Example #1
def test_parse_class_init_keys(tmpdir):

    class Class:

        def __init__(self, hparams, *my_args, anykw=42, **my_kwargs):

    assert parse_class_init_keys(Class) == ("self", "my_args", "my_kwargs")
Example #2
    def _load_model_state(cls, checkpoint: Dict[str, Any], strict: bool = True, **cls_kwargs_new):
        cls_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(cls.__init__)
        cls_init_args_name = inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters.keys()

        self_var, args_var, kwargs_var = parse_class_init_keys(cls)
        drop_names = [n for n in (self_var, args_var, kwargs_var) if n]
        cls_init_args_name = list(filter(lambda n: n not in drop_names, cls_init_args_name))

        cls_kwargs_loaded = {}
        # pass in the values we saved automatically
        if cls.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY in checkpoint:

            # 1. (backward compatibility) Try to restore model hparams from checkpoint using old/past keys
            for _old_hparam_key in CHECKPOINT_PAST_HPARAMS_KEYS:
                cls_kwargs_loaded.update(checkpoint.get(_old_hparam_key, {}))

            # 2. Try to restore model hparams from checkpoint using the new key
            _new_hparam_key = cls.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_KEY

            # 3. Ensure that `cls_kwargs_old` has the right type, back compatibility between dict and Namespace
            cls_kwargs_loaded = _convert_loaded_hparams(
                cls_kwargs_loaded, checkpoint.get(cls.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_TYPE)

            # 4. Update cls_kwargs_new with cls_kwargs_old, such that new has higher priority
            args_name = checkpoint.get(cls.CHECKPOINT_HYPER_PARAMS_NAME)
            if args_name and args_name in cls_init_args_name:
                cls_kwargs_loaded = {args_name: cls_kwargs_loaded}

        _cls_kwargs = {}

        if not cls_spec.varkw:
            # filter kwargs according to class init unless it allows any argument via kwargs
            _cls_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in _cls_kwargs.items() if k in cls_init_args_name}

        model = cls(**_cls_kwargs)

        # give model a chance to load something

        # load the state_dict on the model automatically
        keys = model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"], strict=strict)

        if not strict:
            if keys.missing_keys:
                    f"Found keys that are in the model state dict but not in the checkpoint: {keys.missing_keys}"
            if keys.unexpected_keys:
                    f"Found keys that are not in the model state dict but in the checkpoint: {keys.unexpected_keys}"

        return model