Example #1
    def _get_scopes(self):
        """Builds the scopes for this query."""
        scopes = helpers.EFILTER_SCOPES.copy()
        scopes["timestamp"] = api.user_func(
            lambda x, **_: basic.UnixTimeStamp(value=x, session=self.session),
            arg_types=[float, int, long])

        # This function is used to indicate that the string represents
        # a filename. This will cause the agent to upload it if the
        # user requested uploading files.
        # > select file(path.filename.name).filename.name from glob("/*")
        scopes["file"] = api.user_func(
            lambda x: common.FileInformation(session=self.session, filename=x),
            arg_types=[unicode, str])
        return scopes
Example #2
    def _get_scope(self):
        """Builds the scope for this query.

        We add some useful functions to be available to the query:

        timestamp(): Wrap an int or float in a UnixTimeStamp so it
           gets rendered properly.

        substr(): Allows a string to be substringed.

        file(): Marks a string as a file name. The Rekall Agent will
           then potentially upload this file.
        scope = helpers.EFILTER_SCOPES.copy()
        scope["timestamp"] = api.user_func(
            lambda x, **_: basic.UnixTimeStamp(value=x, session=self.session),
            arg_types=[float, int, long])

        # This function is used to indicate that the string represents
        # a filename. This will cause the agent to upload it if the
        # user requested uploading files.
        # > select file(path.filename.name).filename.name from glob("/*")
        scope["file"] = api.scalar_function(
            lambda x: common.FileInformation(session=self.session, filename=x),

        scope["substr"] = api.scalar_function(
            lambda x, start, end: utils.SmartUnicode(x)[int(start):int(end)],
            arg_types=(string.IString, number.INumber, number.INumber))

        scope["hex"] = api.scalar_function(
            lambda x: hex(int(x)),

        scope["deref"] = api.scalar_function(
            lambda x: x.deref(),

        return scope
Example #3
 def column_types(self):
     return dict(path=common.FileInformation(filename="/etc"))