Example #1
from pvaccess import PvObject, STRING, DOUBLE, NtTable

import pvaccess

pvObject = PvObject({'labels' : [STRING], 'value' : {'column0' : [DOUBLE], 'column1' : [DOUBLE], 'column2' : [DOUBLE]}})

pvObject.setScalarArray('labels', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
pvObject.setStructure('value', {'column0' : [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 'column1' : [1.1, 1.2, 1.3], 'column2' : [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]})
table3 = NtTable(pvObject)

print table3

rpc = pvaccess.RpcClient('table')
request = table3


Example #2
from pvaccess import PvObject, STRING, DOUBLE, NtTable

import pvaccess

pvObject = PvObject({
    'labels': [STRING],
    'value': {
        'column0': [DOUBLE],
        'column1': [DOUBLE],
        'column2': [DOUBLE]

pvObject.setScalarArray('labels', ['x', 'y', 'z'])
    'value', {
        'column0': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
        'column1': [1.1, 1.2, 1.3],
        'column2': [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]
table3 = NtTable(pvObject)

print table3

rpc = pvaccess.RpcClient('table')
request = table3

Example #3
#nt_table: complies with NTTable Normative Type
#note: Unless the PvObject's 'values' field is created with an ordered dict, the ordering will be lost.
ntTablePV = PvObject(
        'labels': [STRING],
        OrderedDict([('id_field', [INT]), ('name_field', [STRING]),
                     ('description_field', [STRING])])
    }, 'epics:nt/NTTable:1.0')
ntTablePV['labels'] = ['ID', 'Name', 'Description']
#every field under "value" must have the same length (number of elements)
    'id_field': [1, 2, 3, 4],
    'name_field': ["Einstein", "Bohr", "Schroedinger", "Watson & Crick"],
    'description_field': [
        "It's All Relative", "Fun Things to Do with Atoms",
        "Fun Things to Do with Cats", "D.N.A."

#table: a table-like pv that contains a "value" which is a structure
#tablePV is not an NTTable because "dingus" is a structure, not a scalar type
#Only the "value" field is displayed; the meta-data field is ignored
dingus_types = OrderedDict([('Name', [STRING]), ('Quality', [DOUBLE])])
value_types = OrderedDict([('OK', [BOOLEAN]), ('Dingus', dingus_types)])
tablePV = PvObject({'meta_data': STRING, 'value': value_types})

tablePV['meta_data'] = 'Some example meta-data stuff'
dingus = {'Name': ["Thing1", "Thing2", "Thing3"], 'Quality': [90, 50, 75]}
value = {'OK': [True, False, True], 'Dingus': dingus}
tablePV.setStructure('value', value)