Example #1
    def vwr(self, attr):
        '''Return the Visvalingam-Whyatt results, optionally
           including the triangular area (in meters) as
           attribute attr to each simplified point.
        pts, r = self.pts, self.r

        # double check the minimal triangular area
        assert min(t2.h2 for t2 in r) > self.s2 > 0

        if attr:  # return the trangular area (actually
            # the sqrt of double the triangular area)
            # converted back from degrees to meter
            if isNumpy2(pts):
                raise AttributeError('%r invalid' % (attr,))
            m = radians(1.0) * self.radius
            r[0].h2 = r[-1].h2 = 0  # zap sentinels
            for t2 in r:  # convert back to meter
                setattr(pts[t2.ix], attr, sqrt(t2.h2) * m)

        # double check for duplicates
        n = len(r)
        r = dict((t2.ix, True) for t2 in r)
        assert len(r) == n
        return self.points(r)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, points, tolerance, radius, shortest, indices,
        '''New C{Simplify} state.
        n, self.pts = len2(points)
        if n > 0:
            self.n = n
            self.r = {0: True, n - 1: True}  # dict to avoid duplicates

        if isNumpy2(points) or isTuple2(points):  # NOT self.pts
            self.subset = points.subset

        if indices:
            self.indices = True

        if radius:
            self.radius = float(radius)
        if self.radius < self.eps:
            raise ValueError('%s too small: %.6e' % ('radius', radius))

        if options:
            self.options = options

        # tolerance converted to degrees squared
        self.s2 = degrees(tolerance / self.radius)**2
        if min(self.s2, tolerance) < self.eps:
            raise ValueError('%s too small: %.6e' % ('tolerance', tolerance))
        self.s2e = self.s2 + 1  # sentinel

        # compute either the shortest or perpendicular distance
        self.d2i = self.d2iS if shortest else self.d2iP  # PYCHOK false
Example #3
 def points(self, r):
     '''Return the list of simplified points or indices.
     r = sorted(r.keys())
     if self.indices:
         return list(r)
     elif isNumpy2(self.pts) or isTuple2(self.pts):
         return self.pts.subset(r)
         return [self.pts[i] for i in r]
Example #4
def points2(points, closed=True, base=None, Error=PointsError):
    '''Check a path or polygon represented by points.

       @arg points: The path or polygon points (C{LatLon}[])
       @kwarg closed: Optionally, consider the polygon closed,
                      ignoring any duplicate or closing final
                      B{C{points}} (C{bool}).
       @kwarg base: Optionally, check all B{C{points}} against
                    this base class, if C{None} don't check.
       @kwarg Error: Exception to raise (C{ValueError}).

       @return: A L{Points2Tuple}C{(number, points)} with the number
                of points and the points C{list} or C{tuple}.

       @raise PointsError: Insufficient number of B{C{points}}.

       @raise TypeError: Some B{C{points}} are not B{C{base}}
    n, points = len2(points)

    if closed:
        # remove duplicate or closing final points
        while n > 1 and points[n - 1] in (points[0], points[n - 2]):
            n -= 1
        # XXX following line is unneeded if points
        # are always indexed as ... i in range(n)
        points = points[:n]  # XXX numpy.array slice is a view!

    if n < (3 if closed else 1):
        raise Error('too few %s: %s' % ('points', n))

    if base and not (isNumpy2(points) or isTuple2(points)):
        for i in range(n):
            base.others(points[i], name='%s[%s]' % ('points', i))

    return Points2Tuple(n, points)