Example #1
    def test_historical_parsed(self):
        # Sources directly

        # BTC from Alphavantage Digital
        result = historical('BTC', function='DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY')
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.DataFrame,
                              'BTC DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY')
        self.assertFalse(result.empty, 'BTC DIGITAL_CURRENCY_DAILY')

        # BTC converted to BRL
        result = historical_prices('BTC', fx='EUR')
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.DataFrame, 'BTC BRL')
        self.assertFalse(result.empty, 'BTC BRL')

        # EUR from Alphavantage FX
        result = historical('EUR', function='FX_DAILY')
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.DataFrame, 'EUR FX_DAILY')
        self.assertFalse(result.empty, 'EUR FX_DAILY')

        # AAPL from Alphavantage TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED
        result = historical('AAPL', function='TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED')
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.DataFrame,
                              'AAPL TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED')
        self.assertFalse(result.empty, 'AAPL TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED')

        # BTC from Cryptocompare
        result = cc_historical('BTC')
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.DataFrame, 'BTC CC')
        self.assertFalse(result.empty, 'BTC CC')

        # GBTC from fmp
        result = td_historical('GBTC')
        # if FP API calls reached limit it will raise an error
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pd.DataFrame, 'GBTC 12D')
        self.assertFalse(result.empty, 'GBTC 12d')

        # Test Auto grabber using engine.py historical_prices
        ticker_list = ['BTC', 'GBTC', 'IBM']
        for ticker in ticker_list:
            results = historical_prices(ticker)
            self.assertIsInstance(results, pd.DataFrame,
                                  f'{ticker} - Auto historical')
            self.assertFalse(results.empty, f'{ticker} - Auto historical')
Example #2
def portfolio_compare_json():
    if request.method == "GET":
        tickers = request.args.get("tickers").upper()
        tickers = tickers.split(",")
        start_date = request.args.get("start")
        method = request.args.get("method")

        # Check if start and end dates exist, if not assign values
            start_date = datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
            logging.info(f"[portfolio_compare_json] Error: {e}, " +
                         "setting start_date to zero")
            start_date = datetime.strptime('2011-01-01', "%Y-%m-%d")

        end_date = request.args.get("end")

            end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
        except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
            logging.info(f"[portfolio_compare_json] Error: {e}, " +
                         "setting end_date to now")
            end_date = datetime.now()
    data = {}

    logging.info("[portfolio_compare_json] NAV requested in list of " +
                 "tickers, requesting generatenav.")
    nav = generatenav()
    nav_only = nav["NAV_fx"]

    # Now go over tickers and merge into nav_only df
    messages = {}
    meta_data = {}
    fx = current_app.settings['PORTFOLIO']['base_fx']
    if fx is None:
        fx = 'USD'
    for ticker in tickers:
        if ticker == "NAV":
            # Ticker was NAV, skipped
        # Generate price Table now for the ticker and trim to match portfolio
        data = historical_prices(ticker, fx=fx)
        data.index = data.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')
        # If notification is an error, skip this ticker
        if data is None:
            messages = data.errors
            return jsonify(messages)
        data = data.rename(columns={'close_converted': ticker + '_price'})
        data = data[ticker + '_price']
        nav_only = pd.merge(nav_only, data, on="date", how="left")
        nav_only[ticker + "_price"].fillna(method="bfill", inplace=True)
        messages[ticker] = "ok"
        logging.info(f"[portfolio_compare_json] {ticker}: Success - Merged OK")

    nav_only.fillna(method="ffill", inplace=True)
    # Trim this list only to start_date to end_date:
    mask = (nav_only.index >= start_date) & (nav_only.index <= end_date)
    nav_only = nav_only.loc[mask]

    # Now create the list of normalized Returns for the available period
    # Plus create a table with individual analysis for each ticker and NAV
    nav_only["NAV_norm"] = (nav_only["NAV_fx"] / nav_only["NAV_fx"][0]) * 100
    nav_only["NAV_ret"] = nav_only["NAV_norm"].pct_change()

    table = {}
    table["meta"] = {}
    table["meta"]["start_date"] = nav_only.index[0].strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
    table["meta"]["end_date"] = nav_only.index[-1].strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
    table["meta"]["number_of_days"] = ((nav_only.index[-1] -
    table["meta"]["count_of_points"] = nav_only["NAV_fx"].count().astype(float)
    table["NAV"] = {}
    table["NAV"]["start"] = nav_only["NAV_fx"][0]
    table["NAV"]["end"] = nav_only["NAV_fx"][-1]
    table["NAV"]["return"] = (nav_only["NAV_fx"][-1] /
                              nav_only["NAV_fx"][0]) - 1
    table["NAV"]["avg_return"] = nav_only["NAV_ret"].mean()
    table["NAV"]["ann_std_dev"] = nav_only["NAV_ret"].std() * math.sqrt(365)
    for ticker in tickers:
        if messages[ticker] == "ok":
            # Include new columns for return and normalized data
            nav_only[ticker + "_norm"] = (nav_only[ticker + "_price"] /
                                          nav_only[ticker + "_price"][0]) * 100
            nav_only[ticker + "_ret"] = nav_only[ticker + "_norm"].pct_change()
            # Create Metadata
            table[ticker] = {}
            table[ticker]["start"] = nav_only[ticker + "_price"][0]
            table[ticker]["end"] = nav_only[ticker + "_price"][-1]
            table[ticker]["return"] = (nav_only[ticker + "_price"][-1] /
                                       nav_only[ticker + "_price"][0]) - 1
            table[ticker]["comp2nav"] = table[ticker]["return"] - \
            table[ticker]["avg_return"] = nav_only[ticker + "_ret"].mean()
            table[ticker]["ann_std_dev"] = nav_only[
                ticker + "_ret"].std() * math.sqrt(365)

    logging.info("[portfolio_compare_json] Success")

    # Create Correlation Matrix
    filter_col = [col for col in nav_only if col.endswith("_ret")]
    nav_matrix = nav_only[filter_col]
    corr_matrix = nav_matrix.corr(method="pearson").round(2)
    corr_html = corr_matrix.to_html(classes="table small text-center",

    # Now, let's return the data in the correct format as requested
    if method == "chart":
        return_data = {
            "data": nav_only.to_json(),
            "messages": messages,
            "meta_data": meta_data,
            "table": table,
            "corr_html": corr_html,
        return jsonify(return_data)

    return nav_only.to_json()
Example #3
def heatmapbenchmark_json():

    # Get portfolio data first
    heatmap_gen, heatmap_stats, years, cols = heatmap_generator()

    # Now get the ticker information and run comparison
    if request.method == "GET":
        ticker = request.args.get("ticker")
        # Defaults to king BTC
        if not ticker:
            ticker = "BTC"

    # Gather the first trade date in portfolio and store
    # used to match the matrixes later
    # Panda dataframe with transactions
    df = transactions_fx()
    # Filter the df acccoring to filter passed as arguments
    df["trade_date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["trade_date"])
    start_date = df["trade_date"].min()
    start_date -= timedelta(days=1)  # start on t-1 of first trade

    # Generate price Table now for the ticker and trim to match portfolio
    fx = current_app.settings['PORTFOLIO']['base_fx']
    data = historical_prices(ticker, fx)
    mask = data.index >= start_date
    data = data.loc[mask]

    # If notification is an error, skip this ticker
    if data is None:
        messages = data.errors
        return jsonify(messages)

    data = data.rename(columns={'close_converted': ticker + '_price'})
    data = data[[ticker + '_price']]
    data.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True)
    data["pchange"] = (data / data.shift(1)) - 1
    # Run the mrh function to generate heapmap table
    heatmap = mrh.get(data["pchange"], eoy=True)
    heatmap_stats = heatmap
    cols = [
    cols_months = [
    years = heatmap.index.tolist()
    # Create summary stats for the Ticker
    heatmap_stats["MAX"] = heatmap_stats[heatmap_stats[cols_months] != 0].max(
    heatmap_stats["MIN"] = heatmap_stats[heatmap_stats[cols_months] != 0].min(
    heatmap_stats["POSITIVES"] = heatmap_stats[
        heatmap_stats[cols_months] > 0].count(axis=1)
    heatmap_stats["NEGATIVES"] = heatmap_stats[
        heatmap_stats[cols_months] < 0].count(axis=1)
    heatmap_stats["POS_MEAN"] = heatmap_stats[
        heatmap_stats[cols_months] > 0].mean(axis=1)
    heatmap_stats["NEG_MEAN"] = heatmap_stats[
        heatmap_stats[cols_months] < 0].mean(axis=1)
    heatmap_stats["MEAN"] = heatmap_stats[
        heatmap_stats[cols_months] != 0].mean(axis=1)

    # Create the difference between the 2 df - Pandas is cool!
    heatmap_difference = heatmap_gen - heatmap

    # return (heatmap, heatmap_stats, years, cols, ticker, heatmap_diff)
    return simplejson.dumps(
            "heatmap": heatmap.to_dict(),
            "heatmap_stats": heatmap_stats.to_dict(),
            "cols": cols,
            "years": years,
            "ticker": ticker,
            "heatmap_diff": heatmap_difference.to_dict(),
Example #4
def price_and_position():
    # Gets price and position data for a specific ticker
    ticker = request.args.get("ticker")
    fx = request.args.get("fx")
    if fx is None:
        fx = fx_rate()['base']

    # Gets Price and market data first
    realtime_data = realtime_price(ticker=ticker, fx=fx)
    historical_data = historical_prices(ticker=ticker, fx=fx)
    historical_data.index = historical_data.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')

    filemeta = (ticker + "_" + fx + ".meta")
    historical_meta = pickle_it(action='load', filename=filemeta)

    price_chart = historical_data[["close_converted", "close"]].copy()
    # dates need to be in Epoch time for Highcharts
    price_chart.index = price_chart.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')
    price_chart.index = (price_chart.index -
                         datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
    price_chart.index = price_chart.index * 1000
    price_chart.index = price_chart.index.astype(np.int64)
    price_chart = price_chart.to_dict()
    price_chart_usd = price_chart["close"]
    price_chart = price_chart["close_converted"]

    # Now gets position data
    df = positions()
    if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        if not df.empty:
            df = df[df['trade_asset_ticker'] == ticker]

    df_trades = transactions_fx()
    position_chart = None
    if isinstance(df_trades, pd.DataFrame):
        df_trades = df_trades[df_trades['trade_asset_ticker'] == ticker]
        if not df_trades.empty:
            df_trades = df_trades.sort_index(ascending=True)
            df_trades['trade_quantity_cum'] = df_trades[
            position_chart = df_trades[["trade_quantity_cum"]].copy()
            # dates need to be in Epoch time for Highcharts
            position_chart.index = position_chart.index.astype(
            position_chart.index = (position_chart.index -
                                    datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds()
            position_chart.index = position_chart.index * 1000
            position_chart.index = position_chart.index.astype(np.int64)
            position_chart = position_chart.to_dict()
            position_chart = position_chart["trade_quantity_cum"]

    if ticker == 'GBTC':
        from pricing_engine.engine import GBTC_premium
        from parseNumbers import parseNumber
        GBTC_price = parseNumber(realtime_data['price'])
        GBTC_fairvalue, GBTC_premium = GBTC_premium(GBTC_price)
        GBTC_premium = GBTC_fairvalue = None

    return render_template("warden/price_and_position.html",
                           title="Ticker Price and Positions",
Example #5
def simulate_portfolio(
        assets=['BTC'],  # List of asset tickers
        weights=[1],  # List of weights, 1 = 100%
        rebalance='never',  # never, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually
        save=False,  # saves the variables above under a name
        name=None,  # string of name to save
        initial_investment=1000,  # in fx values
        start_date=datetime(2000, 1, 1),

    # Create an empty df
    merged_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['date'])
    # Fill the dates from first trade until today
    merged_df['date'] = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date)
    merged_df = merged_df.set_index('date')
    merged_df.index = merged_df.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')

    # Create empty columns for later
    merged_df['fiat_value'] = 0
    merged_df['rebalance_date'] = False

    for ticker in assets:
        prices = historical_prices(ticker, fx=fx)
        prices.index = prices.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')
        if prices.empty:
            merged_df[id + '_price'] = 0
                f"Prices for ticker {id} could not be downloaded." +
                " {id} was not included in analysis.", "warning")
            save = False

        start_date_ticker = prices.index.min()
        if start_date_ticker > start_date:
                    f"Requested start date was {start_date.strftime('%b-%d-%y')} "
                    + f"but the ticker {id} only has pricing data from " +
                    f"{start_date_ticker.strftime('%b-%d-%y')}. Adjusted start date.",
            except Exception:
            start_date = start_date_ticker

        prices = prices.rename(columns={'close_converted': ticker + '_price'})
        prices[ticker + '_price'] = prices[ticker + '_price'].astype(float)
        prices = prices[ticker + '_price']

        # Check if prices is a Series. If so, convert to dataframe
        if isinstance(prices, pd.Series):
            prices = prices.to_frame()

        merged_df = pd.merge(merged_df, prices, on='date', how='left')
        # Replace NaN with prev value, if no prev value then zero
        merged_df[ticker + '_price'].fillna(method='backfill', inplace=True)
        merged_df[ticker + '_price'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
        merged_df[ticker +
                  '_return'] = merged_df[ticker +

    # Trim the dataframe so it starts at the new start date
    # start date is adjusted to the first date when both datas are
    # available -- see code above
    mask = (merged_df.index >= start_date)
    merged_df = merged_df.loc[mask]

    # With the dataframe trimmed, calculate cum returns
    for ticker in assets:
        # Calculate cum_returns
        merged_df[ticker +
                  '_cum_return'] = (1 +
                                    merged_df[ticker + '_return']).cumprod()

        # Calculate the unrebalanced positions
        merged_df[ticker +
                  '_fiat_pos_unbalanced'] = (weights[assets.index(ticker)] *
                                             initial_investment *
                                             merged_df[ticker + '_cum_return'])
        merged_df[ticker + '_fiat_pos_balanced'] = np.nan

    # Portfolio Value unrebalanced
    merged_df['port_fiat_pos_unbalanced'] = (merged_df[[
        col for col in merged_df.columns
        if col.endswith('_fiat_pos_unbalanced')

    for ticker in assets:
        merged_df[ticker +
                  '_weight'] = (merged_df[ticker + '_fiat_pos_unbalanced'] /

    # Create a list of rebalancing dates
    rebalance_days = [('never', None), ('daily', timedelta(days=1)),
                      ('weekly', timedelta(days=7)),
                      ('monthly', relativedelta(months=+1)),
                      ('quarterly', relativedelta(months=+3)),
                      ('annualy', relativedelta(months=+12))]

    rebalancing_delta = dict(rebalance_days)[rebalance]

    # Fill the df with these checks for rebalancing dates
    loop_date = start_date
    if rebalancing_delta is not None:
        while loop_date < end_date:
            merged_df.at[loop_date, 'rebalance_date'] = True
            loop_date += rebalancing_delta

    previous_date = start_date
    # Rebalance the portfolio on rebalancing dates
    for loop_date in merged_df.index.tolist():
        if loop_date == start_date:
            for ticker in assets:
                merged_df.at[loop_date, ticker +
                             '_costbasis'] = (weights[assets.index(ticker)] *
        if not merged_df.at[loop_date, 'rebalance_date']:
            # Repeat the cost basis from before, nothing changed
            for ticker in assets:
                merged_df.at[loop_date, ticker +
                             '_costbasis'] = (merged_df.at[previous_date,
                                                           ticker +
                merged_df.at[loop_date, ticker + '_fiat_pos_balanced'] = (
                    merged_df.at[previous_date, ticker + '_fiat_pos_balanced']
                    * (1 + merged_df.at[loop_date, ticker + '_return']))

        # REBALANCE DATE, make changes

        previous_date = loop_date

Example #6
def generatenav(user=None, force=False, filter=None):
    if not user:
        user = current_user.username
    RENEW_NAV = 10
    FX = current_app.settings['PORTFOLIO']['base_fx']
    # Portfolios smaller than this size do not account for NAV calculations
    # Otherwise, there's an impact of dust left in the portfolio (in USD)
    # This is set in config.ini file
    min_size_for_calc = int(PORTFOLIO_MIN_SIZE_NAV)
    save_nav = True
    # This process can take some time and it's intensive to run NAV
    # generation every time the NAV is needed. A compromise is to save
    # the last NAV generation locally and only refresh after a period of time.
    # This period of time is setup in config.ini as RENEW_NAV (in minutes).
    # If last file is newer than 60 minutes (default), the local saved file
    # will be used.
    # Unless force is true, then a rebuild is done regardless
    # Local files are  saved under a hash of username.
    filename = "warden/" + user + FX + ".nav"
    filename = os.path.join(home_path(), filename)
    if force:
        # Since this function can be run as a thread, it's safer to delete
        # the current NAV file if it exists. This avoids other tasks reading
        # the local file which is outdated
        except Exception:

    if not force:
            # Check if NAV saved file is recent enough to be used
            # Local file has to have a saved time less than RENEW_NAV min old
            modified = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(filename))
            elapsed_seconds = (datetime.utcnow() - modified).total_seconds()

            if (elapsed_seconds / 60) < int(RENEW_NAV):
                nav_pickle = pd.read_pickle(filename)
                return (nav_pickle)

        except Exception:

    # Pandas dataframe with transactions
    df = transactions_fx()
    # Make sure it is a dataframe
    if isinstance(df, pd.Series):
        df = df.to_frame()
    # if a filter argument was passed, execute it
    if filter:
        df = df.query(filter)
    start_date = df.index.min() - timedelta(
        days=1)  # start on t-1 of first trade
    end_date = datetime.today()

    # Create a list of all tickers that were traded in this portfolio
    tickers = list_tickers()
    if 'BTC' not in tickers:

    fx = current_app.settings['PORTFOLIO']['base_fx']
    if fx is None:
        fx = 'USD'

    # Create an empty DF, fill with dates and fill with operation and prices then NAV
    dailynav = pd.DataFrame(columns=['date'])
    # Fill the dates from first trade until today
    dailynav['date'] = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date)
    dailynav = dailynav.set_index('date')
    dailynav.index = dailynav.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')
    # Create empty fields
    dailynav['PORT_usd_pos'] = 0
    dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] = 0
    dailynav['PORT_cash_value'] = 0
    dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] = 0

    # Create a dataframe for each position's prices
    for id in tickers:
        if is_currency(id):
            if id != 'BTC':
            # Create a new PriceData class for this ticker
            prices = historical_prices(id, fx=fx)
            prices.index = prices.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')

            if prices.empty:
                dailynav[id + '_price'] = 0
                flash(f"Prices for ticker {id} could not be downloaded",
                save_nav = False
                raise ValueError(f"Ticker {id} had download issues")

            start_date_ticker = prices.index.min()
            if start_date_ticker > start_date:
                    f"NAV table starts on {start_date.strftime('%b-%d-%y')} but the ticker {id} only has pricing data from {start_date_ticker.strftime('%b-%d-%y')}. This may lead to wrong calculations on past performance.",

            prices = prices.rename(columns={'close_converted': id + '_price'})
            prices = prices[id + '_price']
            # Fill dailyNAV with prices for each ticker

            # First check if prices is a Series. If so, convert to dataframe
            if isinstance(prices, pd.Series):
                prices = prices.to_frame()

            dailynav = pd.merge(dailynav, prices, on='date', how='left')
            # Replace NaN with prev value, if no prev value then zero
            dailynav[id + '_price'].fillna(method='backfill', inplace=True)
            dailynav[id + '_price'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
            # Now let's find trades for this ticker and include in dailynav
            tradedf = df[[
                'trade_asset_ticker', 'trade_quantity', 'cash_value_fx'
            # Filter trades only for this ticker
            tradedf = tradedf[tradedf['trade_asset_ticker'] == id]
            # consolidate all trades in a single date Input
            tradedf = tradedf.groupby(level=0).sum()
            tradedf.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True)
            # include column to cumsum quant
            tradedf['cum_quant'] = tradedf['trade_quantity'].cumsum()
            # merge with dailynav - 1st rename columns to match
            tradedf.index.rename('date', inplace=True)
            # rename columns to include ticker name so it's differentiated
            # when merged with other ids
                'trade_quantity': id + '_quant',
                'cum_quant': id + '_pos',
                'cash_value_fx': id + '_cash_value_fx'
            # merge
            tradedf.index = tradedf.index.astype('datetime64[ns]')
            dailynav = pd.merge(dailynav, tradedf, on='date', how='left')
            # for empty days just trade quantity = 0, same for CV
            dailynav[id + '_quant'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
            dailynav[id + '_cash_value_fx'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
            # Now, for positions, fill with previous values, NOT zero,
            # unless there's no previous
            dailynav[id + '_pos'].fillna(method='ffill', inplace=True)
            dailynav[id + '_pos'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
            # Calculate USD and fx position and % of portfolio at date
            # Calculate USD position and % of portfolio at date
            dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'] = dailynav[id + '_price'].astype(
                float) * dailynav[id + '_pos'].astype(float)
            # Before calculating NAV, clean the df for small
            # dust positions. Otherwise, a portfolio close to zero but with
            # 10 sats for example, would still have NAV changes
            dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'].round(2)

        except Exception as e:
            flash(f"An error has ocurred {str(e)}", "danger")
    # Another loop to sum the portfolio values - maybe there is a way to
    # include this on the loop above. But this is not a huge time drag unless
    # there are too many tickers in a portfolio
    for id in tickers:
        if is_currency(id):
        # Include totals in new columns
            dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] = dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] +\
                dailynav[id + '_fx_pos']
        except KeyError as e:
            save_nav = False
                "Ticker " + id + " was not found on NAV table. " +
                "NAV calculations will be off. Error: " + str(e), "danger")
        dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] = dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'] +\
            dailynav[id + '_cash_value_fx']

    # Now that we have the full portfolio value each day, calculate alloc %
    for id in tickers:
        if is_currency(id):
            dailynav[id + "_fx_perc"] = dailynav[id + '_fx_pos'] /\
            dailynav[id + "_fx_perc"].fillna(0, inplace=True)
        except KeyError:

    # Drop duplicates
    dailynav = dailynav[~dailynav.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
    # Create a new column with the portfolio change only due to market move
    # discounting all cash flows for that day
    dailynav['adj_portfolio_fx'] = dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] -\

    # For the period return let's use the Modified Dietz Rate of return method
    # more info here: https://tinyurl.com/y474gy36
    # There is one caveat here. If end value is zero (i.e. portfolio fully
    # redeemed, the formula needs to be adjusted)
    dailynav.loc[dailynav.PORT_fx_pos > min_size_for_calc,
                 'port_dietz_ret_fx'] = ((dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] -
                                          dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'].shift(1)) -
                                         dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx']) /\
        (dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'].shift(1) +

    # Fill empty and NaN with zero
    dailynav['port_dietz_ret_fx'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    dailynav['adj_port_chg_fx'] = (
        (dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] - dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'].shift(1)) -

    # let's fill NaN with zeros
    dailynav['adj_port_chg_fx'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    # Calculate the metrics
    dailynav['port_perc_factor_fx'] = (dailynav['port_dietz_ret_fx']) + 1
    dailynav['NAV_fx'] = dailynav['port_perc_factor_fx'].cumprod()
    dailynav['NAV_fx'] = dailynav['NAV_fx'] * 100
    dailynav['PORT_ac_CFs_fx'] = dailynav['PORT_cash_value_fx'].cumsum()

    dailynav['PORT_VALUE_BTC'] = dailynav['PORT_fx_pos'] / \

    # Save NAV Locally as Pickle
    if save_nav:
        filename = "warden/" + user + FX + ".nav"
        filename = os.path.join(home_path(), filename)
        # makesure file path exists
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != 17:

    return dailynav
Example #7
    def find_data(ticker):
        notes = None
        last_up_source = None
        source = None
            # Parse the cryptocompare data
            price = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][fx]["PRICE"]
            # GBTC should not be requested from multi_price as there is a
            # coin with same ticker
            if ticker in ['GBTC', 'MSTR', 'TSLA', 'SQ']:
                raise KeyError
            price = float(price)
            high = float(multi_price["RAW"][ticker][fx]["HIGHDAY"])
            low = float(multi_price["RAW"][ticker][fx]["LOWDAY"])
            chg = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][fx]["CHANGEPCT24HOUR"]
            mktcap = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][fx]["MKTCAP"]
            volume = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][fx]["VOLUME24HOURTO"]
            last_up_source = multi_price["RAW"][ticker][fx]["LASTUPDATE"]
            source = multi_price["DISPLAY"][ticker][fx]["LASTMARKET"]
            last_update = datetime.now()
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            # Couldn't find price with CryptoCompare. Let's try a different source
            # and populate data in the same format [aa = alphavantage]
                single_price = realtime_price(ticker)
                if single_price is None:
                    raise KeyError
                price = clean_float(single_price['price'])
                last_up_source = last_update = single_price['time']

                    chg = parseNumber(single_price['chg'])
                except Exception:
                    chg = 0

                    source = last_up_source = single_price['source']
                except Exception:
                    source = last_up_source = '-'

                    high = single_price['high']
                    low = single_price['low']
                    mktcap = volume = '-'
                except Exception:
                    mktcap = high = low = volume = '-'

            except Exception:
                    # Finally, if realtime price is unavailable, find the latest
                    # saved value in historical prices
                    # Create a price class
                    price_class = historical_prices(ticker, fx)
                    if price_class is None:
                        raise KeyError
                    price = clean_float(
                    high = '-'
                    low = '-'
                    volume = '-'
                    mktcap = chg = 0
                    source = last_up_source = 'Historical Data'
                    last_update = price_class.df.index[0]
                except Exception as e:
                    price = high = low = chg = mktcap = last_up_source = last_update = volume = 0
                    source = '-'
                        f"There was an error getting the price for {ticker}." +
                        f"Error: {e}")

        if ticker.upper() == 'BTC':
            nonlocal btc_price
            btc_price = price

        # check if 24hr change is indeed 24h or data is old, if so 24hr change = 0
            checker = last_update
            if not isinstance(checker, datetime):
                checker = parser.parse(last_update)
            if checker < (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)):
                chg = 0
        except Exception:

        return price, last_update, high, low, chg, mktcap, last_up_source, volume, source, notes