Example #1
    def setup_voronoi_list(self, indices, voronoi_cutoff):
        Set up of the voronoi list of neighbours by calling qhull
        :param indices: indices of the sites for which the Voronoi is needed
        :param voronoi_cutoff: Voronoi cutoff for the search of neighbours
        :raise RuntimeError: If an infinite vertex is found in the voronoi construction
        self.voronoi_list2 = [None] * len(self.structure)
        logging.info('Getting all neighbors in structure')
        struct_neighbors = self.structure.get_all_neighbors(voronoi_cutoff,
        t1 = time.clock()
        logging.info('Setting up Voronoi list :')

        for jj, isite in enumerate(indices):
                '  - Voronoi analysis for site #{:d} ({:d}/{:d})'.format(
                    isite, jj + 1, len(indices)))
            site = self.structure[isite]
            neighbors1 = [(site, 0.0, isite)]
            distances = [i[1] for i in sorted(neighbors1, key=lambda s: s[1])]
            neighbors = [i[0] for i in sorted(neighbors1, key=lambda s: s[1])]
            qvoronoi_input = [s.coords for s in neighbors]
            voro = Voronoi(points=qvoronoi_input, qhull_options="o Fv")
            all_vertices = voro.vertices

            results2 = []
            maxangle = 0.0
            mindist = 10000.0
            for iridge, ridge_points in enumerate(voro.ridge_points):
                if 0 in ridge_points:
                    ridge_vertices_indices = voro.ridge_vertices[iridge]
                    if -1 in ridge_vertices_indices:
                        raise RuntimeError("This structure is pathological,"
                                           " infinite vertex in the voronoi "

                    ridge_point2 = max(ridge_points)
                    facets = [all_vertices[i] for i in ridge_vertices_indices]
                    sa = my_solid_angle(site.coords, facets)
                    maxangle = max([sa, maxangle])

                    mindist = min([mindist, distances[ridge_point2]])
                    for iii, sss in enumerate(self.structure):
                        if neighbors[ridge_point2].is_periodic_image(sss):
                            myindex = iii
                        'site': neighbors[ridge_point2],
                        'angle': sa,
                        'distance': distances[ridge_point2],
                        'index': myindex
            for dd in results2:
                dd['normalized_angle'] = dd['angle'] / maxangle
                dd['normalized_distance'] = dd['distance'] / mindist
            self.voronoi_list2[isite] = results2
        t2 = time.clock()
        logging.info('Voronoi list set up in {:.2f} seconds'.format(t2 - t1))
Example #2
    def setup_voronoi_list(self, indices, voronoi_cutoff):
        Set up of the voronoi list of neighbours by calling qhull
        :param indices: indices of the sites for which the Voronoi is needed
        :param voronoi_cutoff: Voronoi cutoff for the search of neighbours
        :raise RuntimeError: If an infinite vertex is found in the voronoi construction
        self.voronoi_list2 = [None] * len(self.structure)
        logging.info('Getting all neighbors in structure')
        struct_neighbors = self.structure.get_all_neighbors(voronoi_cutoff, include_index=True)
        t1 = time.clock()
        logging.info('Setting up Voronoi list :')

        for jj, isite in enumerate(indices):
            logging.info('  - Voronoi analysis for site #{:d} ({:d}/{:d})'.format(isite, jj+1, len(indices)))
            site = self.structure[isite]
            neighbors1 = [(site, 0.0, isite)]
            distances = [i[1] for i in sorted(neighbors1, key=lambda s: s[1])]
            neighbors = [i[0] for i in sorted(neighbors1, key=lambda s: s[1])]
            qvoronoi_input = [s.coords for s in neighbors]
            voro = Voronoi(points=qvoronoi_input, qhull_options="o Fv")
            all_vertices = voro.vertices

            results2 = []
            maxangle = 0.0
            mindist = 10000.0
            for iridge, ridge_points in enumerate(voro.ridge_points):
                if 0 in ridge_points:
                    ridge_vertices_indices = voro.ridge_vertices[iridge]
                    if -1 in ridge_vertices_indices:
                        raise RuntimeError("This structure is pathological,"
                                           " infinite vertex in the voronoi "

                    ridge_point2 = max(ridge_points)
                    facets = [all_vertices[i] for i in ridge_vertices_indices]
                        sa = solid_angle(site.coords, facets)
                    except ValueError:
                        sa = my_solid_angle(site.coords, facets)
                    maxangle = max([sa, maxangle])

                    mindist = min([mindist, distances[ridge_point2]])
                    for iii, sss in enumerate(self.structure):
                        if neighbors[ridge_point2].is_periodic_image(sss):
                            myindex = iii
                    results2.append({'site': neighbors[ridge_point2],
                                     'angle': sa,
                                     'distance': distances[ridge_point2],
                                     'index': myindex})
            for dd in results2:
                dd['normalized_angle'] = dd['angle'] / maxangle
                dd['normalized_distance'] = dd['distance'] / mindist
            self.voronoi_list2[isite] = results2
        t2 = time.clock()
        logging.info('Voronoi list set up in {:.2f} seconds'.format(t2-t1))
Example #3
    def setup_voronoi_list(self, indices, voronoi_cutoff):
        Set up of the voronoi list of neighbours by calling qhull.

            indices: indices of the sites for which the Voronoi is needed.
            voronoi_cutoff: Voronoi cutoff for the search of neighbours.

            RuntimeError: If an infinite vertex is found in the voronoi construction.
        self.voronoi_list2 = [None] * len(self.structure)
        self.voronoi_list_coords = [None] * len(self.structure)
        logging.debug("Getting all neighbors in structure")
        struct_neighbors = self.structure.get_all_neighbors(voronoi_cutoff,
        t1 = time.process_time()
        logging.debug("Setting up Voronoi list :")

        for jj, isite in enumerate(indices):
                "  - Voronoi analysis for site #{:d} ({:d}/{:d})".format(
                    isite, jj + 1, len(indices)))
            site = self.structure[isite]
            neighbors1 = [(site, 0.0, isite)]
            distances = [i[1] for i in sorted(neighbors1, key=lambda s: s[1])]
            neighbors = [i[0] for i in sorted(neighbors1, key=lambda s: s[1])]
            qvoronoi_input = [s.coords for s in neighbors]
            voro = Voronoi(points=qvoronoi_input, qhull_options="o Fv")
            all_vertices = voro.vertices

            results2 = []
            maxangle = 0.0
            mindist = 10000.0
            for iridge, ridge_points in enumerate(voro.ridge_points):
                if 0 in ridge_points:
                    ridge_vertices_indices = voro.ridge_vertices[iridge]
                    if -1 in ridge_vertices_indices:
                        raise RuntimeError("This structure is pathological,"
                                           " infinite vertex in the voronoi "

                    ridge_point2 = max(ridge_points)
                    facets = [all_vertices[i] for i in ridge_vertices_indices]
                    sa = my_solid_angle(site.coords, facets)
                    maxangle = max([sa, maxangle])

                    mindist = min([mindist, distances[ridge_point2]])
                    for iii, sss in enumerate(self.structure):
                        if neighbors[ridge_point2].is_periodic_image(
                                sss, tolerance=1.0e-6):
                            myindex = iii
                        "site": neighbors[ridge_point2],
                        "angle": sa,
                        "distance": distances[ridge_point2],
                        "index": myindex,
            for dd in results2:
                dd["normalized_angle"] = dd["angle"] / maxangle
                dd["normalized_distance"] = dd["distance"] / mindist
            self.voronoi_list2[isite] = results2
            self.voronoi_list_coords[isite] = np.array(
                [dd["site"].coords for dd in results2])
        t2 = time.process_time()
        logging.debug("Voronoi list set up in {:.2f} seconds".format(t2 - t1))