Example #1
class AStar():

    - world: 2D array of Nodes

    - size: (width, height) tuple of world
    - open: Nodes queue to evaluate (heap-based priority queue)

    def __init__(self, world):
        self.world = world
        self.size = (len(world), len(world[0]))
#        self.open = SortedList()
        self.open = PriorityQueue()
        self.openValue = 1
        self.closedValue = 2

    def initSearch(self, start, goal, obstacles):
        ''' first, check we can achieve the goal'''
        if goal.type in obstacles:
            return False

        ''' clear open list and setup new open/close value state to avoid the clearing of a closed list'''
        self.openValue += 2
        self.closedValue += 2
        ''' then init search variables'''
        self.start = start
        self.goal = goal
        self.obstacles = obstacles
        self.start.cost = 0
        self.goal.parent = None
        return True

    def search(self):
        while not self.openIsEmpty():
            current = self.popFromOpen()
            if current == self.goal:

            ''' generator passes : look at the 8 neighbours around the current node from open'''
            for (di, dj) in [(-1,-1), (-1,0), (-1,1), (0,-1), (0,1), (1,-1), (1,0), (1,1)]:
                neighbour = self.getNode(current.i + di, current.j + dj)
                if (not neighbour) or (neighbour.type in self.obstacles):

                '''the cost to get to this node is the current cost plus the movement
                cost to reach this node. Note that the heuristic value is only used
                in the open list'''
                nextStepCost = current.cost + self.getNeighbourCost(current, neighbour)
                '''if the new cost we've determined for this node is lower than 
                it has been previously makes sure the node has not been
                determined that there might have been a better path to get to
                this node, so it needs to be re-evaluated'''
                if nextStepCost < neighbour.cost and (self.inOpenList(neighbour) or self.inClosedList(neighbour)):
                '''if the node hasn't already been processed and discarded then
                step (i.e. to the open list)'''
                if (not self.inOpenList(neighbour)) and (not self.inClosedList(neighbour)):
                    neighbour.cost = nextStepCost
                    neighbour.heuristic = self.getHeuristicCost(neighbour, self.goal)
                    neighbour.parent = current

            ''' exit with None = path not yet found'''
            yield None

        '''since we've run out of search 
        there was no path. Just return'''
        if self.goal.parent is None:
        '''At this point we've definitely found a path so we can uses the parent
        references of the nodes to find out way from the target location back
        to the start recording the nodes on the way.'''
        path = []
        goal = self.goal
        while goal is not self.start:
            path.insert(0, (goal.i, goal.j))
            goal = goal.parent
        ''' done, exit with path'''
        yield path

    def getNode(self, i, j):
        if i >=0 and i < self.size[0] and j >= 0 and j < self.size[1]:
            return self.world[i][j]
            return None

    def getNeighbourCost(self, n1, n2):
        return (abs(n2.i - n1.i) + abs(n2.j - n1.j))
    def getHeuristicCost(self, n1, n2):
        return (abs(n2.i - n1.i) + abs(n2.j - n1.j))
    def invalidateState(self, node):
        node.state = 0

    def popFromOpen(self):
#        return self.open.first()
        return self.open.pop()

    def addToOpen(self, node):
#        self.open.add(node)
        node.state = self.openValue
    def inOpenList(self, node):
        return node.state is self.openValue
    def removeFromOpen(self, node):
#        self.open.remove(node)
        node.state = 0

    def openIsEmpty(self):
#        return not self.open.size()
        return self.open.isEmpty()
    def addToClosed(self, node):
        node.state = self.closedValue
    def inClosedList(self, node):
        return node.state is self.closedValue
Example #2
class AStar():

    - world: 2D array of Nodes

    - size: (width, height) tuple of world
    - open: Nodes queue to evaluate (heap-based priority queue)

    def __init__(self, world):
        self.world = world
        self.size = (len(world), len(world[0]))
        #        self.open = SortedList()
        self.open = PriorityQueue()
        self.openValue = 1
        self.closedValue = 2

    def initSearch(self, start, goal, obstacles):
        ''' first, check we can achieve the goal'''
        if goal.type in obstacles:
            return False
        ''' clear open list and setup new open/close value state to avoid the clearing of a closed list'''
        self.openValue += 2
        self.closedValue += 2
        ''' then init search variables'''
        self.start = start
        self.goal = goal
        self.obstacles = obstacles
        self.start.cost = 0
        self.goal.parent = None
        return True

    def search(self):
        while not self.openIsEmpty():
            current = self.popFromOpen()
            if current == self.goal:
            ''' generator passes : look at the 8 neighbours around the current node from open'''
            for (di, dj) in [(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1),
                             (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
                neighbour = self.getNode(current.i + di, current.j + dj)
                if (not neighbour) or (neighbour.type in self.obstacles):
                '''the cost to get to this node is the current cost plus the movement
                cost to reach this node. Note that the heuristic value is only used
                in the open list'''
                nextStepCost = current.cost + self.getNeighbourCost(
                    current, neighbour)
                '''if the new cost we've determined for this node is lower than 
                it has been previously makes sure the node has not been
                determined that there might have been a better path to get to
                this node, so it needs to be re-evaluated'''

                if nextStepCost < neighbour.cost and (
                        or self.inClosedList(neighbour)):
                '''if the node hasn't already been processed and discarded then
                step (i.e. to the open list)'''
                if (not self.inOpenList(neighbour)) and (
                        not self.inClosedList(neighbour)):
                    neighbour.cost = nextStepCost
                    neighbour.heuristic = self.getHeuristicCost(
                        neighbour, self.goal)
                    neighbour.parent = current
            ''' exit with None = path not yet found'''
            yield None
        '''since we've run out of search 
        there was no path. Just return'''
        if self.goal.parent is None:
        '''At this point we've definitely found a path so we can uses the parent
        references of the nodes to find out way from the target location back
        to the start recording the nodes on the way.'''
        path = []
        goal = self.goal
        while goal is not self.start:
            path.insert(0, (goal.i, goal.j))
            goal = goal.parent
        ''' done, exit with path'''
        yield path

    def getNode(self, i, j):
        if i >= 0 and i < self.size[0] and j >= 0 and j < self.size[1]:
            return self.world[i][j]
            return None

    def getNeighbourCost(self, n1, n2):
        return (abs(n2.i - n1.i) + abs(n2.j - n1.j))

    def getHeuristicCost(self, n1, n2):
        return (abs(n2.i - n1.i) + abs(n2.j - n1.j))

    def invalidateState(self, node):
        node.state = 0

    def popFromOpen(self):
        #        return self.open.first()
        return self.open.pop()

    def addToOpen(self, node):
        #        self.open.add(node)
        node.state = self.openValue

    def inOpenList(self, node):
        return node.state is self.openValue

    def removeFromOpen(self, node):
        #        self.open.remove(node)
        node.state = 0

    def openIsEmpty(self):
        #        return not self.open.size()
        return self.open.isEmpty()

    def addToClosed(self, node):
        node.state = self.closedValue

    def inClosedList(self, node):
        return node.state is self.closedValue