Example #1
 def slide(self, begin_state: Vector2, end_state: Vector2, progress: float):
     # mapped_progress = 0.5 + (progress - 0.25) * (progress - 0.5) * (progress - 0.75) / (0.75 * 0.25)
     mapped_progress = progress
     target = begin_state.lerp(end_state, mapped_progress)
     base_x, base_y = self.base_rect.topleft
     dx, dy = int(target.x) - base_x, int(target.y) - base_y
     self.rect = self.base_rect.move(dx, dy)
Example #2
File: ai.py Project: tdrmk/pycarrom
def check_along_path(start: Vector2,
                     end: Vector2,
    """ This function checks if any of the coins lies within the given distance, of the line joining
    the given two vectors, representing the end points """
    for coin in coins:
        section = (coin.position -
                   start).dot(end - start) / start.distance_squared_to(end)
        """ Whether to round or not """
        section = section if not round_start else max(0, section)
        section = section if not round_end else min(1, section)
        if 0 <= section <= 1:
            projection = start.lerp(end, section)
            if projection.distance_to(coin.position) <= distance:
                """ Coin lies within the distance of the vector """
                return True
    return False