Example #1
    def GetHandPoints(self, cloud, normals=None, cloudTree=None):
        '''Determines which points are in the hand descriptor.'''

        # Step 1: Find points within a ball containing the hand.

        if cloudTree is None:
            X = cloud
            N = normals
            searchRadius = norm(array([self.imD, self.imW, self.imH]) / 2.0)
            indices = cloudTree.query_ball_point(self.center, searchRadius)
            X = cloud[indices, :]
            if normals is not None:
                N = normals[indices, :]

        # Step 2: Transform points into grasp frame.
        # Step 3: Filter out points that are not in the hand.

        hTb = inv(self.T)
        workspace = [(-self.imH / 2, self.imH / 2),
                     (-self.imW / 2, self.imW / 2),
                     (-self.imD / 2, self.imD / 2)]

        if normals is None:
            X = point_cloud.Transform(hTb, X)
            X = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(workspace, X)
            X, N = point_cloud.Transform(hTb, X, N)
            X, N = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(hTb, X, N)

        if normals is None:
            self.handPoints = X
            return X
        self.handNormals = N
        return X, N
    def IsRobotInCollision(self, descriptor):
        '''Checks collision between the robot and the world.
    - Input descriptor: HandDescriptor object for the current hand pose.
    - Returns: True if in collision and False otherwise.
    - Returns objCloudsInHandFrame: List of point clouds, one for each object, in the descriptor
      reference frame. Or, None if a collision is detected. (This is to avoid performing transforms
      of all object clouds twice.)

        # ODE misses several box-cylinder collisions. So we have to implement this ourselves.

        # check collision with table
        bX = point_cloud.Transform(descriptor.T, self.externalHandPoints)
        if (bX[:, 2] < self.GetTableHeight()).any():
            return True, None

        # some preparation
        hTb = inv(descriptor.T)
        self.robot.SetTransform(descriptor.T)  # for visualization only
        objects = self.objects + self.supportObjects
        objCloudsInHandFrame = []

        # check if any object points intersect hand collision geometry
        for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
            bTo = obj.GetTransform()
            hX = point_cloud.Transform(dot(hTb, bTo), obj.cloud)
            X = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(self.handFingerRegionL, hX)
            if X.size > 0: return True, None
            X = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(self.handFingerRegionR, hX)
            if X.size > 0: return True, None
            X = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(self.handTopRegion, hX)
            if X.size > 0: return True, None
            if i < len(self.objects): objCloudsInHandFrame.append(hX)

        return False, objCloudsInHandFrame
Example #3
    def IsAntipodalGrasp(self, descriptor, targetObject, maxAngleToFinger):
        '''Returns True if a grasp is near antipodal, based on the parameters.
    - Input descriptor: HandDescriptor object with pose of grasp.
    - Input targetObject: OpenRAVE object handle with cloud and normals entries.
    - Input maxAngleToFinger: Maximum angle between surfance normal and finger in degrees. Used
      10 degrees for blocks, 15 degrees for mugs, and 15 degrees for bottles.
    - Returns: True if antipodal grasp, False otherwise.

        # parameters
        contactWidth = 0.01
        maxAntipodalDist = 0.01
        maxAngleToFinger = cos(maxAngleToFinger * (pi / 180))

        # put cloud into hand reference frame
        bTo = targetObject.GetTransform()
        bTh = descriptor.T
        hTo = dot(inv(bTh), bTo)
        X, N = point_cloud.Transform(hTo, targetObject.cloud,
        X, N = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(
            [(-descriptor.height / 2, descriptor.height / 2),
             (-descriptor.width / 2, descriptor.width / 2),
             (-descriptor.depth / 2, descriptor.depth / 2)], X, N)
        if X.shape[0] == 0:
            #print("No points in hand.")
            return False

        # find contact points
        leftPoint = min(X[:, 1])
        rightPoint = max(X[:, 1])
        lX, lN = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(
            [(-1, 1), (leftPoint, leftPoint + contactWidth), (-1, 1)], X, N)
        rX, rN = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(
            [(-1, 1), (rightPoint - contactWidth, rightPoint), (-1, 1)], X, N)

        # find contact points normal to finger
        lX = lX[-lN[:, 1] >= maxAngleToFinger, :]
        rX = rX[rN[:, 1] >= maxAngleToFinger, :]
        if lX.shape[0] == 0 or rX.shape[0] == 0:
            #print("No contact points normal to finger.")
            return False

        # are the closest two contact points nearly antipodal?
        leftTree = cKDTree(lX[:, (0, 2)])
        d, idxs = leftTree.query(rX[:, (0, 2)])
        #if min(d) >= maxAntipodalDist:
        #  print("Contacts not antipodal.")
        return min(d) < maxAntipodalDist
Example #4
    def IsGrasp(self, descriptor):
        '''Checks if, when the hand is placed at the descriptor's pose and closed, a grasp takes place.
    - Input descriptor: HandDescriptor object of the target hand pose.
    - Returns graspedObject: The handle of the grasped object if a cylinder can be grasped from the
      target hand pose; otherwise None.

        # check collision
        if self.IsRobotInCollision(descriptor):
            return None

        # check intersection of exactly 1 object
        graspedObject = None
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.objects):
            bTo = obj.GetTransform()
            hTo = dot(inv(descriptor.T), bTo)
            X = point_cloud.Transform(hTo, obj.cloud)
            X = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(self.handClosingRegion, X)
            intersect = X.size > 0
            if intersect:
                if graspedObject is None:
                    graspedObject = obj
                    # intersection of multiple objects
                    return None

        if graspedObject is None:
            # intersection of no objects
            return None

        # check antipodal condition
        if self.IsAntipodalGrasp(descriptor, graspedObject,
            return graspedObject
        return None
Example #5
    def GetHandPoints(self, cloud):
        '''Determines which points are in the descriptor volume.
    - Input cloud: Point cloud in the base/world frame.
    - Returns X: Point cloud in the hand frame, including only points in the descriptor volume.

        workspace = [(-self.imW / 2, self.imW / 2),
                     (-self.imW / 2, self.imW / 2),
                     (-self.imD / 2, self.imD / 2)]

        X = point_cloud.Transform(inv(self.T), cloud)
        return point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(workspace, X)
Example #6
    def GetCloud(self, workspace=None):
        '''Agent gets point cloud from its sensor from the current position.'''


        data = self.sensor.GetSensorData(openravepy.Sensor.Type.Laser)
        cloud = data.ranges + data.positions[0]


        if workspace is not None:
            cloud = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(cloud, workspace)

        return cloud
Example #7
def main():
    '''Entrypoint to the program.'''

    # PARAMETERS =====================================================================================

    # system
    gpuId = 0
    nAgents = 6

    # objects
    nObjects = 10
    objectFolder = os.getcwd() + "/../../Data/RaveObjects/RectangularBlocks"
    graspColor = [0, 0, 1]
    placeColor = [1, 0, 0]

    # reaching
    nActionSamples = [500, 1000, 361, 181, 361, 303]
    stateImageWHD = [0.09, 0.09, 0.22]

    # view
    viewCenter = array([0, 0, 0])
    viewKeepout = 0.70
    viewWorkspace = [(-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0)]
    viewWorkspaceNoTable = [(-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (0.002, 1.0)]

    # learning
    nTrainingRounds = 200
    nScenes = 100
    nEpisodes = 20
    minEpsilon = 0.05
    unbiasOnRound = nTrainingRounds - 5
    maxExperiences = 50000
    trainingBatchSize = maxExperiences
    minTrainBatchSize = 1024

    # visualization/saving
    saveFileName = "results.mat"
    recordLoss = True
    loadNetwork = False
    loadDatabase = False
    showViewer = False
    showSteps = False
    plotImages = False

    # visualize policy
    visualizePolicy = True
    if visualizePolicy:
        nEpisodes = 1
        unbiasOnRound = 0
        loadNetwork = True
        loadDatabase = False
        showViewer = True
        showSteps = True
        plotImages = True

    # INITIALIZATION =================================================================================

    rlEnv = RlEnvironmentPlacing(showViewer)

    experiences = []
    rlAgentsGrasping = []
    for i in xrange(nAgents):
        rlAgent = eval("RlAgentLevel" + str(i) + \
          "(rlEnv, gpuId, False, nActionSamples[i], \"weights-grasp-blocks/\")")

    rlAgentsPlacing = []
    for i in xrange(nAgents):
        rlAgent = eval(
            "RlAgentLevel" + str(i) +
            "(rlEnv, gpuId, True, nActionSamples[i], \"weights-place-blocks/\")"

    rlAgents = rlAgentsGrasping + rlAgentsPlacing

    if loadNetwork:
        for rlAgent in rlAgents:
            rlAgent.caffeFirstTrain = False

    if loadDatabase:
        for i, rlAgent in enumerate(rlAgents):
            experiences[i] = rlAgent.LoadExperienceDatabase()

    # RUN TEST =======================================================================================

    avgReturn = []
    avgPlaceReward = []
    avgGraspReward = []
    epsilonGraspRound = []
    epsilonPlaceRound = []
    graspDatabaseSize = []
    placeDatabaseSize = []
    roundTime = []
    trainLoss = []
    testLoss = []

    for i in xrange(len(rlAgents)):

    for trainingRound in xrange(nTrainingRounds):

        # initialization
        iterationStartTime = time.time()
        Return = []
        placeReward = []
        graspReward = []

        # cool exploration and check if it's time to unbias data
        if trainingRound >= unbiasOnRound:
            epsilonGrasp = 0.0
            epsilonPlace = 0.0
            epsilonGrasp = max(
                1.0 - float(len(experiences[0])) / float(maxExperiences))
            epsilonPlace = max(
                1.0 - float(len(experiences[-1]) / float(maxExperiences)))


        for scene in xrange(nScenes):

            # place random object in random orientation on table
            objHandles = rlEnv.PlaceObjects(randint(2, nObjects + 1),
            if showSteps: raw_input("Placed objects.")

            # get a point cloud
            cloudScene, cloudTreeScene = rlAgentsPlacing[0].GetDualCloud(
                viewCenter, viewKeepout, viewWorkspace)
            if showSteps: raw_input("Acquired point cloud.")
            cloudSceneNoTable = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(
                viewWorkspaceNoTable, cloudScene)
            cloudTreeSceneNoTable = cKDTree(
                cloudSceneNoTable) if cloudSceneNoTable.shape[0] > 0 else None

            for episode in xrange(nEpisodes):

                states = []
                actions = []
                graspDesc = None
                placeDesc = None

                # grasp an object
                for rlAgent in rlAgentsGrasping:
                    s, a, graspDesc, v = rlAgent.SenseAndAct(
                        None, graspDesc, cloudTreeScene, epsilonGrasp)
                    if plotImages: rlAgent.PlotImages(s, a)

                # evaluate grasp
                rGrasp = rlEnv.TransitionTopGraspHalfConditions(
                    graspDesc, rlAgentsGrasping[-1], objHandles)
                if showSteps:
                    raw_input("Grasp received reward {}.".format(rGrasp))

                # if grasp was a success, try a place
                if rGrasp > 0.00:

                    rlEnv.GraspObjectAndCenter(rlAgentsPlacing[0], graspDesc,
                    if showSteps: raw_input("Removed object.")

                    # update hand contents
                    graspDesc.imW = stateImageWHD[0]
                    graspDesc.imH = stateImageWHD[1]
                    graspDesc.imD = stateImageWHD[2]

                    # get a point cloud
                    cloud, cloudTree = rlAgentsPlacing[0].GetDualCloud(
                        viewCenter, viewKeepout, viewWorkspace)
                    if showSteps: raw_input("Acquired point cloud.")

                    # act at each level in the hierarchy
                    for rlAgent in rlAgentsPlacing:
                        s, a, placeDesc, v = rlAgent.SenseAndAct(
                            graspDesc, placeDesc, cloudTree, epsilonPlace)
                        if plotImages: rlAgent.PlotImages(s, a)
                    if showSteps: raw_input("Decided place pose.")

                    # check place and finish
                    rPlace = rlEnv.TransitionPlaceOnObject(
                        placeDesc, rlAgentsPlacing[-1], objHandles, showSteps)
                    if showSteps:
                        raw_input("Place received reward {}.".format(rPlace))

                else:  # grasp was a failure
                    rPlace = 0.0

                # save experiences
                for i in xrange(nAgents):
                        (states[i], actions[i], rGrasp + rPlace))
                if len(states) > nAgents:
                    for i in xrange(nAgents, 2 * nAgents):
                        experiences[i].append((states[i], actions[i], rPlace))

                # cleanup this episode
                r = rGrasp + rPlace
                print("Episode {}.{}.{} had return {}".format(
                    trainingRound, scene, episode, r))

            # cleanup this scene

        # Train each agent.
        for i, rlAgent in enumerate(rlAgents):
            if len(experiences[i]) < minTrainBatchSize: continue
            experiences[i] = rlAgent.PruneDatabase(experiences[i],
            Dl = rlAgent.DownsampleData(experiences[i], trainingBatchSize)
            loss = rlAgent.Train(Dl, recordLoss=recordLoss)

        # Save results
        if len(placeReward) == 0: placeReward.append(0)
        roundTime.append(time.time() - iterationStartTime)

        saveData = {
            "gpuId": gpuId,
            "nAgents": nAgents,
            "nObjects": nObjects,
            "objectFolder": objectFolder,
            "viewCenter": viewCenter,
            "viewKeepout": viewKeepout,
            "viewWorkspace": viewWorkspace,
            "viewWorkspaceNoTable": viewWorkspaceNoTable,
            "nActionSamples": nActionSamples,
            "stateImageWHD": stateImageWHD,
            "nTrainingRounds": nTrainingRounds,
            "nScenes": nScenes,
            "nEpisodes": nEpisodes,
            "epsilonGraspRound": epsilonGraspRound,
            "epsilonPlaceRound": epsilonPlaceRound,
            "minEpsilon": minEpsilon,
            "unbiasOnRound": unbiasOnRound,
            "maxExperiences": maxExperiences,
            "trainingBatchSize": trainingBatchSize,
            "minTrainBatchSize": minTrainBatchSize,
            "avgReturn": avgReturn,
            "avgPlaceReward": avgPlaceReward,
            "avgGraspReward": avgGraspReward,
            "graspDatabaseSize": graspDatabaseSize,
            "placeDatabaseSize": placeDatabaseSize,
            "roundTime": roundTime,
            "trainLoss0": trainLoss[0],
            "testLoss0": testLoss[0],
            "trainLoss1": trainLoss[1],
            "testLoss1": testLoss[1],
            "trainLoss2": trainLoss[2],
            "testLoss2": testLoss[2],
            "trainLoss3": trainLoss[3],
            "testLoss3": testLoss[3],
            "trainLoss4": trainLoss[4],
            "testLoss4": testLoss[4],
            "trainLoss5": trainLoss[5],
            "testLoss5": testLoss[5],
            "trainLoss6": trainLoss[6],
            "testLoss6": testLoss[6],
            "trainLoss7": trainLoss[7],
            "testLoss7": testLoss[7],
            "trainLoss8": trainLoss[8],
            "testLoss8": testLoss[8],
            "trainLoss9": trainLoss[9],
            "testLoss9": testLoss[9],
            "trainLoss10": trainLoss[10],
            "testLoss10": testLoss[10],
            "trainLoss11": trainLoss[11],
            "testLoss11": testLoss[11]
        savemat(saveFileName, saveData)

        # Backup experience database
        if (trainingRound == nTrainingRounds - 1) or (trainingRound % 10 == 9):
            for i, rlAgent in enumerate(rlAgents):
    def IsPegGrasp(self, descriptor):
        '''Checks if, when the hand is placed at the descriptor's pose and closed, a grasp takes place.
       A grasp must be (1) collision-free (2) contain exactly 1 peg's geometry, (3) contain the
       cylinder's axis, and (4) not contact the side and cap of the cylinder.
    - Input descriptor: HandDescriptor object of the target hand pose.
    - Returns graspedObject: The handle of the grasped object if a cylinder can be grasped from the
      target hand pose; otherwise None.
    - Returns isCapGrasp: True if this is a good grasp and each finger contacts the bottom/top of
      the peg.

        # check collision
        collision, objCloudsInHandFrame = self.IsRobotInCollision(descriptor)
        if collision: return None, False

        # check intersection of exactly 1 object
        graspedObject = None
        pointsInHand = None
        for i, obj in enumerate(self.objects):
            X = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(self.handClosingRegion,
            intersect = X.size > 0
            if intersect:
                if graspedObject is None:
                    graspedObject = obj
                    pointsInHand = X
                    # intersection of multiple objects
                    return None, False

        if graspedObject is None:
            # intersection of no objects
            return None, False

        # A cylinder can only be upright or on the side. We handle these two cases separately.
        bTo = graspedObject.GetTransform()

        if self.IsPegUpright(graspedObject):
            # Top-center of cylinder in the hand is necessary and sufficient.
            bp = copy(bTo[0:3, 3])
            bp[2] += graspedObject.height / 2.0
            hp = point_cloud.Transform(inv(descriptor.T), array([bp]))
            hP = point_cloud.FilterWorkspace(self.handClosingRegion, hp)
            if hP.size == 0:
                return None, False
            return graspedObject, False

        # Cylinder is on its side.

        # check if finger tips are below cylinder axis
        cylinderZ = bTo[2, 3]
        fingerZ = descriptor.center[2] - descriptor.depth / 2.0
        if fingerZ > cylinderZ:
            return None, False

        # make sure cylinder caps are not in hand
        contactIdxs = array(
            [argmax(pointsInHand[:, 1]),
             argmin(pointsInHand[:, 1])])
        contacts = pointsInHand[contactIdxs, :]
        oX = point_cloud.Transform(dot(inv(bTo), descriptor.T), pointsInHand)
        capIdxs = sum(
            power(oX[:, 0:2], 2),
            1) < (graspedObject.radius - self.pointToRealRadiusError)**2
        capIdxs = capIdxs.flatten()
        nContactsOnCap = sum(capIdxs[contactIdxs])
        if nContactsOnCap == 1 or sum(power(contacts[0, 0:2] - contacts[1, 0:2], 2)) < \
          (min(2 * graspedObject.radius, graspedObject.height) - 2 * self.pointToRealRadiusError)**2:
            # 1 finger contacts cap, other finger contacts side
            return None, False

        # side grasp is good
        return graspedObject, nContactsOnCap == 2