u2[i] = ((V_ro(U[0, m[i]]) - U[1, m[i]]) / tau)

    return np.array([u1, u2])

def f_u(U, m):
    u1 = U[0, m] * U[1, m]
    u2 = 1 / 2 * (U[1, m] ** 2) + (c_0 ** 2) * np.log(U[0, m])
    return np.array([u1, u2])

a = 9
b = 16
error = np.zeros(b - a)
k_vec = np.zeros(b - a)
ref = rw.read_data("L_F_ref")
for i in range(a, b):
    k = 2 ** (-i)
    N = int(10 / k)

    u = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    u_next = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    initial_velocity = V_ro(rho_up)
    u[0, :] = rho_up
    u[1, :] = initial_velocity
    u_next[0, :] = rho_up
    u_next[1, :] = initial_velocity
    for n in range(N):

        f = f_u(u, range(1, len(x) + 1))
        s_next = s(u, range(1, len(x) + 1), n)
Example #2
    f = f_u(u, range(0, len(x) + 1))  # length: L/h
    s_next = s(u, range(0, len(x) - 1), n)  # length: L/h
    #print("length of x:",len(x))
    #print("length of u:",len(u[0]))
    for m in range(1, len(x) - 1):
        u_next[0, m] = (
            (u[0, m - 1] + u[0, m + 1]) /
            2) - (k /
                  (2 * h)) * (f[0, m + 1] - f[0, m - 1]) + (k * s_next[0, m])
        u_next[1, m] = ((u[1, m - 1] + u[1, m + 1]) / 2) - (k / (2 * h)) * (
            f[1, m + 1] - f[1, m - 1]) + (k * s_next[1, m]) + (
                (k / (h**2)) * (u[1, m + 1] - 2 * u[1, m] + u[1, m - 1]))
    u_next[0, 0] = rho_up
    u_next[1, 0] = initial_velocity
    u_next[:, len(x)] = u_next[:, len(x) - 1]
    u = u_next


    if (n % (N / 10) == 0):
        plt.plot(x, u[0][:-1])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rw.write_data(u, "u_lax_friedrich_x3.txt")
    a = rw.read_data("u_lax_friedrich_x3.txt")

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import readwrite as rw

# This script makes a convergence plot for Lax-Wendroff in space

# The different step lengths we are iterating for
h_values = [2**i for i in range(3, 9)]
ref_sol = rw.read_data("Reference solution, Lax-Wendroff, x-convergence.txt"
                       )  # Reference solution

# Constants:
k = 10**-4
sigma = 300
tau = 0.5
V_0 = 2000
rho_hat = 0.14
E = 100
c_0 = 900
mu = 10000
f_up = 32.5
f_rmp = 2
rho_up = 0.02
N = 10**4
L = 2**13
ref_sol_points = L / (
    len(ref_sol[0]) - 1
)  # Relationship between length of the road and length of reference solution
number_of_discretizations = len(h_values)
errors1 = np.zeros(number_of_discretizations)  # Error in 1-norm
        u2[i] = ((V_ro(U[0, m[i]]) - U[1, m[i]]) / tau)

    return np.array([u1, u2])

def f_u(U, m):
    u1 = U[0, m] * U[1, m]
    u2 = 1 / 2 * (U[1, m]**2) + (c_0**2) * np.log(U[0, m])
    return np.array([u1, u2])

a = 9
b = 12
error = np.zeros(b - a)
k_vec = np.zeros(b - a)
ref = rw.read_data("ber1.txt")
for i in range(a, b):  #16
    k = 2**(-i)
    N = int(10 / k)

    u = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])  #2 x M
    u_next = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    initial_velocity = V_ro(rho_up)
    u[0, :] = rho_up
    u[1, :] = initial_velocity
    u_next[0, :] = rho_up
    u_next[1, :] = initial_velocity
    for n in range(N):

        f = f_u(u, range(1, len(x) + 1))
        s_next = s(u, range(1, len(x) + 1), n)
rho_hat = 0.14
E = 100
c_0 = 900
mu = 100
f_up = 32.5
f_rmp = 2
rho_up = 0.02
N = 10**4

# The different step lengths we are iterating for
h_values = [2**i for i in range(2, 9)]

number_of_discretizations = len(h_values)
errors2 = np.zeros(number_of_discretizations)  # Error in 2-norm

ref_sol = rw.read_data("Reference solution, Lax-Friedrich, x-convergence.txt"
                       )  # Reference solution
ref_sol_points = L / (
    len(ref_sol[0]) - 1
)  # Relationship between length of the road and length of reference solution

def q(t):
    return f_rmp

def phi(x):
    return ((2 * np.pi * (sigma**2))**(-1 / 2)) * np.exp(-(x**2) /
                                                         (2 * (sigma**2)))

def V_ro(ro):
c_0 = 54
mu = 600
f_up = 1948
f_rmp = 121
rho_up = 20
N = 1000
# Lager konvergensplot for Lax-Wendroff i x-retning

#h_values = [2**i for i in range(4, 8)]
h_values = [2**i for i in range(3, 9)]
#h_values = [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500]
number_of_discretizations = len(h_values)
errors1 = np.zeros(number_of_discretizations)  # Error in 1-norm
errors2 = np.zeros(number_of_discretizations)  # Error in 2-norm
ref_sol = rw.read_data("u_lax_wendroff_x2.txt")  # Reference solution
L = 2**13
ref_sol_points = L / (len(ref_sol[0]) - 1)
k = 10**-4

sigma = 300
tau = 0.5
V_0 = 2000
rho_hat = 0.14
E = 100
c_0 = 900
mu = 10000
f_up = 32.5
f_rmp = 2
rho_up = 0.02
N = 10**4
Example #7
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from readwrite import read_data, write_data
from sklearn.metrics import plot_confusion_matrix

train_images, train_labels, test_images, validation_images, validation_labels = read_data(
classifier = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(100, ),

classifier.fit(train_images, train_labels)

plot_confusion_matrix(classifier, validation_images, validation_labels)

prediction = classifier.predict(test_images)
import readwrite as rw

# Lager konvergensplot for Lax-Friedrichs i x-retning

k = 10**-4
L = 2**13

#h_values = [50, 100, 200, 500]
#h_values = [50, 100]
h_values = [2**i for i in range(2, 9)]

number_of_discretizations = len(h_values)
errors1 = np.zeros(number_of_discretizations)  # Error in 1-norm
errors2 = np.zeros(number_of_discretizations)  # Error in 2-norm

ref_sol = rw.read_data("u_lax_friedrich_x2.txt")  # Reference solution
ref_sol_points = L / (len(ref_sol[0]) - 1)
sigma = 300
tau = 0.5
V_0 = 2000
rho_hat = 0.14
E = 100
c_0 = 900
mu = 100
f_up = 32.5
f_rmp = 2
rho_up = 0.02
N = 10**4

def q(t):
Example #9
        f_next_p1 = f_u(u,m+1) #m+1

        u_half[0,m] = ((u[0,m] + u[0,m+1])/2) -(k/(2*h))*(f_next_p1[0]-f_next[0])+((k/2)*(s_next[0]+s_next_p1[0]))
        u_half[1,m] = ((u[1,m] + u[1,m+1])/2) -(k/(2*h))*(f_next_p1[1]-f_next[1])+((k/2)*(s_next[1]+s_next_p1[1]))
        f_half_p1 = f_u(u_half,m)
        f_half_m1 = f_u(u_half,m-1)
        s_half_p1 = s(u_half, m, n)
        s_half_m1 = s(u_half, m-1, n)
        u_next[0,m]= u[0,m] -(k/(2*h))*(f_half_p1[0]-f_half_m1[0])+((k/2)*(s_half_p1[0]+s_half_m1[0]))
        u_next[1,m] = u[1,m] -(k/(2*h))*(f_half_p1[1]-f_half_m1[1])+((k/2)*(s_half_p1[1]+s_half_m1[1]))

        #print(((u[0, m - 1] + u[0, m + 1]) / 2), (k / (2 * h)) * (f_next_p1[0] - f_next_m1[0]), (k * s_next[0]))
        #print(((u[1,m-1]+ u[1,m+1])/2),(k/(2*h))*(f_next_p1[1]-f_next_m1[1]),(k*s_next[1]))
    u_next[0,0] = u_next[0,1] -(u_next[0,2]-u_next[0,1])
    u_next[1,0] = u_next[1,1] - (u_next[1,2]-u_next[1,1])
    u_next[0, len(x)] = u_next[0, len(x)-1]+(u_next[0,len(x)-1]-u_next[0, len(x)-2])
    u_next[1, len(x)] = u_next[1, len(x) - 1] + (u_next[1, len(x) - 1] - u_next[1, len(x) - 2])
    u = u_next

    #if (n % (N / 10) == 0):
    #    plt.plot(x, u[0][:-1])
    #    plt.show()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rw.write_data(u, "u_lax_wendroff_x2.txt")
    a = rw.read_data("u_lax_wendroff_x2.txt")

Example #10
    u1 = q(n * k) * phi((m * h) - (L / 2))
    u2 = ((V_ro(U[0, m]) - U[1, m]) / tau)
    return np.array([u1, u2])

def f_u(U, m):
    u1 = U[0, m] * U[1, m]
    u2 = 1 / 2 * (U[1, m]**2) + (c_0**2) * np.log(U[0, m])
    return np.array([u1, u2])

a = 5
b = 12
error = np.zeros(b - a)
k_vec = np.zeros(b - a)
ref = rw.read_data("L_W_100_0.00001_200000")
for i in range(a, b):  # 16
    k = 2**(-i)
    N = int(2 / k)

    u = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])  # 2 x M
    u_next = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    u_half = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    initial_velocity = V_ro(rho_up)
    u_half[0, :] = rho_up
    u_half[1, :] = initial_velocity
    u[0, :] = rho_up
    u[1, :] = initial_velocity
    u_next[0, :] = rho_up
    u_next[1, :] = initial_velocity
        u2[i] = ((V_ro(U[0, m[i]]) - U[1, m[i]]) / tau)

    return np.array([u1, u2])

def f_u(U, m):
    u1 = U[0, m] * U[1, m]
    u2 = 1 / 2 * (U[1, m]**2) + (c_0**2) * np.log(U[0, m])
    return np.array([u1, u2])

a = 9
b = 12
error = np.zeros(b - a)
k_vec = np.zeros(b - a)
ref = rw.read_data("ber1.txt")
index = 0
for i in range(a, b):  #16
    k = 2**(-i)
    N = int(10 / k)

    u = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])  #2 x M
    u_next = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    initial_velocity = V_ro(rho_up)
    u[0, :] = rho_up
    u[1, :] = initial_velocity
    u_next[0, :] = rho_up
    u_next[1, :] = initial_velocity
    for n in range(N):
        f = f_u(u, range(1, len(x) + 1))
        s_next = s(u, range(1, len(x) + 1), n)
Example #12
    u2 = ((V_ro(U[0, m]) - U[1, m]) / tau)
    return np.array([u1, u2])

def f_u(U, m):
    u1 = U[0, m] * U[1, m]
    u2 = 1 / 2 * (U[1, m]**2) + (c_0**2) * np.log(U[0, m])
    return np.array([u1, u2])

#Declarations for convergence analysis
a = 6
b = 14
error = np.zeros(b - a)  #To save difference in norm
k_vec = np.zeros(b - a)  #To save k-values
ref = rw.read_data("L_W_ref_boundaries")  #Load reference solution

#Scale reference solution
ref[0] = ref[0] / 1000
ref[1] = ref[1] / 0.06

for i in range(a, b):  #Loop executing Lax-Wendroff with varying values of k
    k = 2**(-i)
    N = int(2 / k)

    u = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    u_next = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    u_half = np.zeros([2, len(x) + 1])
    initial_velocity = V_ro(rho_up)
    u_half[0, :] = rho_up
    u_half[1, :] = initial_velocity