Example #1
    def computeBilinearForm(self, grid):
        Compute bilinear form for the current grid
        @param grid: Grid
        @return DataMatrix
        # create bilinear form of the grid
        gs = grid.getStorage()
        A = DataMatrix(gs.getSize(), gs.getSize())
        createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)

        # multiply the entries with the pdf at the center of the support
        p = DataVector(gs.getDimension())
        q = DataVector(gs.getDimension())

        for i in range(gs.getSize()):
            gpi = gs.getPoint(i)
            gs.getCoordinates(gpi, p)
            for j in range(gs.getSize()):
                gpj = gs.getPoint(j)
                gs.getCoordinates(gpj, q)
                y = float(A.get(i, j) * self._U.pdf(p))
                A.set(i, j, y)
                A.set(j, i, y)
                self._map[self.getKey([gpi, gpj])] = A.get(i, j)

        return A
    def computeBilinearForm(self, grid):
        Compute bilinear form for the current grid
        @param grid: Grid
        @return DataMatrix
        # create bilinear form of the grid
        gs = grid.getStorage()
        A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
        createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)

        gs = grid.getStorage()
        A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
        createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)
        # multiply the entries with the pdf at the center of the support
        p = DataVector(gs.dim())
        q = DataVector(gs.dim())

        for i in xrange(gs.size()):
            gpi = gs.get(i)
            for j in xrange(gs.size()):
                gpj = gs.get(j)
                y = float(A.get(i, j) * self._U.pdf(p))
                A.set(i, j, y)
                A.set(j, i, y)
                self._map[self.getKey(gpi, gpj)] = A.get(i, j)

        return A
Example #3
def computePiecewiseConstantBF(grid, U, admissibleSet):
    # create bilinear form of the grid
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
    createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)
    # multiply the entries with the pdf at the center of the support
    p = DataVector(gs.getDimension())
    q = DataVector(gs.getDimension())

    B = DataMatrix(admissibleSet.getSize(), gs.size())
    b = DataVector(admissibleSet.getSize())
#     s = np.ndarray(gs.getDimension(), dtype='float')
    for k, gpi in enumerate(admissibleSet.values()):
        i = gs.getSequenceNumber(gpi)
        gs.getCoordinates(gpi, p)
        for j in range(gs.size()):
            gs.getCoordinates(gs.getPoint(j), q)
#             for d in xrange(gs.getDimension()):
#                 # get level index
#                 xlow = max(p[0], q[0])
#                 xhigh = min(p[1], q[1])
#                 s[d] = U[d].cdf(xhigh) - U[d].cdf(xlow)

            y = float(A.get(i, j) * U.pdf(p))
            B.set(k, j, y)
            if i == j:
                b[k] = y
    return B, b
def computePiecewiseConstantBF(grid, U, admissibleSet):
    # create bilinear form of the grid
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
    createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)
    # multiply the entries with the pdf at the center of the support
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    q = DataVector(gs.dim())

    B = DataMatrix(admissibleSet.getSize(), gs.size())
    b = DataVector(admissibleSet.getSize())
#     s = np.ndarray(gs.dim(), dtype='float')
    for k, gpi in enumerate(admissibleSet.values()):
        i = gs.seq(gpi)
        for j in xrange(gs.size()):
#             for d in xrange(gs.dim()):
#                 # get level index
#                 xlow = max(p[0], q[0])
#                 xhigh = min(p[1], q[1])
#                 s[d] = U[d].cdf(xhigh) - U[d].cdf(xlow)

            y = float(A.get(i, j) * U.pdf(p))
            B.set(k, j, y)
            if i == j:
                b[k] = y
    return B, b
Example #5
def test_LTwoDot(grid, l):
    res = 10000
    b = grid.getBasis();
    gridStorage = grid.getStorage()
    size = gridStorage.getSize()
    # print(size)
    m = pysgpp.DataMatrix(size, size)
    opMatrix = pysgpp.createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(m, grid)
    # print m
    # m_comp = pysgpp.DataMatrix(size, size)
    for i in range(gridStorage.getSize()):
        for j in range(i, gridStorage.getSize()):
            gpi = gridStorage.getPoint(i)
            gpj = gridStorage.getPoint(j)
            sol = 1
            # print "--------"
            # print "i:{} j:{}".format(i, j)
            for k in range(d):
                lik = gpi.getLevel(k)
                iik = gpi.getIndex(k)
                ljk = gpj.getLevel(k)
                ijk = gpj.getIndex(k)
                # print "i l,i: {},{}   j l,i: {},{}".format(lik, iik, ljk, ijk)
                xs = np.linspace(0, 1, res)
                tmp = sum([b.eval(lik, iik, x)*b.eval(ljk, ijk, x) for x in xs]) / res
                sol *= tmp
                # print("lik:{} iik:{} ljk:{} ijk:{} k:{} tmp: {}".format(lik, iik, ljk, ijk, k,tmp))
            # print(sol)
            error = abs(m.get(i,j) - sol)
            # print error
            if(error >= 10**-4):
                print("i:{} j:{} error: {}".format(i, j, error))
                print("iik:{} lik:{} ijk:{} ljk:{} error: {}".format(iik, lik, ijk, ljk, error))
                print("is:{} should:{}".format(m.get(i,j), sol))
Example #6
    def computeBilinearForm(self, grid):
        Compute bilinear form for the current grid
        @param grid: Grid
        @return: DataMatrix
        gs = grid.getStorage()
        A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
        createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)

        # store the result in the hash map
        for i in xrange(gs.size()):
            gpi = gs.get(i)
            for j in xrange(gs.size()):
                gpj = gs.get(j)
                key = self.getKey(gpi, gpj)
                self._map[key] = A.get(i, j)
        return A
Example #7
def computePiecewiseConstantBilinearForm(grid, U):
    # create bilinear form of the grid
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
    createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)
    # multiply the entries with the pdf at the center of the support
    p = DataVector(gs.getDimension())
    q = DataVector(gs.getDimension())

    for i in range(gs.size()):
        gs.getCoordinates(gs.getPoint(i), p)
        for j in range(gs.size()):
            gs.getCoordinates(gs.getPoint(j), q)
            # compute center of the support
            # multiply the entries in A with the pdf at p
            y = float(A.get(i, j) * U.pdf(p))
            A.set(i, j, y)
            A.set(j, i, y)

    return A
Example #8
def computePiecewiseConstantBilinearForm(grid, U):
    # create bilinear form of the grid
    gs = grid.getStorage()
    A = DataMatrix(gs.size(), gs.size())
    createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(A, grid)
    # multiply the entries with the pdf at the center of the support
    p = DataVector(gs.dim())
    q = DataVector(gs.dim())

    for i in xrange(gs.size()):
        for j in xrange(gs.size()):
            # compute center of the support
            # multiply the entries in A with the pdf at p
            y = float(A.get(i, j) * U.pdf(p))
            A.set(i, j, y)
            A.set(j, i, y)

    return A
Example #9
def test_LTwoDotImplicit(grid, l):
    gridStorage = grid.getStorage()
    size = gridStorage.getSize()
    # print(size)
    m = pysgpp.DataMatrix(size, size)
    opExplicit = pysgpp.createOperationLTwoDotExplicit(m, grid)
    op = pysgpp.createOperationLTwoDotProduct(grid)
    alpha = pysgpp.DataVector(size)
    resultExplicit = pysgpp.DataVector(size)
    result = pysgpp.DataVector(size)
    for i in range(size):
        alpha[i] = 1
    opExplicit.mult(alpha, resultExplicit)
    op.mult(alpha, result)
    for i in range(size):
        if result[i] != resultExplicit[i]:
            print("Error result entry {} differs".format(i))

        if abs(result[i] - resultExplicit[i]) > 1e-16:
            # print result[i] - resultExplicit[i]