def translate2(path):
    "Translate the known file with params"
    config = build_config(path)
        return jsonify(
            parsing.translate(config, parsing.tobool(request.args.get('rc')))
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception('Error While Translating')
        return flask.make_response(repr(e), 500)
def translate():
    "Translate arbitrary sequence"
        # table 4 is for mycoplasma ala:
        table = 1
        config = request.get_json()
        if parsing.mycoplasma(config):
            app.logger.debug('using mycoplasma table=4')
            table = 4
        seq = Bio.Seq.Seq(config.get('seq'))
        rc = parsing.tobool(config.get('complement'))
        if rc:
            seq = seq.reverse_complement()
        trans = Bio.Seq.translate(seq, table)
        return jsonify({
            'seq': str(seq),
            'trans': str(trans)})
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception('Error While Translating')
        return flask.make_response(repr(e), 500)