Example #1
    def test_put_bitstream_copy_self(self):
        Test using the put_bitstream_copy method with the same BitStream object 
        as origin and destination.
        bitstream = BitStream()

        # Generate a random string of bits, ie: ('0' | '1')*
        num_bits = 50
        bits = ""
        for i in range(0, num_bits):
            bits += random.choice(
                ('0', '1'))  # inefficient, but ok for a test.

        # Put those bits in the BitStream...

        # ... copy the bitstream into itself at any point:
        bitstream.seek(random.randint(0, 50))

        # Check that the bitstream was unchanged by the previous operation:
        # (overwriting data with the same data is the same as doing nothing,
        # except that the current position is changed to the end of the stream)
        self.assertEquals(bitstream.get_length(), num_bits)
        self.assertEquals(bitstream.get_current_pos(), num_bits)
        read_bits = bitstream.get_bit_dump_string(bitstream.get_length())
        self.assertEqual(read_bits, bits)
Example #2
 def test_put_bitstream_copy_self(self):
     Test using the put_bitstream_copy method with the same BitStream object 
     as origin and destination.
     bitstream = BitStream()
     # Generate a random string of bits, ie: ('0' | '1')*
     num_bits = 50        
     bits = ""
     for i in range(0,num_bits):
         bits += random.choice(('0','1')) # inefficient, but ok for a test.
     # Put those bits in the BitStream...
     # ... copy the bitstream into itself at any point:
     # Check that the bitstream was unchanged by the previous operation:
     # (overwriting data with the same data is the same as doing nothing,
     # except that the current position is changed to the end of the stream)
     read_bits = bitstream.get_bit_dump_string(bitstream.get_length())
     self.assertEqual(read_bits, bits)
Example #3
    def test_put_bitstream_copy(self):
        Test the basic functionality of the put_bitstream_copy method.
        bitstream1 = BitStream()
        bitstream1.put_string("This is bitstream1")
        bitstream2 = BitStream()
        bitstream2.put_string("This is bitstream2")
        bitstream3 = BitStream()
        # bitstream3 remains empty
        bitstream4 = BitStream()
        bitstream4.put_string("This is bitstream4")

        # copy the full contents of bitstream2 to the end of bitstream1

        # check the contents of bitstream1
                          "This is bitstream1This is bitstream2")

        # copy the full contents of bitstream3 (aka. nothing) to the end of
        # bitstream4

        # check the contents of bitstream4
                          "This is bitstream4")

        # copy the contents of bitstream4 from the position 8 onwards
        bitstream4.seek(8 * 8)

        # check the contents of bitstream1
                          "This is bitstream1This is bitstream2bitstream4")
Example #4
 def test_put_bitstream_copy(self):
     Test the basic functionality of the put_bitstream_copy method.
     bitstream1 = BitStream()
     bitstream1.put_string("This is bitstream1")
     bitstream2 = BitStream()
     bitstream2.put_string("This is bitstream2")
     bitstream3 = BitStream()
     # bitstream3 remains empty
     bitstream4 = BitStream()
     bitstream4.put_string("This is bitstream4")
     # copy the full contents of bitstream2 to the end of bitstream1
     self.assertEquals(bitstream2.get_current_pos(), bitstream2.get_length())
     # check the contents of bitstream1
                       "This is bitstream1This is bitstream2")
     # copy the full contents of bitstream3 (aka. nothing) to the end of 
     # bitstream4
     # check the contents of bitstream4
                       "This is bitstream4")
     # copy the contents of bitstream4 from the position 8 onwards
     self.assertEquals(bitstream4.get_current_pos(), bitstream4.get_length())
     # check the contents of bitstream1
                       "This is bitstream1This is bitstream2bitstream4")
Example #5
 def encrypt_bitstream(self, bitstream, pad_to=None, task_monitor=None):
     Encrypts the given bitstream into a ciphertext object.
         bitstream::BitStream-- A stream of bits to encrypt 
                                (see BitStream utility class).
         pad_to::int            -- Minimum size (in bytes) of the resulting 
                                ciphertext. Data will be padded before 
                                encryption to match this size.
         task_monitor::TaskMonitor    -- A task monitor for this task.
         ciphertext:Ciphertext    -- A ciphertext object encapsulating the 
                                    encrypted data.        
     random = StrongRandom()
     ## PART 1
     # First, format the bitstream as per Ciphertext.py Note 001,
     # previous to encryption.
     #     [size (64 bits) | message (size bits) | padding (X bits) ]
     formated_bitstream = BitStream()
     # The first 64 encode the size of the actual data in bits
     size_in_bits = bitstream.get_length()
     if(size_in_bits >= 2**SIZE_BLOCK_LENGTH):
         raise ValueError("The size of the bitstream to encrypt is larger " \
                          "than 16 Exabits. The current format for  " \
                          "PloneVote ciphertext only allows encrypting a  " \
                          "maximum of 16 Exabits of information.")
     formated_bitstream.put_num(size_in_bits, SIZE_BLOCK_LENGTH)
     # We then copy the contents of the original bitstream
     # Finally, we append random data until we reach the desired pad_to 
     # length
     unpadded_length = formated_bitstream.get_length()
     if(pad_to != None and (pad_to * 8) > unpadded_length):
         full_length = pad_to * 8
         full_length = unpadded_length
     padding_left = full_length - unpadded_length
     while(padding_left > 1024):
         padding_bits = random.randint(1, 2**1024)
         padding_left -= 1024
     if(padding_left > 0):
         padding_bits = random.randint(1, 2**padding_left)
         formated_bitstream.put_num(padding_bits, padding_left)
         padding_left = 0
     ## PART 2
     # We encrypt the formated bitsteam using ElGamal into a Ciphertext 
     # object.
     # See "Handbook of Applied Cryptography" Algorithm 8.18
     # block_size is the size of each block of bits to encrypt
     # since we can only encrypt messages in [0, p - 1]
     # we should use (nbits - 1) as the block size, where 
     # 2**(nbits - 1) < p < 2**nbits
     block_size = self.cryptosystem.get_nbits() - 1
     prime = self.cryptosystem.get_prime()
     generator = self.cryptosystem.get_generator()
     # We pull data from the bitstream one block at a time and encrypt it
     ciphertext = \
         Ciphertext(self.cryptosystem.get_nbits(), self.get_fingerprint()) 
     plaintext_bits_left = formated_bitstream.get_length()
     # Check if we have a task monitor and register with it
     if(task_monitor != None):
         # We will do two tick()s per block to encrypt: one for generating 
         # the gamma component of the ciphertext block and another for the 
         # delta component (those are the two time intensive steps, 
         # because of exponentiation). 
         ticks = math.ceil((1.0 * plaintext_bits_left) / block_size) * 2
         encrypt_task_mon = \
             task_monitor.new_subtask("Encrypt data", expected_ticks = ticks)
     while(plaintext_bits_left > 0):
         # get next block (message, m, etc) to encrypt
         if(plaintext_bits_left >= block_size):
             block = formated_bitstream.get_num(block_size)
             plaintext_bits_left -= block_size
             block = formated_bitstream.get_num(plaintext_bits_left)
             # Encrypt as if the stream was filled with random data past its 
             # end, this avoids introducing a 0's gap during decryption to 
             # bitstream
             displacement = block_size - plaintext_bits_left
             block = block << displacement
             padding = random.randint(0, 2**displacement - 1)
             assert (padding / 2**displacement == 0), \
                         "padding should be at most displacement bits long"
             block = block | padding
             plaintext_bits_left = 0
         # Select a random integer k, 1 <= k <= p − 2
         k = random.randint(1, prime - 2)
         # Compute gamma and delta
         gamma = pow(generator, k, prime)
         if(task_monitor != None): encrypt_task_mon.tick()
         delta = (block * pow(self._key, k, prime)) % prime
         if(task_monitor != None): encrypt_task_mon.tick()
         # Add this encrypted data portion to the ciphertext object
         ciphertext.append(gamma, delta)
     # return the ciphertext object
     return ciphertext
Example #6
    def encrypt_bitstream(self, bitstream, pad_to=None, task_monitor=None):
        Encrypts the given bitstream into a ciphertext object.

            bitstream::BitStream-- A stream of bits to encrypt
                                   (see BitStream utility class).
            pad_to::int            -- Minimum size (in bytes) of the resulting
                                   ciphertext. Data will be padded before
                                   encryption to match this size.
            task_monitor::TaskMonitor    -- A task monitor for this task.

            ciphertext:Ciphertext    -- A ciphertext object encapsulating the
                                       encrypted data.
        random = StrongRandom()

        ## PART 1
        # First, format the bitstream as per Ciphertext.py Note 001,
        # previous to encryption.
        #     [size (64 bits) | message (size bits) | padding (X bits) ]
        formated_bitstream = BitStream()

        # The first 64 encode the size of the actual data in bits
        SIZE_BLOCK_LENGTH = 64
        size_in_bits = bitstream.get_length()

        if(size_in_bits >= 2**SIZE_BLOCK_LENGTH):
            raise ValueError("The size of the bitstream to encrypt is larger " \
                             "than 16 Exabits. The current format for  " \
                             "PloneVote ciphertext only allows encrypting a  " \
                             "maximum of 16 Exabits of information.")

        formated_bitstream.put_num(size_in_bits, SIZE_BLOCK_LENGTH)

        # We then copy the contents of the original bitstream

        # Finally, we append random data until we reach the desired pad_to
        # length
        unpadded_length = formated_bitstream.get_length()
        if(pad_to != None and (pad_to * 8) > unpadded_length):
            full_length = pad_to * 8
            full_length = unpadded_length

        padding_left = full_length - unpadded_length

        while(padding_left > 1024):
            padding_bits = random.randint(1, 2**1024)
            padding_left -= 1024

        if(padding_left > 0):
            padding_bits = random.randint(1, 2**padding_left)
            formated_bitstream.put_num(padding_bits, padding_left)
            padding_left = 0

        ## PART 2
        # We encrypt the formated bitsteam using ElGamal into a Ciphertext
        # object.
        # See "Handbook of Applied Cryptography" Algorithm 8.18

        # block_size is the size of each block of bits to encrypt
        # since we can only encrypt messages in [0, p - 1]
        # we should use (nbits - 1) as the block size, where
        # 2**(nbits - 1) < p < 2**nbits

        block_size = self.cryptosystem.get_nbits() - 1
        prime = self.cryptosystem.get_prime()
        generator = self.cryptosystem.get_generator()

        # We pull data from the bitstream one block at a time and encrypt it
        ciphertext = \
            Ciphertext(self.cryptosystem.get_nbits(), self.get_fingerprint())

        plaintext_bits_left = formated_bitstream.get_length()

        # Check if we have a task monitor and register with it
        if(task_monitor != None):
            # We will do two tick()s per block to encrypt: one for generating
            # the gamma component of the ciphertext block and another for the
            # delta component (those are the two time intensive steps,
            # because of exponentiation).
            ticks = math.ceil((1.0 * plaintext_bits_left) / block_size) * 2
            encrypt_task_mon = \
                task_monitor.new_subtask("Encrypt data", expected_ticks = ticks)

        while(plaintext_bits_left > 0):

            # get next block (message, m, etc) to encrypt
            if(plaintext_bits_left >= block_size):
                block = formated_bitstream.get_num(block_size)
                plaintext_bits_left -= block_size
                block = formated_bitstream.get_num(plaintext_bits_left)
                # Encrypt as if the stream was filled with random data past its
                # end, this avoids introducing a 0's gap during decryption to
                # bitstream
                displacement = block_size - plaintext_bits_left
                block = block << displacement
                padding = random.randint(0, 2**displacement - 1)
                assert (padding // 2**displacement == 0), \
                            "padding should be at most displacement bits long"
                block = block | padding
                plaintext_bits_left = 0

            # Select a random integer k, 1 <= k <= p − 2
            k = random.randint(1, prime - 2)

            # Compute gamma and delta
            gamma = pow(generator, k, prime)
            if(task_monitor != None): encrypt_task_mon.tick()

            delta = (block * pow(self._key, k, prime)) % prime
            if(task_monitor != None): encrypt_task_mon.tick()

            # Add this encrypted data portion to the ciphertext object
            ciphertext.append(gamma, delta)

        # return the ciphertext object
        return ciphertext