def actual_test( dwid, qsize, qtype, sink_init, test_msgs ):
   msgs = test_msgs.draw( st.lists( pst.bits(dwid), min_size=1, max_size=100 ) )
   th = s.TestHarness( mk_bits(dwid), msgs, msgs )
   th.set_param( "top.sink.construct", initial_delay=sink_init )
   th.set_param( "top.dut.construct", QueueType = qtype )
   th.set_param( "top.dut.queue.construct", num_entries=qsize )
   run_sim( th, max_cycles=5000 )
Example #2
def test_signed(nbits):

    @hypothesis.given(bits=pst.bits(nbits, True))
    def actual_test(bits):
        assert bits.nbits == nbits

def mesh_pkt_strat(draw, ncols, nrows, opaque_nbits=8, vc=1, payload_nbits=32):
    dst_x = draw(st.integers(0, ncols - 1))
    dst_y = draw(st.integers(0, nrows - 1))
    src_x = draw(st.integers(0, ncols - 1))
    src_y = draw(st.integers(0, nrows - 1))
    opaque = draw(pst.bits(opaque_nbits))
    payload = draw(st.sampled_from([0, 0xdeadbeef, 0xfaceb00c, 0xc001cafe]))
    Pkt = mk_mesh_pkt(ncols, nrows, opaque_nbits, vc, payload_nbits)
    if vc == 1:
        return Pkt(src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, opaque, payload)
        return Pkt(src_x, src_y, dst_x, dst_y, opaque, 0, payload)
Example #4
def test_bits16_limited():
    bits = pst.bits(16, min_value=2, max_value=11)
  @hypothesis.settings( max_examples=16 )
  def actual_test( bits ):
    assert bits.nbits == 16
    assert 2 <= bits.uint() <= 11
    print( bits, bits.uint() )

Example #5
class ChecksumCL_Tests( BaseTests ):

  def cksum_func( s, words ):
    return checksum_cl( words )

  # ''' TUTORIAL TASK ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  # Use Hypothesis to test Checksum CL
  # ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\/
  #; Use Hypothesis to verify that ChecksumCL has the same behavior as
  #; ChecksumFL. Simply uncomment the following test_hypothesis method
  #; and rerun pytest. Make sure that you fix the indentation so that
  #; this new test_hypothesis method is correctly indented with respect
  #; to the class ChecksumCL_Tests
  #;   @hypothesis.settings( deadline=None )
  #;   @hypothesis.given(
  #;     words=st.lists( pm_st.bits(16), min_size=8, max_size=8 )
  #;   )
  #;   def test_hypothesis( s, words ):
  #;     print( [ int(x) for x in words ] )
  #;     assert s.cksum_func( words ) == checksum( words )
  #; This new test uses Hypothesis to generate random inputs, then uses
  #; the checksum_cl to run a little simulation and compares the output to
  #; the checksum function from ChecksumFL.
  #; To really see Hypothesis in action, go back to ChecksumCL and
  #; corrupt one word of the input by forcing it to always be zero. For
  #; example, change the update block in the CL implementation to be
  #; something like this:
  #;   @s.update
  #;   def up_checksum_cl():
  #;     if s.pipe.enq.rdy() and s.in_q.deq.rdy():
  #;       bits = s.in_q.deq()
  #;       words = b128_to_words( bits )
  #;       words[5] = b16(0) # <--- INJECT A BUG!
  #;       result = checksum( words )
  #;       s.pipe.enq( result ) !\vspace{0.07in}!
  #;     if s.send.rdy() and s.pipe.deq.rdy():
  #;       s.send( s.pipe.deq() )

  @hypothesis.settings( deadline=None )
    words = st.lists( pm_st.bits(16), min_size=8, max_size=8 )
  def test_hypothesis( s, words ):
    print( [ int(x) for x in words ] )
    assert s.cksum_func( words ) == checksum( words )
Example #6
def test_bitslist_nested_user_strategy():
  type_ = [ [Bits10, Bits11, Bits12], Bits13 ]
  limit_dict = {
    1: pst.bits(13, min_value=0, max_value=10)
    blist = pst.bitslists(type_, limit_dict)
  @hypothesis.settings( max_examples=16 )
  def actual_test( blist ):
    assert blist[0][0].nbits == 10
    assert blist[0][1].nbits == 11
    assert blist[0][2].nbits == 12
    assert blist[1].nbits == 13
    assert 0 <= blist[1] <= 10

Example #7
class ChecksumCLSrcSink_Tests:

  # [setup_class] will be called by pytest before running all the tests in
  # the test class. Here we specify the type of the design under test
  # that is used in all test cases. We can easily reuse all the tests in
  # this class simply by creating a new test class that inherits from
  # this class and overwrite the setup_class to provide a different DUT
  # type.
  def setup_class( cls ):
    cls.DutType = ChecksumCL

  # run_sim
  # A helper function in the test suite that creates a simulator and
  # runs test. We can overwrite this function when inheriting from the
  # test class to apply different passes to the DUT.

  def run_sim( s, th, max_cycles=1000 ):

    # Create a simulator
    th.apply( SimulationPass() )
    ncycles = 0
    print( "" )

    # Tick the simulator
    print("{:3}: {}".format( ncycles, th.line_trace() ))
    while not th.done() and ncycles < max_cycles:
      ncycles += 1
      print("{:3}: {}".format( ncycles, th.line_trace() ))

    # Check timeout
    assert ncycles < max_cycles

  # test_srcsink_simple
  # is a simple test case with only 1 input.

  def test_srcsink_simple( s ):
    words = [ b16(x) for x in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
    bits  = words_to_b128( words )

    result = b32( 0x00780024 )

    src_msgs  = [ bits   ]
    sink_msgs = [ result ]

    th = TestHarness( s.DutType, src_msgs, sink_msgs )
    s.run_sim( th )

  # test_srcsink_pipeline
  # test the checksum unit with a sequence of inputs.

  def test_srcsink_pipeline( s ):
    words0  = [ b16(x) for x in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
    words1  = [ b16(x) for x in [ 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] ]
    bits0   = words_to_b128( words0 )
    bits1   = words_to_b128( words1 )

    result0 = b32( 0x00780024 )
    result1 = b32( 0x00cc0024 )

    src_msgs  = [ bits0, bits1, bits0, bits1 ]
    sink_msgs = [ result0, result1, result0, result1 ]

    th = TestHarness( s.DutType, src_msgs, sink_msgs )
    s.run_sim( th )

  # test_srcsink_backpressure
  # test the checksum unit with a large sink delay.

  def test_srcsink_backpressure( s ):
    words0  = [ b16(x) for x in [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
    words1  = [ b16(x) for x in [ 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] ]
    result0 = b32( 0x00780024 )
    result1 = b32( 0x00cc0024 )

    bits0 = words_to_b128( words0 )
    bits1 = words_to_b128( words1 )

    src_msgs  = [ bits0, bits1, bits0, bits1 ]
    sink_msgs = [ result0, result1, result0, result1 ]

    th = TestHarness( s.DutType, src_msgs, sink_msgs )
    th.set_param( "top.sink.construct", initial_delay=10 )
    s.run_sim( th )

  # '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\//
  # Cutting out this hypothesis test since in the new flow we only want
  # the attendees to write a single hypothesis test above ... and we
  # don't want them to get confused by this additional hypothesis test.

  # This hypothesis test not only generates a sequence of input to the
  # the checksum unit but it also configure the test source and sink with
  # different initial and interval delays.
    input_msgs = st.lists( st.lists( pm_st.bits(16), min_size=8, max_size=8 ) ),
    src_init   = st.integers( 0, 10 ),
    src_intv   = st.integers( 0, 3  ),
    sink_init  = st.integers( 0, 10 ),
    sink_intv  = st.integers( 0, 3  ),
  @hypothesis.settings( deadline=None, max_examples=16 )
  def test_srcsink_hypothesis( s, input_msgs, src_init, src_intv, sink_init, sink_intv ):
    src_msgs  = [ words_to_b128( words ) for words in input_msgs ]
    sink_msgs = [ checksum( words ) for words in input_msgs ]

    th = TestHarness( s.DutType, src_msgs, sink_msgs  )
    th.set_param( "top.src.construct", initial_delay = src_init, interval_delay = src_intv )
    th.set_param( "top.sink.construct", initial_delay = sink_init, interval_delay = sink_intv )
    s.run_sim( th )
Example #8

def test_bits2words():
    bits = b128(0x00010002000300040005000600070008)
    words = [b16(x) for x in [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]
    assert b128_to_words(bits) == words

def test_words2bits():
    bits = b128(0x00010002000300040005000600070008)
    words = [b16(x) for x in [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]]
    assert words_to_b128(words) == bits

# Hypothesis Tests

# ''' TUTORIAL TASK ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
# Add Hypothesis test
# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''\/
#; Add a Hypothesis tests to verify that converting words to bits and
#; then bits to words always returns the original words.

@hypothesis.given(words=st.lists(pst.bits(16), min_size=8, max_size=8))
def test_hypothesis(words):
    assert b128_to_words(words_to_b128(words)) == words