Example #1
def test_simple_rmqres(config, test_resources):
    runner = CliRunner()

    # Generate a qrc file named res and update config file
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])

    # Add resources folder config file and qrc
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])

    # Remove resources folder config file and qrc
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["rmqres", "res.qrc", "resources", "-v"])

    # Parse qrc file
    qrcfile = read_qrc("res.qrc")

    # Check qresource has been deleted
    with pytest.raises(QresourceError) as e:
    assert format_msg(str(e.value)) == (
        "Error: No <qresource> node corresponding to '/resources' prefix"

    # Check res_folder has been removed from dirs variable of config file
    assert config.get_dirs("res.qrc") == []

    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.info(
        "Resources folder: \'resources\' has been removed in res.qrc.\n"
Example #2
def test_addqres_in_non_project_qrc(config, test_resources):
    runner = CliRunner()


    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])
    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.error("res.qrc isn't part of the project.\nAborted!\n")
Example #3
def test_new_duplication():
    runner = CliRunner()
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])
    assert format_msg(result.output).startswith(
        "[ERROR]: A qrc file named \'res.qrc\' already exists"
Example #4
def test_makerc_with_invalid_qrc_file():
    runner = CliRunner()

    open("invalid.qrc", "a").close()

    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["makerc", "-v", "invalid.qrc"])
    assert format_msg(result.output) == (
        "[WARNING]: Qrc file: \'invalid.qrc\' is not valid.\n")
Example #5
def test_rmqres_with_non_recorded_res_folder(config, test_resources):
    runner = CliRunner()

    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])

    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["rmqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])
    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.warning(
        "There is no recorded resources folders to delete in res.qrc\n"
Example #6
def test_makerc_with_empty_qrc_file():
    runner = CliRunner()


    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["makerc", "res.qrc"])
    assert format_msg(result.output) == (
        "[WARNING]: res.qrc has no more resources and cannot "
        "generates its corresponding rc file.\n"
Example #7
def test_addqres_duplication(config, test_resources):
    runner = CliRunner()

    # Generate a qrc file named res and update config file
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])

    # Add qresources corresponding to resources folder
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])

    # Add the same qresource
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])

    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.warning("You have already added 'resources' to res.qrc.\n")
Example #8
def test_rmqres_with_multiple_res_folders_separately(config, test_resources):
    runner = CliRunner()

    # Copy resources dir to make another resource folder in another directory
    shutil.copytree("resources", "test/other_res")

    # Generate a qrc file named res and update config file
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])

    # Add resources folder config file and qrc
        pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources", "test/other_res"])

    # Remove resources folder config file and qrc
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["rmqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["rmqres", "res.qrc", "test/other_res"])

    # Parse qrc file
    qrcfile = read_qrc("res.qrc")

    # Check qresources has been deleted
    with pytest.raises(QresourceError) as e:
    assert format_msg(str(e.value)) == (
        "Error: No <qresource> node corresponding to '/resource' prefix"

    # Check qresources has been deleted
    with pytest.raises(QresourceError) as e:
    assert format_msg(str(e.value)) == (
        "Error: No <qresource> node corresponding to '/other_res' prefix"

    # Check res_folder has been removed from dirs variable of config file
    assert config.get_dirs("res.qrc") == []
Example #9
def test_delete_recorded_and_not_recorded_res_folders(config, test_resources):
    shutil.copytree("resources", "test")

    runner = CliRunner()

    # Generate a qrc file named res and update config file
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc"])

    # Test addqres with default option
    runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["addqres", "res.qrc", "resources"])

    # Remove resources folder config file and qrc
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["rmqres", "res.qrc", "test"])
    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.warning(
            "Directory 'test' isn't recorded for 'res.qrc' and so "
            "cannot be deleted\n"
Example #10
def test_new_default(config):
    runner = CliRunner()
    result = runner.invoke(pyqtcli, ["new", "qrc", "-v"])

    # Check qrc file is generated
    assert result.exit_code == 0
    assert os.path.isfile("res.qrc")

    # Check content of newly generated qrc file
    tree = etree.parse("res.qrc")
    assert etree.tostring(tree) == b"<RCC/>"

    # Check qrc file has been added to project the config file
    assert ["res.qrc"] == config.get_qrcs()

    # Test verbose
    assert format_msg(result.output) == v.info(
            "Qrc file \'res.qrc\' has been created.\n")