class UserNotificationService(BaseUserNotificationService):
    A service that provides users with an API for CRUD methods for notifications.

    def on_start(self):

        # Get the event Repository

        self.event_repo = self.container.instance.event_repository

        self.smtp_client = setting_up_smtp_client()

        self.ION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS = '*****@*****.**'

        # Create an event processor

        self.event_processor = EmailEventProcessor(self.smtp_client)

        # load event originators, types, and table

        self.event_types = CFG.event.types
        self.event_table = {}

        # Get the clients

        self.discovery = DiscoveryServiceClient()
        self.process_dispatcher = ProcessDispatcherServiceClient()
        self.datastore_manager = DatastoreManager()

        self.event_publisher = EventPublisher()
        self.scheduler_service = SchedulerService()

    def on_quit(self):


    def create_notification(self, notification=None, user_id=''):
        Persists the provided NotificationRequest object for the specified Origin id.
        Associate the Notification resource with the user_id string.
        returned id is the internal id by which NotificationRequest will be identified
        in the data store.

        @param notification        NotificationRequest
        @param user_id             str
        @retval notification_id    str
        @throws BadRequest    if object passed has _id or _rev attribute


        if not user_id:
            raise BadRequest("User id not provided.")

        # Persist Notification object as a resource if it has already not been persisted

        # find all notifications in the system
        notifs, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources(restype = RT.NotificationRequest)

        # if the notification has already been registered, simply use the old id
        if notification in notifs:
            log.warning("Notification object has already been created in resource registry before for another user. No new id to be generated.")
            notification_id = notification._id
            # since the notification has not been registered yet, register it and get the id
            notification_id, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.create(notification)

        # read the registered notification request object because this has an _id and is more useful

        notification =

        # Create an event processor for user. This sets up callbacks etc.
        # As a side effect this updates the UserInfo object and also the user info and reverse user info dictionaries.

        user = self.event_processor.add_notification_for_user(notification_request=notification, user_id=user_id)

        # Allow the indexes to be updated for ElasticSearch
        # We publish event only after this so that the reload of the user info works by the
        # notification workers work properly

        # todo: This is to allow time for the indexes to be created before publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for notification workers.
        # todo: When things are more refined, it will be nice to have an event generated when the
        # indexes are updated so that a subscriber here when it received that event will publish
        # the reload user info event.

        # Generate an event that can be picked by a notification worker so that it can update its user_info dictionary
        log.debug("(create notification) Publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for notification_id: %s" % notification_id)

        self.event_publisher.publish_event( event_type= "ReloadUserInfoEvent",
                                            description= "A notification has been created.",
                                            notification_id = notification_id)

        return notification_id

    def update_notification(self, notification=None, user_id = ''):
        """Updates the provided NotificationRequest object.  Throws NotFound exception if
        an existing version of NotificationRequest is not found.  Throws Conflict if
        the provided NotificationRequest object is not based on the latest persisted
        version of the object.

        @param notification     NotificationRequest
        @throws BadRequest      if object does not have _id or _rev attribute
        @throws NotFound        object with specified id does not exist
        @throws Conflict        object not based on latest persisted object version

        # Get the old notification

        old_notification =

        # Update the notification


        # reading up the notification object to make sure we have the newly registered notification request object

        notification_id = notification._id
        notification =

        # Update the UserInfo object

        user = self.update_user_info_object(user_id, notification, old_notification)

        # Update the user_info dictionary maintained by UNS

        self.update_user_info_dictionary(user, notification, old_notification)

        # Generate an event that can be picked by notification workers so that they can update their user_info dictionary
        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"(update notification) Publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for updated notification")

        self.event_publisher.publish_event( event_type= "ReloadUserInfoEvent",
                                            description= "A notification has been updated."

    def read_notification(self, notification_id=''):
        """Returns the NotificationRequest object for the specified notification id.
        Throws exception if id does not match any persisted NotificationRequest

        @param notification_id    str
        @retval notification    NotificationRequest
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        notification =

        return notification

    def delete_notification(self, notification_id=''):
        """For now, permanently deletes NotificationRequest object with the specified
        id. Throws exception if id does not match any persisted NotificationRequest.

        @param notification_id    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        # Stop the event subscriber for the notification
        notification_request =


        # delete the notification from the user_info and reverse_user_info dictionaries


        # delete from the resource registry


        # Generate an event that can be picked by a notification worker so that it can update its user_info dictionary
        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"(delete notification) Publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for notification_id: %s" % notification_id)

        self.event_publisher.publish_event( event_type= "ReloadUserInfoEvent",
                                            description= "A notification has been deleted.",
                                            notification_id = notification_id)

    def delete_notification_from_user_info(self, notification_id):
        Helper method to delete the notification from the user_info dictionary

        for user_name, value in self.event_processor.user_info.iteritems():
            for notif in value['notifications']:
                if notification_id == notif._id:
                    # remove the notification
                    # remove the notification_subscription

        self.event_processor.reverse_user_info = calculate_reverse_user_info(self.event_processor.user_info)

    def find_events(self, origin='', type='', min_datetime='', max_datetime='', limit=-1, descending=False):
        """Returns a list of events that match the specified search criteria. Will throw a not NotFound exception
        if no events exist for the given parameters.

        @param origin         str
        @param type           str
        @param min_datetime   str
        @param max_datetime   str
        @param limit          int         (integer limiting the number of results (0 means unlimited))
        @param descending     boolean     (if True, reverse order (of production time) is applied, e.g. most recent first)
        @retval event_list    []
        @throws NotFound    object with specified parameters does not exist
        @throws NotFound    object with specified parameters does not exist

        if min_datetime and max_datetime:
            search_time = "SEARCH 'ts_created' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM 'events_index'" % (min_datetime, max_datetime)
            search_time = 'search "ts_created" is "*" from "events_index"'

        if origin:
            search_origin = 'search "origin" is "%s" from "events_index"' % origin
            search_origin = 'search "origin" is "*" from "events_index"'

        if type:
            search_type = 'search "type_" is "%s" from "events_index"' % type
            search_type = 'search "type_" is "*" from "events_index"'

        search_string = search_time + ' and ' + search_origin + ' and ' + search_type

        # get the list of ids corresponding to the events
        ret_vals = self.discovery.parse(search_string)
        log.debug("(find_events) Discovery search returned the following event ids: %s" % ret_vals)

        events = []
        for event_id in ret_vals:
            datastore = self.datastore_manager.get_datastore('events')
            event_obj =

        log.debug("(find_events) UNS found the following relevant events: %s" % events)

        if limit > -1:
            list = []
            for i in xrange(limit):
            return list

        #todo implement time ordering: ascending or descending

        return events

    def publish_event(self, event=None, scheduler_entry= None):
        Publish a general event at a certain time using the UNS

        @param event Event
        @param scheduler_entry SchedulerEntry This object is created through Scheduler Service

        log.debug("UNS to publish on schedule the event: %s" % event)

        # Set up a subscriber to get the nod from the scheduler to publish the event
        def publish(message, headers):
            self.event_publisher._publish_event( event_msg = event,
                                            event_type = event.type_)
  "UNS published an event in response to a nod from the Scheduler Service.")

        event_subscriber = EventSubscriber( event_type = "ResourceEvent", callback=publish)

        # Use the scheduler to set up a timer

    def create_worker(self, number_of_workers=1):
        Creates notification workers

        @param number_of_workers int
        @ret_val pids list


        pids = []

        for n in xrange(number_of_workers):

            process_definition = ProcessDefinition( name='notification_worker_%s' % n)

            process_definition.executable = {
                'module': '',
            process_definition_id = self.process_dispatcher.create_process_definition(process_definition=process_definition)

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Process Spawning
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            pid2 = self.process_dispatcher.create_process(process_definition_id)

            #@todo put in a configuration
            configuration = {}
            configuration['process'] = dict({
                'name': 'notification_worker_%s' % n,

            pid  = self.process_dispatcher.schedule_process(
                configuration = configuration,


        return pids

    def process_batch(self, start_time = 0, end_time = 10):
        This method is launched when an process_batch event is received. The user info dictionary maintained
        by the User Notification Service is used to query the event repository for all events for a particular
        user that have occurred in a provided time interval, and then an email is sent to the user containing
        the digest of all the events.
        for user_name, value in self.event_processor.user_info.iteritems():

            notifications = value['notifications']

            events_for_message = []

            search_time = "SEARCH 'ts_created' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM 'events_index'" % (start_time, end_time)

            for notification in notifications:

                if notification.origin:
                    search_origin = 'search "origin" is "%s" from "events_index"' % notification.origin
                    search_origin = 'search "origin" is "*" from "events_index"'

                if notification.origin_type:
                    search_origin_type= 'search "origin_type" is "%s" from "events_index"' % notification.origin_type
                    search_origin_type= 'search "origin_type" is "*" from "events_index"'

                if notification.event_type:
                    search_event_type = 'search "type_" is "%s" from "events_index"' % notification.event_type
                    search_event_type = 'search "type_" is "*" from "events_index"'

                search_string = search_time + ' and ' + search_origin + ' and ' + search_origin_type + ' and ' + search_event_type

                # get the list of ids corresponding to the events
                ret_vals = self.discovery.parse(search_string)

                for event_id in ret_vals:
                    datastore = self.datastore_manager.get_datastore('events')
                    event_obj =

            log.debug("Found following events of interest to user, %s: %s" % (user_name, events_for_message))

            # send a notification email to each user using a _send_email() method
            if events_for_message:
                self.format_and_send_email(events_for_message, user_name)

    def format_and_send_email(self, events_for_message, user_name):
        Format the message for a particular user containing information about the events he is to be notified about

        message = str(events_for_message)"The user, %s, will get the following events in his batch notification email: %s" % (user_name, message))

        msg_body = ''
        count = 1
        for event in events_for_message:
            # build the email from the event content
            msg_body += string.join(("\r\n",
                                     "Event %s: %s" %  (count, event),
                                    "Originator: %s" %  event.origin,
                                    "Description: %s" % event.description ,
                                    "Event time stamp: %s" %  event.ts_created,
            count += 1

        msg_body += "You received this notification from ION because you asked to be " + \
                    "notified about this event from this source. " + \
                    "To modify or remove notifications about this event, " + \
                    "please access My Notifications Settings in the ION Web UI. " + \
                    "Do not reply to this email.  This email address is not monitored " + \
                    "and the emails will not be read. \r\n "

        log.debug("The email has the following message body: %s" % msg_body)

        msg_subject = "(SysName: " + get_sys_name() + ") ION event "

        self.send_batch_email(  msg_body = msg_body,
                                msg_subject = msg_subject,
                                smtp_client=self.smtp_client )

    def send_batch_email(self, msg_body, msg_subject, msg_recipient, smtp_client):
        Send the email

        msg = MIMEText(msg_body)
        msg['Subject'] = msg_subject
        msg['From'] = self.ION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS
        msg['To'] = msg_recipient
        log.debug("EventProcessor.subscription_callback(): sending email to %s"\

        smtp_sender = CFG.get_safe('server.smtp.sender')

        smtp_client.sendmail(smtp_sender, msg_recipient, msg.as_string())

    def update_user_info_object(self, user_id, new_notification, old_notification):
        Update the UserInfo object. If the passed in parameter, od_notification, is None, it does not need to remove the old notification

        # read the user

        user =

        if not user:
            raise BadRequest("No user with the provided user_id: %s" % user_id)

        notifications = []
        for item in user.variables:
            if item['name'] == 'notifications':
                if old_notification and old_notification in item['value']:

                    notifications = item['value']
                    # remove the old notification

                # put in the new notification

                item['value'] = notifications


        # update the resource registry


        return user

    def update_user_info_dictionary(self, user, new_notification, old_notification):

        # Remove the old notifications

        if old_notification in self.event_processor.user_info[]['notifications']:

            # remove from notifications list

            # update the notification subscription object

            # get the old notification_subscription
            notification_subscription = self.event_processor.user_info[]['notification_subscriptions'].pop(old_notification._id)

            # update that old notification subscription
            notification_subscription._res_obj = new_notification

            # feed the updated notification subscription back into the user info dictionary
            self.event_processor.user_info[]['notification_subscriptions'][old_notification._id] = notification_subscription

        # find the already existing notifications for the user

        notifications = self.event_processor.user_info[]['notifications']

        # update the user info - contact information, notifications

        self.event_processor.user_info[]['user_contact'] =
        self.event_processor.user_info[]['notifications'] = notifications

        self.event_processor.reverse_user_info = calculate_reverse_user_info(self.event_processor.user_info)
class UserNotificationService(BaseUserNotificationService):
    A service that provides users with an API for CRUD methods for notifications.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._subscribers = []
        self._schedule_ids = []
        BaseUserNotificationService.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def on_start(self):

        # Get the event Repository

        self.event_repo = self.container.instance.event_repository

        self.smtp_client = setting_up_smtp_client()

        self.ION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS = '*****@*****.**'

        # Create an event processor

        self.event_processor = EmailEventProcessor(self.smtp_client)

        # load event originators, types, and table

        self.notifications = {}

        # Get the clients

        self.discovery = DiscoveryServiceClient()
        self.process_dispatcher = ProcessDispatcherServiceClient()
        self.event_publisher = EventPublisher()

        self.start_time = UserNotificationService.makeEpochTime(self.__now())

    def on_quit(self):
        Handles stop/terminate.

        Cleans up subscribers spawned here, terminates any scheduled tasks to the scheduler.
        for sub in self._subscribers:

        for sid in self._schedule_ids:
            except IonException as ex:
      "Ignoring exception while cancelling schedule id (%s): %s: %s", sid, ex.__class__.__name__, ex)

        # Clean up the notification subscriptions' subscribers created in EmailEventProcessor object

        super(UserNotificationService, self).on_quit()

    def __now(self):
        This method defines what the UNS uses as its "current" time
        return datetime.utcnow()

    def set_process_batch_key(self, process_batch_key = ''):
        This method allows an operator to set the process_batch_key, a string.
        Once this method is used by the operator, the UNS will start listening for timer events
        published by the scheduler with origin = process_batch_key.

        @param process_batch_key str

        def process(event_msg, headers):
            assert event_msg.origin == process_batch_key

            self.end_time = UserNotificationService.makeEpochTime(self.__now())

            # run the process_batch() method
            self.process_batch(start_time=self.start_time, end_time=self.end_time)
            self.start_time = self.end_time

        # the subscriber for the batch processing
        To trigger the batch notification, have the scheduler create a timer with event_origin = process_batch_key
        self.batch_processing_subscriber = EventSubscriber(

    def create_notification(self, notification=None, user_id=''):
        Persists the provided NotificationRequest object for the specified Origin id.
        Associate the Notification resource with the user_id string.
        returned id is the internal id by which NotificationRequest will be identified
        in the data store.

        @param notification        NotificationRequest
        @param user_id             str
        @retval notification_id    str
        @throws BadRequest    if object passed has _id or _rev attribute


        if not user_id:
            raise BadRequest("User id not provided.")

        # Persist Notification object as a resource if it has already not been persisted

        # if the notification has already been registered, simply use the old id

        id = self._notification_in_notifications(notification, self.notifications)

        if id:
            log.debug("Notification object has already been created in resource registry before. No new id to be generated.")
            notification_id = id

            # since the notification has not been registered yet, register it and get the id
            notification.temporal_bounds = TemporalBounds()
            notification.temporal_bounds.start_datetime = self.makeEpochTime(self.__now())
            notification.temporal_bounds.end_datetime = ''

            notification_id, _ = self.clients.resource_registry.create(notification)
            self.notifications[notification_id] = notification

            # Link the user and the notification with a hasNotification association
            self.clients.resource_registry.create_association(user_id, PRED.hasNotification, notification_id)

        # read the registered notification request object because this has an _id and is more useful

        notification =

        # Create an event processor for user. This sets up callbacks etc.
        # As a side effect this updates the UserInfo object and also the user info and reverse user info dictionaries.

        user = self.event_processor.add_notification_for_user(notification_request=notification, user_id=user_id)

        # Generate an event that can be picked by a notification worker so that it can update its user_info dictionary
        log.debug("(create notification) Publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for notification_id: %s" % notification_id)

        self.event_publisher.publish_event( event_type= "ReloadUserInfoEvent",
            description= "A notification has been created.",
            notification_id = notification_id)

        return notification_id

    def update_notification(self, notification=None, user_id = ''):
        """Updates the provided NotificationRequest object.  Throws NotFound exception if
        an existing version of NotificationRequest is not found.  Throws Conflict if
        the provided NotificationRequest object is not based on the latest persisted
        version of the object.

        @param notification     NotificationRequest
        @throws BadRequest      if object does not have _id or _rev attribute
        @throws NotFound        object with specified id does not exist
        @throws Conflict        object not based on latest persisted object version

        # Get the old notification

        old_notification =

        # Update the notification in the notifications dict

        # Update the notification in the registry


        # reading up the notification object to make sure we have the newly registered notification request object

        notification_id = notification._id
        notification =

        # Update the UserInfo object

        user = self.update_user_info_object(user_id, notification, old_notification)

        # Update the user_info dictionary maintained by UNS

        self.update_user_info_dictionary(user_id, notification, old_notification)

        # Generate an event that can be picked by notification workers so that they can update their user_info dictionary
        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"(update notification) Publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for updated notification")

        self.event_publisher.publish_event( event_type= "ReloadUserInfoEvent",
            description= "A notification has been updated."

    def read_notification(self, notification_id=''):
        """Returns the NotificationRequest object for the specified notification id.
        Throws exception if id does not match any persisted NotificationRequest

        @param notification_id    str
        @retval notification    NotificationRequest
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist
        notification =

        return notification

    def delete_notification(self, notification_id=''):
        """For now, permanently deletes NotificationRequest object with the specified
        id. Throws exception if id does not match any persisted NotificationRequest.

        @param notification_id    str
        @throws NotFound    object with specified id does not exist

        # Stop the event subscriber for the notification
        notification_request =
        old_notification = notification_request


        # Update the resource registry

        notification_request.temporal_bounds.end_datetime = self.makeEpochTime(self.__now())


        # Update the user info dictionaries

        for user_id in self.event_processor.user_info.iterkeys():
            self.update_user_info_dictionary(user_id, notification_request, old_notification)

        # Generate an event that can be picked by a notification worker so that it can update its user_info dictionary
        #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"(delete notification) Publishing ReloadUserInfoEvent for notification_id: %s" % notification_id)

        self.event_publisher.publish_event( event_type= "ReloadUserInfoEvent",
            description= "A notification has been deleted.",
            notification_id = notification_id)

    def delete_notification_from_user_info(self, notification_id):
        Helper method to delete the notification from the user_info dictionary

        @param notification_id str

        user_ids, assocs = self.clients.resource_registry.find_subjects(object=notification_id, predicate=PRED.hasNotification, id_only=True)

        for assoc in assocs:

        for user_id in user_ids:

            value = self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]

            for notif in value['notifications']:
                if notification_id == notif._id:
                    # remove the notification
                    # remove the notification_subscription

        self.event_processor.reverse_user_info = calculate_reverse_user_info(self.event_processor.user_info)

    def find_events(self, origin='', type='', min_datetime=0, max_datetime=0, limit= -1, descending=False):
        This method leverages couchdb view and simple filters. It does not use elastic search.

        Returns a list of events that match the specified search criteria. Will throw a not NotFound exception
        if no events exist for the given parameters.

        @param origin         str
        @param event_type     str
        @param min_datetime   int  seconds
        @param max_datetime   int  seconds
        @param limit          int         (integer limiting the number of results (0 means unlimited))
        @param descending     boolean     (if True, reverse order (of production time) is applied, e.g. most recent first)
        @retval event_list    []
        @throws NotFound    object with specified parameters does not exist
        @throws NotFound    object with specified parameters does not exist
        datastore = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore('events')

        # The reason for the if-else below is that couchdb query_view does not support passing in Null or -1 for limit
        # If the opreator does not want to set a limit for the search results in find_events, and does not therefore
        # provide a limit, one has to just omit it from the opts dictionary and pass that into the query_view() method.
        # Passing a null or negative for the limit to query view through opts results in a ServerError so we cannot do that.
        if limit > -1:
            opts = dict(
                start_key = [origin, type or 0, min_datetime or 0],
                end_key   = [origin, type or {}, max_datetime or {}],
                descending = descending,
                limit = limit,
                include_docs = True

            opts = dict(
                start_key = [origin, type or 0, min_datetime or 0],
                end_key   = [origin, type or {}, max_datetime or {}],
                descending = descending,
                include_docs = True
        if descending:
            t = opts['start_key']
            opts['start_key'] = opts['end_key']
            opts['end_key'] = t

        results = datastore.query_view('event/by_origintype',opts=opts)

        events = []
        for res in results:
            event_obj = res['doc']

        log.debug("(find_events) UNS found the following relevant events: %s" % events)

        if -1 < limit < len(events):
            list = []
            for i in xrange(limit):
            return list

        return events

    #todo Uses Elastic Search. Later extend this to a larger search criteria
    def find_events_extended(self, origin='', type='', min_time= 0, max_time=0, limit=-1, descending=False):
        """Uses Elastic Search. Returns a list of events that match the specified search criteria. Will throw a not NotFound exception
        if no events exist for the given parameters.

        @param origin         str
        @param type           str
        @param min_time   int seconds
        @param max_time   int seconds
        @param limit          int         (integer limiting the number of results (0 means unlimited))
        @param descending     boolean     (if True, reverse order (of production time) is applied, e.g. most recent first)
        @retval event_list    []
        @throws NotFound    object with specified parameters does not exist
        @throws NotFound    object with specified parameters does not exist

        if min_time and max_time:
            search_time = "SEARCH 'ts_created' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM 'events_index'" % (min_time, max_time)
            search_time = 'search "ts_created" is "*" from "events_index"'

        if origin:
            search_origin = 'search "origin" is "%s" from "events_index"' % origin
            search_origin = 'search "origin" is "*" from "events_index"'

        if type:
            search_type = 'search "type_" is "%s" from "events_index"' % type
            search_type = 'search "type_" is "*" from "events_index"'

        search_string = search_time + ' and ' + search_origin + ' and ' + search_type

        # get the list of ids corresponding to the events
        ret_vals = self.discovery.parse(search_string)
        log.debug("(find_events_extended) Discovery search returned the following event ids: %s" % ret_vals)

        events = []
        for event_id in ret_vals:
            datastore = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore('events')
            event_obj =

        log.debug("(find_events_extended) UNS found the following relevant events: %s" % events)

        if limit > -1:
            list = []
            for i in xrange(limit):
            return list

        #todo implement time ordering: ascending or descending

        return events

    def publish_event(self, event=None):
        Publish a general event at a certain time using the UNS

        @param event Event

        self.event_publisher._publish_event( event_msg = event,
            event_type = event.type_)"The publish_event() method of UNS was used to publish an event.")

    def get_recent_events(self, resource_id='', limit = 100):
        Get recent events

        @param resource_id str
        @param limit int

        @retval events list of Event objects

        now = self.makeEpochTime(datetime.utcnow())
        events = self.find_events(origin=resource_id,limit=limit, max_datetime=now, descending=True)

        ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedListValue)
        if events:
            ret.value = events
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
            ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE

        return ret

    def get_user_notifications(self, user_id=''):
        Get the notification request objects that are subscribed to by the user

        @param user_id str

        @retval notifications list of NotificationRequest objects

        if self.event_processor.user_info.has_key(user_id):
            notifications = self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['notifications']
            ret = IonObject(OT.ComputedListValue)

            if notifications:
                ret.value = notifications
                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.PROVIDED
                ret.status = ComputedValueAvailability.NOTAVAILABLE
            return ret
            return None

    def create_worker(self, number_of_workers=1):
        Creates notification workers

        @param number_of_workers int
        @retval pids list


        pids = []

        for n in xrange(number_of_workers):

            process_definition = ProcessDefinition( name='notification_worker_%s' % n)

            process_definition.executable = {
                'module': '',
            process_definition_id = self.process_dispatcher.create_process_definition(process_definition=process_definition)

            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # Process Spawning
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            pid2 = self.process_dispatcher.create_process(process_definition_id)

            #@todo put in a configuration
            configuration = {}
            configuration['process'] = dict({
                'name': 'notification_worker_%s' % n,

            pid  = self.process_dispatcher.schedule_process(
                configuration = configuration,


        return pids

    def makeEpochTime(date_time):
        provides the seconds since epoch give a python datetime object.

        @param date_time Python datetime object
        @retval seconds_since_epoch int
        date_time = date_time.isoformat().split('.')[0].replace('T',' ')
        #'2009-07-04 18:30:47'
        pattern = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        seconds_since_epoch = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(date_time, pattern)))

        return seconds_since_epoch

    def process_batch(self, start_time = 0, end_time = 0):
        This method is launched when an process_batch event is received. The user info dictionary maintained
        by the User Notification Service is used to query the event repository for all events for a particular
        user that have occurred in a provided time interval, and then an email is sent to the user containing
        the digest of all the events.

        @param start_time int
        @param end_time int

        if end_time <= start_time:

        for user_id, value in self.event_processor.user_info.iteritems():

            notifications = value['notifications']

            events_for_message = []

            search_time = "SEARCH 'ts_created' VALUES FROM %s TO %s FROM 'events_index'" % (start_time, end_time)

            for notification in notifications:

                # If the notification request has expired, then do not use it in the search
                if notification.temporal_bounds.end_datetime:

                if notification.origin:
                    search_origin = 'search "origin" is "%s" from "events_index"' % notification.origin
                    search_origin = 'search "origin" is "*" from "events_index"'

                if notification.origin_type:
                    search_origin_type= 'search "origin_type" is "%s" from "events_index"' % notification.origin_type
                    search_origin_type= 'search "origin_type" is "*" from "events_index"'

                if notification.event_type:
                    search_event_type = 'search "type_" is "%s" from "events_index"' % notification.event_type
                    search_event_type = 'search "type_" is "*" from "events_index"'

                search_string = search_time + ' and ' + search_origin + ' and ' + search_origin_type + ' and ' + search_event_type

                # get the list of ids corresponding to the events
                ret_vals = self.discovery.parse(search_string)

                for event_id in ret_vals:
                    datastore = self.container.datastore_manager.get_datastore('events')
                    event_obj =

            log.debug("Found following events of interest to user, %s: %s" % (user_id, events_for_message))

            # send a notification email to each user using a _send_email() method
            if events_for_message:
                self.format_and_send_email(events_for_message, user_id)

    def format_and_send_email(self, events_for_message, user_id):
        Format the message for a particular user containing information about the events he is to be notified about

        @param events_for_message list
        @param user_id str

        message = str(events_for_message)
        log.debug("The user, %s, will get the following events in his batch notification email: %s" % (user_id, message))

        msg_body = ''
        count = 1
        for event in events_for_message:
            # build the email from the event content
            msg_body += string.join(("\r\n",
                                     "Event %s: %s" %  (count, event),
                                     "Originator: %s" %  event.origin,
                                     "Description: %s" % event.description ,
                                     "Event time stamp: %s" %  event.ts_created,
            count += 1

        msg_body += "You received this notification from ION because you asked to be " +\
                    "notified about this event from this source. " +\
                    "To modify or remove notifications about this event, " +\
                    "please access My Notifications Settings in the ION Web UI. " +\
                    "Do not reply to this email.  This email address is not monitored " +\
                    "and the emails will not be read. \r\n "

        log.debug("The email has the following message body: %s" % msg_body)

        msg_subject = "(SysName: " + get_sys_name() + ") ION event "

        self.send_batch_email(  msg_body = msg_body,
            msg_subject = msg_subject,
            smtp_client=self.smtp_client )

    def send_batch_email(self, msg_body, msg_subject, msg_recipient, smtp_client):
        Send the email

        @param msg_body str
        @param msg_subject str
        @param msg_recipient str
        @param smtp_client object

        msg = MIMEText(msg_body)
        msg['Subject'] = msg_subject
        msg['From'] = self.ION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS
        msg['To'] = msg_recipient
        log.debug("EventProcessor.subscription_callback(): sending email to %s"\

        smtp_sender = CFG.get_safe('server.smtp.sender')

        smtp_client.sendmail(smtp_sender, msg_recipient, msg.as_string())

    def update_user_info_object(self, user_id, new_notification, old_notification):
        Update the UserInfo object. If the passed in parameter, od_notification, is None, it does not need to remove the old notification

        @param user_id str
        @param new_notification NotificationRequest
        @param old_notification NotificationRequest

        # read the user

        user =

        if not user:
            raise BadRequest("No user with the provided user_id: %s" % user_id)

        notifications = []
        for item in user.variables:
            if item['name'] == 'notifications':
                if old_notification and old_notification in item['value']:

                    notifications = item['value']
                    # remove the old notification

                # put in the new notification

                item['value'] = notifications


        # update the resource registry


        return user

    def update_user_info_dictionary(self, user_id, new_notification, old_notification):

        # Remove the old notifications

        if old_notification in self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['notifications']:

            # remove from notifications list

            # update the notification subscription object

            # get the old notification_subscription
            notification_subscription = self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['notification_subscriptions'].pop(old_notification._id)

            # update that old notification subscription
            notification_subscription._res_obj = new_notification

            # feed the updated notification subscription back into the user info dictionary
            self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['notification_subscriptions'][old_notification._id] = notification_subscription

        # find the already existing notifications for the user

        notifications = self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['notifications']

        # update the user info - contact information, notifications
        user =

        self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['user_contact'] =
        self.event_processor.user_info[user_id]['notifications'] = notifications

        self.event_processor.reverse_user_info = calculate_reverse_user_info(self.event_processor.user_info)

    def get_subscriptions(self, resource_id='', include_nonactive=False):
        This method is used to get the subscriptions to a data product. The method will return a list of NotificationRequest
        objects for whom the origin is set to this data product. This way all the users who were interested in listening to
        events with origin equal to this data product, will be known and all their subscriptions will be known.

        @param resource_id
        @param include_nonactive
        @return notification_requests []


        search_origin = 'search "origin" is "%s" from "resources_index"' % resource_id
        ret_vals = self.discovery.parse(search_origin)
        log.debug("Returned results: %s" % ret_vals)

        notifications_all = set()
        notifications_active = set()

        for item in ret_vals:

            if item['_type'] == 'NotificationRequest':
                notif =['_id'])

                if include_nonactive:
                    # Add active or retired notification

                elif notif.temporal_bounds.end_datetime == '':
                    # Add the active notification

        if include_nonactive:
            return list(notifications_all)
            return list(notifications_active)

    def _notification_in_notifications(self, notification = None, notifications = None):

        for id, notif in notifications.iteritems():
            if == and \
            notif.origin == notification.origin and \
            notif.origin_type == notification.origin_type and \
            notif.event_type == notification.event_type:
                return id
        return None

    def _update_notification_in_notifications_dict(self, new_notification = None, old_notification = None, notifications = None ):

        for id, notif in notifications.iteritems():
            if == and\
               notif.origin == old_notification.origin and\
               notif.origin_type == old_notification.origin_type and\
               notif.event_type == old_notification.event_type:
                notifications[id] = new_notification
Example #3
class ResourceAgent(BaseResourceAgent):
    A resource agent is an ION process of type "agent" that exposes the standard
    resource agent service interface.

    process_type = "agent"

    # Override in subclass to publish specific types of events
    COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE = "ResourceCommandEvent"
    # Override in subclass to set specific origin type
    ORIGIN_TYPE = "Resource"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ResourceAgent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # The ID of the AgentInstance subtype resource object
        self.agent_id = None
        # The ID of the AgentDefinition subtype resource object
        self.agent_def_id = None
        # The ID of the target resource object, e.g. a device id
        self.resource_id = None

    def _on_init(self):
        log.debug("Resource Agent initializing. name=%s, resource_id=%s" % (self._proc_name, self.resource_id))
        self._event_publisher = EventPublisher()

    def _on_quit(self):

    def negotiate(self, resource_id="", sap_in=None):

    def execute(self, resource_id="", command=None):
        return self._execute("rcmd_", command)

    def execute_agent(self, resource_id="", command=None):
        return self._execute("acmd_", command)

    def _execute(self, cprefix, command):
        if not command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("execute argument 'command' not present")
        if not command.command:
            raise iex.BadRequest("command not set")

        cmd_res = IonObject("AgentCommandResult", command_id=command.command_id, command=command.command)
        cmd_func = getattr(self, cprefix + str(command.command), None)
        if cmd_func:
            cmd_res.ts_execute = get_ion_ts()
                res = cmd_func(*command.args, **command.kwargs)
                cmd_res.status = 0
                cmd_res.result = res
            except iex.IonException as ex:
                # TODO: Distinguish application vs. uncaught exception
                cmd_res.status = getattr(ex, 'status_code', -1)
                cmd_res.result = str(ex)
                log.warn("Agent command %s failed with trace=%s" % (command.command, traceback.format_exc()))
  "Agent command not supported: %s" % (command.command))
            ex = iex.NotFound("Command not supported: %s" % command.command)
            cmd_res.status = iex.NotFound.status_code
            cmd_res.result = str(ex)

        sub_type = "%s.%s" % (command.command, cmd_res.status)
        post_event = self._event_publisher._create_event(event_type=self.COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE,
                                origin=self.resource_id, origin_type=self.ORIGIN_TYPE,
                                sub_type=sub_type, command=command, result=cmd_res)
        post_event = self._post_execute_event_hook(post_event)
        success = self._event_publisher._publish_event(post_event, origin=post_event.origin)

        return cmd_res

    def _post_execute_event_hook(self, event):
        Hook to add additional values to the event object to be published
        @param event  A filled out even object of type COMMAND_EVENT_TYPE
        @retval an event object
        return event

    def get_capabilities(self, resource_id="", capability_types=[]):
        capability_types = capability_types or ["CONV_TYPE", "AGT_CMD", "AGT_PAR", "RES_CMD", "RES_PAR"]
        cap_list = []
        if "CONV_TYPE" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("CONV_TYPE", cap) for cap in self._get_agent_conv_types()])
        if "AGT_CMD" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("AGT_CMD", cap) for cap in self._get_agent_commands()])
        if "AGT_PAR" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("AGT_PAR", cap) for cap in self._get_agent_params()])
        if "RES_CMD" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("RES_CMD", cap) for cap in self._get_resource_commands()])
        if "RES_PAR" in capability_types:
            cap_list.extend([("RES_PAR", cap) for cap in self._get_resource_params()])
        return cap_list

    def set_param(self, resource_id="", name='', value=''):
        if not hasattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name):
            raise iex.NotFound('Resource parameter not existing: %s' % name)
        pvalue = getattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name)
        setattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name, value)
        return pvalue

    def get_param(self, resource_id="", name=''):
            return getattr(self, "rpar_%s" % name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise iex.NotFound('Resource parameter not found: %s' % name)

    def set_agent_param(self, resource_id="", name='', value=''):
        if not hasattr(self, "apar_%s" % name):
            raise iex.NotFound('Agent parameter not existing: %s' % name)
        pvalue = getattr(self, "apar_%s" % name)
        setattr(self, "apar_%s" % name, value)
        return pvalue

    def get_agent_param(self, resource_id="", name=''):
            return getattr(self, "apar_%s" % name)
        except AttributeError:
            raise iex.NotFound('Agent parameter not found: %s' % name)

    def _get_agent_conv_types(self):
        return []

    def _get_agent_params(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "apar_")

    def _get_agent_commands(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "acmd_")

    def _get_resource_params(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "rpar_")

    def _get_resource_commands(self):
        return self._get_names(self, "rcmd_")

    def _get_names(self, obj, prefix):
        return [name[len(prefix):] for name in dir(obj) if name.startswith(prefix)]