 + pal.exp(-x))

def post_process(fmps, anchors, thresh=0.4):

    # batch results
    bbox = {}
Example #12

def greedy_search(raw, blank=0):
    max_id = raw.argmax(2).ravel()
    msk = max_id[1:] != max_id[:-1]
    max_id = max_id[1:][msk]
    return max_id[max_id != blank]

# net = planer.onnx2planer('./crnn.onnx')
net = planer.read_net('./crnn-ocr')

x = page()[:40, :150].astype('float32')

w = 48 * x.shape[1] // x.shape[0]
x = planer.resize(x, (48, w))
x = (x - 0.5) / (90 / 255)
x = x[None, None, :, :]

net.timer = {}
start = time()
y = net(x)
print(time() - start)

for k in net.timer:
    print(k, net.timer[k])

pred = greedy_search(y)
pred = [dic[i] for i in pred]
text = ''.join(pred)
Example #13
def flow_map(img, flow):
    des = np.mgrid[0:224, 0:224] + flow.transpose(2, 0, 1)
    des = planer.resize(des, img.shape[:2])
    des *= np.array(img.shape[:2]).reshape(2, 1, 1) / 224
    rst = planer.mapcoord(img.transpose(2, 0, 1), *des * 1)
    return rst.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8)
Example #14

# generate check board
def check_board(shp, d=20):
    checkboard = np.zeros(shp, dtype=np.uint8)
    msk = np.tile([False] * d + [True] * d, 1000)
    checkboard[msk[:shp[0]]] += 128
    checkboard[:, msk[:shp[1]]] += 128
    return ((checkboard > 0) * 255).astype(np.uint8)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    net = planer.read_net('./face_key')
    face = imread('./face.jpg')
    x = np.array(face.transpose(2, 0, 1)[None, :, :, :])
    x = planer.resize(x, (224, 224)).astype(np.float32)

    start = time()
    y = net(x / 255)
    print(time() - start)

    rc = y.reshape(-1, 2)[:, ::-1] * 50 + 100

    thin = flow_map(face, count_flow(rc, fac=-10))
    fat = flow_map(face, count_flow(rc, fac=10))

    grid = check_board(face.shape, 30)
    thin_grid = flow_map(grid, count_flow(rc, fac=-10))
    fat_grid = flow_map(grid, count_flow(rc, fac=10))

    # 绘图