Example #1
def test_env_dict_initialized_with_replaced_env_dict():
    a = EnvDict({'a': {'b': 1}})
    a_mod = a._replace_flatten_keys({'env__a__b': 2})
    b = EnvDict(a_mod)

    # make sure the new object has the updated values
    assert b['a']['b'] == 2
Example #2
def _process_file_dir_or_glob(parser, dagspec_arg=None):
    Process a file entry point file, directory or glob-like pattern,
    the initialized dag and parsed args

    parser : CustomParser
        CLI arg parser
    # NOTE: we must use parser.parse_entry_point_value() instead or
    # args.parse_args because calling the latter wont allow us to add more
    # cli parameters, but we want that to expose parms from env
    entry_point_value = dagspec_arg or parser.parse_entry_point_value()
    entry = EntryPoint(entry_point_value)

    if entry.type in {EntryPoint.Directory, EntryPoint.Pattern}:
        # pipelines initialized from directories or patterns cannot be
        # parametrized
        path_to_env = None
    # file
        path_to_env = default.path_to_env_from_spec(entry_point_value)

    if path_to_env:
        env_dict = EnvDict(path_to_env,
                           if entry.type == EntryPoint.File else None)
        _add_cli_args_from_env_dict_keys(parser, env_dict)

    args = parser.parse_args()
    dagspec_arg = dagspec_arg or args.entry_point

    if hasattr(args, 'log'):
        if args.log is not None:

    entry_point = EntryPoint(dagspec_arg)

    # directory
    if entry_point.type == EntryPoint.Directory:
        dag = DAGSpec.from_directory(dagspec_arg).to_dag()
    # pattern
    elif entry_point.type == EntryPoint.Pattern:
        dag = DAGSpec.from_files(dagspec_arg).to_dag()
    # file
        if path_to_env:
            # and replace keys depending on passed cli args
            replaced = _env_keys_to_override(args, parser.static_args)
            env = env_dict._replace_flatten_keys(replaced)
            dag = DAGSpec(dagspec_arg, env=env).to_dag()
            dag = DAGSpec(dagspec_arg).to_dag()

    return dag, args
Example #3
def test_replace_nested_flatten_keys_env_dict():
    env = EnvDict({'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 1}})
    new_env = env._replace_flatten_keys({'env__a__b': 2, 'env__a__c': 2})
    assert (new_env.a.b == 2 and new_env.a.c == 2
            and env is not new_env)  # must return a copy