Example #1
def main(args):
    # create an importance sampler (the prior is used as the proposal distribution)
    importance = Importance(model, guide=None, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    # get posterior samples of mu (which is the return value of model)
    # from the raw execution traces provided by the importance sampler.
    print("doing importance sampling...")
    emp_marginal = EmpiricalMarginal(importance.run(observed_data))

    # calculate statistics over posterior samples
    posterior_mean = emp_marginal.mean
    posterior_std_dev = emp_marginal.variance.sqrt()

    # report results
    inferred_mu = posterior_mean.item()
    inferred_mu_uncertainty = posterior_std_dev.item()
    print("the coefficient of friction inferred by pyro is %.3f +- %.3f" %
          (inferred_mu, inferred_mu_uncertainty))

    # note that, given the finite step size in the simulator, the simulated descent times will
    # not precisely match the numbers from the analytic result.
    # in particular the first two numbers reported below should match each other pretty closely
    # but will be systematically off from the third number
    print("the mean observed descent time in the dataset is: %.4f seconds" % observed_mean)
    print("the (forward) simulated descent time for the inferred (mean) mu is: %.4f seconds" %
    print(("disregarding measurement noise, elementary calculus gives the descent time\n" +
           "for the inferred (mean) mu as: %.4f seconds") % analytic_T(posterior_mean.item()))

def policy_control_as_inference_like(env,

    Implements a control-as-inference-like policy which "maximizes"
    $\\Pr(A_0 \\mid S_0, high G)$.

    Not actually standard CaI, because we don't really condition on G;  rather,
    we use $\\alpha G$ as a likelihood factor on sample traces.

    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    :param trajectory_model: trajectory probabilistic program
    :param agent_model: agent's probabilistic program
    :param log: boolean; if True, print log info
    inference = Importance(trajectory_model, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    posterior = inference.run(env, agent_model=agent_model, factor_G=True)
    marginal = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, 'A_0')

    if log:
        samples = marginal.sample((args.num_samples, ))
        counts = Counter(samples.tolist())
        hist = [
            counts[i] / args.num_samples for i in range(env.action_space.n)
        print(tabulate([hist], headers=env.actions, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))

    return marginal.sample()
Example #3
def main(args):
    # create an importance sampler (the prior is used as the proposal distribution)
    importance = Importance(model, guide=None, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    # get posterior samples of mu (which is the return value of model)
    # from the raw execution traces provided by the importance sampler.
    print("doing importance sampling...")
    emp_marginal = EmpiricalMarginal(importance.run(observed_data))

    # calculate statistics over posterior samples
    posterior_mean = emp_marginal.mean
    posterior_std_dev = emp_marginal.variance.sqrt()

    # report results
    inferred_mu = posterior_mean.item()
    inferred_mu_uncertainty = posterior_std_dev.item()
    print("the coefficient of friction inferred by pyro is %.3f +- %.3f" %
          (inferred_mu, inferred_mu_uncertainty))

    # note that, given the finite step size in the simulator, the simulated descent times will
    # not precisely match the numbers from the analytic result.
    # in particular the first two numbers reported below should match each other pretty closely
    # but will be systematically off from the third number
    print("the mean observed descent time in the dataset is: %.4f seconds" %
        "the (forward) simulated descent time for the inferred (mean) mu is: %.4f seconds"
        % simulate(posterior_mean).item())
        "disregarding measurement noise, elementary calculus gives the descent time\n"
        + "for the inferred (mean) mu as: %.4f seconds") %
Example #4
    def get_log_marginal_density(loader):
        meter = AverageMeter()
        pbar = tqdm(total=len(loader))

        with torch.no_grad():
            for _, response, _, mask in loader:
                mb = response.size(0)
                response = response.to(device)
                mask = mask.long().to(device)

                posterior = Importance(
                posterior = posterior.run(response, mask)
                log_weights = torch.stack(posterior.log_weights)
                marginal = torch.logsumexp(log_weights, 0) - math.log(
                meter.update(marginal.item(), mb)

                pbar.set_postfix({'Marginal': meter.avg})

        print('====> Marginal: {:.4f}'.format(meter.avg))

        return meter.avg
Example #5
    def test_add_factor(self):
		Testing output of add_factor() function
        expected_logmass = torch.tensor(-100.0)
        val = torch.tensor(-1.0)

        def model():
            add_factor(val, 'exp_util_test')  # alpha is 100.0

        posterior = Importance(model, num_samples=1).run()
        actual_logmass = next(posterior._traces())[1]
        self.assertEqual(actual_logmass, expected_logmass)
Example #6
 def infer_actions(self, state):
     num_samples = 50
     action_posterior = Importance(self.action_model,
     possib_vals, probs = self.infer_prob(action_posterior,
                                          torch.tensor((0, 1)), num_samples)
     return possib_vals, probs
Example #7
def run_IS(model, guide, guess, samples=100, posterior_var='weight'):

    is_posterior = Importance(model, guide=guide, num_samples=samples).run(guess)
    is_marginal = pyro.infer.EmpiricalMarginal(is_posterior, posterior_var)
    is_samples = np.asarray([is_marginal().detach().item() for _ in range(samples)])
    print("mean: {0:.2f}, std: {1:.2f}".format(is_samples.mean(), is_samples.std()))
    return is_samples
Example #8
def infer():
    action_sampler = env.action_space
    trajectory_sampler = None
    imm_timestamp = 30
    num_samples = 50
    for i in range(50):
        posterior = Importance(model, num_samples=num_samples).run(
            trajectory_sampler, action_sampler, imm_timestamp)
        trajectory_sampler = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior)
        samples = trajectory_sampler.sample((num_samples, 1))
        possible_vals, counts = torch.unique(input=torch.flatten(samples,
        probs = torch.true_divide(counts, num_samples)
        assert torch.allclose(torch.sum(probs), torch.tensor(1.0))
        imm_timestamp += 10
        num_samples += 50
        print("in {}th inference, sample traj is".format(i),
    return trajectory_sampler
Example #9
def _vi_ape(model, design, observation_labels, target_labels, vi_parameters, is_parameters, y_dist=None):
    svi_num_steps = vi_parameters.pop('num_steps')

    def posterior_entropy(y_dist, design):
        # Important that y_dist is sampled *within* the function
        y = pyro.sample("conditioning_y", y_dist)
        y_dict = {label: y[i, ...] for i, label in enumerate(observation_labels)}
        conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data=y_dict)
        svi = SVI(conditioned_model, **vi_parameters)
        with poutine.block():
            for _ in range(svi_num_steps):
        # Recover the entropy
        with poutine.block():
            guide = vi_parameters["guide"]
            entropy = mean_field_entropy(guide, [design], whitelist=target_labels)
        return entropy

    if y_dist is None:
        y_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(Importance(model, **is_parameters).run(design),

    # Calculate the expected posterior entropy under this distn of y
    loss_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(Search(posterior_entropy).run(y_dist, design))
    loss = loss_dist.mean

    return loss
Example #10
def _laplace_vi_ape(model, design, observation_labels, target_labels, guide, loss, optim, num_steps,
                    final_num_samples, y_dist=None):

    def posterior_entropy(y_dist, design):
        # Important that y_dist is sampled *within* the function
        y = pyro.sample("conditioning_y", y_dist)
        y_dict = {label: y[i, ...] for i, label in enumerate(observation_labels)}
        conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data=y_dict)
        # Here just using SVI to run the MAP optimization
        svi = SVI(conditioned_model, guide=guide, loss=loss, optim=optim)
        with poutine.block():
            for _ in range(num_steps):
        # Recover the entropy
        with poutine.block():
            final_loss = loss(conditioned_model, guide, design)
            guide.finalize(final_loss, target_labels)
            entropy = mean_field_entropy(guide, [design], whitelist=target_labels)
        return entropy

    if y_dist is None:
        y_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(Importance(model, num_samples=final_num_samples).run(design),

    # Calculate the expected posterior entropy under this distn of y
    loss_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(Search(posterior_entropy).run(y_dist, design))
    ape = loss_dist.mean

    return ape
Example #11
    def infer_utility(self, state, action, time_left, n_samples = 10):
        Infers value and probability of utility.
        Input: - current state, action, time_left
        Output:- values and probabilities each utility being 1
        Calls: utility_model()
        # Get param name:
        util_param_name = 'util_state{}_action{}_time{}'.format(state.int(), action.int(), time_left.int()) 
        # if already computed:
        if util_param_name in list(pyro.get_param_store().keys()): 
            util_param = pyro.get_param_store().get_param(util_param_name)
            vals = util_param[0]
            probs = util_param[1]
            return vals, probs
        else: # else need to compute:  
            utility_posterior = Importance(
                num_samples = n_samples
            ).run(state, action, time_left)
            vals, probs = infer_probs(utility_posterior, possible_vals = torch.tensor([0.,1.]))

            # Save util_param for later
            util_param = pyro.param(util_param_name,
            return vals, probs
Example #12
 def infer_actions(self, state, time_left, n_samples = 10):
     Infers the probability of each action maximizing utility
     Input: - current state
            - time left
     Output:- values and probabilities of each action maximizing utility
     action_param_name = 'actions_values_at_state_{}_time{}'.format(state.int(), time_left.int())
     # already computed:
     if action_param_name in list(pyro.get_param_store().keys()):
         action_param = pyro.get_param_store().get_param(action_param_name)
         vals = action_param[0]
         probs = action_param[1]
         return vals, probs
     else: # need to compute:    
         action_posterior = Importance(self.action_model, num_samples = n_samples).run(
         vals, probs = infer_probs(action_posterior, possible_vals = torch.tensor([0.,1.,2.]))
         # Save for later
         action_param = pyro.param(action_param_name,
         return vals, probs
Example #13
 def update_belief(self, state):
     # can use cache strategy to speed up running time
     observations = self.observe(state) # observations at state
     if observations: 
         num_samples = 20
         is_belief = Importance(self.belief_model, num_samples = num_samples).run(self.belief, observations)
         is_marginal = EmpiricalMarginal(is_belief)
         self.belief = is_marginal
Example #14
 def infer_utility(self, state, action):
     num_samples = 100
     utility_posterior = Importance(self.utility_model,
                                        state, action)
     possib_vals, probs = self.infer_prob(utility_posterior,
                                          torch.tensor((-10, 6, 8)),
     return possib_vals, probs
def softmax_agent_model(env):

    Softmax agent model;  Performs inference to estimate $Q^\pi(s, a)$, then
    uses pyro.factor to modify the trace log-likelihood.

    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    policy_probs = torch.ones(env.state_space.n, env.action_space.n)
    policy_vector = pyro.sample('policy_vector', Categorical(policy_probs))

    inference = Importance(trajectory_model, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    posterior = inference.run(env, lambda state: policy_vector[state])
    Q = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, 'G').mean

    pyro.factor('factor_Q', args.alpha * Q)

    return policy_vector
Example #16
def softmax_agent_model(t, env, *, trajectory_model):

    Softmax agent model;  Performs inference to estimate $Q^\pi(s, a)$, then
    uses pyro.factor to modify the trace log-likelihood.

    :param t: time-step
    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    :param trajectory_model: trajectory probabilistic program
    action_probs = torch.ones(env.action_space.n)
    action = pyro.sample(f'A_{t}', Categorical(action_probs))

    inference = Importance(trajectory_model, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    posterior = inference.run(t, env, action)
    Q = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, f'G_{t}').mean

    pyro.factor(f'softmax_{t}', args.alpha * Q)

    return action
Example #17
def policy(t, env, *, trajectory_model, log=False):

    :param t: time-step
    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    :param trajectory_model: trajectory probabilistic program
    :param log: boolean; if True, print log info
    inference = Importance(softmax_agent_model, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    posterior = inference.run(t, env, trajectory_model=trajectory_model)
    marginal = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, f'A_{t}')

    if log:
        samples = marginal.sample((args.num_samples, ))
        counts = Counter(samples.tolist())
        hist = [
            counts[i] / args.num_samples for i in range(env.action_space.n)
        print(tabulate([hist], headers=env.actions, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))

    return marginal.sample()
def policy(env, log=False):

    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    :param log: boolean; if True, print log info
    inference = Importance(softmax_agent_model, num_samples=args.num_samples)
    posterior = inference.run(env)
    marginal = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, 'policy_vector')

    if log:
        policy_samples = marginal.sample((args.num_samples, ))
        action_samples = policy_samples[:, env.state]
        counts = Counter(action_samples.tolist())
        hist = [
            counts[i] / args.num_samples for i in range(env.action_space.n)
        print(tabulate([hist], headers=env.actions, tablefmt='fancy_grid'))

    policy_vector = marginal.sample()
    return policy_vector[env.state]
Example #19
def expected_reward(Q_function, action, env, i):
    def get_posterior_mean(posterior, n_samples=30):
        Calculate posterior mean
        # Sample
        marginal_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior).sample(
            (n_samples, 1)).float()
        # assumed to be all the same
        return torch.mean(marginal_dist)

    # The use of the param store is an optimization
    param_name = 'posterior_reward_state{}_{}'.format(env.s, i)
    if param_name in list(pyro.get_param_store().keys()):
        posterior_mean = pyro.get_param_store().get_param(param_name)
        return posterior_mean
        # this gets slower as we increase num_samples
        inference = Importance(Q_function, num_samples=30)
        posterior = inference.run(action, env, i)
        posterior_mean = get_posterior_mean(posterior, 30)
        pyro.param(param_name, posterior_mean)
        return posterior_mean
Example #20
    def test_action_model_add_logmass(self):
		Test to see if add_factor() changes logmass
		to desired output with Importance sampling
        agent = Agent()
        state = torch.tensor(1.0)
        time_left = torch.tensor(0.0)
        dummy_utility = torch.tensor(1.0)

        # Create dummy utility function
        def dummy_utility_func(state, action, time_left):
            return dummy_utility

        # Set expected utility to the dummy function
        agent.expected_utility = dummy_utility_func

        posterior = Importance(agent.action_model,
                               num_samples=1).run(state, time_left)

        actual_logmass = next(posterior._traces(state, time_left))[1]
        expected_logmass = 100 * dummy_utility
        self.assertEqual(actual_logmass, expected_logmass)
def main():
    This main routine will run the agent using pyro's EmpiricalMarginal and Importance methods as opposed to the
    main.py which uses a custom loop to step the agent. This main routine runs but is less flexible when it comes to
    visualising due to the samples in the posterior being private. It was also found that trying to pass the
    posterior back as the prior did not yield clear results but did step the model forward in the expected direction.

	This should be looked into further.
    posterior = None
    sensor = build_observations()
    agent = Agent(x=0., y=500.)

    # This is the inference algorithm. From what is understood this simply just samples the stochastic
    # function and builds a distribution.
    infer = Importance(model=agent.step, num_samples=1000)

    for step in range(n_steps):
        # Assimilate observation and update the prior with the posterior distribution.
        if (step % 10) == 0:  # For every n steps, calibrate.
            obs = sensor.aggregate_obs(step)
            print('\nAssimilating_Observation at Step {}'.format(step))
            # Else do not make an observation and simply run the model forward using the agents internal position.
            obs = None

        # This contains the attributes such as mean and std for the posterior which then can be used to pass back as
        posterior = pyro.infer.EmpiricalMarginal(infer.run(posterior=posterior,
        print_agent_loc(agent, step)
def infer_Q(env, action, *, trajectory_model, agent_model, log=False):

    Infer Q(state, action) via pyro's importance sampling.

    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    :param action: integer action
    :param trajectory_model: trajectory probabilistic program
    :param agent_model: agent's probabilistic program
    :param log: boolean; if True, print log info
    posterior = Importance(
        pyro.do(trajectory_model, {'A_0': torch.as_tensor(action)}),
    ).run(env, agent_model=agent_model)
    Q = EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, 'G').mean

    if log:
        print(f'Q({env.actions[action]}) = {Q.item()}')

    return Q
Example #23
	def infer(self, state, time_left, variable, n_samples=10):
		Agent inference method: backwards from the simulation evidence
		## OR ADD ACTION (as before)???
		param_name = 'posterior_var{}_state{}_time{}'.format(variable, state.int(), time_left.int())

		# if already computed:
		if param_name in list(pyro.get_param_store().keys()):
			variable_posterior = pyro.get_param_store().get_param(param_name)
			return variable_posterior

		else: # else need to compute:
			imp_sampling_posterior = Importance(
				num_samples = n_samples
			variable_posterior = sample_and_count(imp_sampling_posterior,variable)

			# Save util_param for later
			param = pyro.param(param_name, variable_posterior)
			return variable_posterior
def infer_Q(env, action, infer_type='intervention', *, agent_model):

    Infer Q(state, action) via pyro's importance sampling, via conditioning or

    :param env: OpenAI Gym environment
    :param action: integer action
    :param infer_type: type of inference; none, condition, or intervention
    :param agent_model: agent's probabilistic program
    if infer_type not in ('intervention', 'condition', 'none'):
        raise ValueError('Invalid inference type {infer_type}')

    if infer_type == 'intervention':
        model = pyro.do(trajectory_model, {'A_0': torch.tensor(action)})
    elif infer_type == 'condition':
        model = pyro.condition(trajectory_model, {'A_0': torch.tensor(action)})
    else:  # infer_type == 'none'
        model = trajectory_model

    posterior = Importance(model, num_samples=args.num_samples).run(
        env, agent_model=agent_model)
    return EmpiricalMarginal(posterior, 'G').mean
def sample(vae, training_shape, num_samples=1):
    posterior = Importance(vae.model, num_samples=num_samples)
    mask = torch.arange(training_shape.float().max(
    )) < training_shape.dataset.data.tolist().float().unsqueeze(-1)
Example #26
File: eig.py Project: zyxue/pyro
def vi_ape(model,
    """Estimates the average posterior entropy (APE) loss function using
    variational inference (VI).

    The APE loss function estimated by this method is defined as

        :math:`APE(d)=E_{Y\\sim p(y|\\theta, d)}[H(p(\\theta|Y, d))]`

    where :math:`H[p(x)]` is the `differential entropy
    The APE is related to expected information gain (EIG) by the equation


    in particular, minimising the APE is equivalent to maximising EIG.

    :param function model: A pyro model accepting `design` as only argument.
    :param torch.Tensor design: Tensor representation of design
    :param list observation_labels: A subset of the sample sites
        present in `model`. These sites are regarded as future observations
        and other sites are regarded as latent variables over which a
        posterior is to be inferred.
    :param list target_labels: A subset of the sample sites over which the posterior
        entropy is to be measured.
    :param dict vi_parameters: Variational inference parameters which should include:
        `optim`: an instance of :class:`pyro.Optim`, `guide`: a guide function
        compatible with `model`, `num_steps`: the number of VI steps to make,
        and `loss`: the loss function to use for VI
    :param dict is_parameters: Importance sampling parameters for the
        marginal distribution of :math:`Y`. May include `num_samples`: the number
        of samples to draw from the marginal.
    :param pyro.distributions.Distribution y_dist: (optional) the distribution
        assumed for the response variable :math:`Y`
    :return: Loss function estimate
    :rtype: `torch.Tensor`


    if isinstance(observation_labels, str):
        observation_labels = [observation_labels]
    if target_labels is not None and isinstance(target_labels, str):
        target_labels = [target_labels]

    def posterior_entropy(y_dist, design):
        # Important that y_dist is sampled *within* the function
        y = pyro.sample("conditioning_y", y_dist)
        y_dict = {
            label: y[i, ...]
            for i, label in enumerate(observation_labels)
        conditioned_model = pyro.condition(model, data=y_dict)
        SVI(conditioned_model, **vi_parameters).run(design)
        # Recover the entropy
        return mean_field_guide_entropy(vi_parameters["guide"], [design],

    if y_dist is None:
        y_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(Importance(model,

    # Calculate the expected posterior entropy under this distn of y
    loss_dist = EmpiricalMarginal(
        Search(posterior_entropy).run(y_dist, design))
    loss = loss_dist.mean

    return loss
Example #27
 def infer(self, init_state, timeLeft):
     num_samples = 1000
     action_posterior = Importance(self.model, num_samples = num_samples).run(init_state, timeLeft)
     possib_vals, probs = self.infer_prob(posterior=action_posterior, num_samples=num_samples)
     return possib_vals, probs
Example #28
File: svb.py Project: meobet/vne
 def posterior_latent(self, x, num_traces=100, num_samples=100):
     posterior = Importance(self.pyro_model, self.pyro_guide, num_traces)
     marginal = Marginal(posterior)
     return torch.stack([marginal(x) for _ in range(num_samples)])
Example #29
 def infer(self, model, noise):
     return Importance(model, num_samples=2000).run(noise)