Example #1
def lastgrep(file, expr, ignore=[], include=[], encoding=None, returnMatch=False, flags=0):
	"""Search for matches to a regular expression in the last line of an input file, returning true if a match occurs.
	:param file: The full path to the input file
	:param expr: The regular expression (uncompiled) to search for in the last line of the input file
	:return: success (True / False)
	:param ignore: A list of regular expressions which remove entries in the input file contents before making the grep
	:param include: A list of regular expressions used to select lines from the input file contents to use in the grep 
	:param encoding: Specifies the encoding to be used for opening the file, or None for default. 
	:rtype: integer
	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if the input file does not exist
	if not pathexists(file):
		raise FileNotFoundException("unable to find file \"%s\"" % (file))
		with openfile(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
			contents = f.readlines()
		contents = trimContents(contents, ignore, exclude=True, flags=flags)
		contents = trimContents(contents, include, exclude=False, flags=flags)
		logContents("Contents of %s after pre-processing;" % os.path.basename(file), contents)
		if len(contents) > 0:
			line = contents[len(contents)-1]
			regexpr = re.compile(expr, flags=flags)
			result = regexpr.search(line)
			if result is not None: return result if returnMatch else True
		return None if returnMatch else False
Example #2
    def cleanup(self, **kwargs):
        if not pathexists(self.destDir):
                'No matching output files were found for collection directory: %s',

        log.info('Collected %s test output files to directory: %s',
Example #3
    def cleanup(self, **kwargs):
        pythonCoverageDir = self.destDir
        assert os.path.isabs(pythonCoverageDir)
        pythonCoverageDir = os.path.normpath(
        if not pathexists(pythonCoverageDir):
            log.info('No Python coverage files were generated.')

        log.info('Preparing Python coverage report in: %s', pythonCoverageDir)

            ['-m', 'coverage', 'combine'],
            stdouterr=pythonCoverageDir + '/python-coverage-combine',
            onError=lambda process:
            'Failed to combine Python code coverage data: %s' % self.runner.
            getExprFromFile(process.stdout, '.+', returnNoneIfMissing=True) or
            self.runner.logFileContents(process.stderr, maxLines=0))

        # produces coverage.xml in a standard format that is useful to code coverage tools
            ['-m', 'coverage', 'xml'],
            stdouterr=pythonCoverageDir + '/python-coverage-xml',
            onError=lambda process: self.runner.getExprFromFile(
                process.stdout, '.+', returnNoneIfMissing=True) or self.runner.
            logFileContents(process.stderr, maxLines=0))

                '-m', 'coverage', 'html', '-d',
                toLongPathSafe(pythonCoverageDir + '/htmlcov')
            ] + self.getCoverageArgsList(),
            stdouterr=pythonCoverageDir + '/python-coverage-html',
            onError=lambda process: self.runner.getExprFromFile(
                process.stdout, '.+', returnNoneIfMissing=True) or self.runner.
            logFileContents(process.stderr, maxLines=0))

        # to avoid confusion, remove any zero byte out/err files from the above
        for p in os.listdir(pythonCoverageDir):
            p = os.path.join(pythonCoverageDir, p)
            if p.endswith(('.out', '.err')) and os.path.getsize(p) == 0:

Example #4
def getmatches(file,
    """Look for matches on a regular expression in an input file, return a sequence of the matches 
	(or if returnFirstOnly=True, just the first).
	:param file: The full path to the input file
	:param regexpr: The regular expression used to search for matches
	:param mappers: A list of lambdas or generator functions used to pre-process the file's lines before looking for matches. 
	:param ignores: A list of regexes which will cause matches to be discarded. These are applied *after* any mappers. 
	:param encoding: Specifies the encoding to be used for opening the file, or None for default. 
	:param returnFirstOnly: If True, stops reading the file as soon as the first match is found and returns it. 
	:return: A list of the match objects, or the match object or None if returnFirstOnly is True
	:rtype: list
	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if the input file does not exist
    matches = []
    rexp = re.compile(regexpr, flags=flags)

    log.debug("Looking for expression \"%s\" in input file %s" %
              (regexpr, file))

    if isinstance(ignores, str):
        ignores = [
        ]  # it's easy to pass in a str by mistake and we definitely don't want to be ignoring lines containing any letter from that string!
    ignores = [re.compile(i, flags=flags) for i in (ignores or [])]

    if not pathexists(file):
        raise FileNotFoundException("unable to find file \"%s\"" % (file))
        with openfile(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
            for l in applyMappers(f, mappers):
                match = rexp.search(l)
                if match is not None:
                    shouldignore = False
                    for i in ignores:
                        if i.search(l):
                            shouldignore = True
                    if shouldignore: continue

                    log.debug(("Found match for line: %s" % l).rstrip())
                    if returnFirstOnly is True: return match
        if returnFirstOnly is True: return None
        return matches
Example #5
def filecopy(src, dst):
    """Copy source file to a destination file.
	:param src: Full path to the source filename
	:param dst: Full path the destination filename
 	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if the source file does not exist
    if not pathexists(src):
        raise FileNotFoundException("unable to find file %s" %

    shutil.copyfile(toLongPathSafe(src), toLongPathSafe(dst))
Example #6
 def collectPath(self, testObj, path, **kwargs):
     name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
     collectdest = toLongPathSafe(
             (self.outputPattern.replace('@TESTID@', str(testObj)).replace(
                 '@FILENAME@', name).replace('.@FILENAME_EXT@', ext))))
     i = 1
     while pathexists(collectdest.replace('@UNIQUE@', '%d' % (i))):
         i += 1
     collectdest = collectdest.replace('@UNIQUE@', '%d' % (i))
     shutil.copyfile(toLongPathSafe(path.replace('/', os.sep)), collectdest)
     self.collectedFileCount += 1
Example #7
def orderedgrep(file, exprList, encoding=None, flags=0):
    """Seach for ordered matches to a set of regular expressions in an input file, returning None 
	on success, and a string indicating the missing expression something is missing.
	The ordered grep method will only pass if matches to the set of regular expression in the expression 
	list occur in the input file in the order they appear in the expression list. Matches to the regular expressions 
	do not have to be across sequential lines in the input file, only in the correct order. For example, for a file 
	with contents ::
	    A is for apple 
	    B is for book
	    C is for cat
	    D is for dog
	an expression list of ["^A.*$", "^C.*$", "^D.*$"] will return true, whilst an expression list of 
	["^A.*$", "^C.$", "^B.$"] will return false.
	:param file: The full path to the input file
	:param exprList: A list of regular expressions (uncompiled) to search for in the input file
	:param encoding: Specifies the encoding to be used for opening the file, or None for default. 
	:return: None on success, or on failure the string expression that was not found (with an indicator of its index in the array). 
	:rtype: string
	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if the input file does not exist
    list = copy.deepcopy(exprList)

    expr, exprIndex = list.pop(), 1
    regexpr = re.compile(expr, flags=flags)

    if not pathexists(file):
        raise FileNotFoundException('unable to find file "%s"' %
                                    (file))  # pragma: no cover

    with openfile(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
        for line in f:
            if regexpr.search(line) is not None:
                if len(list) == 0:
                    return None  # success - found them all

                expr, exprIndex = list.pop(), exprIndex + 1
                regexpr = re.compile(expr, flags=flags)

    return '#%d: %s' % (exprIndex, expr
                        )  # the expression we were trying to match
Example #8
def filegrep(file, expr, ignores=None, returnMatch=False, encoding=None, flags=0, mappers=[]):
	"""Search for matches to a regular expression in an input file, returning true if a match occurs.
	:param file: The full path to the input file
	:param expr: The regular expression (uncompiled) to search for in the input file
	:param ignores: Optional list of regular expression strings to ignore when searching file. 
	:param returnMatch: return the regex match object instead of a simple boolean
	:param encoding: Specifies the encoding to be used for opening the file, or None for default. 
	:param mappers: Mappers to pre-process the file. 

	:return: success (True / False), unless returnMatch=True in which case it returns the regex match 
		object (or None if not matched)
	:rtype: integer
	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if the input file does not exist
	if not pathexists(file):
		raise FileNotFoundException("unable to find file \"%s\"" % (file))
		with openfile(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
			if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
				contents = f.readlines()
				logContents("Contents of %s;" % os.path.basename(file), contents)
				contents = f
			ignores = [re.compile(i, flags=flags) for i in (ignores or [])]
			regexpr = re.compile(expr, flags=flags)
			if None in mappers: mappers = [m for m in mappers if m]

			for line in contents:
				# pre-process
				for mapper in mappers:
					line = mapper(line)
					if line is None: break
				if line is None: continue

				m = regexpr.search(line)
				if m is not None: 
					if not any([i.search(line) for i in ignores]): 
						if returnMatch: return m
						return True
			if returnMatch: return None
			return False
Example #9
def getmatches(file, regexpr, ignores=None, encoding=None, flags=0, mappers=[]):
	"""Look for matches on a regular expression in an input file, return a sequence of the matches.
	:param file: The full path to the input file
	:param regexpr: The regular expression used to search for matches
	:param ignores: A list of regexes which will cause matches to be discarded
	:param encoding: Specifies the encoding to be used for opening the file, or None for default. 
	:return: A list of the match objects 
	:rtype: list
	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if the input file does not exist
	matches = []
	rexp = re.compile(regexpr, flags=0)
	log.debug("Looking for expression \"%s\" in input file %s" %(regexpr, file))

	ignores = [re.compile(i, flags=flags) for i in (ignores or [])]

	if None in mappers: mappers = [m for m in mappers if m]

	if not pathexists(file):
		raise FileNotFoundException("unable to find file \"%s\"" % (file))
		with openfile(file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
			for l in f:
				# pre-process
				for mapper in mappers:
					l = mapper(l)
					if l is None: break
				if l is None: continue

				match = rexp.search(l)
				if match is not None: 
					shouldignore = False
					for i in ignores:
						if i.search(l):
							shouldignore = True
					if shouldignore: continue
					log.debug(("Found match for line: %s" % l).rstrip())
		return matches
Example #10
    def setup(self,
        for k in self.pluginProperties:
            if not hasattr(type(self), k):
                raise UserError('Unknown property "%s" for %s' % (k, self))

        self.runner = runner
        if not self.destDir: raise Exception('Cannot set destDir to ""')
        if not self.fileIncludesRegex:
            raise Exception('fileIncludesRegex must be specified for %s' %

        self.destDir = os.path.normpath(
            os.path.join(runner.output + '/..', self.destDir))
        if pathexists(self.destDir + os.sep + 'pysysproject.xml'):
            raise Exception('Cannot set destDir to testRootDir')

        # the code below assumes (for long path safe logic) this includes correct slashes (if any)
        self.outputPattern = self.outputPattern.replace('/', os.sep).replace(
            '\\', os.sep)

        if self.destArchive:
            self.destArchive = os.path.join(self.destDir, self.destArchive)

        if os.path.exists(self.destDir):
            )  # remove any existing archives (but not if this dir seems to have other stuff in it!)

        def prepRegex(exp):
            if not exp: return None
            if not exp.endswith('$'):
                exp = exp + '$'  # by default require regex to match up to the end to avoid common mistakes
            return re.compile(exp)

        self.fileExcludesRegex = prepRegex(self.fileExcludesRegex)
        self.fileIncludesRegex = prepRegex(self.fileIncludesRegex)

        self.collectedFileCount = 0
Example #11
def filediff(file1,
    """Perform a file comparison between two (preprocessed) input files, returning true if the files are equivalent.
	The method reads in the files and loads the contents of each as a list of strings. The two files are 
	said to be equal if the two lists are equal. The method allows for preprocessing of the string lists 
	to trim down their contents prior to the comparison being performed. Preprocessing is either to remove 
	entries from the lists which match any entry in a set of regular expressions, include only lines which 
	match any entry in a set of regular expressions, replace certain keywords in the string values of each list
	with a set value (e.g. to replace time stamps etc), or to sort the lists before the comparison (e.g. where 
	determinism may not exist). Verbose logging of the method occurs at DEBUG level showing the contents of the 
	processed lists prior to the comparison being performed.  
	:param file1: The full path to the first file to use in the comparison
	:param file2: The full path to the second file to use in the comparison, typically a reference file
	:param ignore: A list of regular expressions which remove entries in the input file contents before making the comparison
	:param sort: Boolean to sort the input file contents before making the comparison
	:param replacementList: A list of tuples (key, value) where matches to key are replaced with value in the input file contents before making the comparison
	:param stripWhitespace: If True, every line has leading and trailing whitespace stripped before comparison, 
		which means indentation differences and whether the file ends with a blank line do not affect the outcome. 
		If False, only newline characters are stripped. 
	:param include: A list of regular expressions used to select lines from the input file contents to use in the comparison 
	:param unifiedDiffOutput: If specified, indicates the full path of a file to which unified diff output will be written, 
		if the diff fails. 
	:param encoding: Specifies the encoding to be used for opening the file, or None for default. 
	:return: success (True / False)
	:rtype: boolean
	:raises FileNotFoundException: Raised if either of the files do not exist

    for file in file1, file2:
        if not pathexists(file):
            raise FileNotFoundException("unable to find file \"%s\"" % file)
        stripchars = None if stripWhitespace else '\r\n'  # None means all whitespace

        with openfile(file1, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
            list1 = [i.strip(stripchars) for i in f]

        with openfile(file2, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
            list2 = [i.strip(stripchars) for i in f]

        list1 = trimContents(list1, ignore, exclude=True, flags=flags)
        list2 = trimContents(list2, ignore, exclude=True, flags=flags)
        list1 = trimContents(list1, include, exclude=False, flags=flags)
        list2 = trimContents(list2, include, exclude=False, flags=flags)
        list1 = replace(list1, replacementList, flags=flags)
        list2 = replace(list2, replacementList, flags=flags)
        if sort:

            "Contents of %s after pre-processing;" % os.path.basename(file1),
            "Contents of %s after pre-processing;" % os.path.basename(file2),
        if not list1 and not list2:
            # maybe this should be an exception... it's probably not what was intended
                'File comparison pre-processing has filtered out all lines from the files to be diffed, please check if this is intended: %s, %s',
                os.path.basename(file1), os.path.basename(file2))

        if list1 != list2:
            log.debug("Unified diff between pre-processed input files;")
            l1 = []
            l2 = []
            for i in list1:
                l1.append("%s\n" % i)
            for i in list2:
                l2.append("%s\n" % i)

            file1display = file1
            file2display = file2
                commonprefix = os.path.commonprefix(
                    [file1display, file2display])
            except ValueError:
                if commonprefix:
                    # heuristic to give a longer prefix than just basename (to distinguish reference+output files with same basename)
                    file1display = file1display[len(commonprefix):]
                    file2display = file2display[len(commonprefix):]

            # nb: have to switch 1 and 2 around to get the right diff for a typical output,ref file pair
            diff = ''.join(
                    fromfile='%s (%d lines)' % (file2display, len(l2)),
                    tofile='%s (%d lines)' % (file1display, len(l1)),
            if unifiedDiffOutput:
                with openfile(unifiedDiffOutput, 'w', encoding=encoding) as f:
            for line in diff.split('\n'):
                log.debug("  %s", line)

        if list1 == list2: return True
        return False
Example #12
    def cleanup(self, **kwargs):
        java = pysysjava.javaplugin.JavaPlugin()

        coverageDestDir = self.destDir
        assert os.path.isabs(
        )  # The base class is responsible for absolutizing this config property
        coverageDestDir = os.path.normpath(fromLongPathSafe(coverageDestDir))
        if not pathexists(coverageDestDir):
            log.info('No Java coverage files were generated.')

        log.info('Preparing Java coverage report in: %s', coverageDestDir)
        cliJar = safeGlob(self.jacocoDir + '/*jacoco*cli*.jar',
                          name='JaCoCo CLI jar (from the jacocoDir)')

        coveragefiles = [
            f for f in os.listdir(coverageDestDir)
            if f.endswith('.javacoverage')
            cliJar, ['merge'] + coveragefiles +
            ['--destfile', 'jacoco-merged-java-coverage.exec'],
            stdouterr=coverageDestDir + '/java-coverage-merge',
            onError=lambda process:
            'Failed to merge Java code coverage data: %s' % self.runner.
            getExprFromFile(process.stderr, '.+', returnAll=True)[
                -1] or self.runner.logFileContents(process.stderr, maxLines=0))
        for f in coveragefiles:
            os.remove(toLongPathSafe(coverageDestDir + os.sep + f))

        classpath = java.toClasspathList(self.classpath)
        if not classpath:
                'No Java report will be generated as no classpath was specified'
                'Application classpath for the coverage report is: \n%s',
                '\n'.join("     cp #%-2d    : %s%s" %
                          (i + 1, pathelement, '' if os.path.
                           exists(pathelement) else ' (does not exist!)')
                          for i, pathelement in enumerate(classpath)))

            sourceDirs = java.toClasspathList(
            )  # not really a classpath, but or consistency, parse it the same way

            args = []
            for x in classpath:
                args.extend(['--classfiles', x])
            for x in sourceDirs:
                args.extend(['--sourcefiles', x])

            if sourceDirs:
                (log.warn if any(not os.path.exists(p)
                                 for p in sourceDirs) else log.debug
                 )('Java source directories for the coverage report are: \n%s',
                   '\n'.join("    dir #%-2d    : %s%s" %
                             (i + 1, pathelement, '' if os.path.
                              exists(pathelement) else ' (does not exist!)')
                             for i, pathelement in enumerate(sourceDirs)))
                    'No source directories were provided so the coverage HTML report will not include line-by-line highlighted source files'

                    'report', 'jacoco-merged-java-coverage.exec', '--xml',
                    'java-coverage.xml', '--html', '.'
                ] + java._splitShellArgs(self.reportArgs) + args,
                stdouterr=coverageDestDir + '/java-coverage-report',
                onError=lambda process:
                'Failed to create Java code coverage report: %s' % self.runner.
                getExprFromFile(process.stderr, '.+', returnAll=True)[-1] or
                self.runner.logFileContents(process.stderr, maxLines=0))

        # to avoid confusion, remove any zero byte out/err files from the above
        for p in os.listdir(coverageDestDir):
            p = os.path.join(coverageDestDir, p)
            if p.endswith(('.out', '.err')) and os.path.getsize(p) == 0:

        except PermissionError:  # pragma: no cover - can occur transiently on Windows due to file system locking
Example #13
    def getTemplates(self):
        project = self.project
        projectroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(project.projectFile))
        dir = self.parentDir

        DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR = 'pysysdirconfig.xml'
        if not project.projectFile or not dir.startswith(projectroot):
                'Project file does not exist under "%s" so processing of %s files is disabled',
                dir, DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR)
            return None

        from pysys.config.descriptor import _XMLDescriptorParser  # uses a non-public API, so please don't copy this into your own test maker

        # load any descriptors between the project dir up to (AND including) the dir we'll be walking
        searchdirsuffix = dir[len(projectroot) + 1:].split(
            os.sep) if len(dir) > len(projectroot) else []


        def expandAndValidateTemplate(t, defaults):
            source = t.get('source', '<unknown source>')
            if defaults is None: defaults = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR

            if t['name'].lower().replace('_', '').replace(' ',
                                                          '') != t['name']:
                raise UserError(  # enforce this to make them easy to type on cmd line, and consistent
                    "Invalid template name \"%s\" - must be lowercase and use hyphens not underscores/spaces for separating words, in \"%s\""
                    % (t['name'], source))

            source = t.get('source', None)
            if t['mkdir'] is None:
                t['mkdir'] = [defaults.output, defaults.reference]
                if defaults.input not in [

            t['testOutputDir'] = defaults.output

            t['copy'] = [
                        os.path.dirname(source) if source else '',
                for x in t['copy']
            copy = []
            for c in t['copy']:
                globbed = glob.glob(c)
                if not globbed:
                    raise UserError(
                        'Cannot find any file or directory "%s" in maker template "%s" of "%s"'
                        % (c, t['name'], source))
            t['copy'] = copy

            t['replace'] = [(r1, project.expandProperties(r2))
                            for (r1, r2) in t['replace']]
            for r1, r2 in t['replace']:
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise UserError(
                        'Invalid replacement regular expression "%s" in maker template "%s" of "%s": %s'
                        % (r1, t['name'], source, ex))

            return t

        # start with the built-ins and project
        templates = [
            expandAndValidateTemplate(t, project._defaultDirConfig)
            for t in self.__PYSYS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES
        if project._defaultDirConfig:
            templates = [
                expandAndValidateTemplate(t, project._defaultDirConfig)
                for t in project._defaultDirConfig._makeTestTemplates
            ] + templates

        parentDirDefaults = None
        for i in range(len(searchdirsuffix) + 1):  # up to AND including dir
            if i == 0:
                currentdir = projectroot
                currentdir = projectroot + os.sep + os.sep.join(

            if pathexists(currentdir + os.sep + DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR):
                parentDirDefaults = _XMLDescriptorParser.parse(
                    currentdir + os.sep + DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR,
                newtemplates = [
                    expandAndValidateTemplate(t, parentDirDefaults)
                    for t in parentDirDefaults._makeTestTemplates
                    'Loaded directory configuration descriptor from %s: \n%s',
                    currentdir, parentDirDefaults)

                # Add in existing templates from higher levels, but de-dup'd, giving priority to the latest defined template, and also putting the latest ones at the top of the list
                # for increased prominence
                for deftmpl in templates:
                    if not any(tmpl['name'] == deftmpl['name']
                               for tmpl in newtemplates):
                templates = newtemplates

        log.debug('Loaded templates: \n%s', json.dumps(templates, indent='  '))
        return templates
Example #14
    def loadDescriptors(self, dir, **kwargs):
        """Find all descriptors located under the specified directory, and 
		return them as a list.
		Subclasses may change the returned descriptors and/or add additional 
		instances of their own to the list after calling the super implementation::
		  descriptors = super(CustomDescriptorLoader, self).loadDescriptors(dir, **kwargs)
		  return descriptors
		:param dir: The parent directory to search for runnable tests. 
		:return: List of L{pysys.xml.descriptor.TestDescriptor} objects 
			which could be selected for execution. 
			If a test can be run in multiple modes there must be a single descriptor 
			for it in the list returned from this method. Each multi-mode 
			descriptor is later expanded out into separate mode-specific 
			descriptors (at the same time as descriptor filtering based on 
			command line arguments, and addition of project-level 
			execution-order), before the final list is sorted and passed to 
			The order of the returned list is random, so the caller is responsible 
			for sorting this list to ensure deterministic behaviour. 
		:rtype: list
		:raises UserError: Raised if no testcases can be found.
        assert not kwargs, 'reserved for future use: %s' % kwargs.keys()
        assert self.project, 'project must be specified'
        assert dir, 'dir must be specified'
        assert os.path.isabs(dir), 'dir must be an absolute path: %s' % dir

        project = self.project

        descriptors = []
        ignoreSet = set(OSWALK_IGNORES)

        descriptorSet = set([
            s.strip() for s in project.getProperty(

        assert project.projectFile != None
        log = logging.getLogger('pysys.launcher')

        # although it's highly unlikely, if any test paths did slip outside the Windows 256 char limit,
        # it would be very dangerous to skip them (which is what os.walk does unless passed a \\?\ path),
        # so must use long-path-safe - but need to re-encode from unicode string back to bytestring in Python 2
        i18n_reencode = locale.getpreferredencoding() if PY2 and isinstance(
            dir, str) else None

        dir = toLongPathSafe(os.path.normpath(dir))
        assert os.path.exists(dir), dir  # sanity check
        if project.projectFile:
            projectroot = toLongPathSafe(

        DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR = 'pysysdirconfig.xml'
        if not project.projectFile or not dir.startswith(projectroot):
            dirconfigs = None
                'Project file does not exist under "%s" so processing of %s files is disabled',
                dir, DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR)
            # find directory config descriptors between the project root and the testcase
            # dirs. We deliberately use project dir not current working dir since
            # we don't want descriptors to be loaded differently depending on where the
            # tests are run from (i.e. should be independent of cwd).
            dirconfigs = {}

            # load any descriptors between the project dir up to (but not including) the dir we'll be walking
            searchdirsuffix = dir[len(projectroot) + 1:].split(
                os.sep) if len(dir) > len(projectroot) else []
            currentconfig = None
            for i in range(
                    len(searchdirsuffix)):  # up to but not including dir
                if i == 0:
                    currentdir = projectroot
                    currentdir = projectroot + os.sep + os.sep.join(

                if pathexists(currentdir + os.sep + DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR):
                    currentconfig = self._parseTestDescriptor(
                        currentdir + os.sep + DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR,
                        'Loaded directory configuration descriptor from %s: \n%s',
                        currentdir, currentconfig)
            # this is the top-level directory that will be checked below
            dirconfigs[os.path.dirname(dir)] = currentconfig

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(toLongPathSafe(dir)):
            ignorematch = next(
                (f for f in files
                 if (f == '.pysysignore' or f == 'pysysignore')), None)
            if ignorematch:
                log.debug('Skipping directory %s due to ignore file %s', root,
                del dirs[:]

            parentconfig = None
            if dirconfigs is not None:
                parentconfig = dirconfigs[os.path.dirname(root)]
                if next((f for f in files if (f == DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR)),
                    parentconfig = self._parseTestDescriptor(
                        root + os.sep + DIR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTOR,
                        'Loaded directory configuration descriptor from %s: \n%s',
                        root, parentconfig)

            # allow subclasses to modify descriptors list and/or avoid processing
            # subdirectories
            if self._handleSubDirectory(root,
                del dirs[:]

            intersection = descriptorSet & set(files)
            if intersection:
                descriptorfile = fromLongPathSafe(
                    os.path.join(root, intersection.pop()))
                # PY2 gets messed up if we start passing unicode rather than byte str objects here,
                # as it proliferates to all strings in each test
                if i18n_reencode is not None:
                    descriptorfile = descriptorfile.encode(i18n_reencode)

                    parsed = self._parseTestDescriptor(
                        descriptorfile, parentDirDefaults=parentconfig)
                    if parsed:
                except UserError:
                    raise  # no stack trace needed, will already include descriptorfile name
                except Exception as e:
                    log.info('Failed to read descriptor: ', exc_info=True)
                    raise Exception(
                        "Error reading descriptor file '%s': %s - %s" %
                        (descriptorfile, e.__class__.__name__, e))

                # if this is a test dir, it never makes sense to look at sub directories
                del dirs[:]

            for ignore in (ignoreSet & set(dirs)):

            if dirconfigs is not None and len(dirs) > 0:
                # stash it for when we navigate down to subdirectories
                # only add to dict if we're continuing to process children
                dirconfigs[root] = parentconfig

        return descriptors