Example #1
def save_txt(fname='nda.txt', arr=None, cmts=(), fmt='%.1f', verbos=False, addmetad=True) :
    """Save n-dimensional numpy array to text file with metadata.
       - fname - file name for text file,
       - arr - numpy array,
       - cmts -list of comments which will be saved in the file header.
    #recs = ['# %03d %s' % (i,cmt) for i, cmt in enumerate(cmts)]
    recs = ['# %s' % cmt for cmt in cmts]
    recs.append('\n# HOST        %s' % gu.get_hostname())
    recs.append('# WORK_DIR    %s' % gu.get_cwd())
    recs.append('# FILE_NAME   %s' % fname)
    recs.append('# DATE_TIME   %s' % gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
    recs.append('# UID         %s' % gu.get_login())
    recs.append('# SHAPE       %s' % str(arr.shape).replace(' ',''))
    recs.append('# DATATYPE    %s' % str(arr.dtype))

    if addmetad :
        recs.append('\n# DTYPE       %s' % str(arr.dtype))
        recs.append('# NDIM        %s' % len(arr.shape))

        for i in range(len(arr.shape)) :
            recs.append('# DIM:%d       %s'   % (i, arr.shape[i]))

    arr2d = nu.reshape_nda_to_2d(arr)

    # pretty formatting
    recs.append('' if len(arr.shape)>1 else '\n')
    nline = '\n' if len(arr.shape)>1 else ' '

    hdr = '\n'.join(recs)

    np.savetxt(fname, arr, fmt, delimiter=' ', newline=nline, header=hdr, comments='') #, footer='\n') #, comments='# ')
    if verbos : print('File %s is saved' % fname)
Example #2
    def set_metadata_values(self):
        """Sets metadata values associated with self.data_nda
        logger.debug('in set_metadata_values')
        model = self.model
        nda = self.data_nda
        colk, colv = 0, 1
        for row in range(model.rowCount()):
            key = model.item(row, colk).text()
            if key == 'data_size': model.item(row, colv).setText(str(nda.size))
            elif key == 'data_dtype':
                model.item(row, colv).setText(str(nda.dtype))
            elif key == 'data_ndim':
                model.item(row, colv).setText(str(nda.ndim))
            elif key == 'data_shape':
                model.item(row, colv).setText(str(nda.shape))
            elif key == 'host':
                model.item(row, colv).setText(gu.get_hostname())
            elif key == 'uid':
                model.item(row, colv).setText(gu.get_login())
            elif key == 'cwd':
                model.item(row, colv).setText(gu.get_cwd())

        logger.info('Model document content:\n  %s\n%s' %
                     info_ndarr(self.data_nda, 'data n-d array ')))
Example #3
def msg_to_log(runs=[]):
    """Returns (str) message to the log file for list of (str) runs.
    if len(runs) == 0: return None
    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time())
    login = gu.get_login()
    cwd = gu.get_cwd()
    host = gu.get_hostname()
    cmd = sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1]
    recs = [
        '%s %s %s %s cwd:%s cmd:%s' % (s, tstamp, login, host, cwd, cmd)
        for s in runs
    text = '\n'.join(recs)
    return text + '\n'
Example #4
def _history_record(dcmts):
    """Returns history record made of dictionary comments and system info
    user = gu.get_login()
    host = gu.get_hostname()
    tstamp = gu.str_tstamp(fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S  zone:%Z')
    rnum = '%04d' % dcmts.get('run')
    exp = '%s' % dcmts.get('exp')
    ifname = '%s' % dcmts.get('ifname')
    ofname = '%s' % dcmts.get('fname')
    app = '%s' % dcmts.get('app')
    cmt = '%s' % dcmts.get('comment')

    return 'file:%s  copy_of:%s  exp:%s  run:%s  app:%s  user:%s  host:%s  cptime:%s  comment:%s\n' % \
Example #5
def docdic(data, dataid, **kwargs):
    """Returns dictionary for db document in style of JSON object.
    doc = {
        'experiment': kwargs.get('experiment', None),
        'run': kwargs.get('run', '0'),
        'run_end': kwargs.get('run_end', 'end'),
        'detector': kwargs.get('detector', None),
        'ctype': kwargs.get('ctype', None),
        'time_sec': kwargs.get('time_sec', None),
        'time_stamp': kwargs.get('time_stamp', None),
        'version': kwargs.get('version', 'v00'),
        'comment': kwargs.get('comment', ''),
        'extpars': kwargs.get('extpars', None),
        'uid': gu.get_login(),
        'host': gu.get_hostname(),
        'cwd': gu.get_cwd(),
        'id_data': dataid,

    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        doc['data_type'] = 'ndarray'
        doc['data_dtype'] = str(data.dtype)
        doc['data_size'] = '%d' % data.size
        doc['data_ndim'] = '%d' % data.ndim
        doc['data_shape'] = str(data.shape)

    elif isinstance(data, str):
        doc['data_type'] = 'str'
        doc['data_size'] = '%d' % len(data)

        doc['data_type'] = 'any'

    logger.debug('doc data type: %s' % doc['data_type'])

    return doc