Example #1
def main(file_list, ms2uvfits_path='ms2uvfits'):
    file_list = file_list.lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split(',')
    print file_list
    outstem = (file_list[0].split('.')[0])+'.ms'
    pt.msconcat (file_list, outstem)	# virtually concat files
    os.system(ms2uvfits_path+' in='+outstem+' out='+outstem.replace('.ms','.fits')+' writesyscal=F') 

    return {'fits': outstem.replace('.ms','.fits') }	# return name of final file created to main pipeline for further use
Example #2
 def _concat_timeslices(self, group_measurements_collected,
     Msconcat to combine the time slices in a single ms:
     It is a virtual ms, a ms with symbolic links to actual data is created!
                            output_file_path, concatTime = True)
     self.logger.debug("Concatenated the files: {0} into the single measure"
         "mentset: {1}".format(
             ", ".join(group_measurements_collected), output_file_path))
Example #3
 def _concat_timeslices(self, group_measurements_collected,
     Msconcat to combine the time slices in a single ms:
     It is a virtual ms, a ms with symbolic links to actual data is created!
                            output_file_path, concatTime = True)
     self.logger.debug("Concatenated the files: {0} into the single measure"
         "mentset: {1}".format(
             ", ".join(group_measurements_collected), output_file_path))
Example #4
#		ps.append(p)

# BBS based direction independent phase calibration using GSM

ps = []
for s in range(nsb):
    csb = sb + s
    for i in range(lstart, lend + 1, 3):
        cmdstr = 'calibrate-stand-alone -t 1 -f ' + wd + 'L' + str(
        ) + '_SB%03d' % csb + ending + ' ' + sd + 'phase_cal.bbs ' + gsmskymodel + ' > ' + wd + 'L' + str(
            i) + '_SB%03d_phase_cal.log' % csb
        p = Popen(cmdstr, shell=True)


# Create virtual concat

cmdstr = []
for s in range(nsb):
    csb = sb + s
    for i in range(lstart, lend + 1, 3):
        cmdstr.append(wd + 'L' + str(i) + '_SB%03d' % csb + ending)

msconcat(cmdstr, wd + 'smartconcat_%03d' % sb + '_%03d' % (sb + nsb) + '.MS')

print('Calibration run complete')
Example #5
    def selfCalRunFuncImaging(self,stepProcess):

		# Concatenate in Time and Imaging 

		if stepProcess == 0:

				#Concatenate Calibrated Time chunks 
				listOfFiles	= sorted(glob.glob("""%s*"""%(self.IterDir)))
				print ''
				print listOfFiles
				print ''
				pt.msconcat(listOfFiles, """%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i), concatTime=True)

		#Determine background threshold

		threshold = 0
		if self.i == 0: 
			# First Iteration threshold: 10xtheorical threshold ~ 5mJy
			threshold = 0.05
			previousImagePath 		= '%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s.fits'%(self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i-1)
			# open a FITS file 	=> Estimate the awimager threshold		
			fitsImage = pyfits.open(previousImagePath)         #=> open fits image
			scidata   = fitsImage[0].data                      #=> load data
			scidata   = scidata.reshape((scidata.size,))       #=> flat the data in 1D array (before it was 4D array : freq,stokes, nx, ny)
			scidata   = scidata.ravel()						   #=> flat the data in 1D array (before it was 4D array : freq,stokes, nx, ny)
			scidata   = scidata[scidata<0]                     #=> select negative values (left part of the noise gaussian centered on 0)
			sigma     = math.sqrt(scidata.var())               #=> found sigma of that: squre root on the variance
			threshold = sigma*5.0                              #=> estimate the threshold which at 5 sigma)


		# Using a mask for cleaning 
		if self.mask == 'yes':

				# 0: Initial: needed for generate the mask
				if stepProcess == 0:
						if self.i < self.nbCycle:
							if self.nbpixel[self.i]%2 ==1:
								self.nbpixel[self.i] = self.nbpixel[self.i]+1
							#Imaging now with the image 
							cmd_image="""awimager ms=%s image=%sTemporary_Image_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1.18 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i],self.i,self.robust[self.i],self.nbpixel[self.i],self.pixsize[self.i],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i],self.wmax[self.i],threshold) 
							print ''
							print cmd_image
							print ''
						if self.i == self.nbCycle:
							if self.nbpixel[self.i-1]%2 ==1:
								self.nbpixel[self.i-1] = self.nbpixel[self.i-1]+1
							#Imaging now with the image 
							cmd_image="""awimager ms=%s image=%sTemporary_Final_Image_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1.18 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i,self.robust[self.i-1],self.nbpixel[self.i-1],self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i-1],self.wmax[self.i-1],threshold) 
							print ''
							print cmd_image
							print ''
				# 1: cleaning with mask			
				if stepProcess == 1:									

						if self.i < self.nbCycle:
							if self.nbpixel[self.i]%2 ==1:
								self.nbpixel[self.i] = self.nbpixel[self.i]+1
							#Imaging now with the image 
							cmd_image="""awimager ms=%s image=%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1.18 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy mask=%s"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i],self.i,self.robust[self.i],self.nbpixel[self.i],self.pixsize[self.i],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i],self.wmax[self.i],threshold,"""%sMask_Iter%s.casa"""%(self.SkymodelPath,self.i+1)) 
							print ''
							print cmd_image
							print ''
						if self.i == self.nbCycle:
							if self.nbpixel[self.i-1]%2 ==1:
								self.nbpixel[self.i-1] = self.nbpixel[self.i-1]+1
							#Imaging now with the image 
							cmd_image="""awimager ms=%s image=%sFinal_Image_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1.18 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy mask=%s"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i,self.robust[self.i-1],self.nbpixel[self.i-1],self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i-1],self.wmax[self.i-1],threshold,"""%sFinal_Mask_Iter%s.casa"""%(self.SkymodelPath,self.i+1)) 
							print ''
							print cmd_image
							print ''

		# Using no mask for cleaning 

				if self.i < self.nbCycle:
					if self.nbpixel[self.i]%2 ==1:
						self.nbpixel[self.i] = self.nbpixel[self.i]+1
					#Imaging now with the image 
					cmd_image="""awimager ms=%s image=%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1.18 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i],self.i,self.robust[self.i],self.nbpixel[self.i],self.pixsize[self.i],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i],self.wmax[self.i],threshold) 
					print ''
					print cmd_image
					print ''
				if self.i == self.nbCycle:
					if self.nbpixel[self.i-1]%2 ==1:
						self.nbpixel[self.i-1] = self.nbpixel[self.i-1]+1
					#Imaging now with the image 
					cmd_image="""awimager ms=%s image=%sFinal_Image_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1.18 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i,self.robust[self.i-1],self.nbpixel[self.i-1],self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i-1],self.wmax[self.i-1],threshold) 
					print ''
					print cmd_image
					print ''
    def selfCalRunFuncImaging(self):

		# Concatenate in Time and Imaging 

		#Concatenate Calibrated Time chunks 
		listOfFiles	= sorted(glob.glob("""%s*_Iter%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i)))
		pt.msconcat(listOfFiles, """%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i), concatTime=True)
		#Determine background threshold
		threshold = 0
		if self.i == 0: 
			# First Iteration threshold: 10xtheorical threshold ~ 5mJy
			threshold = 0.005
			previousImage2Convert	= '%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s.restored'%(self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i-1)				
			previousImagePath 		= '%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s.restored.fits'%(self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i-1)
			cmd	= 'image2fits in=%s out=%s'%(previousImage2Convert,previousImagePath)
			print ''
			print cmd
			print ''
			# open a FITS file 
			fitsImage	= pyfits.open(previousImagePath) 
			scidata 	= fitsImage[0].data 
			dataRange	= range(fitsImage[0].shape[2])
			sortedData	=  range(fitsImage[0].shape[2]**2)
			for i in dataRange:
				for j in dataRange:
					sortedData[i*fitsImage[0].shape[2]+j]	=  scidata[0,0,i,j]
			sortedData 		= sorted(sortedData)
			# Percent of faintest data to use to determine 5sigma value : use 5%			
			dataPercent		= int(fitsImage[0].shape[2]*0.05)
			fiveSigmaData	= sum(sortedData[0:dataPercent])/dataPercent	
			threshold		= abs(fiveSigmaData)/5.0*2.335/2.0

		if self.i < self.nbCycle:
			if self.nbpixel[self.i]%2 ==1:
				self.nbpixel[self.i] = self.nbpixel[self.i]+1
			#Imaging now with the image 
			cmd_image="""awimager data.ms=%s output.imagename=%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight.type=robust weight.robust=%s image.npix=%s image.cellsize=%sarcsec gridding.padding=1.18 clean.niter=%s operation=clean gridding.timewindow=300 data.uvrange=%s~%sklambda data.wmax=%s clean.threshold=%sJy"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i],self.i,self.robust[self.i],self.nbpixel[self.i],self.pixsize[self.i],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i],self.wmax[self.i],threshold) 
			print ''
			print cmd_image
			print ''
		if self.i == self.nbCycle:

			if self.nbpixel[self.i-1]%2 ==1:
				self.nbpixel[self.i-1] = self.nbpixel[self.i-1]+1
			#Imaging now with the image 
			cmd_image="""awimager data.ms=%s output.imagename=%sFinal_Image_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight.type=robust weight.robust=%s image.npix=%s image.cellsize=%sarcsec gridding.padding=1.18 clean.niter=%s operation=clean gridding.timewindow=300 data.uvrange=%s~%sklambda data.wmax=%s clean.threshold=%sJy"""%("""%sAll_Iteration_number_%s"""%(self.IterDir,self.i),self.ImagePathDir,self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.i,self.robust[self.i-1],self.nbpixel[self.i-1],self.pixsize[self.i-1],self.nIteration, self.UVmin,self.UVmax[self.i-1],self.wmax[self.i-1],threshold) 
			print ''
			print cmd_image
			print ''
Example #7
def main(ms_input,
    Virtually concatenate subbands

    ms_input : str
        String from the list (map) of the calibrator MSs
    ms_output : str
        String from the outut concatenated MS
    min_length : int
        minimum amount of subbands to concatenate in frequency necessary to perform the wide-band flagging in the RAM. It data is too big aoflag will use indirect-read.
    overhead   : float
        Only use this fraction of the available memory for deriving the amount of data to be concatenated.
    filename: str
        Name of output mapfile
    mapfile_dir : str
        Directory for output mapfile

    system_memory = getsystemmemory()
    filelist = input2strlist_nomapfile(ms_input)
    file_size = getfilesize(filelist[0])
    overhead = float(overhead)

    print("Detected available system memory is: " +
          str(int(((system_memory / 1024. / 1024.) + 0.5))) + " GB")
    if overhead * system_memory > global_limit:
        system_memory = global_limit
        overhead = 1.0
            "Number of files to concat will be limited to the global limit of: "
            + str(int(((global_limit / 1024. / 1024.) + 0.5))) + " GB")

    max_space = overhead * system_memory / file_size
    max_length = len(filelist) / int((len(filelist) / max_space) + 1.)

    if max_length >= int(min_length):
        memory = '-memory-read'
        memory = '-indirect-read'
        max_length = len(filelist)
        if max_length * file_size > global_limit:
            max_space = global_limit / file_size
            max_length = len(filelist) / int((len(filelist) / max_space) + 1.)
                "Number of files to concat was limited to the global limit of: "
                + str(int(((global_limit / 1024. / 1024.) + 0.5))) + " GB")
                "WARNING: The number of concatenated files will thus be lower than the min_length of: "
                + str(min_length))

    print("Applying an overhead of: " + str(overhead))
    print("The max_length value is: " + str(max_length))
    set_ranges = list(numpy.arange(0, len(filelist) + 1, int(max_length)))
    set_ranges[-1] = len(filelist)

    map_out = DataMap([])
    for i in numpy.arange(len(set_ranges) - 1):
        f = ms_output + '_' + str(i)
        pt.msconcat(filelist[set_ranges[i]:set_ranges[i + 1]], f)
        map_out.data.append(DataProduct('localhost', f, False))

    fileid = os.path.join(mapfile_dir, filename)
    result = {'concatmapfile': fileid, 'memory': memory}

    return (result)
    def __init__(self,obsDir,preprocessDir,preprocessImageDir,preprocessSkymodelDir,preprocessBBSDir,i,listFiles,Files,NbFiles,frequency,UVmin,nIteration,ra_target,dec_target,initNofAnnulusSources):
		self.obsDir					= obsDir
		self.preprocessDir			= preprocessDir
		self.preprocessImageDir		= preprocessImageDir
		self.preprocessSkymodelDir	= preprocessSkymodelDir
		self.preprocessBBSDir		= preprocessBBSDir
		self.BBSParset				= ''
		self.i						= i
		self.listFiles				= listFiles
		self.Files					= Files
		self.NbFiles				= NbFiles
		self.frequency				= frequency
		self.UVmin					= UVmin
		self.nIteration				= nIteration
		self.ra_target				= ra_target
		self.dec_target				= dec_target
		self.initNofAnnulusSources	= initNofAnnulusSources
		self.thresh_isl	= 6
		self.thresh_pix	= 8
		# Create the initial directory
		self.IterDir		= self.preprocessDir+'Iter%s/'%(self.i)
		cmd="""mkdir %s"""%(self.IterDir)
		#Copy data from observation directory
		if self.i==0:
			cmd=""" cp -r %s* %s"""%(self.obsDir,self.IterDir)
			print ''
			print cmd	
			print ''

			cmd=""" cp -r %s %s"""%(self.preprocessDir+'Iter%s/*sub%s'%(self.i-1,self.i-1),self.IterDir)
			print ''
			print cmd 
			print ''
		# Concatenate Initial Time chunks 
		self.list0	= sorted(glob.glob(('%s*')%(self.IterDir)))
		self.initialConcatMS	= '%stimeConcatMS'%(self.IterDir)
		if os.path.isdir(self.initialConcatMS) != True:
			pt.msconcat(self.list0, self.initialConcatMS, concatTime=True)
		elevationList	= pt.taql('time calc mscal.azel1()[1] from [select from %s where ANTENNA1=1 orderby unique TIME,ANTENNA1]'%(self.initialConcatMS))
		nbElevation		= len(elevationList)	
		avgElevation	= sum(elevationList)/nbElevation
		# Determine the fov for calibration step
		if self.frequency > 1.9E8:
			fov	= float(fpformat.fix(1.5/(math.sin(avgElevation)**2),2))
			self.thresh_isl	= 3
			self.thresh_pix	= 5
			fov	= float(fpformat.fix(5.0/(math.sin(avgElevation)**2),2))				
		#Extra param for preprocessing:
		self.pixPerBeam	= 4
		self.pixsize 	= 22.5
		self.UVmax		= float(fpformat.fix((3E8/self.frequency)/(self.pixPerBeam*self.pixsize/3600.*3.14/180.)/(1E3*3E8/self.frequency),3))
		self.wmax		= float(fpformat.fix(self.UVmax*(3E8/self.frequency)*1E3,3))
		self.nbpixel	= int(fov*3600./self.pixsize)
Example #9
class selfcal_bbs(LOFARnodeTCP):
    imager_bbs node performs a bbs run for each of measuremt sets supplied in 
    the  mapfile at ms_list_path. Calibration is done on the sources in 
    the sourcedb in the mapfile sky_list_path. Solutions are stored in the 
    1. Load the mapfiles
    2. For each measurement set to calibrate start a subprocess
    3. Check if the processes finished correctly
    4. (added by Nicolas vilchez) concat in time the final MS
    5. (added by N.Vilchez) copy time slices directory to a new one       
    def run(self, bbs_executable, parset, ms_list_path, parmdb_list_path,
            sky_list_path, concat_ms_path, major_cycle):
        selfcal_bbs functionality. Called by framework performing all the work
        self.logger.debug("Starting selfcal_bbs Node")
        # *********************************************************************
        # 1. Load mapfiles
        # read in the mapfiles to data maps: The master recipe added the single
        # path to a mapfilem which allows usage of default data methods
        # (load_data_map)
        # TODO: Datamap
        ms_map = MultiDataMap.load(ms_list_path)
        parmdb_map = MultiDataMap.load(parmdb_list_path)
        sky_list = MultiDataMap.load(sky_list_path)
        source_db = sky_list[0].file[0]  # the sourcedb is the first file entry

            bbs_process_group = SubProcessGroup(self.logger,
            # *****************************************************************
            # 2. start the bbs executable with data
            # The data is located in multimaps. We need the first entry
            # TODO: THis is not 'nice' usage of the multimap
            for (measurement_set, parmdm) in zip(ms_map[0].file,
                command = [
                    bbs_executable, "--sourcedb={0}".format(source_db),
                    "--parmdb={0}".format(parmdm), measurement_set, parset
                self.logger.info("Executing bbs command: {0}".format(
                    " ".join(command)))

            # *****************************************************************
            # 3. check status of the processes
            if bbs_process_group.wait_for_finish() != None:
                self.logger.error("Failed bbs run detected Aborting")
                return 1

        except OSError, exception:
            self.logger.error("Failed to execute bbs: {0}".format(
            return 1

        # *********************************************************************
        # 4. Concat in time after bbs calibration your MSs using
        #    msconcat (pyrap.tables module) (added by N.Vilchez)
        # this step has te be performed on this location. because the bbs run
        # might add additional columns not present in the original ms
        # and therefore not produced in the concat done in the prepare phase
        # redmine issue #6021
        pt.msconcat(ms_map[0].file, concat_ms_path, concatTime=True)

        # *********************************************************************
        # 5. copy time slives directory to a new one
        # This is done for debugging purpose: The copy is not used for anything
        # The actual selfcal steps are done in place
        #  (added by N.Vilchez)
        # THe save location is created relative to the concat.ms
        # we could also use the self.scratch_directory from the toplevel recipe
        # this would need an aditional ingredient
        # This is a 'debugging' step and should never ever cause a failure of \
        # the pipeline
            working_dir = os.path.dirname(concat_ms_path)
            time_slice_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, 'time_slices')
            time_slice_copy_dir = os.path.join(
                working_dir, 'time_slices_cycle_{0}'.format(major_cycle))

            cmd = "cp -r {0} {1}".format(time_slice_dir, time_slice_copy_dir)
                "Debug copy of temporary files failed: continue operations")
            pass  # Do nothing

        return 0
    def selfCalRunFuncImaging(self):

        #Concatenate Calibrated Time chunks
        listOfFiles = sorted(
            glob.glob("""%s*_Iter%s""" % (self.IterDir, self.i)))
                    """%sAll_Iteration_number_%s""" % (self.IterDir, self.i),

        #Determine background threshold
        threshold = 0

        if self.i == 0:
            # First Iteration threshold: 10xtheorical threshold ~ 5mJy
            threshold = 0.005

            previousImage2Convert = '%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s.restored' % (
                self.ImagePathDir, self.pixsize[self.i - 1], self.i - 1)
            previousImagePath = '%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s.restored.fits' % (
                self.ImagePathDir, self.pixsize[self.i - 1], self.i - 1)

            cmd = 'image2fits in=%s out=%s' % (previousImage2Convert,
            print ''
            print cmd
            print ''

            # open a FITS file
            fitsImage = pyfits.open(previousImagePath)
            scidata = fitsImage[0].data

            dataRange = range(fitsImage[0].shape[2])
            sortedData = range(fitsImage[0].shape[2]**2)

            for i in dataRange:
                for j in dataRange:
                    sortedData[i * fitsImage[0].shape[2] + j] = scidata[0, 0,
                                                                        i, j]

            sortedData = sorted(sortedData)

            # Percent of faintest data to use to determine 5sigma value : use 5%
            dataPercent = int(fitsImage[0].shape[2] * 0.05)

            fiveSigmaData = sum(sortedData[0:dataPercent]) / dataPercent
            threshold = abs(fiveSigmaData) / 5.0 * 2.335 / 2.0

        if self.i < self.nbCycle:

            if self.nbpixel[self.i] % 2 == 1:
                self.nbpixel[self.i] = self.nbpixel[self.i] + 1

            #Imaging now with the image
            cmd_image = """awimager ms=%s image=%sImage_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy""" % (
                """%sAll_Iteration_number_%s""" %
                (self.IterDir, self.i), self.ImagePathDir,
                self.pixsize[self.i], self.i, self.robust[self.i],
                self.nbpixel[self.i], self.pixsize[self.i], self.nIteration,
                self.UVmin, self.UVmax[self.i], self.wmax[self.i], threshold)
            print ''
            print cmd_image
            print ''

        if self.i == self.nbCycle:

            if self.nbpixel[self.i - 1] % 2 == 1:
                self.nbpixel[self.i - 1] = self.nbpixel[self.i - 1] + 1

            #Imaging now with the image
            cmd_image = """awimager ms=%s image=%sFinal_Image_%sarcsec_Iter%s weight=briggs robust=%s npix=%s cellsize=%sarcsec data=CORRECTED_DATA padding=1 niter=%s stokes=I operation=mfclark timewindow=300 UVmin=%s UVmax=%s wmax=%s fits="" threshold=%sJy""" % (
                """%sAll_Iteration_number_%s""" % (self.IterDir, self.i),
                self.ImagePathDir, self.pixsize[self.i - 1], self.i,
                self.robust[self.i - 1], self.nbpixel[self.i - 1],
                self.pixsize[self.i - 1], self.nIteration, self.UVmin,
                self.UVmax[self.i - 1], self.wmax[self.i - 1], threshold)
            print ''
            print cmd_image
            print ''
    def __init__(self, dataDir, preprocessDir, preprocessImageDir,
                 preprocessSkymodelDir, preprocessBBSDir, i, listFiles, Files,
                 NbFiles, frequency, UVmin, nIteration, ra_target, dec_target,
                 initNofAnnulusSources, annulusRadius, FOV):

        # Initialization

        self.dataDir = dataDir
        self.preprocessDir = preprocessDir
        self.preprocessImageDir = preprocessImageDir
        self.preprocessSkymodelDir = preprocessSkymodelDir
        self.preprocessBBSDir = preprocessBBSDir
        self.BBSParset = ''
        self.i = i
        self.listFiles = listFiles
        self.Files = Files
        self.NbFiles = NbFiles
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.UVmin = UVmin
        self.nIteration = nIteration
        self.ra_target = ra_target
        self.dec_target = dec_target
        self.initNofAnnulusSources = initNofAnnulusSources
        self.annulusRadius = annulusRadius
        self.FOV = FOV
        self.OriginalFOV = FOV

        # Default parameter for HBA and LBA obs => changes for High HBA

        self.thresh_isl = 6
        self.thresh_pix = 8

        # Create the initial directory

        self.IterDir = self.preprocessDir + 'Iter%s/' % (self.i)
        cmd = """mkdir %s""" % (self.IterDir)

        #Copy data from observation directory
        if self.i == 0:
            cmd = """ cp -r %s* %s""" % (self.dataDir, self.IterDir)
            print ''
            print cmd
            print ''

            cmd = """ cp -r %s %s""" % (self.preprocessDir + 'Iter%s/*sub%s' %
                                        (self.i - 1, self.i - 1), self.IterDir)
            print ''
            print cmd
            print ''

        # Concatenate Initial Time chunks
        self.list0 = sorted(glob.glob(('%s*') % (self.IterDir)))
        self.initialConcatMS = '%stimeConcatMS' % (self.IterDir)

        if os.path.isdir(self.initialConcatMS) != True:
            pt.msconcat(self.list0, self.initialConcatMS, concatTime=True)

        # Determine the fov for calibration step

        if self.frequency > 1.9E8:

            print ''
            print '########### PreProcessing INFOS ########################'
            print 'This is a High HBA observation. It requires a small field of view, and so a small annulus subraction.'
            print 'If FOV > 1.25 => FOV=1.25. If Annulus Radius >0.25 => Annulus Radius=0.25'

            if self.FOV > 1.25:
                self.FOV = 1.25
                self.OriginalFOV = 1.25

            if self.annulusRadius > 0.25:
                self.annulusRadius = 0.25

            print 'FOV = FOV (%s) + 2 x Annulus Radius(%s)' % (
                self.FOV, self.annulusRadius)

            self.FOV = self.OriginalFOV + 2 * self.annulusRadius
            self.thresh_isl = 3
            self.thresh_pix = 5

            print 'Current FOV=%s degree and Annulus Radius=%s degree' % (
                self.FOV, self.annulusRadius)
            print 'Extraction Parameters changed for High HBA: thresh_isl=3 (instead 6); thresh_pix=5 (instead 8)'
            print ''
            print ''

            print ''
            print '########### PreProcessing INFOS ########################'
            print 'This is a LOFAR HBA or LBA observation.'
            print 'If FOV > 15 => FOV=15. If Annulus Radius >5 => Annulus Radius=5'
            print 'If FOV + 2 x Annulus Radius >10 => FOV=15 and Annulus Radius=2.5'

            if self.FOV > 15:
                self.FOV = 15
                self.OriginalFOV = 15

            if self.annulusRadius > 5:
                self.annulusRadius = 5

            if (self.FOV + self.annulusRadius) > 15:
                self.FOV = 10
                self.OriginalFOV = 10
                self.annulusRadius = 2.5

            print 'FOV = FOV (%s) + 2 x Annulus Radius(%s)' % (
                self.FOV, self.annulusRadius)

            self.FOV = self.FOV + 2 * self.annulusRadius

            print 'Current TOTAL FOV=%s degree and Annulus Radius=%s degree' % (
                self.FOV, self.annulusRadius)
            print ''

        # Extra param for preprocessing:

        self.pixPerBeam = 4
        self.pixsize = 15.0
        self.UVmax = float(
                (3E8 / self.frequency) /
                (self.pixPerBeam * self.pixsize / 3600. * 3.14 / 180.) /
                (1E3 * 3E8 / self.frequency), 3))
        self.wmax = float(
            fpformat.fix(self.UVmax * (3E8 / self.frequency) * 1E3, 3))

        # Adapt Number of pixel to right value for FT

        multipleOfTwo = 2**(np.arange(15))
        multipleOfThree = 3**(np.arange(10))
        multipleOfFive = 5**(np.arange(6))

        matrixOfGoodNumber = multipleOfTwo[:, np.newaxis,
                                           np.newaxis] * multipleOfThree[
                                               np.newaxis, :,
                                               np.newaxis] * multipleOfFive[
                                                   np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
        matrixFlat = matrixOfGoodNumber.ravel()
        matrixFlatSorted = sorted(matrixFlat)

        nbpixelTemp = int(self.FOV * 3600. / self.pixsize)
        self.nbpixel = int(matrixFlatSorted[np.searchsorted(
            matrixFlatSorted, nbpixelTemp)])

        print ''
        print 'To obtain quicker an optimized image, the nof pixel changed from %s to %s' % (
            nbpixelTemp, self.nbpixel)
        print 'It is for optimize the Fouriier Transform during the imaging process'
        print ''

        # Check if UVmin is > UVmax

        if self.UVmin > self.UVmax:

            print 'Selected UVmin (%s) > UVmax (%s) at Low resolution for preprocessing !!' % (
                self.UVmin, self.UVmax)
            print 'New UVmin = UVmax/2'
            self.UVmin = float(fpformat.fix(self.UVmax / 2.0, 3))
            print 'New UVmin = %s (in klambda)' % (self.UVmin)
            print ''
        print '########################################################'
        print ''
        print ''
    def __init__(self,dataDir,preprocessDir,preprocessImageDir,preprocessSkymodelDir,preprocessBBSDir,i,listFiles,Files,NbFiles,frequency,UVmin,nIteration,ra_target,dec_target,initNofAnnulusSources,annulusRadius,FOV):

		# Initialization

		self.dataDir				= dataDir
		self.preprocessDir			= preprocessDir
		self.preprocessImageDir		= preprocessImageDir
		self.preprocessSkymodelDir	= preprocessSkymodelDir
		self.preprocessBBSDir		= preprocessBBSDir
		self.BBSParset				= ''
		self.i						= i
		self.listFiles				= listFiles
		self.Files					= Files
		self.NbFiles				= NbFiles
		self.frequency				= frequency
		self.UVmin					= UVmin
		self.nIteration				= nIteration
		self.ra_target				= ra_target
		self.dec_target				= dec_target
		self.initNofAnnulusSources	= initNofAnnulusSources
		self.annulusRadius			= annulusRadius
		self.FOV					= FOV
		self.OriginalFOV			= FOV
		# Default parameter for HBA and LBA obs => changes for High HBA
		self.thresh_isl	= 6
		self.thresh_pix	= 8
		# Create the initial directory
		self.IterDir		= self.preprocessDir+'Iter%s/'%(self.i)
		cmd="""mkdir %s"""%(self.IterDir)
		#Copy data from observation directory
		if self.i==0:
			cmd=""" cp -r %s* %s"""%(self.dataDir,self.IterDir)
			print ''
			print cmd
			print ''
			cmd=""" cp -r %s %s"""%(self.preprocessDir+'Iter%s/*sub%s'%(self.i-1,self.i-1),self.IterDir)
			print ''
			print cmd 
			print ''
		# Concatenate Initial Time chunks 
		self.list0	= sorted(glob.glob(('%s*')%(self.IterDir)))
		self.initialConcatMS	= '%stimeConcatMS'%(self.IterDir)
		if os.path.isdir(self.initialConcatMS) != True:
			pt.msconcat(self.list0, self.initialConcatMS, concatTime=True)
		# Determine the fov for calibration step
		if self.frequency > 1.9E8:
			print ''
			print '########### PreProcessing INFOS ########################'			
			print 'This is a High HBA observation. It requires a small field of view, and so a small annulus subraction.'
			print 'If FOV > 1.25 => FOV=1.25. If Annulus Radius >0.25 => Annulus Radius=0.25'
			if self.FOV > 1.25:
				self.FOV 			= 1.25
				self.OriginalFOV	= 1.25
			if self.annulusRadius > 0.25:
				self.annulusRadius = 0.25

			print 'FOV = FOV (%s) + 2 x Annulus Radius(%s)'%(self.FOV,self.annulusRadius)
			self.FOV = self.OriginalFOV + 2*self.annulusRadius				
			self.thresh_isl	= 3
			self.thresh_pix	= 5				

			print 'Current FOV=%s degree and Annulus Radius=%s degree'%(self.FOV,self.annulusRadius) 
			print 'Extraction Parameters changed for High HBA: thresh_isl=3 (instead 6); thresh_pix=5 (instead 8)'
			print ''
			print ''										
			print ''
			print '########### PreProcessing INFOS ########################'
			print 'This is a LOFAR HBA or LBA observation.'
			print 'If FOV > 15 => FOV=15. If Annulus Radius >5 => Annulus Radius=5'
			print 'If FOV + 2 x Annulus Radius >10 => FOV=15 and Annulus Radius=2.5'			
			if self.FOV > 15:
				self.FOV 			= 15
				self.OriginalFOV	= 15
			if self.annulusRadius > 5:
				self.annulusRadius = 5
			if (self.FOV + self.annulusRadius) >15:
				self.FOV 			= 10
				self.OriginalFOV	= 10
				self.annulusRadius 	= 2.5	
			print 'FOV = FOV (%s) + 2 x Annulus Radius(%s)'%(self.FOV,self.annulusRadius)

			self.FOV = self.FOV + 2*self.annulusRadius

			print 'Current TOTAL FOV=%s degree and Annulus Radius=%s degree'%(self.FOV,self.annulusRadius) 			
			print ''		
		# Extra param for preprocessing:
		self.pixPerBeam	= 4
		self.pixsize 	= 15.0
		self.UVmax		= float(fpformat.fix((3E8/self.frequency)/(self.pixPerBeam*self.pixsize/3600.*3.14/180.)/(1E3*3E8/self.frequency),3))
		self.wmax		= float(fpformat.fix(self.UVmax*(3E8/self.frequency)*1E3,3))
		# Adapt Number of pixel to right value for FT
		multipleOfTwo	= 2**(np.arange(15))
		multipleOfThree	= 3**(np.arange(10))
		multipleOfFive	= 5**(np.arange(6))
		matrixOfGoodNumber	= multipleOfTwo[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]*multipleOfThree[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis]*multipleOfFive[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]
		matrixFlat			= matrixOfGoodNumber.ravel()
		matrixFlatSorted	= sorted(matrixFlat)
		nbpixelTemp		= int(self.FOV*3600./self.pixsize)
		self.nbpixel	= int(matrixFlatSorted[np.searchsorted(matrixFlatSorted,nbpixelTemp)])
		print ''
		print 'To obtain quicker an optimized image, the nof pixel changed from %s to %s'%(nbpixelTemp,self.nbpixel) 
		print 'It is for optimize the Fouriier Transform during the imaging process'
		print ''

		# Check if UVmin is > UVmax
		if self.UVmin > self.UVmax:

			print 'Selected UVmin (%s) > UVmax (%s) at Low resolution for preprocessing !!'%(self.UVmin,self.UVmax)
			print 'New UVmin = UVmax/2'
			self.UVmin = float(fpformat.fix(self.UVmax/2.0,3))
			print 'New UVmin = %s (in klambda)'%(self.UVmin)
			print ''
		print '########################################################'			
		print ''
		print ''
Example #13
    def __init__(self, obsDir, preprocessDir, preprocessImageDir,
                 preprocessSkymodelDir, preprocessBBSDir, i, listFiles, Files,
                 NbFiles, frequency, UVmin, nIteration, ra_target, dec_target,

        self.obsDir = obsDir
        self.preprocessDir = preprocessDir
        self.preprocessImageDir = preprocessImageDir
        self.preprocessSkymodelDir = preprocessSkymodelDir
        self.preprocessBBSDir = preprocessBBSDir
        self.BBSParset = ''
        self.i = i
        self.listFiles = listFiles
        self.Files = Files
        self.NbFiles = NbFiles
        self.frequency = frequency
        self.UVmin = UVmin
        self.nIteration = nIteration
        self.ra_target = ra_target
        self.dec_target = dec_target
        self.initNofAnnulusSources = initNofAnnulusSources

        self.thresh_isl = 6
        self.thresh_pix = 8

        # Create the initial directory
        self.IterDir = self.preprocessDir + 'Iter%s/' % (self.i)
        cmd = """mkdir %s""" % (self.IterDir)

        #Copy data from observation directory
        if self.i == 0:
            cmd = """ cp -r %s* %s""" % (self.obsDir, self.IterDir)
            print ''
            print cmd
            print ''

            cmd = """ cp -r %s %s""" % (self.preprocessDir + 'Iter%s/*sub%s' %
                                        (self.i - 1, self.i - 1), self.IterDir)
            print ''
            print cmd
            print ''

        # Concatenate Initial Time chunks
        self.list0 = sorted(glob.glob(('%s*') % (self.IterDir)))
        self.initialConcatMS = '%stimeConcatMS' % (self.IterDir)

        if os.path.isdir(self.initialConcatMS) != True:
            pt.msconcat(self.list0, self.initialConcatMS, concatTime=True)

        elevationList = pt.taql(
            'time calc mscal.azel1()[1] from [select from %s where ANTENNA1=1 orderby unique TIME,ANTENNA1]'
            % (self.initialConcatMS))
        nbElevation = len(elevationList)
        avgElevation = sum(elevationList) / nbElevation

        # Determine the fov for calibration step

        if self.frequency > 1.9E8:
            fov = float(fpformat.fix(1.5 / (math.sin(avgElevation)**2), 2))
            self.thresh_isl = 3
            self.thresh_pix = 5

            fov = float(fpformat.fix(5.0 / (math.sin(avgElevation)**2), 2))

        #Extra param for preprocessing:

        self.pixPerBeam = 4
        self.pixsize = 22.5
        self.UVmax = float(
                (3E8 / self.frequency) /
                (self.pixPerBeam * self.pixsize / 3600. * 3.14 / 180.) /
                (1E3 * 3E8 / self.frequency), 3))
        self.wmax = float(
            fpformat.fix(self.UVmax * (3E8 / self.frequency) * 1E3, 3))
        self.nbpixel = int(fov * 3600. / self.pixsize)