Example #1
                        help='Number of templates in dictionary')
        help='Codegen type to use (python, matlab, or C; default python)',
    args = parser.parse_args()
    m, n = (args.m, args.n)

    print "Running CBP example...."

    # TODO: takeaways from this example: "diag" constructor?

    p = QCML(debug=True)
        dimensions m n
        variable c(n)
        variable u(n)
        variable v(n)
        parameter noise positive
        parameter lambda(n)
        parameter data(m)
        parameter dictc(m,n)
        parameter dictu(m,n)
        parameter dictv(m,n)
        parameter radii(n,n)    # diagonal matrix
        parameter rctheta(n,n)  # diagonal matrix
        minimize noise*norm(data - (dictc*c + dictu*u + dictv*v)) + lambda'*c
        subject to
Example #2
    # a QCML model is specified by strings
    #   the parser parses each model line by line and builds an internal
    #   representation of an SOCP
    s = """
    dimensions m n
    variable a(n)
    variable b
    parameter X(m,n)      # positive samples
    parameter Y(m,n)      # negative samples
    parameter gamma positive
    minimize (norm(a) + gamma*sum(pos(1 - X*a + b) + pos(1 + Y*a - b)))
    print s

    raw_input("press ENTER to parse....")
    p = QCML(debug=True)

    raw_input("press ENTER to canonicalize....")

    raw_input("press ENTER to generate code....")
    p.dims = {'n': n, 'm': m}

    raw_input("press ENTER to solve with ECOS....")
    socp_data = p.prob2socp(params=locals())
    import ecos
    sol = ecos.solve(**socp_data)
Example #3
m = 40
n = 2

A = np.zeros((m, n))
b = np.zeros(m)

for i in range(m):
    a = np.random.randn(n)
    a = a / np.linalg.norm(a)
    bi = 1 + np.random.rand(1)

    A[i, :] = a
    b[i] = bi

q = QCML()
        dimensions m n
        variables x(n) r
        parameters A(m,n) b(m)
        maximize r
        A*x + r <= b
q.dims = {'m': m, 'n': n}
socp_data = q.prob2socp(locals())

# stuffed variable size
n = socp_data['G'].shape[1]
Example #4
import numpy as np
from qcml import QCML
import ecos

m = 10
n = 20
A = np.random.randn(m, n)
b = np.random.randn(m)

q = QCML()

dimensions m n
variable x(n)
parameters A(m,n) b(m)
minimize norm1(x)
A*x == b
q.dims = {'m': m, 'n': n}

socp_vars = q.prob2socp(locals())

# convert to CSR for fast row slicing to distribute problem
socp_vars['A'] = socp_vars['A'].tocsr()
socp_vars['G'] = socp_vars['G'].tocsr()

# the size of the stuffed x or v
n = socp_vars['A'].shape[1]
Example #5
s_right = np.sign(diff_right)
diff_right = np.abs(diff_right)
diff_right = s_right * np.log(diff_right + 1)
s_right = np.abs(diff_right)
s_right = 1.0 / (s_right + 1)

#s_down is the scaling we want to associate with each difference. Large differences
#in the original image are given small weight in the objective
s_down = np.diag(s_down)

# <codecell>

from qcml import QCML
import cvxopt

p = QCML()

rows = (m - 1) * n
cols = m * n

s = '''
    dimension cols
    dimension rows
    variable y(cols)
    parameter top(rows,cols)
    parameter bottom(rows,cols)
    parameter left(rows,cols)
    parameter right(rows,cols)

    parameter diff_down(rows)
    parameter diff_right(rows)
Example #6
    # a QCML model is specified by strings
    #   the parser parses each model line by line and builds an internal
    #   representation of an SOCP
    s = """
        dimensions m n pb sb
        variable r(n,1)
        parameters A(m,n) Ap(pb,n) As(sb,n) Lp(pb) Up(pb)
        minimize max(abs(As*r))
            Ap*r >= Lp
            Ap*r <= Up
            A*r >= 0
    print s

    raw_input("press ENTER to parse....")
    p = QCML(debug=True)

    raw_input("press ENTER to canonicalize....")

    raw_input("press ENTER to generate python code....")

    p.dims = {'m': m, 'n': n, 'pb': pb, 'sb': sb}

    raw_input("press ENTER to solve with ECOS....")
    socp_data = p.prob2socp(params=locals())
    import ecos
    sol = ecos.solve(**socp_data)
Example #7
if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_problems = [("""variable x(3)
        minimize norm(x)
        x >= 0""", "norm"),
                     ("""variable x(3)
        minimize quad_over_lin(x,1)
        x >= 0""", "quad_over_lin"),
                     ("""variable x(3)
        minimize square(norm(x))
        x >= 0""", "sq_norm"),
                     ("""variable x(3)
        minimize sum(square(x))
        x >= 0""", "sum_sq"),
                     ("""variable x
        minimize inv_pos(x)""", "inv_pos")]

    p = QCML(debug=True)

    def solve(s):
        print s[1]
        # socp_data = p.prob2socp(params=locals())
        # import ecos
        # sol = ecos.solve(**socp_data)
        # return sol

    print map(solve, test_problems)
Example #8
    print "Creating lasso problem."

    # a QCML model is specified by strings
    #   the parser parses each model line by line and builds an internal
    #   representation of an SOCP
    s = """
    dimensions m n
    variable x(n)
    parameters A(m,n) b(m)
    parameter gamma positive
    minimize (square(norm(A*x - b)) + gamma*norm1(x))
    print s

    raw_input("press ENTER to parse....")
    p = QCML(debug=True)

    raw_input("press ENTER to canonicalize....")

    raw_input("press ENTER to solve the problem....")
    res = p.solve()

    raw_input("press ENTER to generate C code and save it....")

    raw_input("press ENTER to write the test C program....")
    c_template = """
#include <stdio.h>
Example #9
s_right = np.sign(diff_right)
diff_right = np.abs(diff_right)
diff_right = s_right*np.log(diff_right+1)
s_right = np.abs(diff_right)
s_right = 1.0/(s_right+1)

#s_down is the scaling we want to associate with each difference. Large differences
#in the original image are given small weight in the objective
s_down = np.diag(s_down)

# <codecell>

from qcml import QCML
import cvxopt

p = QCML(debug=True)

rows = (m-1)*n
cols = m*n

s = '''
    dimension cols
    dimension rows
    variable y(cols)
    parameter top(rows,cols)
    parameter bottom(rows,cols)
    parameter left(rows,cols)
    parameter right(rows,cols)

    parameter diff_down(rows)
    parameter diff_right(rows)
Example #10
from qcml import QCML
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="generate code for testing")
parser.add_argument('-m', default=1,type=int,dest='m', help="problem dimension")
parser.add_argument('-n', default=1,type=int,dest='n', help="size of variable")
parser.add_argument('-q', default=None,type=int,dest='q', help="cone size")
parser.add_argument('--cvx', help="solve the problem using CVX", action="store_true")

group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("--svm", help="solve the SVM problem", action="store_true")
group.add_argument("--portfolio", help="solve the portfolio problem", action="store_true")

args = parser.parse_args()

p = QCML(debug=True)
m = args.m
n = args.n
q = args.q

if args.svm:

        dimensions m n
        variable a(n)
        variable b
        parameter X(m,n)      # positive samples
        parameter Y(m,n)      # negative samples
        parameter gamma positive

        minimize (norm(a) + gamma*sum(pos(1 - X*a + b) + pos(1 + Y*a - b)))
Example #11
m = 100   # number of examples
X = np.random.randn(m, n) - 1
Y = np.random.randn(m, n) + 1
gamma = 1

s = """
dimensions m n
variable a(n)
variable b
parameter X(m,n)      # positive samples
parameter Y(m,n)      # negative samples
parameter gamma positive
minimize (norm(a) + gamma*sum(pos(1 - X*a + b) + pos(1 + Y*a - b)))

p = QCML()
p.dims = {'n': n, 'm': m}

socp_vars = p.prob2socp(locals())

# convert to CSR for fast row slicing to distribute problem
if socp_vars['A'] is not None:
    socp_vars['A'] = socp_vars['A'].tocsr()
socp_vars['G'] = socp_vars['G'].tocsr()

# the size of the stuffed x or v
n = socp_vars['G'].shape[1]
Example #12
#!/usr/bin/env python
from qcml import QCML
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="Loads an external problem description to parse.")
parser.add_argument('-f', dest='file', help="file to parse", required=True)

# TODO: allow generation of code when dimensions are abstract
# group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
# group.add_argument("--ansi-c", help="generate ansi-C code; prints to command line", action="store_true")
# group.add_argument("--python", help="generate python code; prints to command line", action="store_true")

args = parser.parse_args()

print "Reading", args.file
with open(args.file, "r") as f:
    prob = f.read()
print prob

raw_input("press ENTER to parse....")
p = QCML(debug=True)

raw_input("press ENTER to canonicalize....")
Example #13
if __name__ == '__main__':
    test_problems = [
    (""" variable x(3)
        minimize norm(x)
        x >= 0""", "norm"),
    (""" variable x(3)
        minimize quad_over_lin(x,1)
        x >= 0""", "quad_over_lin"),
    (""" variable x(3)
        minimize square(norm(x))
        x >= 0""", "sq_norm"),
    (""" variable x(3)
        minimize sum(square(x))
        x >= 0""", "sum_sq")

    p = QCML()
    def solve(s):
        # socp_data = p.prob2socp(params=locals())
        # import ecos
        # sol = ecos.solve(**socp_data)
        # return sol

    print map(solve, test_problems)

Example #14
#!/usr/bin/env python
from qcml import QCML
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randn
import cProfile, pstats

if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 2  # number of features
    m = 100  # number of examples
    X = randn(m, n) - 1
    Y = randn(m, n) + 1
    gamma = 1

    p = QCML(debug=True)
        dimensions m n
        variable a(n)
        variable b
        parameter X(m,n)      # positive samples
        parameter Y(m,n)      # negative samples
        parameter Z(m,n)
        parameter W(m,n)
        parameter gamma positive
        parameter c(n)
        # variables x(n) z
        # minimize huber(sum(x)) - sqrt(z)
        #     x + z == 5
        #     x + z == 5
        #     # x(:,i+1) == A(:,:,i)*x(:,i) + B*u(:,i) for i = 1,...,T
        #     # sum_{ij in E}