Example #1
class ConsolidateBlocks(TransformationPass):
    """Replace each block of consecutive gates by a single Unitary node.

    Pass to consolidate sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on
    the same qubits into a Unitary node, to be resynthesized later,
    to a potentially more optimal subcircuit.

        This pass assumes that the 'blocks_list' property that it reads is
        given such that blocks are in topological order. The blocks are
        collected by a previous pass, such as `Collect2qBlocks`.
    def __init__(self, kak_basis_gate=CXGate(), force_consolidate=False):
        """ConsolidateBlocks initializer.

            kak_basis_gate (Gate): Basis gate for KAK decomposition.
            force_consolidate (bool): Force block consolidation
        self.force_consolidate = force_consolidate
        self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(kak_basis_gate)

    def run(self, dag):
        """Run the ConsolidateBlocks pass on `dag`.

        Iterate over each block and replace it with an equivalent Unitary
        on the same wires.
        new_dag = DAGCircuit()
        for qreg in dag.qregs.values():
        for creg in dag.cregs.values():

        # compute ordered indices for the global circuit wires
        global_index_map = {wire: idx for idx, wire in enumerate(dag.qubits)}

        blocks = self.property_set['block_list']
        # just to make checking if a node is in any block easier
        all_block_nodes = {nd for bl in blocks for nd in bl}

        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
            if node not in all_block_nodes:
                # need to add this node to find out where in the list it goes
                preds = [
                    nd for nd in dag.predecessors(node) if nd.type == 'op'

                block_count = 0
                while preds:
                    if block_count < len(blocks):
                        block = blocks[block_count]

                        # if any of the predecessors are in the block, remove them
                        preds = [p for p in preds if p not in block]
                        # should never occur as this would mean not all
                        # nodes before this one topologically had been added
                        # so not all predecessors were removed
                        raise TranspilerError(
                            "Not all predecessors removed due to error"
                            " in topological order")

                    block_count += 1

                # we have now seen all predecessors
                # so update the blocks list to include this block
                blocks = blocks[:block_count] + [[node]] + blocks[block_count:]

        # create the dag from the updated list of blocks
        basis_gate_name = self.decomposer.gate.name
        for block in blocks:

            if len(block) == 1 and block[0].name != 'cx':
                # an intermediate node that was added into the overall list
                new_dag.apply_operation_back(block[0].op, block[0].qargs,
                # find the qubits involved in this block
                block_qargs = set()
                for nd in block:
                    block_qargs |= set(nd.qargs)
                # convert block to a sub-circuit, then simulate unitary and add
                block_width = len(block_qargs)
                q = QuantumRegister(block_width)
                subcirc = QuantumCircuit(q)
                block_index_map = self._block_qargs_to_indices(
                    block_qargs, global_index_map)
                basis_count = 0
                for nd in block:
                    if nd.op.name == basis_gate_name:
                        basis_count += 1
                                   [q[block_index_map[i]] for i in nd.qargs])
                unitary = UnitaryGate(
                    Operator(subcirc))  # simulates the circuit
                if self.force_consolidate or unitary.num_qubits > 2 or \
                        self.decomposer.num_basis_gates(unitary) != basis_count:

                        sorted(block_qargs, key=lambda x: block_index_map[x]))
                    for nd in block:
                        new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs,

        return new_dag

    def _block_qargs_to_indices(self, block_qargs, global_index_map):
        """Map each qubit in block_qargs to its wire position among the block's wires.

            block_qargs (list): list of qubits that a block acts on
            global_index_map (dict): mapping from each qubit in the
                circuit to its wire position within that circuit

            dict: mapping from qarg to position in block
        block_indices = [global_index_map[q] for q in block_qargs]
        ordered_block_indices = sorted(block_indices)
        block_positions = {
            q: ordered_block_indices.index(global_index_map[q])
            for q in block_qargs
        return block_positions
class ConsolidateBlocks(TransformationPass):
    """Replace each block of consecutive gates by a single Unitary node.

    Pass to consolidate sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on
    the same qubits into a Unitary node, to be resynthesized later,
    to a potentially more optimal subcircuit.

        This pass assumes that the 'blocks_list' property that it reads is
        given such that blocks are in topological order. The blocks are
        collected by a previous pass, such as `Collect2qBlocks`.

    def __init__(self,
        """ConsolidateBlocks initializer.

            kak_basis_gate (Gate): Basis gate for KAK decomposition.
            force_consolidate (bool): Force block consolidation
            basis_gates (List(str)): Basis gates from which to choose a KAK gate.
        self.basis_gates = basis_gates
        self.force_consolidate = force_consolidate

        if kak_basis_gate is not None:
            self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(kak_basis_gate)
        elif basis_gates is not None:
            kak_basis_gate = unitary_synthesis._choose_kak_gate(basis_gates)
            if kak_basis_gate is not None:
                self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(kak_basis_gate)
                self.decomposer = None
            self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(CXGate())

    def run(self, dag):
        """Run the ConsolidateBlocks pass on `dag`.

        Iterate over each block and replace it with an equivalent Unitary
        on the same wires.

        if self.decomposer is None:
            return dag

        new_dag = dag._copy_circuit_metadata()

        # compute ordered indices for the global circuit wires
        global_index_map = {wire: idx for idx, wire in enumerate(dag.qubits)}

        blocks = self.property_set['block_list']
        # just to make checking if a node is in any block easier
        all_block_nodes = {nd for bl in blocks for nd in bl}

        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
            if node not in all_block_nodes:
                # need to add this node to find out where in the list it goes
                preds = [nd for nd in dag.predecessors(node) if nd.type == 'op']

                block_count = 0
                while preds:
                    if block_count < len(blocks):
                        block = blocks[block_count]

                        # if any of the predecessors are in the block, remove them
                        preds = [p for p in preds if p not in block]
                        # should never occur as this would mean not all
                        # nodes before this one topologically had been added
                        # so not all predecessors were removed
                        raise TranspilerError("Not all predecessors removed due to error"
                                              " in topological order")

                    block_count += 1

                # we have now seen all predecessors
                # so update the blocks list to include this block
                blocks = blocks[:block_count] + [[node]] + blocks[block_count:]

        # create the dag from the updated list of blocks
        basis_gate_name = self.decomposer.gate.name
        for block in blocks:
            if len(block) == 1 and block[0].name != basis_gate_name:
                # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
                if block[0].type == 'op' \
                        and self.basis_gates \
                        and block[0].name not in self.basis_gates \
                        and len(block[0].cargs) == 0 and block[0].condition is None \
                        and isinstance(block[0].op, Gate) \
                        and hasattr(block[0].op, '__array__') \
                        and not block[0].op.is_parameterized():
                                                 block[0].qargs, block[0].cargs)
                    # an intermediate node that was added into the overall list
                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(block[0].op, block[0].qargs,
                # find the qubits involved in this block
                block_qargs = set()
                block_cargs = set()
                for nd in block:
                    block_qargs |= set(nd.qargs)
                    if nd.condition:
                        block_cargs |= set(nd.condition[0])
                # convert block to a sub-circuit, then simulate unitary and add
                q = QuantumRegister(len(block_qargs))
                # if condition in node, add clbits to circuit
                if len(block_cargs) > 0:
                    c = ClassicalRegister(len(block_cargs))
                    subcirc = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
                    subcirc = QuantumCircuit(q)
                block_index_map = self._block_qargs_to_indices(block_qargs,
                basis_count = 0
                for nd in block:
                    if nd.op.name == basis_gate_name:
                        basis_count += 1
                    subcirc.append(nd.op, [q[block_index_map[i]] for i in nd.qargs])
                unitary = UnitaryGate(Operator(subcirc))  # simulates the circuit

                max_2q_depth = 20  # If depth > 20, there will be 1q gates to consolidate.
                if (  # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
                        or unitary.num_qubits > 2
                        or self.decomposer.num_basis_gates(unitary) < basis_count
                        or len(subcirc) > max_2q_depth
                        or (self.basis_gates is not None
                            and not set(subcirc.count_ops()).issubset(self.basis_gates))
                        sorted(block_qargs, key=lambda x: block_index_map[x]))
                    for nd in block:
                        new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

        return new_dag

    def _block_qargs_to_indices(self, block_qargs, global_index_map):
        """Map each qubit in block_qargs to its wire position among the block's wires.

            block_qargs (list): list of qubits that a block acts on
            global_index_map (dict): mapping from each qubit in the
                circuit to its wire position within that circuit

            dict: mapping from qarg to position in block
        block_indices = [global_index_map[q] for q in block_qargs]
        ordered_block_indices = sorted(block_indices)
        block_positions = {q: ordered_block_indices.index(global_index_map[q])
                           for q in block_qargs}
        return block_positions
Example #3
class ConsolidateBlocks(TransformationPass):
    """Replace each block of consecutive gates by a single Unitary node.

    Pass to consolidate sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on
    the same qubits into a Unitary node, to be resynthesized later,
    to a potentially more optimal subcircuit.

        This pass assumes that the 'blocks_list' property that it reads is
        given such that blocks are in topological order. The blocks are
        collected by a previous pass, such as `Collect2qBlocks`.

    def __init__(self, kak_basis_gate=None, force_consolidate=False, basis_gates=None):
        """ConsolidateBlocks initializer.

            kak_basis_gate (Gate): Basis gate for KAK decomposition.
            force_consolidate (bool): Force block consolidation
            basis_gates (List(str)): Basis gates from which to choose a KAK gate.
        self.basis_gates = None
        if basis_gates is not None:
            self.basis_gates = set(basis_gates)
        self.force_consolidate = force_consolidate

        if kak_basis_gate is not None:
            self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(kak_basis_gate)
        elif basis_gates is not None:
            kak_basis_gate = unitary_synthesis._choose_kak_gate(basis_gates)
            if kak_basis_gate is not None:
                self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(kak_basis_gate)
                self.decomposer = None
            self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(CXGate())

    def run(self, dag):
        """Run the ConsolidateBlocks pass on `dag`.

        Iterate over each block and replace it with an equivalent Unitary
        on the same wires.
        if self.decomposer is None:
            return dag

        # compute ordered indices for the global circuit wires
        global_index_map = {wire: idx for idx, wire in enumerate(dag.qubits)}
        blocks = self.property_set["block_list"]
        basis_gate_name = self.decomposer.gate.name
        all_block_gates = set()
        for block in blocks:
            if len(block) == 1 and (self.basis_gates and block[0].name not in self.basis_gates):
                dag.substitute_node(block[0], UnitaryGate(block[0].op.to_matrix()))
                basis_count = 0
                outside_basis = False
                block_qargs = set()
                block_cargs = set()
                for nd in block:
                    block_qargs |= set(nd.qargs)
                    if isinstance(nd, DAGOpNode) and nd.op.condition:
                        block_cargs |= set(nd.op.condition[0])
                q = QuantumRegister(len(block_qargs))
                qc = QuantumCircuit(q)
                if block_cargs:
                    c = ClassicalRegister(len(block_cargs))
                block_index_map = self._block_qargs_to_indices(block_qargs, global_index_map)
                for nd in block:
                    if nd.op.name == basis_gate_name:
                        basis_count += 1
                    if self.basis_gates and nd.op.name not in self.basis_gates:
                        outside_basis = True
                    qc.append(nd.op, [q[block_index_map[i]] for i in nd.qargs])
                unitary = UnitaryGate(Operator(qc))

                max_2q_depth = 20  # If depth > 20, there will be 1q gates to consolidate.
                if (  # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions
                    or unitary.num_qubits > 2
                    or self.decomposer.num_basis_gates(unitary) < basis_count
                    or len(block) > max_2q_depth
                    or (self.basis_gates is not None and outside_basis)
                    dag.replace_block_with_op(block, unitary, block_index_map, cycle_check=False)
        # If 1q runs are collected before consolidate those too
        runs = self.property_set["run_list"] or []
        for run in runs:
            if run[0] in all_block_gates:
            if len(run) == 1 and self.basis_gates and run[0].name not in self.basis_gates:
                dag.substitute_node(run[0], UnitaryGate(run[0].op.to_matrix()))
                qubit = run[0].qargs[0]
                operator = run[0].op.to_matrix()
                already_in_block = False
                for gate in run[1:]:
                    if gate in all_block_gates:
                        already_in_block = True
                    operator = gate.op.to_matrix().dot(operator)
                if already_in_block:
                unitary = UnitaryGate(operator)
                dag.replace_block_with_op(run, unitary, {qubit: 0}, cycle_check=False)
        return dag

    def _block_qargs_to_indices(self, block_qargs, global_index_map):
        """Map each qubit in block_qargs to its wire position among the block's wires.
            block_qargs (list): list of qubits that a block acts on
            global_index_map (dict): mapping from each qubit in the
                circuit to its wire position within that circuit
            dict: mapping from qarg to position in block
        block_indices = [global_index_map[q] for q in block_qargs]
        ordered_block_indices = {bit: index for index, bit in enumerate(sorted(block_indices))}
        block_positions = {q: ordered_block_indices[global_index_map[q]] for q in block_qargs}
        return block_positions
Example #4
class ConsolidateBlocks(TransformationPass):
    Pass to consolidate sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on
    the same qubits into a Unitary node, to be resynthesized later,
    to a potentially more optimal subcircuit.
    Important note: this pass assumes that the 'blocks_list' property that
    it reads is given such that blocks are in topological order.
    def __init__(self, kak_basis_gate=CnotGate(), force_consolidate=False):
            kak_basis_gate (Gate): Basis gate for KAK decomposition.
            force_consolidate (bool): Force block consolidation
        self.force_consolidate = force_consolidate
        self.decomposer = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(kak_basis_gate)

    def run(self, dag):
        """iterate over each block and replace it with an equivalent Unitary
        on the same wires.
        new_dag = DAGCircuit()
        for qreg in dag.qregs.values():
        for creg in dag.cregs.values():

        # compute ordered indices for the global circuit wires
        global_index_map = {}
        for wire in dag.wires:
            if not isinstance(wire, Qubit):
            global_qregs = list(dag.qregs.values())
            global_index_map[wire] = global_qregs.index(wire.register) + wire.index

        blocks = self.property_set['block_list']
        nodes_seen = set()

        basis_gate_name = self.decomposer.gate.name

        for node in dag.topological_op_nodes():
            # skip already-visited nodes or input/output nodes
            if node in nodes_seen or node.type == 'in' or node.type == 'out':
            # check if the node belongs to the next block
            if blocks and node in blocks[0]:
                block = blocks[0]
                # find the qubits involved in this block
                block_qargs = set()
                for nd in block:
                    block_qargs |= set(nd.qargs)
                # convert block to a sub-circuit, then simulate unitary and add
                block_width = len(block_qargs)
                q = QuantumRegister(block_width)
                subcirc = QuantumCircuit(q)
                block_index_map = self._block_qargs_to_indices(block_qargs,
                basis_count = 0
                for nd in block:
                    if nd.op.name == basis_gate_name:
                        basis_count += 1
                    subcirc.append(nd.op, [q[block_index_map[i]] for i in nd.qargs])
                unitary = UnitaryGate(Operator(subcirc))  # simulates the circuit
                if self.force_consolidate or unitary.num_qubits > 2 or \
                        self.decomposer.num_basis_gates(unitary) != basis_count:

                        unitary, sorted(block_qargs, key=lambda x: block_index_map[x]))
                    for nd in block:
                        new_dag.apply_operation_back(nd.op, nd.qargs, nd.cargs)

                del blocks[0]
                # the node could belong to some future block, but in that case
                # we simply skip it. It is guaranteed that we will revisit that
                # future block, via its other nodes
                for block in blocks[1:]:
                    if node in block:
                # freestanding nodes can just be added
                    new_dag.apply_operation_back(node.op, node.qargs, node.cargs)

        return new_dag

    def _block_qargs_to_indices(self, block_qargs, global_index_map):
        Map each qubit in block_qargs to its wire position among the block's wires.
            block_qargs (list): list of qubits that a block acts on
            global_index_map (dict): mapping from each qubit in the
                circuit to its wire position within that circuit
            dict: mapping from qarg to position in block
        block_indices = [global_index_map[q] for q in block_qargs]
        ordered_block_indices = sorted(block_indices)
        block_positions = {q: ordered_block_indices.index(global_index_map[q])
                           for q in block_qargs}
        return block_positions