Example #1
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

This signal is called regardless of whether your plugin is active for all pages of the system.

global_html_footer = Signal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code before the end of the HTML ``<body>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

This signal is called regardless of whether your plugin is active for all pages of the system.

html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

html_page_header = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code right in the beginning of the HTML ``<body>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.
Example #2
This signal is called regardless of whether your plugin is active for all pages of the system.

global_html_footer = Signal()
Arguments: ``request``

This signal allows you to put code before the end of the HTML ``<body>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

This signal is called regardless of whether your plugin is active for all pages of the system.

html_head = EventPluginSignal()
Arguments: ``request``

This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

html_page_header = EventPluginSignal()
Arguments: ``request``

This signal allows you to put code right in the beginning of the HTML ``<body>`` tag
Example #3
from pretix.base.signals import EventPluginSignal

html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

footer_link = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
The signal ``pretix.presale.signals.footer_links`` allows you to add links to the footer of an event page. You
are expected to return a dictionary containing the keys ``label`` and ``url``.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

checkout_flow_steps = EventPluginSignal()
This signal is sent out to retrieve pages for the checkout flow

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

voucher_redeem_info = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["voucher"])
This signal is sent out to display additional information on the "redeem a voucher" page

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.
Example #4
from django.dispatch import Signal

from pretix.base.signals import DeprecatedSignal, EventPluginSignal

html_page_start = Signal(providing_args=[])
This signal allows you to put code in the beginning of the main page for every
page in the backend. You are expected to return HTML.

The ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the request.

html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the backend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

nav_event = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to add additional views to the admin panel
navigation. You will get the request as a keyword argument ``request``.
Receivers are expected to return a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries
should contain at least the keys ``label`` and ``url``. You can also return
a fontawesome icon name with the key ``icon``, it will  be respected depending
on the type of navigation. You should also return an ``active`` key with a boolean
set to ``True``, when this item should be marked as active. The ``request`` object
will have an attribute ``event``.
Example #5
from django.dispatch import Signal

from pretix.base.signals import EventPluginSignal

restriction_formset = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["item"])
This signal is sent out to build configuration forms for all restriction formsets
(see plugin API documentation for details).

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the backend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

nav_event = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to add additional views to the admin panel
navigation. You will get the request as a keyword argument ``request``.
Receivers are expected to return a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries
should contain at least the keys ``label`` and ``url``. You can also return
a fontawesome icon name with the key ``icon``, it will  be respected depending
on the type of navigation. You should also return an ``active`` key with a boolean
set to ``True``, when this item should be marked as active. The ``request`` object
will have an attribute ``event``.
Example #6
    a_map = {
                    'event': sender.slug,
                    'organizer': sender.organizer.slug,
                    'layout': logentry.content_object.id
    a_map['val'] = '<a href="{href}">{val}</a>'.format_map(a_map)
    return a_text.format_map(a_map)

override_layout = EventPluginSignal()
Arguments: ``layout``, ``orderposition``

This signal allows you to forcefully override the ticket layout that is being used to create the ticket PDF. Use with
care, as this will render any specifically by the organizer selected templates useless.

The ``layout`` keyword argument will contain the layout which has been originally selected by the system, the
``orderposition`` keyword argument will contain the ``OrderPosition`` which is being generated.

If you implement this signal and do not want to override the layout, make sure to return the ``layout`` keyword argument
which you have been passed.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword will contain the event.
Example #7
    a_text = _('Ticket layout {val}')
    a_map = {
                    'event': sender.slug,
                    'organizer': sender.organizer.slug,
                    'layout': logentry.content_object.id
    a_map['val'] = '<a href="{href}">{val}</a>'.format_map(a_map)
    return a_text.format_map(a_map)

override_layout = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["layout", "orderposition"])
This signal allows you to forcefully override the ticket layout that is being used to create the ticket PDF. Use with
care, as this will render any specifically by the organizer selected templates useless.

The ``layout`` keyword argument will contain the layout which has been originally selected by the system, the
``orderposition`` keyword argument will contain the ``OrderPosition`` which is being generated.

If you implement this signal and do not want to override the layout, make sure to return the ``layout`` keyword argument
which you have been passed.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword will contain the event.
Example #8
from pretix.base.signals import EventPluginSignal

html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

html_footer = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal allows you to put code before the end of the HTML ``<body>`` tag
of every page in the frontend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

footer_link = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
The signal ``pretix.presale.signals.footer_links`` allows you to add links to the footer of an event page. You
are expected to return a dictionary containing the keys ``label`` and ``url``.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

checkout_confirm_messages = EventPluginSignal()
This signal is sent out to retrieve short messages that need to be acknowledged by the user before the
Example #9
from pretix.base.signals import EventPluginSignal
This signal is sent out to build configuration forms for all restriction formsets
(see plugin API documentation for details).
restriction_formset = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["item"])
This signal is sent out to include code into the HTML <head> tag
html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal is sent out to include navigation items in the event admin
nav_event = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
Example #10
    return AllTicketsPDF

@receiver(html_head, dispatch_uid="ticketoutputpdf_html_head")
def html_head_presale(sender, request=None, **kwargs):
    url = resolve(request.path_info)
    if url.namespace == 'plugins:ticketoutputpdf' and getattr(
            request, 'organizer', None):
        template = get_template(
        return template.render({'request': request})
        return ""

layout_text_variables = EventPluginSignal()
This signal is sent out to collect variables that can be used to display text in PDF ticket layouts.
Receivers are expected to return a dictionary with globally unique identifiers as keys and more
dictionaries as values that contain keys like in the following example::

    return {
        "product": {
            "label": _("Product name"),
            "editor_sample": _("Sample product"),
            "evaluate": lambda orderposition, order, event: str(orderposition.item)

The evaluate member will be called with the order position, order and event as arguments. The event might
also be a subevent, if applicable.
Example #11
# distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

from django.dispatch import Signal

from pretix.base.signals import DeprecatedSignal, EventPluginSignal

html_page_start = Signal()
This signal allows you to put code in the beginning of the main page for every
page in the backend. You are expected to return HTML.

The ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the request.

html_head = EventPluginSignal()
Arguments: ``request``

This signal allows you to put code inside the HTML ``<head>`` tag
of every page in the backend. You will get the request as the keyword argument
``request`` and are expected to return plain HTML.

As with all plugin signals, the ``sender`` keyword argument will contain the event.

nav_event = EventPluginSignal()
Arguments: ``request``

This signal allows you to add additional views to the admin panel
Example #12
from pretix.base.signals import EventPluginSignal

This signal is sent out to include code into the HTML <head> tag
html_head = EventPluginSignal(

This signal is sent out to retrieve pages for the checkout flow
checkout_flow_steps = EventPluginSignal()
Example #13
from django.dispatch import Signal

from pretix.base.signals import EventPluginSignal
This signal is sent out to build configuration forms for all restriction formsets
(see plugin API documentation for details).
restriction_formset = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["item"])
This signal is sent out to include code into the HTML <head> tag
html_head = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal is sent out to include navigation items in the event admin
nav_event = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=["request"])
This signal is sent out to include widgets to the event dashboard. Receivers
should return a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary can have the keys:
* content (str, containing HTML)
* minimal width (int, widget width in 1/12ths of the page, default ist 3, can be
  ignored on small displays)
* priority (int, used for ordering, higher comes first, default is 1)
* link (str, optional, if the full widget should be a link)
event_dashboard_widgets = EventPluginSignal(providing_args=[])
This signal is sent out to include widgets to the personal user dashboard. Receivers
should return a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary can have the keys:
* content (str, containing HTML)
* minimal width (int, widget width in 1/12ths of the page, default ist 3, can be