Example #1
def gameStart(data, bgmPlay, effectsPlay, p1Profile, p2Profile):
    global dataList, playingLayer, effectsOn, gameOverEffect, eatCandyEffects, moveEffect, btnEffect

    effectsOn = effectsPlay
    # receive the loaded data
    dataList = data

    gameOverEffect = Sound(dataList["gameOverEffect"])

    eatCandyEffects = [Sound(dataList["eatCandyEffect1"]),Sound(dataList["eatCandyEffect2"]),Sound(dataList["eatCandyEffect3"])]
    for eatCandyEffect in eatCandyEffects:
        eatCandyEffect.loopCount = 1

    moveEffect = Sound(dataList["moveEffect"])
    moveEffect.loopCount = Sound.LOOP_FOREVER

    btnEffect = Sound(dataList["btnEffect"])
    btnEffect.loopCount = 1

    # create the playing layer
    playingLayer = Sprite()

    # set the bg image
    playingBg = Bitmap(BitmapData(dataList["playingBg"], 0, 0, 520, 640))

    # add profiles
    profile1 = Bitmap(BitmapData(dataList["profile%s" % p1Profile]))
    profile1.x = 20
    profile1.y = 20
    profile1.width = 100
    profile1.height = 100

    profile2 = Bitmap(BitmapData(dataList["profile%s" % p2Profile]))
    profile2.x = 400
    profile2.y = 20
    profile2.width = 100
    profile2.height = 100
    playingLayer.addChild(profile2) # display the scores
    colon = TextField()
    colon.text = ":"
    colon.size = 50
    colon.x = 260 - colon.width/2
    colon.y = 70 - colon.height/2
    colon.textColor = "#225590"
    colon.font = "Bradley Hand"

    global snake1, snake2
    # create game snakes
    snake1 = snake("snake1", 60, 180, "Right")
    snake2 = snake("snake2", 450, 570, "Left")

    global score1Txt, score2Txt

    score1Txt = TextField()
    score1Txt.text = "%s" % snake1.score
    score1Txt.size = 50
    score1Txt.x = 260 - 20 - score1Txt.width
    score1Txt.y = 70 - score1Txt.height/2
    score1Txt.textColor = "#225590"
    score1Txt.font = "Bradley Hand"

    score2Txt = TextField()
    score2Txt.text = "%s" % snake2.score
    score2Txt.size = 50
    score2Txt.x = 260 + 20
    score2Txt.y = 70 - score2Txt.height/2
    score2Txt.textColor = "#225590"
    score2Txt.font = "Bradley Hand"

    # add sample snakes
    sampleSnake1 = snake("snake1", 130, 40, "Up")
    sampleSnake2 = snake("snake2", 380, 40, "Up")

    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown)
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp)
    playingLayer.addEventListener(LoopEvent.ENTER_FRAME, loop)
