Example #1
# Array used to store the ID, name, and EVs of each pokemon.
pokemonData = []

for row in rows:
    # This will store all of the scraped data into a Pokemon object.
    # See ./Pokemon.py for class definition.
    pokemon = Pokemon()
    rowData = row.find_all("td")

    # Ensures that the rowData is actually a Pokemon row.
    if (len(rowData) > 0):
        # Assign stats to object.
        pokemon.value = rowData[POKEMON_ID_INDEX].b.string
        pokemon.hitPoints = int(rowData[HP_INDEX].string)
        pokemon.attack = int(rowData[ATTACK_INDEX].string)
        pokemon.defense = int(rowData[DEFENSE_INDEX].string)
        pokemon.specialAttack = int(rowData[SPECIAL_ATTACK_INDEX].string)
        pokemon.specialDefense = int(rowData[SPECIAL_DEFENSE_INDEX].string)
        pokemon.speed = int(rowData[SPEED_INDEX].string)

        # Some pokemon have an additional name (such as Mega Charizard). This checks
        # for that as it is a seperate HTML element.
        if (rowData[POKEMON_NAME_INDEX].small != None):
            pokemon.name = f"{rowData[POKEMON_NAME_INDEX].a.string} {rowData[POKEMON_NAME_INDEX].small.string}"
            pokemon.name = rowData[POKEMON_NAME_INDEX].a.string


# TODO: Look into why this is happening. For some reason the first pokemon in
Example #2
    Move('comet-punch', 'normal', 18, 85, 2),
    Move('pay-day', 'normal', 40, 100, 2)
p2 = Pokemon('pidgeot', 'normal', 'flying', m_L, 83, 80, 75, 70, 70)
m_L2 = [
    Move('slam', 'normal', 80, 75, 2),
    Move('thunder-punch', 'electric', 75, 100, 2),
    Move('thunderbolt', 'electric', 90, 100, 3),
    Move('thunder', 'electric', 110, 70, 3)
p1 = Pokemon('pikachu', 'electric', '', m_L2, 35, 55, 40, 50, 50)
print("Attack #1")
print("{} hp before:{}".format(p2.get_name(), p2.get_hp()))
p1.attack(Move('thunderbolt', 'electric', 90, 100, 3), p2)
print("{} hp after:{}".format(p2.get_name(), p2.get_hp()))
assert p2.get_hp() == 0
print('-' * 20)
m_L3 = [
    Move('bubble', 'water', 40, 100, 3),
    Move('rock-throw', 'rock', 50, 90, 2),
    Move('bone-club', 'ground', 65, 85, 2),
    Move('dig', 'ground', 80, 100, 2)
m_L4 = [
    Move('wrap', 'normal', 15, 90, 2),
    Move('horn-attack', 'normal', 65, 100, 2),
    Move('self-destruct', 'normal', 200, 100, 2),
    Move('egg-bomb', 'normal', 100, 75, 2)
Example #3
from pokemon import Pokemon
from dummy import Dummy

bulb = Pokemon('Bulbasaur', 'Grass', 10, 10, 3, 2)
doug = Dummy('Doug', 69)

