Example #1
    def add_stale_tick(self):
        if len(self.ticks) > 0:
            tick = self.ticks[-1:].to_dict(orient='records')[0]
            tick['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow()

            tick = pd.DataFrame(index=[0], data=tick)
            tick.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
            tick = tools.set_timezone(tick, tz=self.timezone)

            self._tick_handler(tick, stale_tick=True)
Example #2
    def add_stale_tick(self):
        ticks = self.ticks.copy()
        if len(self.ticks.index) > 0:
            last_tick_sec = float(tools.datetime64_to_datetime(ticks.index.values[-1]).strftime('%M.%S'))

            for sym in list(self.ticks["symbol"].unique()):
                tick = ticks[ticks['symbol']==sym][-5:].to_dict(orient='records')[-1]
                tick['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow()

                if last_tick_sec != float(tick['timestamp'].strftime("%M.%S")):
                    tick = pd.DataFrame(index=[0], data=tick)
                    tick.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
                    tick = tools.set_timezone(tick, tz=self.timezone)
                    tick.loc[:, 'lastsize'] = 0 # no real size

                    self._tick_handler(tick, stale_tick=True)
Example #3
    def add_stale_tick(self):
        ticks = self.ticks.copy()
        if len(self.ticks.index) > 0:
            last_tick_sec = float(tools.datetime64_to_datetime(

            for sym in list(self.ticks["symbol"].unique()):
                tick = ticks[ticks['symbol'] == sym][-5:].to_dict(orient='records')[-1]
                tick['timestamp'] = datetime.utcnow()

                if last_tick_sec != float(tick['timestamp'].strftime("%M.%S")):
                    tick = pd.DataFrame(index=[0], data=tick)
                    tick.set_index('timestamp', inplace=True)
                    tick = tools.set_timezone(tick, tz=self.timezone)
                    tick.loc[:, 'lastsize'] = 0 # no real size

                    self._tick_handler(tick, stale_tick=True)
Example #4
def get_data_yahoo_intraday(symbol):
    Import intraday data (1M) from Yahoo finance (2 weeks max)

        symbol : str
            symbol to downlaod intraday data for
        data : pd.DataFrame
            Pandas DataFrame with 1-minute bar data
    raw = requests.get("http://chartapi.finance.yahoo.com/instrument/1.0/" +
                       symbol + "/chartdata;type=quote;range=10d/csv")

    cols = raw.text.split("values:")[1].split("\n")[0].lower()
    data = raw.text.split("volume:")[1].split("\n")
    data = "\n".join(data[1:])

    if "timestamp" in cols:
        df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(cols + "\n" + data),
        df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit='s')

        timezone = raw.text.split("timezone:")[1].split("\n")[0]
        df = tools.set_timezone(df, timezone)

        df = df.resample("T").last().dropna()
        df['volume'] = df['volume'].astype(int)
        return np.round(df, 2)

    # parse csv
    df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(cols + "\n" + data),
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, utc=True)

    # round
    decimals = pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 2], index=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close'])
    df = df.round(decimals)

    df.loc[:, "symbol"] = symbol
    return df[["symbol", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]]
Example #5
def get_data_yahoo_intraday(symbol, *args, **kwargs):
    Import intraday data (1M) from Yahoo finance (2 weeks max)

        symbol : str
            symbol to downlaod intraday data for
        data : pd.DataFrame
            Pandas DataFrame with 1-minute bar data
    raw = requests.get("http://chartapi.finance.yahoo.com/instrument/1.0/" +
                       symbol + "/chartdata;type=quote;range=10d/csv")

    cols = raw.text.split("values:")[1].split("\n")[0].lower()
    data = raw.text.split("volume:")[1].split("\n")
    data = "\n".join(data[1:])

    if "timestamp" in cols:
        df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(cols + "\n" + data),
                         index_col=["timestamp"], parse_dates=["timestamp"])
        df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit='s')

        timezone = raw.text.split("timezone:")[1].split("\n")[0]
        df = tools.set_timezone(df, timezone)

        df = df.resample("T").last().dropna()
        df['volume'] = df['volume'].astype(int)
        return np.round(df, 2)

    # parse csv
    df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(cols + "\n" + data),
                     index_col=["date"], parse_dates=["date"])
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, utc=True)

    # round
    decimals = pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 2], index=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close'])
    df = df.round(decimals)

    df.loc[:, "symbol"] = symbol
    return df[["symbol", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"]]
Example #6
def prepare_data(instrument, data, output_path=None,
                 index=None, colsmap=None, kind="BAR", resample="1T"):
    Converts given DataFrame to a QTPyLib-compatible format and timezone

        instrument : mixed
            IB contract tuple / string (same as that given to strategy)
        data : pd.DataFrame
            Pandas DataDrame with that instrument's market data
        output_path : str
            Path to where the resulting CSV should be saved (optional)
        index : pd.Series
            Pandas Series that will be used for df's index (optioanl)
        colsmap : dict
            Dict for mapping df's columns to those used by QTPyLib
            (default assumes same naming convention as QTPyLib's)
        kind : str
            Is this ``BAR`` or ``TICK`` data
        resample : str
            Pandas resolution (defaults to 1min/1T)

        data : pd.DataFrame
            Pandas DataFrame in a QTPyLib-compatible format and timezone


    # work on copy
    df = data.copy()

    # ezibpy's csv?
    if set(df.columns) == set([
            'datetime', 'C', 'H', 'L', 'O', 'OI', 'V', 'WAP']):
            'datetime': 'datetime',
            'O': 'open',
            'H': 'high',
            'L': 'low',
            'C': 'close',
            'OI': 'volume',
        }, inplace=True)
        df.index = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime'])
        df.index = df.index.tz_localize(tools.get_timezone()).tz_convert("UTC")
        index = None

    # lower case columns
    df.columns = map(str.lower, df.columns)

    # set index
    if index is None:
        index = df.index

    # set defaults columns
    if not isinstance(colsmap, dict):
        colsmap = {}

    _colsmap = _TICKS_COLSMAP if kind == "TICK" else _BARS_COLSMAP
    for el in _colsmap:
        if el not in colsmap:
            colsmap[el] = _colsmap[el]

    # generate a valid ib tuple
    instrument = tools.create_ib_tuple(instrument)

    # create contract string (no need for connection)
    ibConn = ezIBpy()
    contract_string = ibConn.contractString(instrument)
    asset_class = tools.gen_asset_class(contract_string)
    symbol_group = tools.gen_symbol_group(contract_string)

    # add symbol data
    df.loc[:, 'symbol'] = contract_string
    df.loc[:, 'symbol_group'] = symbol_group
    df.loc[:, 'asset_class'] = asset_class

    # validate columns
    valid_cols = validate_columns(df, kind)
    if not valid_cols:
        raise ValueError('Invalid Column list')

    # rename columns to map
    df.rename(columns=colsmap, inplace=True)

    # force option columns on options
    if asset_class == "OPT":
        df = tools.force_options_columns(df)

    # remove all other columns
    known_cols = list(colsmap.values()) + \
        ['symbol', 'symbol_group', 'asset_class', 'expiry']
    for col in df.columns:
        if col not in known_cols:
            df.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)

    # set UTC index
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(index)
    df = tools.set_timezone(df, "UTC")
    df.index.rename("datetime", inplace=True)

    # resample
    if resample and kind == "BAR":
        df = tools.resample(df, resolution=resample, tz="UTC")

    # add expiry
    df.loc[:, 'expiry'] = np.nan
    if asset_class in ("FUT", "OPT", "FOP"):
        df.loc[:, 'expiry'] = contract_expiry_from_symbol(contract_string)

    # save csv
    if output_path is not None:
        output_path = output_path[
            :-1] if output_path.endswith('/') else output_path
        df.to_csv("%s/%s.%s.csv" % (output_path, contract_string, kind))

    # return df
    return df
Example #7
def prepare_data(instrument, data, output_path=None, index=None, colsmap=None, kind="BAR"):
    Converts given DataFrame to a QTPyLib-compatible format and timezone

        instrument : mixed
            IB contract tuple / string (same as that given to strategy)
        data : pd.DataFrame
            Pandas DataDrame with that instrument's market data
        output_path : str
            Path to the location where the resulting CSV should be saved (default: ``None``)
        index : pd.Series
            Pandas Series that will be used for df's index (default is to use df.index)
        colsmap : dict
            Dict for mapping df's columns to those used by QTPyLib (default assumes same naming convention as QTPyLib's)
        kind : str
            Is this ``BAR`` or ``TICK`` data

        data : pd.DataFrame
            Pandas DataFrame in a QTPyLib-compatible format and timezone

    global _bars_colsmap, _ticks_colsmap

    # work on copy
    df = data.copy()

    # ezibpy's csv?
    if set(df.columns) == set(['datetime', 'C', 'H', 'L', 'O', 'OI', 'V', 'WAP']):
            'datetime': 'datetime',
            'O': 'open',
            'H': 'high',
            'L': 'low',
            'C': 'close',
            'OI': 'volume',
        }, inplace=True)
        df.index = pd.to_datetime(df['datetime'])
        df.index = df.index.tz_localize(tools.get_timezone()).tz_convert("UTC")
        index = None

    # set index
    if index is None:
        index = df.index

    # set defaults columns
    if not isinstance(colsmap, dict):
        colsmap = {}

    _colsmap = _ticks_colsmap if kind == "TICK" else _bars_colsmap
    for el in _colsmap:
        if el not in colsmap:
            colsmap[el] = _colsmap[el]

    # generate a valid ib tuple
    instrument = tools.create_ib_tuple(instrument)

    # create contract string (no need for connection)
    ibConn = ezIBpy()
    contract_string = ibConn.contractString(instrument)
    asset_class = tools.gen_asset_class(contract_string)
    symbol_group = tools.gen_symbol_group(contract_string)

    # add symbol data
    df.loc[:, 'symbol'] = contract_string
    df.loc[:, 'symbol_group'] = symbol_group
    df.loc[:, 'asset_class'] = asset_class

    # validate columns
    valid_cols = validate_columns(df, kind)
    if not valid_cols:
        raise ValueError('Invalid Column list')

    # rename columns to map
    df.rename(columns=colsmap, inplace=True)

    # force option columns on options
    if asset_class == "OPT":
        df = tools.force_options_columns(df)

    # remove all other columns
    known_cols = list(colsmap.values()) + ['symbol','symbol_group','asset_class','expiry']
    for col in df.columns:
        if col not in known_cols:
            df.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True)

    # set UTC index
    df.index = pd.to_datetime(index)
    df = tools.set_timezone(df, "UTC")
    df.index.rename("datetime", inplace=True)

    # add expiry
    df.loc[:, 'expiry'] = np.nan
    if asset_class in ("FUT", "OPT", "FOP"):
        df.loc[:, 'expiry'] = contract_expiry_from_symbol(contract_string)

    # save csv
    if output_path is not None:
        output_path = output_path[
            :-1] if output_path.endswith('/') else output_path
        df.to_csv("%s/%s.%s.csv" % (output_path, contract_string, kind))

    # return df
    return df