Example #1
async def test_scorer(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await modclient.ft().create_index((TextField("description"),))

    await modclient.ft().add_document(
        "doc1", description="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
    await modclient.ft().add_document(
        description="Quick alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her quick sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do.",  # noqa

    # default scorer is TFIDF
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("quick").with_scores())
    assert 1.0 == res.docs[0].score
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("quick").scorer("TFIDF").with_scores())
    assert 1.0 == res.docs[0].score
    res = await (
    assert 0.1111111111111111 == res.docs[0].score
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("quick").scorer("BM25").with_scores())
    assert 0.17699114465425977 == res.docs[0].score
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("quick").scorer("DISMAX").with_scores())
    assert 2.0 == res.docs[0].score
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("quick").scorer("DOCSCORE").with_scores())
    assert 1.0 == res.docs[0].score
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("quick").scorer("HAMMING").with_scores())
    assert 0.0 == res.docs[0].score
Example #2
async def test_filters(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await (
            (TextField("txt"), NumericField("num"), GeoField("loc"))
    await (
            "doc1", txt="foo bar", num=3.141, loc="-0.441,51.458"
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc2", txt="foo baz", num=2, loc="-0.1,51.2")

    await waitForIndex(modclient, "idx")
    # Test numerical filter
    q1 = Query("foo").add_filter(NumericFilter("num", 0, 2)).no_content()
    q2 = (
        .add_filter(NumericFilter("num", 2, NumericFilter.INF, minExclusive=True))
    res1, res2 = await modclient.ft().search(q1), await modclient.ft().search(q2)

    assert 1 == res1.total
    assert 1 == res2.total
    assert "doc2" == res1.docs[0].id
    assert "doc1" == res2.docs[0].id

    # Test geo filter
    q1 = Query("foo").add_filter(GeoFilter("loc", -0.44, 51.45, 10)).no_content()
    q2 = Query("foo").add_filter(GeoFilter("loc", -0.44, 51.45, 100)).no_content()
    res1, res2 = await modclient.ft().search(q1), await modclient.ft().search(q2)

    assert 1 == res1.total
    assert 2 == res2.total
    assert "doc1" == res1.docs[0].id

    # Sort results, after RDB reload order may change
    res = [res2.docs[0].id, res2.docs[1].id]
    assert ["doc1", "doc2"] == res
Example #3
async def test_no_create(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await (
        modclient.ft().create_index((TextField("f1"), TextField("f2"), TextField("f3")))
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc1", f1="f1_val", f2="f2_val")
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc2", f1="f1_val", f2="f2_val")
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc1", f3="f3_val", no_create=True)
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc2", f3="f3_val", no_create=True, partial=True)
    await waitForIndex(modclient, "idx")

    # Search for f3 value. All documents should have it
    res = await modclient.ft().search("@f3:f3_val")
    assert 2 == res.total

    # Only the document updated with PARTIAL should still have f1 and f2 values
    res = await modclient.ft().search("@f3:f3_val @f2:f2_val @f1:f1_val")
    assert 1 == res.total

    with pytest.raises(redis.ResponseError):
        await (
                "doc3", f2="f2_val", f3="f3_val", no_create=True
Example #4
async def test_auto_complete(modclient: redis.Redis):
    n = 0
    with open(TITLES_CSV) as f:
        cr = csv.reader(f)

        for row in cr:
            n += 1
            term, score = row[0], float(row[1])
            assert n == await modclient.ft().sugadd("ac", Suggestion(term, score=score))

    assert n == await modclient.ft().suglen("ac")
    ret = await modclient.ft().sugget("ac", "bad", with_scores=True)
    assert 2 == len(ret)
    assert "badger" == ret[0].string
    assert isinstance(ret[0].score, float)
    assert 1.0 != ret[0].score
    assert "badalte rishtey" == ret[1].string
    assert isinstance(ret[1].score, float)
    assert 1.0 != ret[1].score

    ret = await modclient.ft().sugget("ac", "bad", fuzzy=True, num=10)
    assert 10 == len(ret)
    assert 1.0 == ret[0].score
    strs = {x.string for x in ret}

    for sug in strs:
        assert 1 == await modclient.ft().sugdel("ac", sug)
    # make sure a second delete returns 0
    for sug in strs:
        assert 0 == await modclient.ft().sugdel("ac", sug)

    # make sure they were actually deleted
    ret2 = await modclient.ft().sugget("ac", "bad", fuzzy=True, num=10)
    for sug in ret2:
        assert sug.string not in strs

    # Test with payload
    await modclient.ft().sugadd("ac", Suggestion("pay1", payload="pl1"))
    await modclient.ft().sugadd("ac", Suggestion("pay2", payload="pl2"))
    await modclient.ft().sugadd("ac", Suggestion("pay3", payload="pl3"))

    sugs = await (
        modclient.ft().sugget("ac", "pay", with_payloads=True, with_scores=True)
    assert 3 == len(sugs)
    for sug in sugs:
        assert sug.payload
        assert sug.payload.startswith("pl")
Example #5
async def test_example(modclient: redis.Redis):
    # Creating the index definition and schema
    await (
        modclient.ft().create_index((TextField("title", weight=5.0), TextField("body")))

    # Indexing a document
    await modclient.ft().add_document(
        body="Redisearch impements a search engine on top of redis",

    # Searching with complex parameters:
    q = Query("search engine").verbatim().no_content().paging(0, 5)

    res = await modclient.ft().search(q)
    assert res is not None
Example #6
async def test_replace(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await modclient.ft().create_index((TextField("txt"),))

    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc1", txt="foo bar")
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc2", txt="foo bar")
    await waitForIndex(modclient, "idx")

    res = await modclient.ft().search("foo bar")
    assert 2 == res.total
    await (
        modclient.ft().add_document("doc1", replace=True, txt="this is a replaced doc")

    res = await modclient.ft().search("foo bar")
    assert 1 == res.total
    assert "doc2" == res.docs[0].id

    res = await modclient.ft().search("replaced doc")
    assert 1 == res.total
    assert "doc1" == res.docs[0].id
Example #7
async def test_spell_check(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await modclient.ft().create_index((TextField("f1"), TextField("f2")))

    await (
            "doc1", f1="some valid content", f2="this is sample text"
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc2", f1="very important", f2="lorem ipsum")
    await waitForIndex(modclient, "idx")

    # test spellcheck
    res = await modclient.ft().spellcheck("impornant")
    assert "important" == res["impornant"][0]["suggestion"]

    res = await modclient.ft().spellcheck("contnt")
    assert "content" == res["contnt"][0]["suggestion"]

    # test spellcheck with Levenshtein distance
    res = await modclient.ft().spellcheck("vlis")
    assert res == {}
    res = await modclient.ft().spellcheck("vlis", distance=2)
    assert "valid" == res["vlis"][0]["suggestion"]

    # test spellcheck include
    await modclient.ft().dict_add("dict", "lore", "lorem", "lorm")
    res = await modclient.ft().spellcheck("lorm", include="dict")
    assert len(res["lorm"]) == 3
    assert (
    ) == ("lorem", "lore", "lorm")
    assert (res["lorm"][0]["score"], res["lorm"][1]["score"]) == ("0.5", "0")

    # test spellcheck exclude
    res = await modclient.ft().spellcheck("lorm", exclude="dict")
    assert res == {}
Example #8
async def test_summarize(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await createIndex(modclient.ft())
    await waitForIndex(modclient, "idx")

    q = Query("king henry").paging(0, 1)
    q.highlight(fields=("play", "txt"), tags=("<b>", "</b>"))

    doc = sorted((await modclient.ft().search(q)).docs)[0]
    assert "<b>Henry</b> IV" == doc.play
    assert (
        "ACT I SCENE I. London. The palace. Enter <b>KING</b> <b>HENRY</b>, LORD JOHN OF LANCASTER, the EARL of WESTMORELAND, SIR... "  # noqa
        == doc.txt

    q = Query("king henry").paging(0, 1).summarize().highlight()

    doc = sorted((await modclient.ft().search(q)).docs)[0]
    assert "<b>Henry</b> ... " == doc.play
    assert (
        "ACT I SCENE I. London. The palace. Enter <b>KING</b> <b>HENRY</b>, LORD JOHN OF LANCASTER, the EARL of WESTMORELAND, SIR... "  # noqa
        == doc.txt
Example #9
async def test_sort_by(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await (
            (TextField("txt"), NumericField("num", sortable=True))
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc1", txt="foo bar", num=1)
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc2", txt="foo baz", num=2)
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc3", txt="foo qux", num=3)

    # Test sort
    q1 = Query("foo").sort_by("num", asc=True).no_content()
    q2 = Query("foo").sort_by("num", asc=False).no_content()
    res1, res2 = await modclient.ft().search(q1), await modclient.ft().search(q2)

    assert 3 == res1.total
    assert "doc1" == res1.docs[0].id
    assert "doc2" == res1.docs[1].id
    assert "doc3" == res1.docs[2].id
    assert 3 == res2.total
    assert "doc1" == res2.docs[2].id
    assert "doc2" == res2.docs[1].id
    assert "doc3" == res2.docs[0].id
Example #10
async def test_client(modclient: redis.Redis):
    num_docs = 500
    await createIndex(modclient.ft(), num_docs=num_docs)
    await waitForIndex(modclient, "idx")
    # verify info
    info = await modclient.ft().info()
    for k in [
        assert k in info

    assert modclient.ft().index_name == info["index_name"]
    assert num_docs == int(info["num_docs"])

    res = await modclient.ft().search("henry iv")
    assert isinstance(res, Result)
    assert 225 == res.total
    assert 10 == len(res.docs)
    assert res.duration > 0

    for doc in res.docs:
        assert doc.id
        assert doc.play == "Henry IV"
        assert len(doc.txt) > 0

    # test no content
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("king").no_content())
    assert 194 == res.total
    assert 10 == len(res.docs)
    for doc in res.docs:
        assert "txt" not in doc.__dict__
        assert "play" not in doc.__dict__

    # test verbatim vs no verbatim
    total = (await modclient.ft().search(Query("kings").no_content())).total
    vtotal = (await modclient.ft().search(Query("kings").no_content().verbatim())).total
    assert total > vtotal

    # test in fields
    txt_total = (
        await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry").no_content().limit_fields("txt"))
    play_total = (
        await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry").no_content().limit_fields("play"))
    both_total = (
        await (
                Query("henry").no_content().limit_fields("play", "txt")
    assert 129 == txt_total
    assert 494 == play_total
    assert 494 == both_total

    # test load_document
    doc = await modclient.ft().load_document("henry vi part 3:62")
    assert doc is not None
    assert "henry vi part 3:62" == doc.id
    assert doc.play == "Henry VI Part 3"
    assert len(doc.txt) > 0

    # test in-keys
    ids = [x.id for x in (await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry"))).docs]
    assert 10 == len(ids)
    subset = ids[:5]
    docs = await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry").limit_ids(*subset))
    assert len(subset) == docs.total
    ids = [x.id for x in docs.docs]
    assert set(ids) == set(subset)

    # test slop and in order
    assert 193 == (await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry king"))).total
    assert (
        3 == (await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry king").slop(0).in_order())).total
    assert (
        == (await modclient.ft().search(Query("king henry").slop(0).in_order())).total
    assert 53 == (await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry king").slop(0))).total
    assert 167 == (await modclient.ft().search(Query("henry king").slop(100))).total

    # test delete document
    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc-5ghs2", play="Death of a Salesman")
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("death of a salesman"))
    assert 1 == res.total

    assert 1 == await modclient.ft().delete_document("doc-5ghs2")
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("death of a salesman"))
    assert 0 == res.total
    assert 0 == await modclient.ft().delete_document("doc-5ghs2")

    await modclient.ft().add_document("doc-5ghs2", play="Death of a Salesman")
    res = await modclient.ft().search(Query("death of a salesman"))
    assert 1 == res.total
    await modclient.ft().delete_document("doc-5ghs2")
Example #11
async def test_explain(modclient: redis.Redis):
    await (
        modclient.ft().create_index((TextField("f1"), TextField("f2"), TextField("f3")))
    res = await modclient.ft().explain("@f3:f3_val @f2:f2_val @f1:f1_val")
    assert res