Example #1
 def __init__(self, client, timeout=2):
     self.client = client
     self.decoder = ClientDecoder()
     self.framer = ModbusSocketFramer(self.decoder, client=self)
     self._ack_waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
     self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self)
     self.timeout = timeout
Example #2
    def __init__(self, framer, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a client instance

        :param framer: The modbus framer implementation to use
        self.framer = framer
        self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
        self._debug = False
        self._debugfd = None
        self.broadcast_enable = kwargs.get('broadcast_enable', Defaults.broadcast_enable)
Example #3
class ModbusOverQuicClientProtocol(ModbusClientMixin):
    def __init__(self, client, timeout=2):
        self.client = client
        self.decoder = ClientDecoder()
        self.framer = ModbusSocketFramer(self.decoder, client=self)
        self._ack_waiter: Optional[asyncio.Future[None]] = None
        self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self)
        self.timeout = timeout

    # BaseModbusAsyncClientProtocol::execute
    async def execute(self, request=None):
        req = self._execute(request)
        resp = await asyncio.wait_for(req, timeout=self.timeout)
        return resp

    # BaseModbusAsyncClientProtocol::_execute
    def _execute(self, request):
        # Build Framer Packet
        request.transaction_id = self.transaction.getNextTID()
        packet = self.framer.buildPacket(message=request)
        logger.debug("send: " + hexlify_packets(packet))

        # Send packet through QUIC

        # Get response
        waiter = self.client._loop.create_future()
        self.transaction.addTransaction(waiter, request.transaction_id)
        self._ack_waiter = waiter
        return waiter

    def send(self, data):

    def dataReceived(self, data):
        logger.debug("recv: " + hexlify_packets(data))
        unit = self.framer.decode_data(data=data).get("unit", 0)

    def _handleResponse(self, reply):
        if reply is not None:
            tid = reply.transaction_id
            handler = self.transaction.getTransaction(tid)
            if handler:
                self.resolve_future(handler, reply)
                logger.debug("Unrequested message: " + str(reply))

    def resolve_future(self, f, result):
        if not f.done():
Example #4
 def __init__(self, framer=None, **kwargs):
     self._connected = False
     self.framer = framer or ModbusSocketFramer(ClientDecoder())
     if isinstance(self.framer, type):
         # Framer class not instance
         self.framer = self.framer(ClientDecoder(), client=None)
     if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
         self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
         self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
Example #5
    def __init__(self, framer, **kwargs):
        ''' Initialize a client instance

        :param framer: The modbus framer implementation to use
        self.framer = framer
        if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
            self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, framer=None):
        ''' Initializes the framer module

        :param framer: The framer to use for the protocol
        self.framer = framer or ModbusSocketFramer(ClientDecoder())
        if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self)
            self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self)
Example #7
    def __init__(self, framer, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a client instance

        :param framer: The modbus framer implementation to use
        self.framer = framer
        self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
        self._debug = False
        self._debugfd = None
        self.broadcast_enable = kwargs.get('broadcast_enable', Defaults.broadcast_enable)
Example #8
    def __init__(self, framer=None, **kwargs):
        """ Initializes the framer module

        :param framer: The framer to use for the protocol
        self.framer = framer or ModbusSocketFramer(ClientDecoder())
        if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
            self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
Example #9
    def __init__(self, framer, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a client instance

        :param framer: The modbus framer implementation to use
        self.framer = framer
        if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
            self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
        self._debug = False
        self._debugfd = None
Example #10
    def connectionMade(self):
        # 初始化Framer
        self.framer = self.factory.framer
        # 初始化TransactionT
        if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self)
            self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self)

        self._addr = '%s:%d' % (self.transport.getPeer().host,
        self.factory.addClient(self._addr, self, None)
        log.debug("Client Connected [%s]" % self._addr)
        self._connected = True
Example #11
    def __init__(self, framer=None, **kwargs):
        ''' Initializes the framer module

        :param framer: The framer to use for the protocol
        self._connected = False
        self.framer = framer or ModbusSocketFramer(ClientDecoder())
        if isinstance(self.framer, type):
            # Framer class not instance
            self.framer = self.framer(ClientDecoder(), client=None)
        if isinstance(self.framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
            self.transaction = FifoTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
Example #12
class BaseModbusClient(ModbusClientMixin):
    Inteface for a modbus synchronous client. Defined here are all the
    methods for performing the related request methods.  Derived classes
    simply need to implement the transport methods and set the correct
    def __init__(self, framer, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a client instance

        :param framer: The modbus framer implementation to use
        self.framer = framer
        self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
        self._debug = False
        self._debugfd = None
        self.broadcast_enable = kwargs.get('broadcast_enable',

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Client interface
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    def connect(self):
        """ Connect to the modbus remote host

        :returns: True if connection succeeded, False otherwise
        raise NotImplementedException(
            "Method not implemented by derived class")

    def close(self):
        """ Closes the underlying socket connection

    def is_socket_open(self):
        Check whether the underlying socket/serial is open or not.

        :returns: True if socket/serial is open, False otherwise
        raise NotImplementedException(
            "is_socket_open() not implemented by {}".format(self.__str__()))

    def send(self, request):
        _logger.debug("New Transaction state 'SENDING'")
        self.state = ModbusTransactionState.SENDING
        return self._send(request)

    def _send(self, request):
        """ Sends data on the underlying socket

        :param request: The encoded request to send
        :return: The number of bytes written
        raise NotImplementedException(
            "Method not implemented by derived class")

    def recv(self, size):
        return self._recv(size)

    def _recv(self, size):
        """ Reads data from the underlying descriptor

        :param size: The number of bytes to read
        :return: The bytes read
        raise NotImplementedException(
            "Method not implemented by derived class")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Modbus client methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    def execute(self, request=None):
        :param request: The request to process
        :returns: The result of the request execution
        if not self.connect():
            raise ConnectionException("Failed to connect[%s]" %
        return self.transaction.execute(request)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # The magic methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    def __enter__(self):
        """ Implement the client with enter block

        :returns: The current instance of the client
        if not self.connect():
            raise ConnectionException("Failed to connect[%s]" %
        return self

    def __exit__(self, klass, value, traceback):
        """ Implement the client with exit block """

    def idle_time(self):
        Bus Idle Time to initiate next transaction
        :return: time stamp
        if self.last_frame_end is None or self.silent_interval is None:
            return 0
        return self.last_frame_end + self.silent_interval

    def debug_enabled(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating if debug is enabled.
        return self._debug

    def set_debug(self, debug):
        Sets the current debug flag.
        self._debug = debug

    def trace(self, writeable):
        if writeable:
        self._debugfd = writeable

    def _dump(self, data, direction):
        fd = self._debugfd if self._debugfd else sys.stdout
        except Exception as e:

    def register(self, function):
        Registers a function and sub function class with the decoder
        :param function: Custom function class to register

    def __str__(self):
        """ Builds a string representation of the connection

        :returns: The string representation
        return "Null Transport"
Example #13
class BaseModbusClient(ModbusClientMixin):
    Inteface for a modbus synchronous client. Defined here are all the
    methods for performing the related request methods.  Derived classes
    simply need to implement the transport methods and set the correct
    def __init__(self, framer, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize a client instance

        :param framer: The modbus framer implementation to use
        self.framer = framer
        self.transaction = DictTransactionManager(self, **kwargs)
        self._debug = False
        self._debugfd = None
        self.broadcast_enable = kwargs.get('broadcast_enable', Defaults.broadcast_enable)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Client interface
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    def connect(self):
        """ Connect to the modbus remote host

        :returns: True if connection succeeded, False otherwise
        raise NotImplementedException("Method not implemented by derived class")

    def close(self):
        """ Closes the underlying socket connection

    def is_socket_open(self):
        Check whether the underlying socket/serial is open or not.

        :returns: True if socket/serial is open, False otherwise
        raise NotImplementedException(
            "is_socket_open() not implemented by {}".format(self.__str__())

    def send(self, request):
        _logger.debug("New Transaction state 'SENDING'")
        self.state = ModbusTransactionState.SENDING
        return self._send(request)

    def _send(self, request):
        """ Sends data on the underlying socket

        :param request: The encoded request to send
        :return: The number of bytes written
        raise NotImplementedException("Method not implemented by derived class")

    def recv(self, size):
        return self._recv(size)

    def _recv(self, size):
        """ Reads data from the underlying descriptor

        :param size: The number of bytes to read
        :return: The bytes read
        raise NotImplementedException("Method not implemented by derived class")

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Modbus client methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    def execute(self, request=None):
        :param request: The request to process
        :returns: The result of the request execution
        if not self.connect():
            raise ConnectionException("Failed to connect[%s]" % (self.__str__()))
        return self.transaction.execute(request)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # The magic methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    def __enter__(self):
        """ Implement the client with enter block

        :returns: The current instance of the client
        if not self.connect():
            raise ConnectionException("Failed to connect[%s]" % (self.__str__()))
        return self

    def __exit__(self, klass, value, traceback):
        """ Implement the client with exit block """

    def idle_time(self):
        Bus Idle Time to initiate next transaction
        :return: time stamp
        if self.last_frame_end is None or self.silent_interval is None:
            return 0
        return self.last_frame_end + self.silent_interval

    def debug_enabled(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating if debug is enabled.
        return self._debug

    def set_debug(self, debug):
        Sets the current debug flag.
        self._debug = debug

    def trace(self, writeable):
        if writeable:
        self._debugfd = writeable

    def _dump(self, data, direction):
        fd = self._debugfd if self._debugfd else sys.stdout
        except Exception as e:

    def register(self, function):
        Registers a function and sub function class with the decoder
        :param function: Custom function class to register

    def __str__(self):
        """ Builds a string representation of the connection

        :returns: The string representation
        return "Null Transport"