def add_phonemes(): data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'blizzard/') save_name = "sp_blizzard_80h_phon.hdf5" phon_file = "tbptt_blizzard_80h.hdf5" data_file = "sp_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_path = os.path.join(data_path, save_name) phon_path = os.path.join(data_path, phon_file) data_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_file) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') phonh5 = h5py.File(phon_path, mode = 'r') datah5 = h5py.File(data_path, mode = 'r') sp_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'sp', (TOTAL_ROWS, 512, 257), dtype='float32') f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'f0', (TOTAL_ROWS, 512), dtype='float32') phon_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'phonemes', (TOTAL_ROWS, 512), dtype = 'int16') f0_h5[:] = datah5['f0'][:] phon_h5[:] = phonh5['phonemes'][:,::64] n_times = 100 idx = chunkIt(range(TOTAL_ROWS), n_times) for num_indx, indx in enumerate(idx): print num_indx, 100 sp_h5[indx] = datah5['sp'][indx] cont = TOTAL_ROWS end_train = int(.9*cont) end_valid = int(.95*cont) end_test = cont split_dict = { 'train': {'sp': (0, end_train), 'f0': (0, end_train), 'phonemes': (0, end_train)}, 'valid': {'sp': (end_train, end_valid), 'f0': (end_train, end_valid), 'phonemes': (end_train, end_valid)}, 'test': {'sp': (end_valid, end_test), 'f0': (end_valid, end_test), 'phonemes': (end_valid, end_test)} } resulth5.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close() phonh5.close() datah5.close()
def add_phonemes(): data_path = os.environ["FUEL_DATA_PATH"] data_path = os.path.join(data_path, "blizzard/") save_name = "sp_blizzard_80h_phon.hdf5" phon_file = "tbptt_blizzard_80h.hdf5" data_file = "sp_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_path = os.path.join(data_path, save_name) phon_path = os.path.join(data_path, phon_file) data_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_file) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode="w") phonh5 = h5py.File(phon_path, mode="r") datah5 = h5py.File(data_path, mode="r") sp_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("sp", (TOTAL_ROWS, 512, 257), dtype="float32") f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("f0", (TOTAL_ROWS, 512), dtype="float32") phon_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("phonemes", (TOTAL_ROWS, 512), dtype="int16") f0_h5[:] = datah5["f0"][:] phon_h5[:] = phonh5["phonemes"][:, ::64] n_times = 100 idx = chunkIt(range(TOTAL_ROWS), n_times) for num_indx, indx in enumerate(idx): print num_indx, 100 sp_h5[indx] = datah5["sp"][indx] cont = TOTAL_ROWS end_train = int(0.9 * cont) end_valid = int(0.95 * cont) end_test = cont split_dict = { "train": {"sp": (0, end_train), "f0": (0, end_train), "phonemes": (0, end_train)}, "valid": {"sp": (end_train, end_valid), "f0": (end_train, end_valid), "phonemes": (end_train, end_valid)}, "test": {"sp": (end_valid, end_test), "f0": (end_valid, end_test), "phonemes": (end_valid, end_test)}, } resulth5.attrs["split"] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close() phonh5.close() datah5.close()
def process_chunk(num_chunk): # Total number of rows TOTAL_ROWS = 105856 n_times = 50 n_process = 11 # 7 for briaree files_per_batch = 25 num_files = n_process * n_times * files_per_batch # total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) const = num_files * num_chunk indx_mp = range(num_files) indx_mp = [x + const for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [x for x in indx_mp if x < TOTAL_ROWS] num_files = len(indx_mp) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] data_path = os.environ["FUEL_DATA_PATH"] data_path = os.path.join(data_path, "blizzard/") file_name = "tbptt_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_name = "chunk_{}.hdf5".format(num_chunk) hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) save_dir = os.environ["RESULTS_DIR"] if "blizzard" not in save_dir: save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, "blizzard/") save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode="w") h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode="r") raw_data = h5file["features"] # Prepare output file # Hardcoded values mgc_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("mgc", (num_files, 512, 35), dtype="float32") f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("f0", (num_files, 512), dtype="float32") def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 10 == 0: print ("Reading row %i of %i" % (n + 1, len(x))) results.append(wav2mgcf0(f)) return q.put((i, results)) total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print ("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process(target=process_batch, args=(q, raw_data[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] # mgcc, f0 = zip(*results_list) # Add to hdf5 file for mgc, f0 in results_list: mgc_h5[cont] = mgc f0_h5[cont] = f0 cont += 1 print "total time: ", (time.time() - total_time) / 60.0 sys.stdout.flush() resulth5.flush() resulth5.close() h5file.close()
def convert_to_spectrum(): # ipdb.set_trace() data_path = os.environ["FUEL_DATA_PATH"] data_path = os.path.join(data_path, "blizzard/") data_name = "mgc_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_name = "sp_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_path = os.path.join(data_path, save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode="w") sp_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("sp", (TOTAL_ROWS, 512, 257), dtype="float32") f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset("f0", (TOTAL_ROWS, 512), dtype="float32") means = [] stds = [] cont = 0 hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_name) h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode="r") mgc = h5file["mgc"] f0 = h5file["f0"] # Check next line f0_h5[:] = f0[:] import time alpha = 0.4 stage = 2 gamma = -1.0 / stage frame_window = 512 # TOTAL_ROWS = 5000#138368 n_times = 100 n_process = 7 # marge # files_per_batch = 100 # num_files = n_process*n_times*files_per_batch # total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) # const = num_files*num_chunk indx_mp = range(TOTAL_ROWS) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 10 == 0: print ("Reading row %i of %i" % (n + 1, len(x))) # Check if same results f = f.astype("float64").copy(order="C") results.append(numpy.apply_along_axis(SPTK.mgc2sp, 1, f, alpha, gamma, frame_window).real) return q.put((i, results)) total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print ("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process(target=process_batch, args=(q, mgc[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] # Add to hdf5 file for sp in results_list: sp_h5[cont] = sp.astype("float32") cont += 1 print "total time: ", (time.time() - total_time) / 60.0 sys.stdout.flush() cont = TOTAL_ROWS end_train = int(0.9 * cont) end_valid = int(0.95 * cont) end_test = cont split_dict = { "train": {"sp": (0, end_train), "f0": (0, end_train)}, "valid": {"sp": (end_train, end_valid), "f0": (end_train, end_valid)}, "test": {"sp": (end_valid, end_test), "f0": (end_valid, end_test)}, } resulth5.attrs["split"] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close()
for n, f in enumerate(data_files): if n % 10 == 0: print("Reading file %i of %i" % (n + 1, len(data_files))) try: di =[1] if len(di.shape) > 1: di = di[:, 0] results.append(di) except: pass return q.put((i, results)) n_times = 10 n_process = 8 indx_mp = chunkIt(file_list, n_times) size_per_iteration = [len(x) for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] size_first_iteration = [len(x) for x in indx_mp[0]] features = h5file.create_dataset( 'features', (len(file_list), ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('int16'))) phonemes = h5file.create_dataset( 'phonemes', (len(file_list), ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('int16'))) import ipdb
results = [] for n, f in enumerate(data_files): if n % 10 == 0: print("Reading file %i of %i" % (n+1, len(data_files))) try: di =[1] if len(di.shape) > 1: di = di[:, 0] results.append(di) except: pass return q.put((i, results)) n_times = 10 n_process = 8 indx_mp = chunkIt(file_list, n_times) size_per_iteration = [len(x) for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] size_first_iteration = [len(x) for x in indx_mp[0]] features = h5file.create_dataset( 'features', (len(file_list),), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('int16'))) phonemes = h5file.create_dataset( 'phonemes', (len(file_list),), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('int16')))
def process_chunk(num_chunk): #Total number of rows TOTAL_ROWS = 105856 n_times = 50 n_process = 11 # 7 for briaree files_per_batch = 25 num_files = n_process*n_times*files_per_batch #total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) const = num_files*num_chunk indx_mp = range(num_files) indx_mp = [x + const for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [x for x in indx_mp if x < TOTAL_ROWS] num_files = len(indx_mp) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'blizzard/') file_name = "tbptt_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_name = "chunk_{}.hdf5".format(num_chunk) hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) save_dir = os.environ['RESULTS_DIR'] if 'blizzard' not in save_dir: save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir,'blizzard/') save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode='r') raw_data = h5file['features'] # Prepare output file #Hardcoded values mgc_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc', (num_files, 512, 35), dtype='float32') f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'f0', (num_files, 512), dtype='float32') def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 10 == 0: print("Reading row %i of %i" % (n+1, len(x))) results.append(wav2mgcf0(f)) return q.put((i, results)) total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process( target=process_batch, args=(q, raw_data[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] #mgcc, f0 = zip(*results_list) # Add to hdf5 file for mgc, f0 in results_list: mgc_h5[cont] = mgc f0_h5[cont] = f0 cont += 1 print "total time: ", (time.time()-total_time)/60. sys.stdout.flush() resulth5.flush() resulth5.close() h5file.close()
def convert_to_spectrum(): #ipdb.set_trace() data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'blizzard/') data_name = "mgc_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_name = "sp_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_path = os.path.join(data_path, save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') sp_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'sp', (TOTAL_ROWS, 512, 257), dtype='float32') f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'f0', (TOTAL_ROWS, 512), dtype='float32') means = [] stds = [] cont = 0 hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, data_name) h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode='r') mgc = h5file['mgc'] f0 = h5file['f0'] #Check next line f0_h5[:] = f0[:] import time alpha = 0.4 stage = 2 gamma = -1.0 / stage frame_window = 512 #TOTAL_ROWS = 5000#138368 n_times = 100 n_process = 7 # marge #files_per_batch = 100 #num_files = n_process*n_times*files_per_batch #total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) #const = num_files*num_chunk indx_mp = range(TOTAL_ROWS) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 10 == 0: print("Reading row %i of %i" % (n+1, len(x))) # Check if same results f = f.astype('float64').copy(order = 'C') results.append( numpy.apply_along_axis(SPTK.mgc2sp, 1, f, alpha, gamma, frame_window).real) return q.put((i, results)) total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process( target=process_batch, args=(q, mgc[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] # Add to hdf5 file for sp in results_list: sp_h5[cont] = sp.astype('float32') cont += 1 print "total time: ", (time.time()-total_time)/60. sys.stdout.flush() cont = TOTAL_ROWS end_train = int(.9*cont) end_valid = int(.95*cont) end_test = cont split_dict = { 'train': {'sp': (0, end_train), 'f0': (0, end_train)}, 'valid': {'sp': (end_train, end_valid), 'f0': (end_train, end_valid)}, 'test': {'sp': (end_valid, end_test), 'f0': (end_valid, end_test)} } resulth5.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close()
def process_chunk(num_chunk): #Total number of rows TOTAL_ROWS = 138368 n_times = 800 n_process = 10 #14 files_per_batch = 20 num_files = n_process*n_times*files_per_batch #total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) const = num_files*num_chunk indx_mp = range(num_files) indx_mp = [x + const for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [x for x in indx_mp if x < TOTAL_ROWS] num_files = len(indx_mp) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'blizzard/') file_name = "tbptt_blizzard.hdf5" save_name = "chunk_{}.hdf5".format(num_chunk) hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) save_dir = os.environ['RESULTS_DIR'] if 'blizzard' not in save_dir: save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir,'blizzard/') save_path = os.path.join('/Tmp/sotelo', save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode='r') raw_data = h5file['features'] # Prepare output file #Hardcoded values amplitude = resulth5.create_dataset( 'amplitude', (num_files, 326, 401), dtype='float32') phase = resulth5.create_dataset( 'phase', (num_files, 326, 401), dtype='float32') def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 1 == 0: print("Reading row %i of %i" % (n+1, len(x))) d = f.astype('float32') / (2 ** 15) #Sample_rate = 16000 sample_rate = 16000 x_a = stft(d, sample_rate, 0.050, 0.025)[:,:401] results.append([abs(x_a), numpy.angle(x_a)]) return q.put((i, results)) total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process( target=process_batch, args=(q, raw_data[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() print "Waiting for results..." results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] print "Results found!" results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] # Add to hdf5 file # for spec in results_list: # print "inputing data: ", cont # amplitude[cont] = spec[0] # phase[cont] = spec[1] # cont += 1 len_res = len(results_list) all_amplitude = numpy.array([x[0] for x in results_list]) all_phase = numpy.array([x[1] for x in results_list]) amplitude[cont:(cont+len_res)] = all_amplitude phase[cont:(cont+len_res)] = all_phase cont += len_res print "total time: ", (time.time()-total_time)/60. #sys.stdout.flush() end_train = int(.9*cont) end_valid = int(.95*cont) end_test = cont split_dict = { 'train': {'amplitude': (0, end_train), 'phase': (0, end_train)}, 'valid': {'amplitude': (end_train, end_valid), 'phase': (end_train, end_valid)}, 'test': {'amplitude': (end_valid, end_test), 'phase': (end_valid, end_test)} } resulth5.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close()
def process_chunk(num_chunk): #Total number of rows TOTAL_ROWS = 36212 n_times = 30 n_process = 14 # 7 for briaree files_per_batch = 10 num_files = n_process * n_times * files_per_batch #total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) const = num_files * num_chunk indx_mp = range(num_files) indx_mp = [x + const for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [x for x in indx_mp if x < TOTAL_ROWS] all_indx = indx_mp num_files = len(indx_mp) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'blizzard/') file_name = "raw_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_name = "chunk_{}_sentence.hdf5".format(num_chunk) hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) save_dir = os.environ['RESULTS_DIR'] if 'blizzard' not in save_dir: save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'blizzard/') save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode='r') raw_data = h5file['features'] #Hardcoded values mgc_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc', (num_files, ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) mgc_shape_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc_shapes', (num_files, 2), dtype='int32') mgc_h5.dims.create_scale(mgc_shape_h5, 'shapes') mgc_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(mgc_shape_h5) mgc_shape_labels = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc_shape_labels', (2, ), dtype='S7') mgc_shape_labels[...] = [ 'time_step'.encode('utf8'), 'mgc_frequency'.encode('utf8') ] mgc_h5.dims.create_scale(mgc_shape_labels, 'shape_labels') mgc_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(mgc_shape_labels) sp_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'spectrum', (num_files, ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) sp_shape_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'sp_shapes', (num_files, 2), dtype='int32') sp_h5.dims.create_scale(sp_shape_h5, 'shapes') sp_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(sp_shape_h5) sp_shape_labels = resulth5.create_dataset( 'sp_shape_labels', (2, ), dtype='S7') sp_shape_labels[...] = [ 'time_step'.encode('utf8'), 'sp_frequency'.encode('utf8') ] sp_h5.dims.create_scale(sp_shape_labels, 'shape_labels') sp_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(sp_shape_labels) vs_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'voicing_str', (num_files, ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) vs_shape_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'vs_shapes', (num_files, 2), dtype='int32') vs_h5.dims.create_scale(vs_shape_h5, 'shapes') vs_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(vs_shape_h5) vs_shape_labels = resulth5.create_dataset( 'vs_shape_labels', (2, ), dtype='S7') vs_shape_labels[...] = [ 'time_step'.encode('utf8'), 'vs_frequency'.encode('utf8') ] vs_h5.dims.create_scale(vs_shape_labels, 'shape_labels') vs_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(vs_shape_labels) f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'f0', (num_files, ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) transcripts = resulth5.create_dataset( 'transcripts', (num_files, ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('int16'))) def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 1 == 0: print("Reading row %i of %i" % (n + 1, len(x))) mgc, f0, vs = wav2mgcf0(f) f = mgc.astype('float64').copy(order='C') sp = numpy.apply_along_axis(SPTK.mgc2sp, 1, f, alpha, gamma, frame_window).real results.append((mgc, f0, vs, sp)) return q.put((i, results)) transcripts[...] = [h5file['transcripts'][indx] for indx in all_indx] total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process( target=process_batch, args=(q, raw_data[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] #mgcc, f0 = zip(*results_list) # Add to hdf5 file for mgc, f0, vs, sp in results_list: mgc_h5[cont] = mgc.flatten() sp_h5[cont] = sp.flatten() vs_h5[cont] = vs.flatten() mgc_shape_h5[cont] = numpy.array(mgc.shape) sp_shape_h5[cont] = numpy.array(sp.shape) vs_shape_h5[cont] = numpy.array(vs.shape) f0_h5[cont] = f0 cont += 1 print "total time: ", (time.time() - total_time) / 60. sys.stdout.flush() split_dict = { 'all': { 'mgc': (0, num_files), 'f0': (0, num_files), 'transcripts': (0, num_files), 'spectrum': (0, num_files), 'voicing_str': (0, num_files) } } resulth5.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close() h5file.close()
def process_chunk(num_chunk): #Total number of rows TOTAL_ROWS = 36212 n_times = 30 n_process = 14 # 7 for briaree files_per_batch = 10 num_files = n_process*n_times*files_per_batch #total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) const = num_files*num_chunk indx_mp = range(num_files) indx_mp = [x + const for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [x for x in indx_mp if x < TOTAL_ROWS] all_indx = indx_mp num_files = len(indx_mp) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'blizzard/') file_name = "raw_blizzard_80h.hdf5" save_name = "chunk_{}_sentence.hdf5".format(num_chunk) hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) save_dir = os.environ['RESULTS_DIR'] if 'blizzard' not in save_dir: save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir,'blizzard/') save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode='r') raw_data = h5file['features'] #Hardcoded values mgc_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc', (num_files,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) mgc_shape_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc_shapes', (num_files,2), dtype = 'int32') mgc_h5.dims.create_scale(mgc_shape_h5, 'shapes') mgc_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(mgc_shape_h5) mgc_shape_labels = resulth5.create_dataset( 'mgc_shape_labels', (2,), dtype='S7') mgc_shape_labels[...] = [ 'time_step'.encode('utf8'), 'mgc_frequency'.encode('utf8')] mgc_h5.dims.create_scale( mgc_shape_labels, 'shape_labels') mgc_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(mgc_shape_labels) sp_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'spectrum', (num_files,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) sp_shape_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'sp_shapes', (num_files,2), dtype = 'int32') sp_h5.dims.create_scale(sp_shape_h5, 'shapes') sp_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(sp_shape_h5) sp_shape_labels = resulth5.create_dataset( 'sp_shape_labels', (2,), dtype='S7') sp_shape_labels[...] = [ 'time_step'.encode('utf8'), 'sp_frequency'.encode('utf8')] sp_h5.dims.create_scale( sp_shape_labels, 'shape_labels') sp_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(sp_shape_labels) vs_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'voicing_str', (num_files,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) vs_shape_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'vs_shapes', (num_files,2), dtype = 'int32') vs_h5.dims.create_scale(vs_shape_h5, 'shapes') vs_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(vs_shape_h5) vs_shape_labels = resulth5.create_dataset( 'vs_shape_labels', (2,), dtype='S7') vs_shape_labels[...] = [ 'time_step'.encode('utf8'), 'vs_frequency'.encode('utf8')] vs_h5.dims.create_scale( vs_shape_labels, 'shape_labels') vs_h5.dims[0].attach_scale(vs_shape_labels) f0_h5 = resulth5.create_dataset( 'f0', (num_files, ), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('float32'))) transcripts = resulth5.create_dataset( 'transcripts', (num_files,), dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=numpy.dtype('int16'))) def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 1 == 0: print("Reading row %i of %i" % (n+1, len(x))) mgc, f0, vs = wav2mgcf0(f) f = mgc.astype('float64').copy(order = 'C') sp = numpy.apply_along_axis(SPTK.mgc2sp, 1, f, alpha, gamma, frame_window).real results.append((mgc, f0, vs, sp)) return q.put((i, results)) transcripts[...] = [h5file['transcripts'][indx] for indx in all_indx] total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process( target=process_batch, args=(q, raw_data[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] #mgcc, f0 = zip(*results_list) # Add to hdf5 file for mgc, f0, vs, sp in results_list: mgc_h5[cont] = mgc.flatten() sp_h5[cont] = sp.flatten() vs_h5[cont] = vs.flatten() mgc_shape_h5[cont] = numpy.array(mgc.shape) sp_shape_h5[cont] = numpy.array(sp.shape) vs_shape_h5[cont] = numpy.array(vs.shape) f0_h5[cont] = f0 cont += 1 print "total time: ", (time.time()-total_time)/60. sys.stdout.flush() split_dict = { 'all': {'mgc': (0, num_files), 'f0': (0, num_files), 'transcripts': (0, num_files), 'spectrum': (0, num_files), 'voicing_str': (0, num_files)} } resulth5.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close() h5file.close()
def process_chunk(num_chunk): #Total number of rows TOTAL_ROWS = 138368 n_times = 800 n_process = 10 #14 files_per_batch = 20 num_files = n_process * n_times * files_per_batch #total_chunks = numpy.ceil(TOTAL_ROWS/float(num_files)) const = num_files * num_chunk indx_mp = range(num_files) indx_mp = [x + const for x in indx_mp] indx_mp = [x for x in indx_mp if x < TOTAL_ROWS] num_files = len(indx_mp) indx_mp = chunkIt(indx_mp, n_times) indx_mp = [chunkIt(x, n_process) for x in indx_mp] data_path = os.environ['FUEL_DATA_PATH'] data_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'blizzard/') file_name = "tbptt_blizzard.hdf5" save_name = "chunk_{}.hdf5".format(num_chunk) hdf5_path = os.path.join(data_path, file_name) save_dir = os.environ['RESULTS_DIR'] if 'blizzard' not in save_dir: save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, 'blizzard/') save_path = os.path.join('/Tmp/sotelo', save_name) resulth5 = h5py.File(save_path, mode='w') h5file = h5py.File(hdf5_path, mode='r') raw_data = h5file['features'] # Prepare output file #Hardcoded values amplitude = resulth5.create_dataset('amplitude', (num_files, 326, 401), dtype='float32') phase = resulth5.create_dataset('phase', (num_files, 326, 401), dtype='float32') def process_batch(q, x, i): results = [] for n, f in enumerate(x): if n % 1 == 0: print("Reading row %i of %i" % (n + 1, len(x))) d = f.astype('float32') / (2**15) #Sample_rate = 16000 sample_rate = 16000 x_a = stft(d, sample_rate, 0.050, 0.025)[:, :401] results.append([abs(x_a), numpy.angle(x_a)]) return q.put((i, results)) total_time = time.time() cont = 0 for time_step in xrange(n_times): print("Time step %i" % (time_step)) q = Queue() process_list = [] results_list = [] for i_process in xrange(n_process): this_process = Process( target=process_batch, args=(q, raw_data[indx_mp[time_step][i_process]], i_process)) process_list.append(this_process) process_list[i_process].start() print "Waiting for results..." results_list = [q.get() for i in xrange(n_process)] print "Results found!" results_list = sorted(results_list, key=lambda x: x[0]) _, results_list = zip(*results_list) results_list = [x for small_list in results_list for x in small_list] # Add to hdf5 file # for spec in results_list: # print "inputing data: ", cont # amplitude[cont] = spec[0] # phase[cont] = spec[1] # cont += 1 len_res = len(results_list) all_amplitude = numpy.array([x[0] for x in results_list]) all_phase = numpy.array([x[1] for x in results_list]) amplitude[cont:(cont + len_res)] = all_amplitude phase[cont:(cont + len_res)] = all_phase cont += len_res print "total time: ", (time.time() - total_time) / 60. #sys.stdout.flush() end_train = int(.9 * cont) end_valid = int(.95 * cont) end_test = cont split_dict = { 'train': { 'amplitude': (0, end_train), 'phase': (0, end_train) }, 'valid': { 'amplitude': (end_train, end_valid), 'phase': (end_train, end_valid) }, 'test': { 'amplitude': (end_valid, end_test), 'phase': (end_valid, end_test) } } resulth5.attrs['split'] = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) resulth5.flush() resulth5.close()