Example #1
def move_recs_to_archive(procname, exp, runs):
    """Move expired run records from log file to archive file.
    fname_log = log_file(exp, procname)
    fname_arc = arc_file(exp, procname)
    print('Move records for old runs to archive file: %s\n' % fname_arc)
    recs = gu.load_textfile(fname_log).split('\n')

    recs_log = [rec for rec in recs if not (rec[:4] in runs)]
    recs_arc = [rec for rec in recs if rec[:4] in runs]

    text_log = '\n'.join(recs_log)
    text_log += '\n'
    #if len(runs)==1 : text_log+='\n'

    text_arc = '\n'.join(recs_arc)
    text_arc += '\n'
    #if len(runs)==1 : text_arc+='\n'

    #print('  ==> log\n%s' % text_log)
    #print('  ==> arc\n%s' % text_arc)

    gu.save_textfile(text_log, fname_log, mode='w')
    os.chmod(fname_log, 0o664)

    gu.save_textfile(text_arc, fname_arc, mode='a')
    os.chmod(fname_log, 0o664)
Example #2
def add_calib_file_to_cdb(exp, dircalib, calibvers, detname, cftype, fname,
                          cfdir, listdicts, **kwargs):
    d = history_dict_for_file(listdicts, fname)

    resp = parse_calib_file_name(fname)
    begin, end, ext = resp if resp is not None else (None, None, None)
    if begin is not None: begin = int(begin)

    if None in (begin, end, ext): return

    fpath = '%s/%s' % (cfdir, fname)

    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)

    data = gu.load_textfile(fpath, verbose) if cftype in ('geometry','code_geometry') else\
           load_xtcav_calib_file(fpath) if is_xtcav(calibvers, cftype) else\
           load_txt(fpath) # using NDArrIO

    if isinstance(data, dict):
        #data = json.dumps(data) # (data,ensure_ascii=True) json.dumps converts dict -> str # .replace("'", '"') for json
        data = str(data)

    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
        check_data_shape(data, detname, cftype)

    begin_time, end_time = run_begin_end_time(exp, int(begin))

    if verbose:
        ndu.print_ndarr(data, 'scan calib: data')
        msg = 'scan calib: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (
            exp, cfdir, fname, begin, end, ext, calibvers, detname, cftype)
        logger.info('begin_time: %s end_time: %s' % (begin_time, end_time))

    if data is None:
        msg = 'data is None, conversion is dropped for for file: %s' % fpath

    kwargs['run'] = begin
    kwargs['run_end'] = end
    kwargs['detector'] = detname
    kwargs['ctype'] = cftype
    kwargs['time_sec'] = begin_time
    kwargs['end_time'] = end_time
    kwargs['time_stamp'] = dbu._timestamp(begin_time)
    kwargs['extpars'] = d if d is not None else {
    }  # just in case save entire history dict
    #kwargs['comment']    = 'HISTORY: %s' % d.get('comment', '')

    dbu.insert_calib_data(data, **kwargs)
Example #3
def experiments_under_control(procname='pixel_status'):
    """Returns list of (str) experiment names from control file.
    fname = control_file(procname)
    if not os.path.lexists(fname):
        #raise IOError('Control file "%s" does not exist' % fname)
        print('WARNING: control file "%s" does not exist' % fname)
        return []
    recs = gu.load_textfile(fname).split('\n')
    return [rec for rec in recs
            if (rec and (rec[0] != '#'))]  # skip empty and commented records
Example #4
def recs_in_log_file(exp='xpptut15', procname='pixel_status', verb=0):
    """Returns list of (str) records in the log file for specified experiment and process name.
       E.g. of one record: '0151 2017-10-05T15:19:21'
    fname_log = log_file(exp, procname)
    if verb: print('Log file: %s' % fname_log)
    if not os.path.lexists(fname_log):
        if verb: print('Log file "%s" does not exist' % fname_log)
        return []
    recs = gu.load_textfile(fname_log).split('\n')
    return recs  # list of records, each record is '0059 <time-stamp>'
Example #5
 def change_value(self, item, key, path):
     logger.debug('change_value for key: %s' % (key))
     if key == self.data_fname:
         self.data_nda = self.load_nda_from_file(path)
         logger.info(info_ndarr(self.data_nda, 'From file %s loaded array' % path))
         txt = gu.load_textfile(path)
         logger.info('From file %s fill field: %s' % (path,txt))
Example #6
    def add(self):
        """Adds calibration constants to database from file.
        kwargs = self.kwargs
        fname = kwargs.get('iofname', 'None')
        ctype = kwargs.get('ctype', 'None')
        assert os.path.exists(fname), 'File "%s" DOES NOT EXIST' % fname

        ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1]

        data = gu.load_textfile(fname, verb=False) if ctype == 'geometry' else\
               np.load(fname) if ext == '.npy' else\

        dbu.insert_calib_data(data, **kwargs)
Example #7
    def add(self):
        """Adds calibration constants to database from file.
        kwargs = self.kwargs
        fname = kwargs.get('iofname', 'None')
        ctype = kwargs.get('ctype', 'None')
        dtype = kwargs.get('dtype', 'None')
        verb = self.loglevel == 'DEBUG'
        assert os.path.exists(fname), 'File "%s" DOES NOT EXIST' % fname

        ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1]
        data = gu.load_textfile(fname, verb=verb) if ctype == 'geometry' or dtype in ('str', 'txt', 'text') else\
               load_xtcav_calib_file(fname)       if dtype == 'xtcav' else\
               np.load(fname)                     if ext == '.npy' else\
               gu.load_json(fname)                if ext == '.json' or dtype == 'json' else\
               gu.load_pickle(fname)              if ext == '.pkl' or dtype in ('pkl', 'pickle') else\
               load_txt(fname) # input NDArrIO

        dbu.insert_calib_data(data, **kwargs)
Example #8
def add_calib_file_to_cdb(exp, dircalib, calibvers, detname, cftype, fname, cfdir, listdicts, **kwargs) :
    d = history_dict_for_file(listdicts, fname)

    resp = parse_calib_file_name(fname)
    begin, end, ext = resp if resp is not None else (None, None, None)

    if None in (begin, end, ext) : return

    fpath = '%s/%s' % (cfdir, fname)

    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)

    data = gu.load_textfile(fpath, verbose) if cftype in ('geometry','code_geometry') else\
           load_xtcav_calib_file(fpath) if is_xtcav(calibvers, cftype) else\
           load_txt(fpath) # using NDArrIO

    begin_time, end_time = run_begin_end_time(exp, int(begin))

    if verbose :
        ndu.print_ndarr(data, 'scan calib: data')
        msg = 'scan calib: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (exp, cfdir, fname, begin, end, ext, calibvers, detname, cftype)
        logger.info('begin_time: %s end_time: %s' % (begin_time, end_time))

    if data is None :
        msg = 'data is None, conversion is dropped for for file: %s' % fpath

    kwargs['run']        = begin
    kwargs['run_end']    = end
    kwargs['detector']   = detname
    kwargs['ctype']      = cftype
    kwargs['time_sec']   = begin_time
    kwargs['end_time']   = end_time
    kwargs['time_stamp'] = dbu._timestamp(begin_time)
    kwargs['extpars']    = d # just in case save entire history dict
    #kwargs['comment']    = 'HISTORY: %s' % d.get('comment', '')

    dbu.insert_calib_data(data, **kwargs)
Example #9
def text_data(fname):
    logger.info('DLDUtils.text_data from file')  #: %s' % fname)
    data = gu.load_textfile(fname, verb=True)
    return data
Example #10
def history_records(history, verb=True):
    """Returns list of (str) records from history file.
    if not os.path.exists(history): return None
    return gu.load_textfile(history, verb).split('\n')