Example #1
    def disambcategory(self):
        """Return Category in which disambig pages are listed."""
        if self.has_data_repository:
            repo = self.data_repository()
            repo_name = repo.family.name
                item = self.family.disambcatname[repo.code]
            except KeyError:
                raise Error(
                    'No {repo} qualifier found for disambiguation category '
                    'name in {fam}_family file'.format(repo=repo_name,

            dp = pywikibot.ItemPage(repo, item)
                name = dp.getSitelink(self)
            except pywikibot.NoPage:
                raise Error(
                    'No disambiguation category name found in {repo} '
                    'for {site}'.format(repo=repo_name, site=self))

        else:  # fallback for non WM sites
                name = '{}:{}'.format(Namespace.CATEGORY,
            except KeyError:
                raise Error(
                    'No disambiguation category name found in '
                    '{site.family.name}_family for {site}'.format(site=self))

        return pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link(name, self))
Example #2
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Get token value for the given key."""
        if self.site.user() is None:

        user_tokens = self._tokens.setdefault(self.site.user(), {})
        # always preload all for users without tokens
        failed_cache_key = (self.site.user(), key)

        # redirect old tokens to be compatible with older MW version
        # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.37/Deprecation_of_legacy_API_token_parameters
        if self.site.mw_version >= '1.24wmf19' \
           and key in {'edit', 'delete', 'protect', 'move', 'block', 'unblock',
                       'email', 'import', 'options'}:
            log('Token {!r} was replaced by {!r}'.format(key, 'csrf'))
            key = 'csrf'

            key = self.site.validate_tokens([key])[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise Error("Requested token '{}' is invalid on {} wiki.".format(
                key, self.site))

        if (key not in user_tokens
                and failed_cache_key not in self.failed_cache):
            self.load_tokens([key], all=False if user_tokens else None)

        if key in user_tokens:
            return user_tokens[key]
        # token not allowed for self.site.user() on self.site
        # to be changed back to a plain KeyError?
        raise Error(
            "Action '{}' is not allowed for user {} on {} wiki.".format(
                key, self.site.user(), self.site))
Example #3
    def __init__(self,
        Create endpoint.

        @param endpoint: SPARQL endpoint URL
        @type endpoint: string
        @param entity_url: URL prefix for any entities returned in a query.
        @type entity_url: string
        @param repo: The Wikibase site which we want to run queries on. If
            provided this overrides any value in endpoint and entity_url.
            Defaults to Wikidata.
        @type repo: pywikibot.site.DataSite
        @param max_retries: (optional) Maximum number of times to retry after
               errors, defaults to config.max_retries.
        @type max_retries: int
        @param retry_wait: (optional) Minimum time in seconds to wait after an
               error, defaults to config.retry_wait seconds (doubles each retry
               until max of 120 seconds is reached).
        @type retry_wait: float
        # default to Wikidata
        if not repo and not endpoint:
            repo = Site('wikidata', 'wikidata')

        if repo:
                self.endpoint = repo.sparql_endpoint
                self.entity_url = repo.concept_base_uri
            except NotImplementedError:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Wiki version must be 1.28-wmf.23 or newer to '
                    'automatically extract the sparql endpoint. '
                    'Please provide the endpoint and entity_url '
                    'parameters instead of a repo.')
            if not self.endpoint:
                raise Error(
                    'The site {0} does not provide a sparql endpoint.'.format(
            if not entity_url:
                raise Error('If initialised with an endpoint the entity_url '
                            'must be provided.')
            self.endpoint = endpoint
            self.entity_url = entity_url

        self.last_response = None

        if max_retries is None:
            self.max_retries = config.max_retries
            self.max_retries = max_retries
        if retry_wait is None:
            self.retry_wait = config.retry_wait
            self.retry_wait = retry_wait
Example #4
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Get token value for the given key."""
        if self.site.user() is None:

        user_tokens = self._tokens.setdefault(self.site.user(), {})
        # always preload all for users without tokens
        failed_cache_key = (self.site.user(), key)

            key = self.site.validate_tokens([key])[0]
        except IndexError:
            raise Error("Requested token '{}' is invalid on {} wiki.".format(
                key, self.site))

        if (key not in user_tokens
                and failed_cache_key not in self.failed_cache):
            self.load_tokens([key], all=False if user_tokens else None)

        if key in user_tokens:
            return user_tokens[key]
        # token not allowed for self.site.user() on self.site
        # to be changed back to a plain KeyError?
        raise Error(
            "Action '{}' is not allowed for user {} on {} wiki.".format(
                key, self.site.user(), self.site))
Example #5
File: api.py Project: dtbinh/code
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Constructor: kwargs are used to create a Request object;
        see that object's documentation for values. 'action'='query' is

        if "action" in kwargs and kwargs["action"] != "query":
            raise Error("%s: 'action' must be 'query', not %s" %
                        (self.__class__.__name__, kwargs["action"]))
            kwargs["action"] = "query"
            self.site = kwargs["site"]
        except KeyError:
            self.site = pywikibot.Site()
            kwargs["site"] = self.site
        # make sure request type is valid, and get limit key if any
        for modtype in ("generator", "list", "prop", "meta"):
            if modtype in kwargs:
                self.module = kwargs[modtype]
            raise Error("%s: No query module name found in arguments." %

        kwargs["indexpageids"] = ""  # always ask for list of pageids
        self.request = Request(**kwargs)
        self.prefix = None
        self.api_limit = None
        self.update_limit()  # sets self.prefix
        if self.api_limit is not None and "generator" in kwargs:
            self.prefix = "g" + self.prefix
        self.limit = None
        self.query_limit = self.api_limit
        if "generator" in kwargs:
            self.resultkey = "pages"  # name of the "query" subelement key
        else:  # to look for when iterating
            self.resultkey = self.module

        # usually the query-continue key is the same as the querymodule,
        # but not always
        # API can return more than one query-continue key, if multiple properties
        # are requested by the query, e.g.
        # "query-continue":{
        #     "langlinks":{"llcontinue":"12188973|pt"},
        #     "templates":{"tlcontinue":"310820|828|Namespace_detect"}}
        # self.continuekey is a list
        self.continuekey = self.module.split('|')
Example #6
 def __init__(self, apidata):
     """Initialize object from a logevent dict returned by MW API"""
     self.data = LogDict(apidata)
     if self._expectedType is not None and self._expectedType != self.type(
         raise Error("Wrong log type! Expecting %s, received %s instead." %
                     (self._expectedType, self.type()))
Example #7
    def treat(self, page):
        """Process one ProofreadPage page.

        :param page: page to be treated.
        :type page: ProofreadPage
        :raises pywikibot.exceptions.Error: Page must be a ProofreadPage object
        if not isinstance(page, ProofreadPage):
            raise Error('Page {} must be a ProofreadPage object.'.format(page))

        old_text = page.text if page.exists() else ''
        if self.opt.ocr:
            _body = self._get_ocr(page)
            if _body is None:
                pywikibot.output('No OCR found. Skipping {}'.format(

            page.body = _body

        if page.exists() and not (self.opt.ocr and self.opt.force):
                'Page {} already exists, not adding!'.format(page))
Example #8
 def __init__(self, apidata, site):
     """Initialize object from a logevent dict returned by MW API."""
     self.site = site
     expected_type = self._expected_type
     if expected_type is not None and expected_type != self.type():
         raise Error('Wrong log type! Expecting %s, received %s instead.' %
                     (expected_type, self.type()))
Example #9
 def _getBlockDetails(self):
         return self.data['block']
     except KeyError:
         # No 'block' key means this is an unblocking log entry
         if self.action() == 'unblock':
             raise Error(
                 "action='unblock': this log entry has no block details such as flags, duration, or expiry!"
Example #10
 def _createFromData(self, logdata):
     Checks for logtype from data, and creates the correct LogEntry
         logtype = logdata['type']
         return LogEntryFactory._getEntryClass(logtype)(logdata)
     except KeyError:
         pywikibot.debug(u"API log entry received:\n" + logdata, _logger)
         raise Error("Log entry has no 'type' key")
Example #11
 def __init__(self, apidata: Dict[str, Any],
              site: 'pywikibot.site.BaseSite') -> None:
     """Initialize object from a logevent dict returned by MW API."""
     self.site = site
     expected_type = self._expected_type
     if expected_type is not None and expected_type != self.type():
         raise Error(
             'Wrong log type! Expecting {}, received {} instead.'.format(
                 expected_type, self.type()))
Example #12
    def _params(self):
        Additional data for some log entry types.

        @rtype: dict or None
        if 'params' in self.data:
            return self.data['params']
        else:  # try old mw style preceding mw 1.19
                return self.data[self._expectedType]
            except KeyError:
                raise Error("action='%s': this log entry has no params details "
                            "for type %s." % (self.action(), self.type))
Example #13
    def _createFromData(self, logdata: dict):
        Check for logtype from data, and creates the correct LogEntry.

        @param logdata: log entry data
        @rtype: LogEntry
            logtype = logdata['type']
        except KeyError:
            pywikibot.debug('API log entry received:\n{0}'.format(logdata),
            raise Error("Log entry has no 'type' key")
        return LogEntryFactory.get_entry_class(logtype)(logdata, self._site)
Example #14
    def _create_from_data(self, logdata: Dict[str, Any]) -> LogEntry:
        Check for logtype from data, and creates the correct LogEntry.

        :param logdata: log entry data
            logtype = logdata['type']
        except KeyError:
            pywikibot.debug('API log entry received:\n{}'.format(logdata),
            raise Error("Log entry has no 'type' key")

        return LogEntryFactory.get_entry_class(logtype)(logdata, self._site)
Example #15
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        :keyword site: the site to work on
        :type site: pywikibot.APISite
        csd_cat = i18n.translate(self.site, self.csd_cat_title)
        if csd_cat is None:
            self.csd_cat = self.site.page_from_repository(self.csd_cat_item)
            if self.csd_cat is None:
                raise Error(
                    'No category for speedy deletion found for {}'.format(
            self.csd_cat = pywikibot.Category(self.site, csd_cat)
        self.saved_progress = None
Example #16
File: api.py Project: dtbinh/code
 def _modules(self):
     """Query api on self.site for paraminfo on querymodule=self.module"""
     if not set(self.module.split('|')) <= set(self.__modules.keys()):
         paramreq = CachedRequest(expiry=config.API_config_expiry,
         data = paramreq.submit()
         assert "paraminfo" in data
         assert "querymodules" in data["paraminfo"]
         assert len(data["paraminfo"]
                    ["querymodules"]) == 1 + self.module.count("|")
         for paraminfo in data["paraminfo"]["querymodules"]:
             assert paraminfo["name"] in self.module
             if "missing" in paraminfo:
                 raise Error("Invalid query module name '%s'." %
             self.__modules[paraminfo["name"]] = paraminfo
     _modules = {}
     for m in self.module.split('|'):
         _modules[m] = self.__modules[m]
     return _modules
Example #17
 def _assert_len(len_oq, len_cq, title):
     if (len_oq != len_cq) or (len_oq < 2 or len_cq < 2):
         raise Error('ProofreadPage {}: invalid format'.format(title))
Example #18
 def _assert_len(len_oq: int, len_cq: int, title: str) -> None:
     if (len_oq != len_cq) or (len_oq < 2 or len_cq < 2):
         raise Error('ProofreadPage {}: invalid format'.format(title))
Example #19
def Site(code=None, fam=None, user=None, sysop=None, interface=None, url=None):
    """A factory method to obtain a Site object.

    Site objects are cached and reused by this method.

    By default rely on config settings. These defaults may all be overridden
    using the method parameters.

    @param code: language code (override config.mylang)
    @type code: string
    @param fam: family name or object (override config.family)
    @type fam: string or Family
    @param user: bot user name to use on this site (override config.usernames)
    @type user: unicode
    @param sysop: sysop user to use on this site (override config.sysopnames)
    @type sysop: unicode
    @param interface: site class or name of class in pywikibot.site
        (override config.site_interface)
    @type interface: subclass of L{pywikibot.site.BaseSite} or string
    @param url: Instead of code and fam, does try to get a Site based on the
        URL. Still requires that the family supporting that URL exists.
    @type url: string
    # Either code and fam or only url
    assert (not url or (not code and not fam))
    _logger = "wiki"

    if url:
        if url in _url_cache:
            cached = _url_cache[url]
            if cached:
                code = cached[0]
                fam = cached[1]
                raise Error("Unknown URL '{0}'.".format(url))
            # Iterate through all families and look, which does apply to
            # the given URL
            for fam in config.family_files:
                family = pywikibot.family.Family.load(fam)
                code = family.from_url(url)
                if code:
                    _url_cache[url] = (code, fam)
                _url_cache[url] = None
                # TODO: As soon as AutoFamily is ready, try and use an
                #       AutoFamily
                raise Error("Unknown URL '{0}'.".format(url))
        # Fallback to config defaults
        code = code or config.mylang
        fam = fam or config.family
    interface = interface or config.site_interface

    # config.usernames is initialised with a dict for each family name
    family_name = str(fam)
    if family_name in config.usernames:
        user = user or config.usernames[family_name].get(code) \
            or config.usernames[family_name].get('*')
        sysop = sysop or config.sysopnames[family_name].get(code) \
            or config.sysopnames[family_name].get('*')

    if not isinstance(interface, type):
        # If it isnt a class, assume it is a string
            tmp = __import__('pywikibot.site', fromlist=[interface])
            interface = getattr(tmp, interface)
        except ImportError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid interface name '%(interface)s'" %

    if not issubclass(interface, pywikibot.site.BaseSite):
        warning('Site called with interface=%s' % interface.__name__)

    user = pywikibot.tools.normalize_username(user)
    key = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (interface.__name__, fam, code, user)
    if key not in _sites or not isinstance(_sites[key], interface):
        _sites[key] = interface(code=code, fam=fam, user=user, sysop=sysop)
            u"Instantiated %s object '%s'" % (interface.__name__, _sites[key]),

        if _sites[key].code != code:
                'Site %s instantiated using different code "%s"' %
                (_sites[key], code), UserWarning, 2)

    return _sites[key]
Example #20
def main(*args):
    Process command line arguments and perform task.

    If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.

    @param args: command line arguments
    @type args: str
    # Loading the comments
    global categoryToCheck, project_inserted
    # always, define a generator to understand if the user sets one,
    # defining what's genFactory
    always = False
    generator = False
    show = False
    moveBlockCheck = False
    protectedpages = False
    protectType = 'edit'
    namespace = 0

    # Process global args and prepare generator args parser
    local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
    genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()

    # Process local args
    for arg in local_args:
        option, sep, value = arg.partition(':')
        if option == '-always':
            always = True
        elif option == '-move':
            moveBlockCheck = True
        elif option == '-show':
            show = True
        elif option in ('-protectedpages', '-moveprotected'):
            protectedpages = True
            if option == '-moveprotected':
                protectType = 'move'
            if value:
                namespace = int(value)

    if config.mylang not in project_inserted:
        pywikibot.output('Your project is not supported by this script.\n'
                         'You have to edit the script and add it!')

    site = pywikibot.Site()

    if protectedpages:
        generator = site.protectedpages(namespace=namespace, type=protectType)
    # Take the right templates to use, the category and the comment
    TSP = i18n.translate(site, templateSemiProtection)
    TTP = i18n.translate(site, templateTotalProtection)
    TSMP = i18n.translate(site, templateSemiMoveProtection)
    TTMP = i18n.translate(site, templateTotalMoveProtection)
    TNR = i18n.translate(site, templateNoRegex)
    TU = i18n.translate(site, templateUnique)

    categories = i18n.translate(site, categoryToCheck)
    commentUsed = i18n.twtranslate(site, 'blockpageschecker-summary')
    if not generator:
        generator = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
    if not generator:
        generator = []
        pywikibot.output('Loading categories...')
        # Define the category if no other generator has been set
        for CAT in categories:
            cat = pywikibot.Category(site, CAT)
            # Define the generator
            gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat)
            for pageCat in gen:
        pywikibot.output('Categories loaded, start!')
    # Main Loop
    if not genFactory.nopreload:
        generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator, groupsize=60)
    for page in generator:
        pagename = page.title(as_link=True)
        pywikibot.output('Loading {}...'.format(pagename))
            text = page.text
        except NoPageError:
            pywikibot.output("{} doesn't exist! Skipping...".format(pagename))
        except IsRedirectPageError:
            pywikibot.output('{} is a redirect! Skipping...'.format(pagename))
            if show:
        # FIXME: This check does not work :
        # PreloadingGenerator cannot set correctly page.editRestriction
        # (see bug T57322)
        # if not page.has_permission():
        #    pywikibot.output(
        #        "{} is sysop-protected : this account can't edit "
        #        "it! Skipping...".format(pagename))
        #    continue
        restrictions = page.protection()
            editRestr = restrictions['edit']
        except KeyError:
            editRestr = None
        if not page.has_permission():
                '{} is protected: '
                "this account can't edit it! Skipping...".format(pagename))

        # Understand, according to the template in the page, what should be the
        # protection and compare it with what there really is.
        TemplateInThePage = understandBlock(text, TTP, TSP, TSMP, TTMP, TU)
        # Only to see if the text is the same or not...
        oldtext = text
        # keep track of the changes for each step (edit then move)
        changes = -1

        if not editRestr:
            # page is not edit-protected
            # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
            if not (TTP or TSP):
                raise Error('This script is not localized to use it on \n{}. '
                            'Missing "templateSemiProtection" or'

            if TU:
                replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TTP + TSP + TU)
                replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TTP + TSP)
            text, changes = re.subn('<noinclude>({})</noinclude>'.format(
                replaceToPerform, '', text))
            if changes == 0:
                text, changes = re.subn('({})'.format(replaceToPerform, '',
            msg = 'The page is editable for all'
            if not moveBlockCheck:
                msg += ', deleting the template..'
            pywikibot.output(msg + '.')

        elif editRestr[0] == 'sysop':
            # total edit protection
            if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-total' and TTP) or \
               (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU):
                msg = 'The page is protected to the sysop'
                if not moveBlockCheck:
                    msg += ', skipping...'
                if not TNR or TU and not TNR[4] or not (TU or TNR[1]):
                    raise Error(
                        'This script is not localized to use it on \n{}. '
                        'Missing "templateNoRegex"'.format(site.sitename))

                pywikibot.output('The page is protected to the sysop, but the '
                                 'template seems not correct. Fixing...')
                if TU:
                    text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text)
                    text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[1], text)

        elif TSP or TU:
            # implicitly editRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', edit-Semi-protection
            if TemplateInThePage[0] == 'autoconfirmed-total' or \
               TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique':
                msg = 'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed users'
                if not moveBlockCheck:
                    msg += ', skipping...'
                if not TNR or TU and not TNR[4] or not (TU or TNR[1]):
                    raise Error(
                        'This script is not localized to use it on \n{}. '
                        'Missing "templateNoRegex"'.format(site.sitename))
                pywikibot.output('The page is editable only for the '
                                 'autoconfirmed users, but the template '
                                 'seems not correct. Fixing...')
                if TU:
                    text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text)
                    text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[0], text)

        if changes == 0:
            # We tried to fix edit-protection templates, but it did not work.
            pywikibot.warning('No edit-protection template could be found')

        if moveBlockCheck and changes > -1:
            # checking move protection now
                moveRestr = restrictions['move']
            except KeyError:
                moveRestr = False
            changes = -1

            if not moveRestr:
                pywikibot.output('The page is movable for all, deleting the '
                # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
                if TU:
                    replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TSMP + TTMP + TU)
                    replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TSMP + TTMP)
                text, changes = re.subn('<noinclude>({})</noinclude>'.format(
                    replaceToPerform, '', text))
                if changes == 0:
                    text, changes = re.subn('({})'.format(replaceToPerform),
                                            '', text)
            elif moveRestr[0] == 'sysop':
                # move-total-protection
                if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-move' and TTMP) or \
                   (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU):
                    pywikibot.output('The page is protected from moving to '
                                     'the sysop, skipping...')
                    if TU:
                        # no changes needed, better to revert the old text.
                        text = oldtext
                    pywikibot.output('The page is protected from moving to '
                                     'the sysop, but the template seems not '
                                     'correct. Fixing...')
                    if TU:
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4],
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[3],

            elif TSMP or TU:
                # implicitly moveRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed',
                # move-semi-protection
                if TemplateInThePage[0] == 'autoconfirmed-move' or \
                   TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique':
                    pywikibot.output('The page is movable only for the '
                                     'autoconfirmed users, skipping...')
                    if TU:
                        # no changes needed, better to revert the old text.
                        text = oldtext
                    pywikibot.output('The page is movable only for the '
                                     'autoconfirmed users, but the template '
                                     'seems not correct. Fixing...')
                    if TU:
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4],
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[2],

            if changes == 0:
                # We tried to fix move-protection templates but it did not work
                pywikibot.warning('No move-protection template could be found')

        if oldtext != text:
            # Ok, asking if the change has to be performed and do it if yes.
                color_format('\n\n>>> {lightpurple}{0}{default} <<<',
            pywikibot.showDiff(oldtext, text)
            if not always:
                choice = pywikibot.input_choice(
                    'Do you want to accept these '
                    'changes?', [('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'), ('All', 'a')], 'n')
                if choice == 'a':
                    always = True
            if always or choice == 'y':
                save_page(page, text, commentUsed)
Example #21
    def remove_templates(self):
        """Understand if the page is blocked has the right template."""
        def understand_block():
            """Understand if the page is blocked has the right template."""
            results = 'sysop-total', 'autoconfirmed-total', 'unique'
            for index, template in enumerate((TTP, TSP, TU)):
                if not template:

                for catchRegex in template:
                    resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
                    if resultCatch:
                        return ParsedTemplate(results[index], catchRegex,

            if TSMP and TTMP and TTP != TTMP and TSP != TSMP:
                for catchRegex in TTMP:
                    resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
                    if resultCatch:
                        return ParsedTemplate('sysop-move', catchRegex,

                for catchRegex in TSMP:
                    resultCatch = re.findall(catchRegex, text)
                    if resultCatch:
                        return ParsedTemplate('autoconfirmed-move', catchRegex,

            # If editable means that we have no regex, won't change anything
            # with this regex
            return ParsedTemplate('editable', r'\A', 'adding')

        TSP = i18n.translate(self.site, templateSemiProtection)
        TTP = i18n.translate(self.site, templateTotalProtection)
        TSMP = i18n.translate(self.site, templateSemiMoveProtection)
        TTMP = i18n.translate(self.site, templateTotalMoveProtection)
        TNR = i18n.translate(self.site, templateNoRegex)
        TU = i18n.translate(self.site, templateUnique)

        while True:
            text, restrictions = yield
            if text is None:

            # Understand, according to the template in the page, what should
            # be the protection and compare it with what there really is.
            TemplateInThePage = understand_block()

            # Only to see if the text is the same or not...
            oldtext = text
            # keep track of the changes for each step (edit then move)
            changes = -1

            msg_type = None  # type: Optional[str]
            editRestr = restrictions.get('edit')
            if not editRestr:
                # page is not edit-protected
                # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
                if not (TTP or TSP):
                    raise Error(
                        'This script is not localized to use it on {}.\n'
                        'Missing "templateSemiProtection" or'

                if TU:
                    replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TTP + TSP + TU)
                    replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TTP + TSP)
                text, changes = re.subn(
                    '<noinclude>({})</noinclude>'.format(replaceToPerform), '',
                if not changes:
                    text, changes = re.subn('({})'.format(replaceToPerform),
                                            '', text)
                msg = 'The page is editable for all'
                if not self.opt.move:
                    msg += ', deleting the template..'
                pywikibot.output(msg + '.')
                msg_type = 'deleting'

            elif editRestr[0] == 'sysop':
                # total edit protection
                if TemplateInThePage.blocktype == 'sysop-total' and TTP \
                   or TemplateInThePage.blocktype == 'unique' and TU:
                    msg = 'The page is protected to the sysop'
                    if not self.opt.move:
                        msg += ', skipping...'
                    if not TNR or TU and not TNR[4] or not (TU or TNR[1]):
                        raise Error(
                            'This script is not localized to use it on \n{}. '
                            'Missing "templateNoRegex"'.format(

                        'The page is protected to the sysop, but the template '
                        'seems not correct. Fixing...')
                    if TU:
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                TNR[4], text)
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                TNR[1], text)
                    msg_type = TemplateInThePage.msgtype

            elif TSP or TU:
                # implicitly
                # editRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', edit-Semi-protection
                if TemplateInThePage.blocktype in ('autoconfirmed-total',
                    msg = ('The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed '
                    if not self.opt.move:
                        msg += ', skipping...'
                    if not TNR or TU and not TNR[4] or not (TU or TNR[1]):
                        raise Error(
                            'This script is not localized to use it on \n'
                            '{}. Missing "templateNoRegex"'.format(
                        'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed '
                        'users, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
                    if TU:
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                TNR[4], text)
                        text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                TNR[0], text)
                    msg_type = TemplateInThePage.msgtype

            if not changes:
                # We tried to fix edit-protection templates, but it did
                # not work.
                pywikibot.warning('No edit-protection template could be found')

            if self.opt.move and changes > -1:
                # checking move protection now
                moveRestr = restrictions.get('move')
                changes = -1

                if not moveRestr:
                    pywikibot.output('The page is movable for all, deleting '
                                     'the template...')
                    # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
                    if TU:
                        replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TSMP + TTMP + TU)
                        replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TSMP + TTMP)
                    text, changes = re.subn(
                        '', text)
                    if not changes:
                        text, changes = re.subn(
                            '({})'.format(replaceToPerform), '', text)
                    msg_type = 'deleting'
                elif moveRestr[0] == 'sysop':
                    # move-total-protection
                    if TemplateInThePage.blocktype == 'sysop-move' and TTMP \
                       or TemplateInThePage.blocktype == 'unique' and TU:
                        pywikibot.output('The page is protected from moving '
                                         'to the sysop, skipping...')
                        if TU:
                            # no changes needed, better to revert the old text.
                            text = oldtext
                            'The page is protected from moving to the sysop, '
                            'but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
                        if TU:
                            text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                    TNR[4], text)
                            text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                    TNR[3], text)
                        msg_type = TemplateInThePage.msgtype

                elif TSMP or TU:
                    # implicitly
                    # moveRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', move-semi-protection
                    if TemplateInThePage.blocktype in ('autoconfirmed-move',
                        pywikibot.output('The page is movable only for the '
                                         'autoconfirmed users, skipping...')
                        if TU:
                            # no changes needed, better to revert the old text.
                            text = oldtext
                            'The page is movable only for the autoconfirmed '
                            'users, but the template seems not correct. '
                        if TU:
                            text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                    TNR[4], text)
                            text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage.regex,
                                                    TNR[2], text)
                        msg_type = TemplateInThePage.msgtype

                if not changes:
                    # We tried to fix move-protection templates
                    # but it did not work
                        'No move-protection template could be found')

            yield text, msg_type
Example #22
    def _get_page_mappings(self):
        """Associate label and number for each page linked to the index."""
        # Clean cache, if any.
        self._page_from_numbers = {}
        self._numbers_from_page = {}
        self._page_numbers_from_label = {}
        self._pages_from_label = {}
        self._labels_from_page_number = {}
        self._labels_from_page = {}
        if hasattr(self, '_parsed_text'):
            del self._parsed_text

        self._parsed_text = self._get_parsed_page()
        self._soup = _bs4_soup(self._parsed_text)
        # Do not search for "new" here, to avoid to skip purging if links
        # to non-existing pages are present.
        attrs = {'class': re.compile('prp-pagequality')}

        # Search for attribute "prp-pagequality" in tags:
        # Existing pages:
        # <a href="/wiki/Page:xxx.djvu/n"
        #    title="Page:xxx.djvu/n">m
        #    class="quality1 prp-pagequality-1"
        # </a>
        # Non-existing pages:
        # <a href="/w/index.php?title=xxx&amp;action=edit&amp;redlink=1"
        #    class="new"
        #    title="Page:xxx.djvu/n (page does not exist)">m
        # </a>

        # Try to purge or raise ValueError.
        found = self._soup.find_all('a', attrs=attrs)
        attrs = {'class': re.compile('prp-pagequality|new')}
        if not found:
            del self._parsed_text
            self._parsed_text = self._get_parsed_page()
            self._soup = _bs4_soup(self._parsed_text)
            if not self._soup.find_all('a', attrs=attrs):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Missing class="qualityN prp-pagequality-N" or '
                    'class="new" in: {}.'.format(self))

        # Search for attribute "prp-pagequality" or "new" in tags:
        page_cnt = 0
        for a_tag in self._soup.find_all('a', attrs=attrs):
            label = a_tag.text.lstrip('0')  # Label is not converted to int.
            class_ = a_tag.get('class')
            href = a_tag.get('href')

            if 'new' in class_:
                title = self._parse_redlink(href)  # non-existing page
                if title is None:  # title not conforming to required format
                title = a_tag.get('title')  # existing page
                page = ProofreadPage(self.site, title)
                page.index = self  # set index property for page
                page_cnt += 1
            except ValueError:
                # title is not in site.proofread_page_ns; do not consider it

            if page not in self._all_page_links:
                raise Error('Page {} not recognised.'.format(page))

            # In order to avoid to fetch other Page:title links outside
            # the Pages section of the Index page; these should hopefully be
            # the first ones, so if they start repeating, we are done.
            if page in self._labels_from_page:

            # Sanity check if WS site use page convention name/number.
            if page._num is not None:
                assert page_cnt == int(page._num), (
                    'Page number {} not recognised as page {}.'.format(
                        page_cnt, title))

            # Mapping: numbers <-> pages.
            self._page_from_numbers[page_cnt] = page
            self._numbers_from_page[page] = page_cnt
            # Mapping: numbers/pages as keys, labels as values.
            self._labels_from_page_number[page_cnt] = label
            self._labels_from_page[page] = label
            # Reverse mapping: labels as keys, numbers/pages as values.
            self._pages_from_label.setdefault(label, set()).add(page)

        # Sanity check: all links to Page: ns must have been considered.
        assert set(self._labels_from_page) == set(self._all_page_links)

        # Info cached.
        self._cached = True
Example #23
    def remove_templates(self):
        """Understand if the page is blocked has the right template."""
        def understand_block():
            """Understand if the page is blocked has the right template."""
            results = 'sysop-total', 'autoconfirmed-total', 'unique'
            for index, template in enumerate((ttp, tsp, tu)):
                if not template:

                for catch_regex in template:
                    result_catch = re.findall(catch_regex, text)
                    if result_catch:
                        return ParsedTemplate(results[index], catch_regex,

            if tsmp and ttmp and ttp != ttmp and tsp != tsmp:
                for catch_regex in ttmp:
                    result_catch = re.findall(catch_regex, text)
                    if result_catch:
                        return ParsedTemplate('sysop-move', catch_regex,

                for catch_regex in tsmp:
                    result_catch = re.findall(catch_regex, text)
                    if result_catch:
                        return ParsedTemplate('autoconfirmed-move',
                                              catch_regex, 'modifying')

            # If editable means that we have no regex, won't change anything
            # with this regex
            return ParsedTemplate('editable', r'\A', 'adding')

        tsp = i18n.translate(self.site, template_semi_protection)
        ttp = i18n.translate(self.site, template_total_protection)
        tsmp = i18n.translate(self.site, template_semi_move_protection)
        ttmp = i18n.translate(self.site, template_total_move_protection)
        tnr = i18n.translate(self.site, template_no_regex)
        tu = i18n.translate(self.site, template_unique)

        while True:
            text, restrictions = yield
            if text is None:

            # Understand, according to the template in the page, what should
            # be the protection and compare it with what there really is.
            template_in_page = understand_block()

            # Only to see if the text is the same or not...
            oldtext = text
            # keep track of the changes for each step (edit then move)
            changes = -1

            msg_type = None  # type: Optional[str]
            edit_restriction = restrictions.get('edit')
            if not edit_restriction:
                # page is not edit-protected
                # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
                if not (ttp or tsp):
                    raise Error(
                        'This script is not localized to use it on {}.\n'
                        'Missing "template_semi_protection" or'

                if tu:
                    replacement = '|'.join(ttp + tsp + tu)
                    replacement = '|'.join(ttp + tsp)
                text, changes = re.subn(
                    '<noinclude>({})</noinclude>'.format(replacement), '',
                if not changes:
                    text, changes = re.subn('({})'.format(replacement), '',
                msg = 'The page is editable for all'
                if not self.opt.move:
                    msg += ', deleting the template..'
                pywikibot.output(msg + '.')
                msg_type = 'deleting'

            elif edit_restriction[0] == 'sysop':
                # total edit protection
                if template_in_page.blocktype == 'sysop-total' and ttp \
                   or template_in_page.blocktype == 'unique' and tu:
                    msg = 'The page is protected to the sysop'
                    if not self.opt.move:
                        msg += ', skipping...'
                    if not tnr or tu and not tnr[4] or not (tu or tnr[1]):
                        raise Error(
                            'This script is not localized to use it on \n{}. '
                            'Missing "template_no_regex"'.format(

                        'The page is protected to the sysop, but the template '
                        'seems not correct. Fixing...')
                    if tu:
                        text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex, tnr[4],
                        text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex, tnr[1],
                    msg_type = template_in_page.msgtype

            elif tsp or tu:
                # implicitly edit semi-protection
                if template_in_page.blocktype in ('autoconfirmed-total',
                    msg = ('The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed '
                    if not self.opt.move:
                        msg += ', skipping...'
                    if not tnr or tu and not tnr[4] or not (tu or tnr[1]):
                        raise Error(
                            'This script is not localized to use it on \n'
                            '{}. Missing "template_no_regex"'.format(
                        'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed '
                        'users, but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
                    if tu:
                        text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex, tnr[4],
                        text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex, tnr[0],
                    msg_type = template_in_page.msgtype

            if not changes:
                # We tried to fix edit-protection templates, but it did
                # not work.
                pywikibot.warning('No edit-protection template could be found')

            if self.opt.move and changes > -1:
                # checking move protection now
                move_restriction = restrictions.get('move')
                changes = -1

                if not move_restriction:
                    pywikibot.output('The page is movable for all, deleting '
                                     'the template...')
                    # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it.
                    if tu:
                        replacement = '|'.join(tsmp + ttmp + tu)
                        replacement = '|'.join(tsmp + ttmp)
                    text, changes = re.subn(
                        '<noinclude>({})</noinclude>'.format(replacement), '',
                    if not changes:
                        text, changes = re.subn('({})'.format(replacement), '',
                    msg_type = 'deleting'
                elif move_restriction[0] == 'sysop':
                    # move-total-protection
                    if template_in_page.blocktype == 'sysop-move' and ttmp \
                       or template_in_page.blocktype == 'unique' and tu:
                        pywikibot.output('The page is protected from moving '
                                         'to the sysop, skipping...')
                        if tu:
                            # no changes needed, better to revert the old text.
                            text = oldtext
                            'The page is protected from moving to the sysop, '
                            'but the template seems not correct. Fixing...')
                        if tu:
                            text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex,
                                                    tnr[4], text)
                            text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex,
                                                    tnr[3], text)
                        msg_type = template_in_page.msgtype

                elif tsmp or tu:
                    # implicitly move semi-protection
                    if template_in_page.blocktype in ('autoconfirmed-move',
                        pywikibot.output('The page is movable only for the '
                                         'autoconfirmed users, skipping...')
                        if tu:
                            # no changes needed, better to revert the old text.
                            text = oldtext
                            'The page is movable only for the autoconfirmed '
                            'users, but the template seems not correct. '
                        if tu:
                            text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex,
                                                    tnr[4], text)
                            text, changes = re.subn(template_in_page.regex,
                                                    tnr[2], text)
                        msg_type = template_in_page.msgtype

                if not changes:
                    # We tried to fix move-protection templates
                    # but it did not work
                        'No move-protection template could be found')

            yield text, msg_type