Example #1
    def test_from_structures(self):
        s1 = Structure([[5, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 5]], ["Fe"], [[0, 0, 0]])
        s2 = Structure([[5, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0, 5]], ["Mn"], [[0, 0, 0]])
        remarks = ["unittest"]
        authors="Test User <*****@*****.**>"
        snl_list = StructureNL.from_structures([s1, s2], authors, remarks=remarks)

        self.assertEqual(len(snl_list), 2)
        snl1 = snl_list[0]
        snl2 = snl_list[1]
        self.assertEqual(snl1.remarks, remarks)
        self.assertEqual(snl2.remarks, remarks)
        self.assertEqual(snl1.authors, [Author.parse_author(authors)])
        self.assertEqual(snl2.authors, [Author.parse_author(authors)])
Example #2
    def submit_structures(self,
        Submits a list of structures to the Materials Project as SNL files.
        The argument list mirrors the arguments for the StructureNL object,
        except that a list of structures with the same metadata is used as an

        .. note::

            As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of
            users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for
            the future.

            structures: A list of Structure objects
            authors (list): List of {"name":'', "email":''} dicts,
                *list* of Strings as 'John Doe <*****@*****.**>',
                or a single String with commas separating authors
            projects ([str]): List of Strings ['Project A', 'Project B'].
                This applies to all structures.
            references (str): A String in BibTeX format. Again, this applies to
                all structures.
            remarks ([str]): List of Strings ['Remark A', 'Remark B']
            data ([dict]): A list of free form dict. Namespaced at the root
                level with an underscore, e.g. {"_materialsproject":<custom
                data>}. The length of data should be the same as the list of
                structures if not None.
            histories: List of list of dicts - [[{'name':'', 'url':'',
                'description':{}}], ...] The length of histories should be the
                same as the list of structures if not None.
            created_at (datetime): A datetime object

            A list of inserted submission ids.
        from pymatgen.util.provenance import StructureNL
        snl_list = StructureNL.from_structures(structures, authors, projects,
                                               references, remarks, data,
                                               histories, created_at)
Example #3
    def submit_structures(self, structures, authors, projects=None,
                          references='', remarks=None, data=None,
                          histories=None, created_at=None):
        Submits a list of structures to the Materials Project as SNL files.
        The argument list mirrors the arguments for the StructureNL object,
        except that a list of structures with the same metadata is used as an

        .. note::

            As of now, this MP REST feature is open only to a select group of
            users. Opening up submissions to all users is being planned for
            the future.

            structures: A list of Structure objects
            authors (list): List of {"name":'', "email":''} dicts,
                *list* of Strings as 'John Doe <*****@*****.**>',
                or a single String with commas separating authors
            projects ([str]): List of Strings ['Project A', 'Project B'].
                This applies to all structures.
            references (str): A String in BibTeX format. Again, this applies to
                all structures.
            remarks ([str]): List of Strings ['Remark A', 'Remark B']
            data ([dict]): A list of free form dict. Namespaced at the root
                level with an underscore, e.g. {"_materialsproject":<custom
                data>}. The length of data should be the same as the list of
                structures if not None.
            histories: List of list of dicts - [[{'name':'', 'url':'',
                'description':{}}], ...] The length of histories should be the
                same as the list of structures if not None.
            created_at (datetime): A datetime object

            A list of inserted submission ids.
        from pymatgen.util.provenance import StructureNL
        snl_list = StructureNL.from_structures(structures, authors, projects,
                                               references, remarks, data,
                                               histories, created_at)