Example #1
    def command(self):
        regions_file = "{scratch}/{uuid}.regions".format(scratch=self.scratch,
        bed_to_regions_cmd = "cat {} | bed_to_regions.py > {}".format(
            self.target_bed, regions_file)

        call_somatic_cmd = " | {} -c 'from autoseq.util.bcbio import call_somatic; import sys; print call_somatic(sys.stdin.read())' ".format(

        freebayes_cmd = "freebayes-parallel {} {} ".format(regions_file, self.threads) + \
                        required("-f ", self.reference_sequence) + " --use-mapping-quality " + \
                        optional("--min-alternate-fraction ", self.min_alt_frac) + \
                        optional("--min-coverage ", self.min_coverage) + \
                        conditional(self.use_harmonic_indel_quals, "--harmonic-indel-quality") + \
                        optional("", self.params) + \
                        repeat(" ", self.input_bams) + \
                        """| bcftools filter -i 'ALT="<*>" || QUAL > 5' """ + \
                        "| filter_erroneus_alt.py -V /dev/stdin " + \
                        conditional(self.somatic_only, call_somatic_cmd) + \
                        " | " + vt_split_and_leftaln(self.reference_sequence) + \
                        " | vcfuniq | bcftools view --apply-filters .,PASS " + \
                        " | bgzip > {output} && tabix -p vcf {output}".format(output=self.output)
        # reason for 'vcfuniq': freebayes sometimes report duplicate variants that need to be uniqified.
        rm_regions_cmd = "rm {}".format(regions_file)
        return " && ".join([bed_to_regions_cmd, freebayes_cmd, rm_regions_cmd])
Example #2
    def command(self):
        required("", self.input_tumor)
        required("", self.input_normal)

        freq_filter = (
            " bcftools filter -e 'STATUS !~ \".*Somatic\"' 2> /dev/null "
            "| %s -c 'from autoseq.util.bcbio import depth_freq_filter_input_stream; import sys; print depth_freq_filter_input_stream(sys.stdin, %s, \"%s\")' "
            % (sys.executable, 0, 'bwa'))

        somatic_filter = (
            " sed 's/\\.*Somatic\\\"/Somatic/' "  # changes \".*Somatic\" to Somatic
            "| sed 's/REJECT,Description=\".*\">/REJECT,Description=\"Not Somatic via VarDict\">/' "
            "| %s -c 'from autoseq.util.bcbio import call_somatic; import sys; print call_somatic(sys.stdin.read())' "
            % sys.executable)

        blacklist_filter = " | intersectBed -a . -b {} | ".format(

        cmd = "vardict-java " + required("-G ", self.reference_sequence) + \
              optional("-f ", self.min_alt_frac) + \
              required("-N ", self.tumorid) + \
              optional("-r ", self.min_num_reads) + \
              " -b \"{}|{}\" ".format(self.input_tumor, self.input_normal) + \
              " -c 1 -S 2 -E 3 -g 4 -Q 10 " + required("", self.target_bed) + \
              " | testsomatic.R " + \
              " | var2vcf_paired.pl -P 0.9 -m 4.25 -M " + required("-f ", self.min_alt_frac) + \
              " -N \"{}|{}\" ".format(self.tumorid, self.normalid) + \
              " | " + freq_filter + " | " + somatic_filter + " | " + fix_ambiguous_cl() + " | " + remove_dup_cl() + \
              " | vcfstreamsort -w 1000 " + \
              " | " + vt_split_and_leftaln(self.reference_sequence) + \
              " | bcftools view --apply-filters .,PASS " + \
              " | vcfsorter.pl {} /dev/stdin ".format(self.reference_dict) + \
              conditional(blacklist_filter, self.blacklist_bed) + \
              " | bgzip > {output} && tabix -p vcf {output}".format(output=self.output)
        return cmd
Example #3
    def command(self):

        # activating conda env
        activate_cmd = "source activate purecn-env"

        # running PureCN
        running_cmd = "PureCN.R " + required("--out ", self.outdir) + \
                       required("--sampleid ", self.tumorid) + \
                       required("--segfile ", self.input_seg) + \
                       required("--tumor ", self.input_cnr) + \
                       required("--vcf ", self.input_vcf) + \
                       required("--genome ", self.genome) + \
                       optional("--funsegmentation ", self.funseg) + \
                       optional("--minpurity ", self.minpurity) + \
                       optional("--hzdev ", self.hzdev) + \
                       optional("--maxnonclonal ", self.maxnonclonal) + \
                       optional("--minaf ", self.minaf) + \
                       optional("--error ", self.error) + \
                       conditional(self.postopt, "--postoptimize")

        # deactivating the conda env
        deactivate_cmd = "conda deactivate"

        # touching required output files
        touch_cmd = "touch {} {} {} {}".format(self.out_csv, self.out_genes,
                                               self.out_variants, self.output)

        return " && ".join(
            [activate_cmd, running_cmd, deactivate_cmd, touch_cmd])
Example #4
 def command(self):
     return "picard -Xmx5g -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1 " + \
         required("-Djava.io.tmpdir=", self.scratch) + \
             " MarkDuplicates " + \
             required("INPUT=", self.input_bam) + \
             required("METRICS_FILE=", self.output_metrics) + \
             required("OUTPUT=", self.output_bam) + \
             conditional(self.remove_duplicates, "REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true") + \
             " && samtools index " + required("", self.output_bam)
Example #5
 def command(self):
     return "gatk-klevebring -T HeterozygoteConcordance " + \
            required("-R ", self.reference_sequence) + \
            required("-V ", self.input_vcf) + \
            required("-I ", self.input_bam) + \
            required("-sid ", self.normalid) + \
            optional("-L ", self.target_regions) + \
            conditional(self.filter_reads_with_N_cigar, "--filter_reads_with_N_cigar") + \
            required("-o ", self.output)
Example #6
    def command(self):
        if not self.reference and not self.targets_bed:
            raise ValueError("Either reference or targets_bed must be supplied")
        if self.reference and self.targets_bed:
            raise ValueError("Supply either reference OR targets_bed")

        tmpdir = "{}/cnvkit-{}".format(self.scratch, uuid.uuid4())
        sample_prefix = stripsuffix(os.path.basename(self.input_bam), ".bam")
        cnvkit_cmd = "cnvkit.py batch " + required("", self.input_bam) + \
                     optional("-r ", self.reference) + \
                     conditional(self.targets_bed, "--fasta " + str(self.fasta) + " --split ") + \
                     conditional(self.targets_bed, "-n") + \
                     optional("-t ", self.targets_bed) + \
                     required("-d ", tmpdir)
        copy_cns_cmd = "cp {}/{}.cns ".format(tmpdir, sample_prefix) + required(" ", self.output_cns)
        copy_cnr_cmd = "cp {}/{}.cnr ".format(tmpdir, sample_prefix) + required(" ", self.output_cnr)
        rm_cmd = "rm -r {}".format(tmpdir)
        return " && ".join([cnvkit_cmd, copy_cns_cmd, copy_cnr_cmd, rm_cmd])
Example #7
    def command(self):
        tmpdir = "{}/write-alascca-report-{}".format(self.scratch,
        mkdir_tmp_cmd = "mkdir -p {}".format(tmpdir)
        tmp_pdf = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'Report.pdf')
        cmd = 'writeAlasccaReport ' + \
              required(' --tmp_dir ', tmpdir) + \
              required(' --output_dir ', tmpdir) + \
              conditional(self.alascca_only, " --alascca_only ") + \
              required('', self.input_genomic_json) + \
              required('', self.input_metadata_json)

        cp_cmd = "cp {} {}".format(tmp_pdf, self.output_pdf)
        rmdir_cmd = "rm -r {}".format(tmpdir)

        return " && ".join([mkdir_tmp_cmd, cmd, cp_cmd, rmdir_cmd])
Example #8
    def command(self):
        filt_vcf = "{scratch}/{uuid}.vcf.gz".format(scratch=self.scratch,
        bgzip = ""
        tabix = ""
        if self.output.endswith('gz'):
            bgzip = "| bgzip"
            tabix = " && tabix -p vcf {}".format(self.output)

        filt_vcf_cmd = "vcf_filter.py --no-filtered " + required("", self.input_vcf) + " sq --site-quality 5 " + \
                       "|bgzip" + " > " + filt_vcf
        vcf_add_sample_cmd = "vcf_add_sample.py " + \
                             conditional(self.filter_hom, "--filter_hom") + \
                             required("--samplename ", self.samplename) + \
                             filt_vcf + " " + \
                             required("", self.input_bam) + \
                             bgzip + " > " + self.output + tabix
        rm_filt_cmd = "rm " + filt_vcf
        return " && ".join([filt_vcf_cmd, vcf_add_sample_cmd, rm_filt_cmd])
Example #9
    def command(self):

        # activating conda env
        activate_cmd = "source activate purecn-env"

        # running PureCN
        running_cmd = "PureCN.R " + required("--out ", self.outdir) + \
                       required("--sampleid ", self.tumorid) + \
                       required("--segfile ", self.input_seg) + \
                       required("--vcf ", self.input_vcf) + \
                       required("--gcgene ", self.gcgene_file) + \
                       required("--genome ", self.genome) + \
                       optional("--minpurity ", self.minpurity) + \
                       optional("--hzdev ", self.hzdev) + \
                       optional("--segfilesdev ", self.seg_sdev) + \
                       conditional(self.postopt, "--postoptimize")

        # deactivating the conda env
        deactivate_cmd = "source deactivate"

        return " && ".join([activate_cmd, running_cmd, deactivate_cmd])
Example #10
 def command(self):
     return "fastqc -o {} ".format(self.outdir) + \
            conditional(self.extract, "--extract") + \
            " --nogroup {}".format(self.input)
Example #11
def vt_split_and_leftaln(reference_sequence, allow_ref_mismatches=False):
    cmd = "vt decompose -s - " + \
          "|vt normalize " + conditional(allow_ref_mismatches, ' -n ') + \
          " -r {} - ".format(reference_sequence)
    return cmd
Example #12
 def command(self):
     return "msisensor scan " + \
            required("-d ", self.input_fasta) + \
            required("-o ", self.output) + \
            conditional(self.homopolymers_only, " -p 1 ")