Example #1
    def bron_kerbosch(self, P: Set[Node], R: Set[Node], X: Set[Node],
                      Cs: List[Set[Node]]):
        \brief apply bron kerbosch algorithm for finding maximal cliques

        Code taken from: arxiv.org/1006.5440
        proc BronKerbosch(P,R,X)
        1: if P∪X = empty then
        2:   report R as a maximal clique
        3: end if
        4: for each vertex v∈P do
        5:   BronKerbosch(P ∩ Neigbours(v), R ∪ {v}, X ∩ Neighbours(v))
        6:   P←P\{v}
        7:   X←X∪{v}
        8: end for
        if len(P.union(X)) == 0:
        for v in P:
                P=P.intersection(BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(self, v)),
                X=X.intersection(BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(self, v)),
            P = P.difference([v])
            X = X.union([v])
Example #2
 def markov_blanket(self, t: NumCatRVariable) -> Set[NumCatRVariable]:
     get markov blanket of a node from K. Murphy, 2012, p. 662
     if BaseGraphOps.is_in(self, t) is False:
         raise ValueError("Node not in graph: " + str(t))
     ns: Set[NumCatRVariable] = BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(self, t)
     return ns
Example #3
 def order_by_greedy_metric(
     nodes: Set[NumCatRVariable],
     s: Callable[[Graph, Dict[Node, bool]],
                 Optional[Node]] = min_unmarked_neighbours,
 ) -> Dict[str, int]:
     From Koller and Friedman 2009, p. 314
     marked = {n.id(): False for n in nodes}
     cardinality = {n.id(): -1 for n in nodes}
     for i in range(len(nodes)):
         X = s(g=self, nodes=nodes, marked=marked)
         if X is not None:
             cardinality[X.id()] = i
             TEMP = BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(self, X)
             while TEMP:
                 n_x = TEMP.pop()
                 for n in BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(self, X):
                     self = BaseGraphAlgOps.added_edge_between_if_none(
                         self, n_x, n, is_directed=False)
             marked[X.id()] = True
     return cardinality
Example #4
    def nb_neighbours_of(g: AbstractGraph, n: AbstractNode) -> int:
        \brief obtain number of neighbours of a given node.

        \param n node whose neighbour set we are interested in.

        \see Graph.neighbours_of

        Number of nodes in the neighbour set of n.

        >>> n1 = Node("n1", {})
        >>> n2 = Node("n2", {})
        >>> n3 = Node("n3", {})
        >>> n4 = Node("n4", {})
        >>> e1 = Edge(
        >>>     "e1", start_node=n1, end_node=n2, edge_type=EdgeType.UNDIRECTED
        >>> )
        >>> e2 = Edge(
        >>>     "e2", start_node=n2, end_node=n3, edge_type=EdgeType.UNDIRECTED
        >>> )
        >>> e3 = Edge(
        >>>     "e3", start_node=n3, end_node=n4, edge_type=EdgeType.UNDIRECTED
        >>> )
        >>> graph_2 = Graph(
        >>>   "g2",
        >>>   data={"my": "graph", "data": "is", "very": "awesome"},
        >>>   nodes=set([n1, n2, n3, n4]),
        >>>   edges=set([e1, e2, e3]),
        >>> )
        >>> graph_2.nb_neighbours_of(n2)
        >>> 2

        return len(BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(g, n))
Example #5
 def test_neighbours_of(self):
     ndes = set(
         [n.id() for n in BaseGraphOps.neighbours_of(self.graph_2, self.n2)]
     self.assertEqual(ndes, set([self.n1.id(), self.n3.id()]))