def _get_labels(self):
        Gets all primary key labels from the MySQL database.
        query_string = """
select t1.table_name  "table_name"
,      t1.column_name "id"
,      t2.column_name "label"
from       information_schema.columns t1
inner join information_schema.columns t2 on t1.table_name = t2.table_name
where t1.table_catalog = current_database()
and   t1.table_schema = current_schema()
and   t1.column_default like 'nextval(%%)'
and   t2.table_catalog = current_database()
and   t2.table_schema  = current_schema()
and   t2.column_name like '%%_label'

        tables = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query_string)

        for table in tables:
            query_string = """
select \"%s\"  as id
,      \"%s\"  as label
from   \"%s\"
where   nullif(\"%s\",'') is not null""" % (table['id'],

            rows = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query_string)
            for row in rows:
                self._labels[row['label']] = row['id']
    def _get_old_stored_routine_info(self):
        Retrieves information about all stored routines in the current schema.
        query = """
select t1.routine_name                                                                        routine_name
,      t1.routine_type                                                                        routine_type
,      array_to_string(array_agg(case when (parameter_name is not null) then
                                   concat(t2.parameter_mode, ' ',
                                          t2.parameter_name, ' ',
                                 end order by t2.ordinal_position asc), ',')                  routine_args
from            information_schema.routines   t1
left outer join information_schema.parameters t2  on  t2.specific_catalog = t1.specific_catalog and
                                                      t2.specific_schema  = t1.specific_schema and
                                                      t2.specific_name    = t1.specific_name and
                                                      t2.parameter_name   is not null
where routine_catalog = current_database()
and   routine_schema  = current_schema()
group by t1.routine_name
,        t1.routine_type
order by routine_name

        rows = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)
        self._rdbms_old_metadata = {}
        for row in rows:
            self._rdbms_old_metadata[row['routine_name']] = row
    def _get_routine_parameters_info(self):
        query = """
select t2.parameter_name      parameter_name
,      t2.data_type           parameter_type
,      t2.udt_name            column_type
from            information_schema.routines   t1
left outer join information_schema.parameters t2  on  t2.specific_catalog = t1.specific_catalog and
                                                      t2.specific_schema  = t1.specific_schema and
                                                      t2.specific_name    = t1.specific_name and
                                                      t2.parameter_name   is not null
where t1.routine_catalog = current_database()
and   t1.routine_schema  = current_schema()
and   t1.routine_name    = '%s'
order by t2.ordinal_position
""" % self._routine_name

        routine_parameters = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        for routine_parameter in routine_parameters:
            if routine_parameter['parameter_name']:
                value = routine_parameter['column_type']
                if 'character_set_name' in routine_parameter:
                    if routine_parameter['character_set_name']:
                        value += ' character set %s' % routine_parameter['character_set_name']
                if 'collation' in routine_parameter:
                    if routine_parameter['character_set_name']:
                        value += ' collation %s' % routine_parameter['collation']

                self._parameters.append({'name': routine_parameter['parameter_name'],
                                         'data_type': routine_parameter['parameter_type'],
                                         'data_type_descriptor': value})
Example #4
    def _get_old_stored_routine_info(self):
        Retrieves information about all stored routines in the current schema.
        query = """
select t1.routine_name                                                                        routine_name
,      t1.routine_type                                                                        routine_type
,      array_to_string(array_agg(case when (parameter_name is not null) then
                                   concat(t2.parameter_mode, ' ',
                                          t2.parameter_name, ' ',
                                 end order by t2.ordinal_position asc), ',')                  routine_args
from            information_schema.routines   t1
left outer join information_schema.parameters t2  on  t2.specific_catalog = t1.specific_catalog and
                                                      t2.specific_schema  = t1.specific_schema and
                                                      t2.specific_name    = t1.specific_name and
                                                      t2.parameter_name   is not null
where routine_catalog = current_database()
and   routine_schema  = current_schema()
group by t1.routine_name
,        t1.routine_type
order by routine_name

        rows = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)
        self._rdbms_old_metadata = {}
        for row in rows:
            self._rdbms_old_metadata[row['routine_name']] = row
Example #5
    def get_bulk_insert_table_columns_info(self):
        Gets the column names and column types of the current table for bulk insert.
        query = """
select 1 from
where TABLE_SCHEMA = database()
and   TABLE_NAME   = '%s'""" % self._table_name

        table_is_non_temporary = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        if len(table_is_non_temporary) == 0:
            query = 'call %s()' % self._routine_name

        query = "describe `%s`" % self._table_name
        columns = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        tmp_column_types = []
        tmp_fields = []

        n1 = 0
        for column in columns:
            p = re.compile('(\\w+)')
            c_type = p.findall(column['Type'])
            n1 += 1

        n2 = len(self._columns)

        if len(table_is_non_temporary) == 0:
            query = "drop temporary table `%s`" % self._table_name

        if n1 != n2:
            raise Exception(
                "Number of fields %d and number of columns %d don't match." %
                (n1, n2))

        self._columns_types = tmp_column_types
        self._fields = tmp_fields
    def get_bulk_insert_table_columns_info(self):
        Gets the column names and column types of the current table for bulk insert.
        query = """
select 1 from
where TABLE_SCHEMA = database()
and   TABLE_NAME   = '%s'""" % self._table_name

        table_is_non_temporary = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        if len(table_is_non_temporary) == 0:
            query = 'call %s()' % self._routine_name

        query = "describe `%s`" % self._table_name
        columns = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        tmp_column_types = []
        tmp_fields = []

        n1 = 0
        for column in columns:
            p = re.compile('(\\w+)')
            c_type = p.findall(column['Type'])
            n1 += 1

        n2 = len(self._columns)

        if len(table_is_non_temporary) == 0:
            query = "drop temporary table `%s`" % self._table_name

        if n1 != n2:
            raise Exception("Number of fields %d and number of columns %d don't match." % (n1, n2))

        self._columns_types = tmp_column_types
        self._fields = tmp_fields
    def _get_columns(self):
        Retrieves metadata all columns in the MySQL schema.
        query = """
  select table_name
  ,      column_name
  ,      data_type
  ,      character_maximum_length
  ,      numeric_precision
  ,      ordinal_position
  from   information_schema.COLUMNS
  where  table_catalog = current_database()
  and    table_schema  = current_schema()
  and    table_name  similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
  and    column_name similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
  order by table_name
  ,        ordinal_position

union all

  select concat(table_schema,'.',table_name) table_name
  ,      column_name
  ,      data_type
  ,      character_maximum_length
  ,      numeric_precision
  ,      ordinal_position
  from   information_schema.COLUMNS
  where  1=0 and table_catalog = current_database()
  and    table_name  similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
  and    column_name similar to '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
  order by table_schema
  ,        table_name
  ,        ordinal_position
        rows = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        for row in rows:
            # Enhance row with the actual length of the column.
            row['length'] = self.derive_field_length(row)

            if row['table_name'] in self._columns:
                if row['column_name'] in self._columns[row['table_name']]:
                    self._columns[row['table_name']][row['column_name']] = row
                self._columns[row['table_name']] = {row['column_name']: row}
Example #8
    def _get_routine_parameters_info(self):
        query = """
select t2.parameter_name      parameter_name
,      t2.data_type           parameter_type
,      t2.udt_name            column_type
from            information_schema.routines   t1
left outer join information_schema.parameters t2  on  t2.specific_catalog = t1.specific_catalog and
                                                      t2.specific_schema  = t1.specific_schema and
                                                      t2.specific_name    = t1.specific_name and
                                                      t2.parameter_name   is not null
where t1.routine_catalog = current_database()
and   t1.routine_schema  = current_schema()
and   t1.routine_name    = '%s'
order by t2.ordinal_position
""" % self._routine_name

        routine_parameters = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(query)

        for routine_parameter in routine_parameters:
            if routine_parameter['parameter_name']:
                value = routine_parameter['column_type']
                if 'character_set_name' in routine_parameter:
                    if routine_parameter['character_set_name']:
                        value += ' character set %s' % routine_parameter[
                if 'collation' in routine_parameter:
                    if routine_parameter['character_set_name']:
                        value += ' collation %s' % routine_parameter[

    def _get_column_type(self):
        Selects schema, table, column names and the column type from MySQL and saves them as replace pairs.
        sql = """
select table_name                                    "table_name"
,      column_name                                   "column_name"
,      udt_name                                      "column_type"
,      null                                          "table_schema"
from   information_schema.columns
where  table_catalog = current_database()
and    table_schema  = current_schema()

union all

select table_name                                    "table_name"
,      column_name                                   "column_name"
,      udt_name                                      "column_type"
,      table_schema                                  "table_schema"
from   information_schema.columns
where  table_catalog = current_database()
order by table_schema
,        table_name
,        column_name

        rows = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(sql)

        for row in rows:
            key = '@'
            if row['table_schema']:
                key += row['table_schema'] + '.'
            key += row['table_name'] + '.' + row['column_name'] + '%type@'
            key = key.lower()
            value = row['column_type']

            self._replace_pairs[key] = value
Example #10
    def _get_column_type(self):
        Selects schema, table, column names and the column type from MySQL and saves them as replace pairs.
        sql = """
select table_name                                    "table_name"
,      column_name                                   "column_name"
,      udt_name                                      "column_type"
,      null                                          "table_schema"
from   information_schema.columns
where  table_catalog = current_database()
and    table_schema  = current_schema()

union all

select table_name                                    "table_name"
,      column_name                                   "column_name"
,      udt_name                                      "column_type"
,      table_schema                                  "table_schema"
from   information_schema.columns
where  table_catalog = current_database()
order by table_schema
,        table_name
,        column_name

        rows = StaticDataLayer.execute_rows(sql)

        for row in rows:
            key = '@'
            if row['table_schema']:
                key += row['table_schema'] + '.'
            key += row['table_name'] + '.' + row['column_name'] + '%type@'
            key = key.lower()
            value = row['column_type']

            self._replace_pairs[key] = value