def test_StitchTopologyOnly(self):
        # Generate a fresh topology
        topologyLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateNew('topologyLayer.usd')
        UsdUtils.StitchClipsTopology(topologyLayer, self.layerFileNames[:7])

        # Aggregate into an existing topology
        newClipPath = Sdf.Path('/World/fx/points')
        UsdUtils.StitchClipsTopology(topologyLayer, self.layerFileNames[8:10])
Example #2
    if results.stride:
        results.stride = float(results.stride)

    if results.templateMetadata:

        def _checkMissingTemplateArg(argName, argValue):
            if not argValue:
                raise Tf.ErrorException('Error: %s must be specified '
                                        'when --templateMetadata is' % argName)

        _checkMissingTemplateArg('templatePath', results.templatePath)
        _checkMissingTemplateArg('endTimeCode', results.endTimeCode)
        _checkMissingTemplateArg('startTimeCode', results.startTimeCode)
        _checkMissingTemplateArg('stride', results.stride)

        UsdUtils.StitchClipsTopology(topologyLayer, results.usdFiles)
        UsdUtils.StitchClipsTemplate(outLayer, topologyLayer, results.clipPath,
                                     results.endTimeCode, results.stride)
        UsdUtils.StitchClips(outLayer, results.usdFiles, results.clipPath,
                             results.startTimeCode, results.endTimeCode)

    if not results.noComment:
        outLayer.comment = 'Generated with ' + ' '.join(sys.argv)

except Tf.ErrorException as e:
    # if something in the authoring fails, remove the output file
    if outLayerGenerated and os.path.isfile(results.out):
Example #3
def coalesceFiles(outFile, srcFilePat, frameRange, stride):"coalesceFiles " + srcFilePat + ", frame range = " +
                 str(min(frameRange)) + " - " + str(max(frameRange)))

    perFrameFiles = glob(srcFilePat)
    templatePath = srcFilePat.replace('%', '#').replace('*', '#')
    templatePath = './' + os.path.basename(templatePath)

    # create a list of tuples with frame number / file pairs
    fileList = [(extractNum(f), f) for f in perFrameFiles]
    # throw away any files that are outside of the frame range
    ff = min(frameRange)
    lf = max(frameRange)
    fileList = [f for f in fileList if f[0] >= ff and f[0] <= lf]

    if not fileList:"No files found to coalesce.")

    startFrame = fileList[0][0]
    endFrame = fileList[-1][0]

    sortedFiles = [e[1] for e in fileList]

    # try opening all files
    openedFiles = [Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(fname) for fname in sortedFiles]
    # grab the index of all, if any, files which failed to open
    unopened = [
        i for i, unopened in enumerate(openedFiles) if unopened == None
    # grab the filenames of the failed files for error messaging
    erroredFiles = ' '.join([sortedFiles[i] for i in unopened])
    # if we failed to open any files, error out
    assert len(unopened) == 0, 'unable to open file(s) %s' % erroredFiles

    # Open the layer that corresponds to outFile, if
    # it exists. Otherwise, create a new layer for it.
    if Sdf.Layer.Find(outFile):
        outLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(outFile)
        outLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateNew(outFile)

    # Find out where the extension begins in the outFile string. Note that this
    # search for '.usd' will also find usda (or even usdb and usdc) extensions.
    extension = outFile.rfind('.usd')
    assert extension != -1, 'unable to find extension on file %s' % outFile

    # generate an aggregate topology from the input files
    topologyLayerName = outFile.replace(outFile[extension:], '.topology.usda')

    # Open the layer that corresponds to topologyLayerName layer, if
    # it exists. Otherwise, create a new layer for it.
    if Sdf.Layer.Find(topologyLayerName):
        topologyLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(topologyLayerName)
        topologyLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateNew(topologyLayerName)

    UsdUtils.StitchClipsTopology(topologyLayer, sortedFiles)

    if len(topologyLayer.rootPrims) == 0:
        print("No geometry found when coalescing USD files.")

    # Find the names of all the prim with authored attributes in the
    primsWithAttributes = set()
    for p in topologyLayer.rootPrims:
        walkPrim(p, primsWithAttributes)

    modelPath = None
    if len(primsWithAttributes) > 0:
        modelPath = getCommonPrefix(list(primsWithAttributes))
    elif len(topologyLayer.rootPrims) > 0:
        modelPath = str(topologyLayer.rootPrims[0].path)
        return"Highest populated prim = " + modelPath)

    clipPath = Sdf.Path(modelPath)
    clipPrim = topologyLayer.GetPrimAtPath(clipPath)
    if not clipPrim:
        raise Exception("Can't find prim to create clip for")"model clip root = " + str(clipPath))

    # If the thing we are coalescing is a root prim, if can be the default prim.
    p = str(clipPath)
    if p[0] == '/' and p[1:].find('/') < 0:
        outLayer.defaultPrim = p

    # Stitch the output usda as an fx template
    UsdUtils.StitchClipsTemplate(outLayer, topologyLayer, clipPath,
                                 templatePath, startFrame, endFrame, stride)