Example #1
def analyisis_job_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the job information of the analysis

    analysis_id: int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request

    dict with the jobs information
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    # Check if the user actually has access to the analysis
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)
    return {
        j.id: {
            'status': j.status,
            'step': j.step,
            'error': j.log.msg if j.log else ""
        for j in analysis.jobs
Example #2
def analyisis_graph_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the graph information of the analysis

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request

    dict with the graph information
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    # Check if the user actually has access to the analysis
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)

    # A user has full access to the analysis if it is one of its private
    # analyses, the analysis has been shared with the user or the user is a
    # superuser or admin
    full_access = (analysis in (user.private_analyses | user.shared_analyses)
                   or user.level in {'superuser', 'admin'})

    nodes = set()
    edges = set()
    # Loop through all the initial artifacts of the analysis
    for a in analysis.artifacts:
        g = a.descendants_with_jobs
        # Loop through all the nodes in artifact descendants graph
        for n in g.nodes():
            # Get if the object is an artifact or a job
            obj_type = n[0]
            # Get the actual object
            obj = n[1]
            if obj_type == 'job':
                name = obj.command.name
            elif not full_access and not obj.visibility == 'public':
                # The object is an artifact, it is not public and the user
                # doesn't have full access, so we don't include it in the
                # graph
                name = '%s - %s' % (obj.name, obj.artifact_type)
            nodes.add((obj_type, obj.id, name))

        edges.update({(s[1].id, t[1].id) for s, t in g.edges()})

    # Nodes and Edges are sets, but the set object can't be serialized using
    # JSON. Transforming them to lists so when this is returned to the GUI
    # over HTTP can be JSONized.
    return {'edges': list(edges), 'nodes': list(nodes)}
Example #3
def analyisis_graph_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the graph information of the analysis

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request

    dict with the graph information

        If there is more than one workflow in a single analysis
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    # Check if the user actually has access to the analysis
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)

    # A user has full access to the analysis if it is one of its private
    # analyses, the analysis has been shared with the user or the user is a
    # superuser or admin
    full_access = (analysis in (user.private_analyses | user.shared_analyses)
                   or user.level in {'superuser', 'admin'})

    nodes = []
    edges = []
    wf_id = None
    # Loop through all the initial artifacts of the analysis
    for a in analysis.artifacts:
        if a.processing_parameters is None:
            g = a.descendants_with_jobs
            nodes, edges, a_wf_id = get_network_nodes_edges(g,

            if wf_id is None:
                wf_id = a_wf_id
            elif a_wf_id is not None and wf_id != a_wf_id:
                # This should never happen, but worth having a useful message
                raise ValueError('More than one workflow in a single analysis')

    return {'edges': edges, 'nodes': nodes, 'workflow': wf_id}
Example #4
    def post(self):
        analysis_id = int(self.get_argument('analysis_id'))

        user = self.current_user
        check_analysis_access(user, Analysis(analysis_id))

        qiita_plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha')
        cmd = qiita_plugin.get_command('delete_analysis')
        params = Parameters.load(cmd, values_dict={'analysis_id': analysis_id})
        job = ProcessingJob.create(user, params, True)
        # Store the job id attaching it to the sample template id
        r_client.set('analysis_delete_%d' % analysis_id,
                     dumps({'job_id': job.id}))

        self.redirect("%s/analysis/list/" % (qiita_config.portal_dir))
Example #5
def analysis_description_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the analysis information

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)

    job_info = r_client.get("analysis_%s" % analysis.id)
    alert_type = 'info'
    alert_msg = ''
    if job_info:
        job_info = loads(job_info)
        job_id = job_info['job_id']
        if job_id:
            r_payload = r_client.get(job_id)
            if r_payload:
                redis_info = loads(r_client.get(job_id))
                if redis_info['status_msg'] == 'running':
                    alert_msg = ('An artifact is being deleted from this '
                elif redis_info['return'] is not None:
                    alert_type = redis_info['return']['status']
                    alert_msg = redis_info['return']['message'].replace(
                        '\n', '</br>')
    artifacts = {}
    for aid, samples in analysis.samples.items():
        artifact = Artifact(aid)
        study = artifact.study
        artifacts[aid] = (study.id, study.title, artifact.merging_scheme,

    return {
        'analysis_name': analysis.name,
        'analysis_id': analysis.id,
        'analysis_is_public': analysis.is_public,
        'analysis_description': analysis.description,
        'analysis_mapping_id': analysis.mapping_file,
        'alert_type': alert_type,
        'artifacts': artifacts,
        'alert_msg': alert_msg
Example #6
def analyisis_graph_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the graph information of the analysis

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request

    dict with the graph information

        If there is more than one workflow in a single analysis
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    # Check if the user actually has access to the analysis
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)

    # A user has full access to the analysis if it is one of its private
    # analyses, the analysis has been shared with the user or the user is a
    # superuser or admin
    full_access = (analysis in (user.private_analyses | user.shared_analyses)
                   or user.level in {'superuser', 'admin'})

    nodes = []
    edges = []
    wf_id = None
    # Loop through all the initial artifacts of the analysis
    for a in analysis.artifacts:
        if a.processing_parameters is None:
            g = a.descendants_with_jobs
            nodes, edges, a_wf_id = get_network_nodes_edges(
                g, full_access, nodes=nodes, edges=edges)

            if wf_id is None:
                wf_id = a_wf_id
            elif a_wf_id is not None and wf_id != a_wf_id:
                # This should never happen, but worth having a useful message
                raise ValueError('More than one workflow in a single analysis')

    return {'edges': edges, 'nodes': nodes, 'workflow': wf_id}
Example #7
def analysis_description_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the analysis information

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)

    job_info = r_client.get("analysis_%s" % analysis.id)
    alert_type = 'info'
    alert_msg = ''
    if job_info:
        job_info = loads(job_info)
        job_id = job_info['job_id']
        if job_id:
            r_payload = r_client.get(job_id)
            if r_payload:
                redis_info = loads(r_client.get(job_id))
                if redis_info['status_msg'] == 'running':
                    alert_msg = ('An artifact is being deleted from this '
                elif redis_info['return'] is not None:
                    alert_type = redis_info['return']['status']
                    alert_msg = redis_info['return']['message'].replace(
                        '\n', '</br>')
    artifacts = {}
    for aid, samples in analysis.samples.items():
        artifact = Artifact(aid)
        study = artifact.study
        artifacts[aid] = (
            study.id, study.title, artifact.merging_scheme, samples)

    return {'analysis_name': analysis.name,
            'analysis_id': analysis.id,
            'analysis_is_public': analysis.is_public,
            'analysis_description': analysis.description,
            'analysis_mapping_id': analysis.mapping_file,
            'alert_type': alert_type,
            'artifacts': artifacts,
            'alert_msg': alert_msg}
Example #8
    def post(self, analysis_id):
        analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
        check_analysis_access(self.current_user, analysis)

        message = ''
        except Exception as e:
            message = str(e)

        res = analysis_description_handler_get_request(
            analysis_id, self.current_user)
        if message:
            # this will display the error message in the main banner
            res['level'] = 'danger'
            res['message'] = message

        self.render("analysis_description.html", **res)
Example #9
def analyisis_job_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the job information of the analysis

    analysis_id: int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request

    dict with the jobs information
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    # Check if the user actually has access to the analysis
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)
    return {
        j.id: {'status': j.status, 'step': j.step,
               'error': j.log.msg if j.log else ""}
        for j in analysis.jobs}
Example #10
def analysis_description_handler_get_request(analysis_id, user):
    """Returns the analysis information

    analysis_id : int
        The analysis id
    user : qiita_db.user.User
        The user performing the request
    analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
    check_analysis_access(user, analysis)

    job_info = r_client.get("analysis_%s" % analysis.id)
    alert_type = 'info'
    alert_msg = ''
    if job_info:
        job_info = loads(job_info)
        job_id = job_info['job_id']
        if job_id:
            r_payload = r_client.get(job_id)
            if r_payload:
                redis_info = loads(r_client.get(job_id))
                if redis_info['status_msg'] == 'running':
                    alert_msg = ('An artifact is being deleted from this '
                elif redis_info['return'] is not None:
                    alert_type = redis_info['return']['status']
                    alert_msg = redis_info['return']['message'].replace(
                        '\n', '</br>')

    return {
        'analysis_name': analysis.name,
        'analysis_id': analysis.id,
        'analysis_description': analysis.description,
        'alert_type': alert_type,
        'alert_msg': alert_msg
Example #11
    def post(self):
        analysis_id = int(self.get_argument('analysis_id'))
        analysis = Analysis(analysis_id)
        analysis_name = analysis.name.decode('utf-8')

        check_analysis_access(self.current_user, analysis)

            msg = ("Analysis <b><i>%s</i></b> has been deleted." %
            level = "success"
        except Exception as e:
            e = str(e)
            msg = ("Couldn't remove <b><i>%s</i></b> analysis: %s" %
                   (analysis_name, e))
            level = "danger"
                "Couldn't remove analysis ID %d: %s" % (analysis_id, e))

        self.redirect(u"%s/analysis/list/?level=%s&message=%s" %
                      (qiita_config.portal_dir, level, msg))
Example #12
    def test_check_analysis_access(self):
        # Has access, so it allows execution
        u = User('*****@*****.**')
        a = Analysis(1)
        check_analysis_access(u, a)

        # Admin has access to everything
        u = User('*****@*****.**')
        check_analysis_access(u, a)

        # Raises an error because it doesn't have access
        u = User('*****@*****.**')
        with self.assertRaises(HTTPError):
            check_analysis_access(u, a)