Example #1
	def npin(self):
		calculates the cardinality of each edge of the passed HyGraph 

		Input Arguments:
			self:  a HyGraph instance

		Output Argument:
			ret:  a ParVec instance with each element containing the
			    cardinality of the corresponding edge.

		SEE ALSO:  rank, antirank 
		if self.nedge() == 0:
			return ParVec.zeros(self.nedge())
		ret = self._spm.Reduce(pcb.pySpParMat.Row(),pcb.plus(), pcb.ifthenelse(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.not_equal_to(), 0), pcb.set(1), pcb.set(0)))
		return ParVec.toParVec(ret)
Example #2
def k2validate(G, root, parents):

	ret = 1;	# assume valid
	nrowG = G.getnrow();

	# calculate level in the tree for each vertex; root is at level 0
	# about the same calculation as bfsTree, but tracks levels too
	parents2 = pcb.pyDenseParVec(nrowG, -1);
	fringe = pcb.pySpParVec(nrowG);
	parents2[root] = root;
	fringe[root] = root;
	levels = pcb.pyDenseParVec(nrowG, -1);
	levels[root] = 0;

	level = 1;
	while fringe.getnee() > 0:
		pcb.EWiseMult_inplacefirst(fringe, parents2, True, -1);
		parents2.ApplyMasked(pcb.set(0), fringe);
		levels.ApplyMasked(pcb.set(level), fringe);
		level += 1;
	# spec test #1
	#	Not implemented

	# spec test #2
	#    tree edges should be between verts whose levels differ by 1
	#print "starting spec test#2"
	#  root = element of parents that points to itself
	##tmp1 = parents.copy()
	##tmp1 -= pcb.pyDenseParVec.range(nrowG,0)
	##root = tmp1.FindInds_NotEqual(0);
	#treeEdges = ((parents <> -1) & (parents <> root);
	tmp1 = parents.copy();
	tmp1[root] = -1;
	treeEdges = tmp1.FindInds(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.not_equal_to(), -1));
	#treeI = parents[treeEdges]
	treeI = parents.SubsRef(treeEdges);
	#treeJ = 1..nrowG[treeEdges]
	treeJ = pcb.pyDenseParVec.range(nrowG,0).SubsRef(treeEdges);
	#if any(levels[treeI]-levels[treeJ] <> -1):
	tmp1 = levels.SubsRef(treeI);
	tmp1 -= levels.SubsRef(treeJ);
	tmp2 = tmp1.FindInds(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.not_equal_to(), -1));
	if tmp2.getnee():
		print "spec test #2 failed."
		ret = -1;

	# spec test #3
	#	Not implemented

	# spec test #4
	#	Not implemented

	# spec test #5
	#	Not implemented


	del G, parents, parents2, fringe, levels, tmp1, tmp2, treeEdges, treeI, treeJ
	return ret
Example #3
	def degree(self):
		calculates the degree of each vertex of the passed HyGraph instance.

		Input Arguments:
			self:  a HyGraph instance

		Output Argument:
			ret:  a ParVec instance with each element containing the
			    degree of the corresponding vertex.

		SEE ALSO:  sum 
		if self.nedge() == 0:
			return ParVec.zeros(self.nvert())
		ret = self._spm.Reduce(pcb.pySpParMat.Column(),pcb.plus(), pcb.ifthenelse(pcb.bind2nd(pcb.not_equal_to(), 0), pcb.set(1), pcb.set(0)))
		return ParVec.toParVec(ret)