def Von_Luxburg_approximations(t):
    ones = np.ones_like(t)
    n = t.shape[0]
    # d_v is the in-degree, which is the column sum. this
    # multiplication does the right thing
    d_v = np.sum(t, axis=0) * ones
    # transpose to get d_u
    d_u = d_v.T
    # vol(G) is sum of degrees, which we interpret in the directed
    # case as sum of out-degrees (which is anyway equal to sum of
    # in-degrees); because weights are transition probabilities, each
    # out-degree = 1; so vol(G) = n.
    vol_G = float(n)
    mfpt_vla = vol_G * 1.0 / d_v
    ct_vla = vol_G * (1.0 / d_u + 1.0 / d_v)

    return mfpt_vla, ct_vla
Example #2
def compare_MFPT_estimate_RW_v_exact(dirname):
    def get_indices_of_common_entries(a, b):
        result = []
        for i in b:
                j = a.index(i)
            except ValueError:
        assert len(result) == len(b)
        return result

    filename = dirname + "/MFPT.dat"
    mfpt = np.genfromtxt(filename)

    filename = dirname + "/compare_MFPT_estimate_RW_v_exact.tex"
    f = open(filename, "w")

    if "depth_2" in dirname:
        lengths = [1298, 12980, 129800]
    elif "depth_1" in dirname:
        # NB with 18, too few values to run correlation
        lengths = [180, 1800, 18000]
    for length in lengths:

        # mfpte: read, mask nan, mask len < 5 (100x100)
        filename = dirname + "/estimate_MFPT_using_RW_" + str(
            length) + "/MFPT.dat"
        mfpte = np.genfromtxt(filename, usemask=True, missing_values="NaN,nan")
        filename = dirname + "/estimate_MFPT_using_RW_" + str(
            length) + "/MFPT_len.dat"
        mfpte_len = np.genfromtxt(filename)
        min_vals = 5  # an attempt at reliability
        print("%d of %d values of length < 5" %
              (np.sum(mfpte_len < min_vals), len(mfpte_len)**2))
        mfpte[mfpte_len < min_vals] =

        # mfpt: copy, select sampled only to make it 100x100
        mfpt_tmp = mfpt.copy()
        # need to restrict mfpt_tmp to the 100x100 entries which are
        # indicated by the trees_sampled.dat file
        filename = dirname + "/estimate_MFPT_using_RW_" + str(
            length) + "/trees_sampled.dat"
        trees_sampled = open(filename).read().strip().split("\n")
        filename = dirname + "/all_trees.dat"
        all_trees = open(filename).read().strip().split("\n")
        indices = get_indices_of_common_entries(all_trees, trees_sampled)
        # the selected indices are into both the rows and columns
        mfpt_tmp = mfpt_tmp[indices][:, indices]

        # mfpte will contain the self-hitting time on the diagonal: we
        # want zero there for true comparison.

        # reshape both
        mfpte = mfpte.reshape(len(mfpte)**2)
        mfpt_tmp = mfpt_tmp.reshape(len(mfpt_tmp)**2)

        # correlate using mask
        f.write("Number of samples: " + str(length) + "\n")
        corr, p = get_pearson_r(mfpt_tmp, mfpte)
        f.write("Pearson R correlation " + str(corr) + "; ")
        f.write("p-value " + str(p) + ". ")
        corr, p = get_spearman_rho(mfpt_tmp, mfpte)
        f.write("Spearman rho correlation " + str(corr) + "; ")
        f.write("p-value " + str(p) + ". ")
        if len(mfpte) < 1000:
            corr, p = get_kendall_tau(mfpt_tmp, mfpte)
            f.write("Kendall tau correlation " + str(corr) + "; ")
            f.write("p-value " + str(p) + ". ")
                "Omitting Kendall tau because it is infeasible for large matrices. "
Example #3
def compare_MFPT_estimate_RW_v_exact(dirname):

    def get_indices_of_common_entries(a, b):
        result = []
        for i in b:
                j = a.index(i)
            except ValueError:
        assert len(result) == len(b)
        return result

    filename = dirname + "/MFPT.dat"
    mfpt = np.genfromtxt(filename)

    filename = dirname + "/compare_MFPT_estimate_RW_v_exact.tex"
    f = open(filename, "w")

    if "depth_2" in dirname:
        lengths = [1298, 12980, 129800]
    elif "depth_1" in dirname:
        # NB with 18, too few values to run correlation
        lengths = [180, 1800, 18000]
    for length in lengths:

        # mfpte: read, mask nan, mask len < 5 (100x100)
        filename = dirname + "/estimate_MFPT_using_RW_" + str(length) + "/MFPT.dat"
        mfpte = np.genfromtxt(filename, usemask=True, missing_values="NaN,nan")
        filename = dirname + "/estimate_MFPT_using_RW_" + str(length) + "/MFPT_len.dat"
        mfpte_len = np.genfromtxt(filename)
        min_vals = 5 # an attempt at reliability
        print("%d of %d values of length < 5" % (np.sum(mfpte_len < min_vals), len(mfpte_len)**2))
        mfpte[mfpte_len < min_vals] =

        # mfpt: copy, select sampled only to make it 100x100
        mfpt_tmp = mfpt.copy()
        # need to restrict mfpt_tmp to the 100x100 entries which are
        # indicated by the trees_sampled.dat file
        filename = dirname + "/estimate_MFPT_using_RW_" + str(length) + "/trees_sampled.dat"
        trees_sampled = open(filename).read().strip().split("\n")
        filename = dirname + "/all_trees.dat"
        all_trees = open(filename).read().strip().split("\n")
        indices = get_indices_of_common_entries(all_trees, trees_sampled)
        # the selected indices are into both the rows and columns
        mfpt_tmp = mfpt_tmp[indices][:,indices]

        # mfpte will contain the self-hitting time on the diagonal: we
        # want zero there for true comparison.

        # reshape both
        mfpte = mfpte.reshape(len(mfpte)**2)
        mfpt_tmp = mfpt_tmp.reshape(len(mfpt_tmp)**2)

        # correlate using mask
        f.write("Number of samples: " + str(length) + "\n")
        corr, p = get_pearson_r(mfpt_tmp, mfpte)
        f.write("Pearson R correlation " + str(corr) + "; ")
        f.write("p-value " + str(p) + ". ")
        corr, p = get_spearman_rho(mfpt_tmp, mfpte)
        f.write("Spearman rho correlation " + str(corr) + "; ")
        f.write("p-value " + str(p) + ". ")
        if len(mfpte) < 1000:
            corr, p = get_kendall_tau(mfpt_tmp, mfpte)
            f.write("Kendall tau correlation " + str(corr) + "; ")
            f.write("p-value " + str(p) + ". ")
            f.write("Omitting Kendall tau because it is infeasible for large matrices. ")