Example #1
 def __init__(self, cf):
     # type: (ConfigParser) -> None
     SAConfig.__init__(self, cf)  # initialize base class first
     # 1. Check the required key and values
     requiredkeys = [
     for k in requiredkeys:
         if k not in self.bmps_info:
             raise ValueError(
                 '%s: MUST be provided in BMPs_cfg_units or BMPs_info!' % k)
     # 2. Slope position units information
     units_json = self.bmps_info.get('UNITJSON')
     unitsf = self.model.model_dir + os.sep + units_json
     if not FileClass.is_file_exists(unitsf):
         raise Exception('UNITJSON file %s is not existed!' % unitsf)
     with open(unitsf, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as updownfo:
         self.units_infos = json.load(updownfo)
     self.units_infos = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.units_infos)
     if 'overview' not in self.units_infos:
         raise ValueError('overview MUST be existed in the UNITJSON file.')
     if 'all_units' not in self.units_infos['overview']:
         raise ValueError(
             'all_units MUST be existed in overview dict of UNITJSON.')
     self.units_num = self.units_infos['overview']['all_units']  # type: int
     # 3. Collection name and subscenario IDs
     self.bmps_coll = self.bmps_info.get('COLLECTION')  # type: str
     self.bmps_subids = self.bmps_info.get('SUBSCENARIO')  # type: List[int]
     # 4. Construct the dict of gene index to unit ID, and unit ID to gene index
     self.unit_to_gene = OrderedDict()  # type: OrderedDict[int, int]
     self.gene_to_unit = dict()  # type: Dict[int, int]
     # 5. Construct the upstream-downstream units of each unit if necessary
     self.updown_units = dict()  # type: Dict[int, Dict[AnyStr, List[int]]]
Example #2
 def calculate_sensitivity(self):
     """Calculate Morris elementary effects.
        It is worth to be noticed that evaluate_models() allows to return
        several output variables, hence we should calculate each of them separately.
     if not self.psa_si:
         if FileClass.is_file_exists(self.cfg.outfiles.psa_si_json):
             with open(self.cfg.outfiles.psa_si_json, 'r',
                       encoding='utf-8') as f:
                 self.psa_si = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.load(f))
     if not self.objnames:
         if FileClass.is_file_exists('%s/objnames.pickle' %
             with open('%s/objnames.pickle' % self.cfg.psa_outpath,
                       encoding='utf-8') as f:
                 self.objnames = pickle.load(f)
     if self.output_values is None or len(self.output_values) == 0:
     if self.param_values is None or len(self.param_values) == 0:
     if not self.param_defs:
     row, col = self.output_values.shape
     assert (row == self.run_count)
     for i in range(col):
         if self.cfg.method == 'morris':
             tmp_Si = morris_alz(self.param_defs,
                                 self.output_values[:, i],
         elif self.cfg.method == 'fast':
             tmp_Si = fast_alz(self.param_defs,
                               self.output_values[:, i],
             raise ValueError('%s method is not supported now!' %
         self.psa_si[i] = tmp_Si
     # print(self.psa_si)
     # Save as json, which can be loaded by json.load()
     json_data = json.dumps(self.psa_si, indent=4, cls=SpecialJsonEncoder)
     with open(self.cfg.outfiles.psa_si_json, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
         f.write('%s' % json_data)
Example #3
    def read_bmp_parameters(self):
        """Read BMP configuration from MongoDB.
        Each BMP is stored in Collection as one item identified by 'SUBSCENARIO' field,
        so the `self.bmps_params` is dict with BMP_ID ('SUBSCENARIO') as key.
        # client = ConnectMongoDB(self.modelcfg.host, self.modelcfg.port)
        # conn = client.get_conn()
        conn = MongoDBObj.client
        scenariodb = conn[self.scenario_db]

        bmpcoll = scenariodb[self.cfg.bmps_coll]
        findbmps = bmpcoll.find({}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
        for fb in findbmps:
            fb = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(fb)
            if 'SUBSCENARIO' not in fb:
            curid = fb['SUBSCENARIO']
            if curid not in self.cfg.bmps_subids:
            if curid not in self.bmps_params:
                self.bmps_params[curid] = dict()
            for k, v in fb.items():
                if k == 'SUBSCENARIO':
                elif k == 'LANDUSE':
                    if isinstance(v, int):
                        v = [v]
                    elif v == 'ALL' or v == '':
                        v = None
                        v = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(v)
                        v = [int(abs(nv)) for nv in v]
                    self.bmps_params[curid][k] = v[:]
                elif k == 'SLPPOS':
                    if isinstance(v, int):
                        v = [v]
                    elif v == 'ALL' or v == '':
                        v = list(self.cfg.slppos_tags.keys())
                        v = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(v)
                        v = [int(abs(nv)) for nv in v]
                    self.bmps_params[curid][k] = v[:]
                    self.bmps_params[curid][k] = v
Example #4
 def calculate_sensitivity(self):
     """Calculate Morris elementary effects.
        It is worth to be noticed that evaluate_models() allows to return
        several output variables, hence we should calculate each of them separately.
     if not self.psa_si:
         if FileClass.is_file_exists(self.cfg.outfiles.psa_si_json):
             with open(self.cfg.outfiles.psa_si_json, 'r') as f:
                 self.psa_si = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.load(f))
     if not self.objnames:
         if FileClass.is_file_exists('%s/objnames.pickle' % self.cfg.psa_outpath):
             with open('%s/objnames.pickle' % self.cfg.psa_outpath, 'r') as f:
                 self.objnames = pickle.load(f)
     if self.output_values is None or len(self.output_values) == 0:
     if self.param_values is None or len(self.param_values) == 0:
     if not self.param_defs:
     row, col = self.output_values.shape
     assert (row == self.run_count)
     for i in range(col):
         if self.cfg.method == 'morris':
             tmp_Si = morris_alz(self.param_defs,
                                 self.output_values[:, i],
                                 conf_level=0.95, print_to_console=True,
         elif self.cfg.method == 'fast':
             tmp_Si = fast_alz(self.param_defs, self.output_values[:, i],
             raise ValueError('%s method is not supported now!' % self.cfg.method)
         self.psa_si[i] = tmp_Si
     # print(self.psa_si)
     # Save as json, which can be loaded by json.load()
     json_data = json.dumps(self.psa_si, indent=4, cls=SpecialJsonEncoder)
     with open(self.cfg.outfiles.psa_si_json, 'w') as f:
Example #5
    def read_bmp_parameters(self):
        """Read BMP configuration from MongoDB."""
        client = ConnectMongoDB(self.hostname, self.port)
        conn = client.get_conn()
        scenariodb = conn[self.bmp_scenario_db]

        bmpcoll = scenariodb[self.bmps_coll]
        findbmps = bmpcoll.find({}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
        for fb in findbmps:
            fb = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(fb)
            if 'SUBSCENARIO' not in fb:
            curid = fb['SUBSCENARIO']
            if curid not in self.bmps_subids:
            if curid not in self.bmps_params:
                self.bmps_params[curid] = dict()
            for k, v in fb.items():
                if k == 'SUBSCENARIO':
                elif k == 'LANDUSE':
                    if isinstance(v, int):
                        v = [v]
                    elif v == 'ALL' or v == '':
                        v = None
                        v = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(v)
                        v = [int(abs(nv)) for nv in v]
                    self.bmps_params[curid][k] = v[:]
                elif k == 'SLPPOS':
                    if isinstance(v, int):
                        v = [v]
                    elif v == 'ALL' or v == '':
                        v = list(self.slppos_tags.keys())
                        v = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(v)
                        v = [int(abs(nv)) for nv in v]
                    self.bmps_params[curid][k] = v[:]
                    self.bmps_params[curid][k] = v

Example #6
    def read_param_ranges(self):
        """Read param_rng.def file

           (group and dist are optional)


            a dictionary containing:
            - names - the names of the parameters
            - bounds - a list of lists of lower and upper bounds
            - num_vars - a scalar indicating the number of variables
                         (the length of names)
            - groups - a list of group names (strings) for each variable
            - dists - a list of distributions for the problem,
                        None if not specified or all uniform
        # read param_defs.json if already existed
        if not self.param_defs:
            if FileClass.is_file_exists(self.cfg.outfiles.param_defs_json):
                with open(self.cfg.outfiles.param_defs_json, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    self.param_defs = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.load(f))
        # read param_range_def file and output to json file
        client = ConnectMongoDB(self.model.host, self.model.port)
        conn = client.get_conn()
        db = conn[self.model.db_name]
        collection = db['PARAMETERS']

        names = list()
        bounds = list()
        groups = list()
        dists = list()
        num_vars = 0
        items = read_data_items_from_txt(self.cfg.param_range_def)
        for item in items:
            if len(item) < 3:
            # find parameter name, print warning message if not existed
            cursor = collection.find({'NAME': item[0]}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
            if not cursor.count():
                print('WARNING: parameter %s is not existed!' % item[0])
            num_vars += 1
            bounds.append([float(item[1]), float(item[2])])
            # If the fourth column does not contain a group name, use
            # the parameter name
            if len(item) >= 4:
            if len(item) >= 5:
        if groups == names:
            groups = None
        elif len(set(groups)) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Only one group defined, results will not bemeaningful')

        # setting dists to none if all are uniform
        # because non-uniform scaling is not needed
        if all([d == 'unif' for d in dists]):
            dists = None

        self.param_defs = {'names': names, 'bounds': bounds,
                           'num_vars': num_vars, 'groups': groups, 'dists': dists}

        # Save as json, which can be loaded by json.load()
        json_data = json.dumps(self.param_defs, indent=4, cls=SpecialJsonEncoder)
        with open(self.cfg.outfiles.param_defs_json, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            f.write('%s' % json_data)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, cf, method='nsga2'):
        # type: (ConfigParser, str) -> None
        # 1. SEIMS model related
        self.model = ParseSEIMSConfig(cf)  # type: ParseSEIMSConfig

        # 2. Common settings of BMPs scenario
        self.eval_stime = None  # type: Optional[datetime]
        self.eval_etime = None  # type: Optional[datetime]
        self.worst_econ = 0.
        self.worst_env = 0.
        self.runtime_years = 0.
        self.export_sce_txt = False
        self.export_sce_tif = False
        if 'Scenario_Common' not in cf.sections():
            raise ValueError(
                '[Scenario_Common] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        self.eval_stime = parse_datetime_from_ini(cf, 'Scenario_Common',
        self.eval_etime = parse_datetime_from_ini(cf, 'Scenario_Common',
        self.worst_econ = cf.getfloat('Scenario_Common', 'worst_economy')
        self.worst_env = cf.getfloat('Scenario_Common', 'worst_environment')
        self.runtime_years = cf.getfloat('Scenario_Common', 'runtime_years')
        if cf.has_option('Scenario_Common', 'export_scenario_txt'):
            self.export_sce_txt = cf.getboolean('Scenario_Common',
        if cf.has_option('Scenario_Common', 'export_scenario_tif'):
            self.export_sce_tif = cf.getboolean('Scenario_Common',

        # 3. Application specific setting section [BMPs]
        # Selected BMPs, the key is BMPID, and value is the BMP information dict
        self.bmps_info = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[int, Dict[AnyStr, Union[int, float, AnyStr, List[Union[int, float, AnyStr]]]]]
        # BMPs to be constant for generated scenarios during optimization, same format with bmps_info
        self.bmps_retain = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[int, Dict[AnyStr, Union[int, float, AnyStr, List[Union[int, float, AnyStr]]]]]
        self.eval_info = dict(
        )  # type: Dict[AnyStr, Union[int, float, AnyStr]]
        self.bmps_cfg_unit = 'CONNFIELD'  # type: AnyStr
        self.bmps_cfg_method = 'RAND'  # type: AnyStr
        if 'BMPs' not in cf.sections():
            raise ValueError(
                '[BMPs] section MUST be existed for specific scenario analysis.'

        bmpsinfostr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_info')
        self.bmps_info = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.loads(bmpsinfostr))
        if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_retain'):
            bmpsretainstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_retain')
            self.bmps_retain = json.loads(bmpsretainstr)
            self.bmps_retain = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.bmps_retain)
        evalinfostr = cf.get('BMPs', 'eval_info')
        self.eval_info = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.loads(evalinfostr))
        bmpscfgunitstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_units')
        bmpscfgunitdict = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(
        for unitname, unitcfg in viewitems(bmpscfgunitdict):
            self.bmps_cfg_unit = unitname
            if self.bmps_cfg_unit not in BMPS_CFG_UNITS:
                raise ValueError('BMPs configuration unit MUST be '
                                 'one of %s' % BMPS_CFG_UNITS.__str__())
            if not isinstance(unitcfg, dict):
                raise ValueError(
                    'The value of BMPs configuration unit MUST be dict value!')
            for cfgname, cfgvalue in viewitems(unitcfg):
                for bmpid, bmpdict in viewitems(self.bmps_info):
                    if cfgname in bmpdict:
                    self.bmps_info[bmpid][cfgname] = cfgvalue

        if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_method'):
            self.bmps_cfg_method = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_method')
            if self.bmps_cfg_method not in BMPS_CFG_METHODS:
                print('BMPs configuration method MUST be one of %s' %
                self.bmps_cfg_method = 'RAND'

        # Check the validation of configuration unit and method
        if self.bmps_cfg_method not in BMPS_CFG_PAIR.get(self.bmps_cfg_unit):
            raise ValueError('BMPs configuration method %s '
                             'is not supported on unit %s' %
                             (self.bmps_cfg_method, self.bmps_cfg_unit))

        # Optimize boundary of BMP configuration unit
        self.boundary_adaptive = False
        self.boundary_adaptive_threshs = None
        if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_units_opt'):
            self.boundary_adaptive = cf.getboolean('BMPs',
        if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'boundary_adaptive_threshold'):
            tstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'boundary_adaptive_threshold')
            self.boundary_adaptive_threshs = StringClass.extract_numeric_values_from_string(
            if 0 not in self.boundary_adaptive_threshs:
                    0)  # 0 means no adjustment of boundary
            for tmp_thresh in self.boundary_adaptive_threshs:
                if -1 * tmp_thresh not in self.boundary_adaptive_threshs:
                    self.boundary_adaptive_threshs.append(-1 * tmp_thresh)

        # 4. Parameters settings for specific optimization algorithm
        self.opt_mtd = method
        self.opt = None  # type: Union[ParseNSGA2Config, None]
        if self.opt_mtd == 'nsga2':
            self.opt = ParseNSGA2Config(
                cf, self.model.model_dir,
                'SA_NSGA2_%s_%s' % (self.bmps_cfg_unit, self.bmps_cfg_method))
        # Using the existed population derived from previous scenario optimization
        self.initial_byinput = cf.getboolean(self.opt_mtd.upper(), 'inputpopulation') if \
            cf.has_option(self.opt_mtd.upper(), 'inputpopulation') else False
        self.input_pareto_file = None
        self.input_pareto_gen = -1
        if cf.has_option(self.opt_mtd.upper(), 'paretofrontsfile'):
            self.input_pareto_file = cf.get(self.opt_mtd.upper(),
        if cf.has_option(self.opt_mtd.upper(), 'generationselected'):
            self.input_pareto_gen = cf.getint(self.opt_mtd.upper(),

        self.scenario_dir = self.opt.out_dir + os.path.sep + 'Scenarios'

        # 5. (Optional) Plot settings for matplotlib
        self.plot_cfg = PlotConfig(cf)
Example #8
    def read_param_ranges(self):
        """Read param_rng.def file

           (group and dist are optional)


            a dictionary containing:
            - names - the names of the parameters
            - bounds - a list of lists of lower and upper bounds
            - num_vars - a scalar indicating the number of variables
                         (the length of names)
            - groups - a list of group names (strings) for each variable
            - dists - a list of distributions for the problem,
                        None if not specified or all uniform
        # read param_defs.json if already existed
        if not self.param_defs:
            if FileClass.is_file_exists(self.cfg.outfiles.param_defs_json):
                with open(self.cfg.outfiles.param_defs_json, 'r') as f:
                    self.param_defs = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.load(f))
        # read param_range_def file and output to json file
        client = ConnectMongoDB(self.model.host, self.model.port)
        conn = client.get_conn()
        db = conn[self.model.db_name]
        collection = db['PARAMETERS']

        names = list()
        bounds = list()
        groups = list()
        dists = list()
        num_vars = 0
        items = read_data_items_from_txt(self.cfg.param_range_def)
        for item in items:
            if len(item) < 3:
            # find parameter name, print warning message if not existed
            cursor = collection.find({'NAME': item[0]}, no_cursor_timeout=True)
            if not cursor.count():
                print('WARNING: parameter %s is not existed!' % item[0])
            num_vars += 1
            bounds.append([float(item[1]), float(item[2])])
            # If the fourth column does not contain a group name, use
            # the parameter name
            if len(item) >= 4:
            if len(item) >= 5:
        if groups == names:
            groups = None
        elif len(set(groups)) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Only one group defined, results will not bemeaningful')

        # setting dists to none if all are uniform
        # because non-uniform scaling is not needed
        if all([d == 'unif' for d in dists]):
            dists = None

        self.param_defs = {'names': names, 'bounds': bounds,
                           'num_vars': num_vars, 'groups': groups, 'dists': dists}

        # Save as json, which can be loaded by json.load()
        json_data = json.dumps(self.param_defs, indent=4, cls=SpecialJsonEncoder)
        with open(self.cfg.outfiles.param_defs_json, 'w') as f:
Example #9
    def __init__(self, cf):
        SAConfig.__init__(self, cf)  # initialize base class first
        # Handling self.bmps_info for specific application
        # 1. Check the required key and values
                        'ENVEVAL', 'BASE_ENV']
        for k in requiredkeys:
            if k not in self.bmps_info:
                raise ValueError('[%s]: MUST be provided!' % k)
        # 2. Slope position units information
        updownf = self.bmps_info.get('UPDOWNJSON')
        with open(updownf, 'r') as updownfo:
            self.units_infos = json.load(updownfo)
        self.units_infos = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.units_infos)
        # 3. Get slope position sequence
        sptags = cf.get('BMPs', 'slppos_tag_name')
        self.slppos_tags = json.loads(sptags)
        self.slppos_tags = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.slppos_tags)
        self.slppos_tagnames = sorted(list(self.slppos_tags.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
        self.slppos_unit_num = self.units_infos['overview']['all_units']
        self.slppos_to_gene = OrderedDict()
        self.gene_to_slppos = dict()

        # method 1: (deprecated)
        #     gene index: 0, 1, 2, ..., n
        #     slppos unit: rdg1, rdg2,..., bks1, bks2,..., vly1, vly2...
        # idx = 0
        # for tag, sp in self.slppos_tagnames:
        #     for uid in self.units_infos[sp]:
        #         self.gene_to_slppos[idx] = uid
        #         self.slppos_to_gene[uid] = idx
        #         idx += 1
        # method 2:
        #     gene index: 0, 1, 2, ..., n
        #     slppos unit: rdg1, bks2, vly1,..., rdgn, bksn, vlyn
        idx = 0
        spname = self.slppos_tagnames[0][1]
        for uid, udict in self.units_infos[spname].items():
            spidx = 0
            self.gene_to_slppos[idx] = uid
            self.slppos_to_gene[uid] = idx
            idx += 1
            next_uid = udict['downslope']
            while next_uid > 0:
                self.gene_to_slppos[idx] = next_uid
                self.slppos_to_gene[next_uid] = idx
                idx += 1
                spidx += 1
                spname = self.slppos_tagnames[spidx][1]
                next_uid = self.units_infos[spname][next_uid]['downslope']

        assert (idx == self.slppos_unit_num)

        # 4. SubScenario IDs and parameters read from MongoDB
        self.bmps_subids = self.bmps_info.get('SUBSCENARIO')
        self.bmps_coll = self.bmps_info.get('COLLECTION')
        self.bmps_params = dict()
        self.slppos_suit_bmps = dict()

Example #10
    def __init__(self, cf, method='nsga2'):
        # type: (ConfigParser, str) -> None
        # 1. SEIMS model related
        self.model = ParseSEIMSConfig(cf)

        # 2. Common settings of BMPs scenario
        self.eval_stime = None
        self.eval_etime = None
        self.worst_econ = 0.
        self.worst_env = 0.
        self.runtime_years = 0.
        self.export_sce_txt = False
        self.export_sce_tif = False
        if 'Scenario_Common' not in cf.sections():
            raise ValueError(
                '[Scenario_Common] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        self.eval_stime = parse_datetime_from_ini(cf, 'Scenario_Common',
        self.eval_etime = parse_datetime_from_ini(cf, 'Scenario_Common',
        self.worst_econ = cf.getfloat('Scenario_Common', 'worst_economy')
        self.worst_env = cf.getfloat('Scenario_Common', 'worst_environment')
        self.runtime_years = cf.getfloat('Scenario_Common', 'runtime_years')
        if cf.has_option('Scenario_Common', 'export_scenario_txt'):
            self.export_sce_txt = cf.getboolean('Scenario_Common',
        if cf.has_option('Scenario_Common', 'export_scenario_tif'):
            self.export_sce_tif = cf.getboolean('Scenario_Common',

        # 3. Application specific setting section [BMPs]
        self.bmps_info = dict()  # BMP to be evaluated, JSON format
        self.bmps_retain = dict()  # BMPs to be constant, JSON format
        self.bmps_cfg_unit = 'SLPPOS'
        self.bmps_cfg_method = 'RDM'
        if 'BMPs' not in cf.sections():
            raise ValueError(
                '[BMPs] section MUST be existed for specific scenario analysis.'

        bmpsinfostr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_info')
        self.bmps_info = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(json.loads(bmpsinfostr))
        if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_retain'):
            bmpsretainstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_retain')
            self.bmps_retain = json.loads(bmpsretainstr)
            self.bmps_retain = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.bmps_retain)

        bmpscfgunitstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_units')
        bmpscfgunitdict = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(
        for unitname, unitcfg in viewitems(bmpscfgunitdict):
            self.bmps_cfg_unit = unitname
            if self.bmps_cfg_unit not in BMPS_CFG_UNITS:
                raise ValueError('BMPs configuration unit MUST be '
                                 'one of %s' % BMPS_CFG_UNITS.__str__())
            if not isinstance(unitcfg, dict):
                raise ValueError(
                    'The value of BMPs configuration unit MUST be dict value!')
            for cfgname, cfgvalue in viewitems(unitcfg):
                self.bmps_info[cfgname] = cfgvalue

        if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_method'):
            self.bmps_cfg_method = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_cfg_method')
            if self.bmps_cfg_method not in BMPS_CFG_METHODS:
                print('BMPs configuration method MUST be one of %s' %
                self.bmps_cfg_method = 'RDM'

        # Check the validation of configuration unit and method
        if self.bmps_cfg_method not in BMPS_CFG_PAIR.get(self.bmps_cfg_unit):
            raise ValueError('BMPs configuration method %s '
                             'is not supported on unit %s' %
                             (self.bmps_cfg_method, self.bmps_cfg_unit))

        # 4. Parameters settings for specific optimization algorithm
        self.opt_mtd = method
        self.opt = None  # type: Union[ParseNSGA2Config]
        if self.opt_mtd == 'nsga2':
            self.opt = ParseNSGA2Config(
                cf, self.model.model_dir,
                'SA_NSGA2_%s_%s' % (self.bmps_cfg_unit, self.bmps_cfg_method))
        self.scenario_dir = self.opt.out_dir + os.path.sep + 'Scenarios'
Example #11
    def __init__(self, cf):
        # 1. NSGA-II related parameters
        self.nsga2_ngens = 1
        self.nsga2_npop = 4
        self.nsga2_rcross = 0.75
        self.nsga2_pmut = 0.05
        self.nsga2_rmut = 0.1
        self.nsga2_rsel = 0.8
        if 'NSGA2' in cf.sections():
            self.nsga2_ngens = cf.getint('NSGA2', 'generationsnum')
            self.nsga2_npop = cf.getint('NSGA2', 'populationsize')
            self.nsga2_rcross = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'crossoverrate')
            self.nsga2_pmut = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'maxmutateperc')
            self.nsga2_rmut = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'mutaterate')
            self.nsga2_rsel = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'selectrate')
            raise ValueError('[NSGA2] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        if self.nsga2_npop % 4 != 0:
            raise ValueError('PopulationSize must be a multiple of 4.')
        # 2. MongoDB
        self.hostname = ''  # localhost by default
        self.port = 27017
        self.spatial_db = ''
        self.bmp_scenario_db = ''
        if 'MONGODB' in cf.sections():
            self.hostname = cf.get('MONGODB', 'hostname')
            self.port = cf.getint('MONGODB', 'port')
            self.spatial_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'spatialdbname')
            self.bmp_scenario_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'bmpscenariodbname')
            raise ValueError(
                '[MONGODB] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        if not StringClass.is_valid_ip_addr(self.hostname):
            raise ValueError('HOSTNAME illegal defined in [MONGODB]!')

        # 3. SEIMS_Model
        self.model_dir = ''
        self.seims_bin = ''
        self.seims_nthread = 1
        self.seims_lyrmethod = 0
        if 'SEIMS_Model' in cf.sections():
            self.model_dir = cf.get('SEIMS_Model', 'model_dir')
            self.seims_bin = cf.get('SEIMS_Model', 'bin_dir')
            self.seims_nthread = cf.getint('SEIMS_Model', 'threadsnum')
            self.seims_lyrmethod = cf.getint('SEIMS_Model', 'layeringmethod')
            raise ValueError(
                "[SEIMS_Model] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.")
        if not (FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.model_dir)
                and FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.seims_bin)):
            raise IOError('Please Check Directories defined in [PATH]. '
                          'BIN_DIR and MODEL_DIR are required!')

        # 4. Application specific setting section [BMPs]
        self.bmps_info = dict()
        self.bmps_rule = False
        self.rule_method = 1
        self.bmps_retain = dict()
        self.export_sce_txt = False
        self.export_sce_tif = False
        if 'BMPs' in cf.sections():
            bmpsinfostr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_info')
            self.bmps_rule = cf.getboolean('BMPs', 'bmps_rule')
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'rule_method'):
                self.rule_method = cf.getint('BMPs', 'rule_method')
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_retain'):
                bmpsretainstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_retain')
                self.bmps_retain = json.loads(bmpsretainstr)
                self.bmps_retain = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'export_scenario_txt'):
                self.export_sce_txt = cf.getboolean('BMPs',
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'export_scenario_tif'):
                self.export_sce_tif = cf.getboolean('BMPs',
            raise ValueError("[BMPs] section MUST be existed for specific SA.")
        self.bmps_info = json.loads(bmpsinfostr)
        self.bmps_info = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.bmps_info)

        # 5. Application specific setting section [Effectiveness]
        self.worst_econ = 0
        self.worst_env = 0
        self.runtime_years = 0
        if 'Effectiveness' in cf.sections():
            self.worst_econ = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'worst_economy')
            self.worst_env = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'worst_environment')
            self.runtime_years = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'runtime_years')
            self.runtime_years = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'runtime_years')

        # 6. define gene_values
        fn = 'Gen_%d_Pop_%d' % (self.nsga2_ngens, self.nsga2_npop)
        fn += '_rule' if self.bmps_rule else '_random'
        self.nsga2_dir = self.model_dir + os.path.sep + 'NSGA2_OUTPUT' + os.path.sep + fn
        self.scenario_dir = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'Scenarios'
        self.hypervlog = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'hypervolume.txt'
        self.scenariolog = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'scenarios_info.txt'
        self.logfile = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'runtime.log'
        self.logbookfile = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'logbook.txt'
Example #12
    def __init__(self, cf):
        # 1. NSGA-II related parameters
        self.nsga2_ngens = 1
        self.nsga2_npop = 4
        self.nsga2_rcross = 0.75
        self.nsga2_pmut = 0.05
        self.nsga2_rmut = 0.1
        self.nsga2_rsel = 0.8
        if 'NSGA2' in cf.sections():
            self.nsga2_ngens = cf.getint('NSGA2', 'generationsnum')
            self.nsga2_npop = cf.getint('NSGA2', 'populationsize')
            self.nsga2_rcross = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'crossoverrate')
            self.nsga2_pmut = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'maxmutateperc')
            self.nsga2_rmut = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'mutaterate')
            self.nsga2_rsel = cf.getfloat('NSGA2', 'selectrate')
            raise ValueError('[NSGA2] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        if self.nsga2_npop % 4 != 0:
            raise ValueError('PopulationSize must be a multiple of 4.')
        # 2. MongoDB
        self.hostname = ''  # localhost by default
        self.port = 27017
        self.spatial_db = ''
        self.bmp_scenario_db = ''
        if 'MONGODB' in cf.sections():
            self.hostname = cf.get('MONGODB', 'hostname')
            self.port = cf.getint('MONGODB', 'port')
            self.spatial_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'spatialdbname')
            self.bmp_scenario_db = cf.get('MONGODB', 'bmpscenariodbname')
            raise ValueError('[MONGODB] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.')
        if not StringClass.is_valid_ip_addr(self.hostname):
            raise ValueError('HOSTNAME illegal defined in [MONGODB]!')

        # 3. SEIMS_Model
        self.model_dir = ''
        self.seims_bin = ''
        self.seims_nthread = 1
        self.seims_lyrmethod = 0
        if 'SEIMS_Model' in cf.sections():
            self.model_dir = cf.get('SEIMS_Model', 'model_dir')
            self.seims_bin = cf.get('SEIMS_Model', 'bin_dir')
            self.seims_nthread = cf.getint('SEIMS_Model', 'threadsnum')
            self.seims_lyrmethod = cf.getint('SEIMS_Model', 'layeringmethod')
            raise ValueError("[SEIMS_Model] section MUST be existed in *.ini file.")
        if not (FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.model_dir)
                and FileClass.is_dir_exists(self.seims_bin)):
            raise IOError('Please Check Directories defined in [PATH]. '
                          'BIN_DIR and MODEL_DIR are required!')

        # 4. Application specific setting section [BMPs]
        self.bmps_info = dict()
        self.bmps_rule = False
        self.rule_method = 1
        self.bmps_retain = dict()
        self.export_sce_txt = False
        self.export_sce_tif = False
        if 'BMPs' in cf.sections():
            bmpsinfostr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_info')
            self.bmps_rule = cf.getboolean('BMPs', 'bmps_rule')
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'rule_method'):
                self.rule_method = cf.getint('BMPs', 'rule_method')
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'bmps_retain'):
                bmpsretainstr = cf.get('BMPs', 'bmps_retain')
                self.bmps_retain = json.loads(bmpsretainstr)
                self.bmps_retain = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.bmps_retain)
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'export_scenario_txt'):
                self.export_sce_txt = cf.getboolean('BMPs', 'export_scenario_txt')
            if cf.has_option('BMPs', 'export_scenario_tif'):
                self.export_sce_tif = cf.getboolean('BMPs', 'export_scenario_tif')
            raise ValueError("[BMPs] section MUST be existed for specific SA.")
        self.bmps_info = json.loads(bmpsinfostr)
        self.bmps_info = UtilClass.decode_strs_in_dict(self.bmps_info)

        # 5. Application specific setting section [Effectiveness]
        self.worst_econ = 0
        self.worst_env = 0
        self.runtime_years = 0
        if 'Effectiveness' in cf.sections():
            self.worst_econ = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'worst_economy')
            self.worst_env = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'worst_environment')
            self.runtime_years = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'runtime_years')
            self.runtime_years = cf.getfloat('Effectiveness', 'runtime_years')

        # 6. define gene_values
        fn = 'Gen_%d_Pop_%d' % (self.nsga2_ngens, self.nsga2_npop)
        fn += '_rule' if self.bmps_rule else '_random'
        self.nsga2_dir = self.model_dir + os.path.sep + 'NSGA2_OUTPUT' + os.path.sep + fn
        self.scenario_dir = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'Scenarios'
        self.hypervlog = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'hypervolume.txt'
        self.scenariolog = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'scenarios_info.txt'
        self.logfile = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'runtime.log'
        self.logbookfile = self.nsga2_dir + os.path.sep + 'logbook.txt'